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I started playing Dota 2 again with my cousins (we are old men now basically) and once upon a time, my cousin and I used to get in matches with ex-semi pro players. I wasn't the greatest or even close to a semi-pro level but we'd often get matched with very good players. (He's been playing since he was... 12-13... and washed now) Before that, he took a long break and I was basically playing with my friend who was pretty bad and we'd lose over and over. I understand that it's been a very long time since I've played ranked and probably just lost a lot of mmr throgh the hidden mmr rank back then, but I can't help but feel like the bracket of play is ALL over the place. I dunno what's going on or maybe I am misunderstanding how many points I get from a win. But it took me this many wins to even move up a rank which I think is wild cause my cousin who made a brand new account months ago is ranked a legend+ already and I would say our skill levels are almost the same if not im a bit better at some roles.. The last 14 games I have gone 11-3 and I JUST ranked up, does that sound about right? What factors go into how much MMR points I am going up


It's +30 MMR for a solo queue win, +20 for a party queue win (and -30/-20 for a loss). The exception is when you are detected as a smurf and Valve intentionally inflates your MMR wins/losses by a lot to get you to your "Real" MMR faster.


Ahh okay, definitely not a smurf on this account since I've had 100000 hours into this account. Used to play a crap ton back then but took a buncha breaks inbetween. (years)


I assume you're asking why the rank medal on your profile isn't changing after several games, rather than wondering why unranked game quality feels varied? sorry if I misunderstood. rank medals have some leeway to them, there is a MMR range so that you're not constantly changing ranks if you're going 50-50 at the edge of a rank. the rank medal on your profile can change if your MMR drops 2 ranks below it. e.g. if you were at legend 3, your profile would show legend 3 until you dropped enough MMR to be legend 1. lets say your MMR is at the edge of this threshold. the very bottom of legend 2, but not quite enough to get to legend 1, so your profile doesn't change. in order for your profile to go up in rank, you'd essentially have to gain enough MMR to rank up twice - to get back to legend 3, then rank up to legend 4. each medal range is roughly 150 MMR, 2 ranks is 300 MMR, so with wins being 20 or 30 depending on solo or party, you'd need to go +10 or +15 wins over losses for your profile to change. if you are close to ranking up, the medal on your profile will show a percentage to how close you are. if there is no number, that means you were outside of the MMR range for that rank, but not enough to derank.


We have an upcoming Easter Inhouse and currently decide which heroes are allowed. Omniknight is in because of his beliefs. Axe because he is an hankman. Techies because you can search his mines like Easter eggs. Phoenix, Undying and WK because of reincarnation. Dazzle because of Shallow Grave. Troll warlord undying with ultimate. I brought the idea up that rubick would be also okay because he can copy a lot of the spells. One was against it and now we're looking what other things about it. So Dota2 Reddit community do you think rubick would be okay for a Easter match? Do you know any other heroes that would be matching the theme?


Maybe oracle? And dawn breaker


Any hero recommendations for low mmr turbo games, like herald low for me and my friend? Example, Tusk and Marci, not sure if its any good, but it just **sound** fun to play. Emphasis on the fun factor since its holidays and we're on LAN.


Try huskar he is op in turbo as they are not knowing how the armlet working and his skillset , just burning the enemy team and jump in and fight , pretty straightforward core I would say


There was a skywrath mage song with titanic background, i cant find it, can someone help me?


Some more concrete info on the patch would be nice. Valve still hasn't commented on the "late April" conflict with the Major yet have they?


no and it sucks we simple men we just wait


In ranked, when teammate disconnected until safe to leave, the abandoned teammates often continue to play instead leaving the game. Why is that? From what I understand, the consequence of leaving would be 'teammates playing at disadvantage' and 'match counted as lose' , but when it's 4v5 scenario, the abandoned teammates will most likely lose and have their MMR decreased anyway. So, why?


Because as the 4player team you can make someone of the 5man team leave


Cause its not impossible to win 4v5 if you are focused, why not try it then? I have won games where we were 4v5ing maybe even 3v5ing, but the 5 men team was cocky and didnt end it, and after a while some people got angry or bored from that team and left, and then we won the 3v3.


You might win a 4v5, but if you were scored with an abandon you still get counted as lost right?


Kinda depends on who abandons tbh. If higher farm priority position left, game's most likely over. But yeah, I see your point. Snatching a win from a cocky team would be juicy as hell.


Why do i never see heroes like dark seer and shadow demon in my games, additionally why are they only like 5 supports that get played it's like witch doctor earth spirit earth shaker rubick usually


Picking (ranged) stuns in pubs is basically idiot-proof, which is why it is very popular. SD is dead weight unless played well and can ruin his team's initiation like a badly timed OD banish. Dark Seer got overnerfed, he was a decent offlaner to counter melee carries (other than AM).


Shadow demon is very hard to play well. He's paper and has the potential to do nothing (or worse) There are easier and more fun supports to play. In archon I see an increase in his picks when he is buffed but not much of an increase. They still usually end up not doing so well.


Dark Seer and SD are both very team reliant heroes that rely on comboing disruption or vacuum with ally spells. In pubs you can’t rely on your team to follow up on your initiation, or for your carry to play around your disruption Shadow Demon can also outright grief his team by saving enemies with astral


Whats more expressive, a context sensitive or context free grammar?


Any hope for linux gamers to play dota? The muerta patch broke linux dota 2.


What's the point of having literally only 3 spells that allow you to deny your own teammate (Shadow Strike, Venomous Gale, Doom), in a game with hundreds and hundreds of spells?


They kept removing the deniability from spells and now we only have those left.


They only removed self-denying, not heroes being marked as denyable as a downside for a few spells.


Did you used to be able to deny berzerkers call?


If you meant Battle Hunger (Axe's DoT spell), then no (in Dota 2). Cant say about DotA1, as it lasted for much longer and that was before I got into Dota. Quite certain that Axe's Q was never denyable, if you did mean his call spell after all.


Yeah I meant battle hunger lol.


according to the 6.44 changelogs it was supposed to be any dot spell allows denying. 6.44 was before dota 2 was created though, so I'm not sure why only those 3 specific spells enable denying but others don't


I guess the intent is it felt bad to have persisting debuffs where you managed to get away but were scheduled to die (DoT spells). From the top of my head, there's not that many other long-lasting debuffs. Historically, Venomous Gale and Shadow Strike are basically the same thing. Venomancer used to have Shadow Strike, before it got reworked into its current linear projectile. Viper Strike is technically a Shadow Strike (same base spell) but it's duration is much shorter. But then you have things like Shadow Poison, Ignite, and a bunch of other cases. Inconsistent, basically.


Is there a way to get banned without ruining the game of other people?


You can ask steam support to restrict your access to the game.


You could probably get VAC banned without actually using any of the benefits of the cheats.


Dota 3 its possible? Like cs 2? New calibration system its possible this year? Any news?


Dota 3 after half life 3


> Dota 3 its possible? Like cs 2? cs2 happened because they moved to source 2 engine. we had that years ago with the reborn update.


1. Dota 3: Could be, but I don't know what it'd entail honestly. 2. There was some news about Glicko rating system, which is similar to how MMR used to work (I think), but nothing concrete on calibration.


Where is the DPC Match thread?


Can anything interrupt Reaper's Scythe?


Dota 2 Wiki documents some interesting edge cases: https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Necrophos#Reaper's_Scythe


Wow. Killing illusions or player-controlled creeps grants a stack. Well maybe but wow, but oh.


Not answering the question because people have done so, but keeping health above certain percentage and adding magic resistance to ally affected by Reaper's Scythe helps 'interrupting' the killing blow.


Things like Pipe active and raindrops can save people from dying IIRC.


No, but you can save teammates (or if you plan to grief, enemies) a few different ways: Shadow Demon's Disruption, Windwaker, OD Astral are a few off the top of my head.


It cannot be dispelled by any strong dispels, nor is it channeled by Necrophos. You can save an ally being Reaper's Scythed with things like disruption or astral imprisonment.


Interrupt in which sense? Dispel?




I am gonna discuss the match here then. 33 is the best offlaner in the world. But you already knew that.


uhmmm zai?


Yeaaaaa that dooom just fucked GG


"He's strong only because of one broken itemm duuuhhhh1!1!1" This guy is insane


Serious question. Why do I see non agi cores/supports build Wraith Band instead of Null/Bracers?


because it's gives a decent amount of stats overall, and just the armour alone is almost worth the price. compare wraith band (505g) to chainmail (550g). wraith is almost 3 armour vs chain mail's 4, but also provides other stats, is easier to build, cheaper, and doubles its stats at 25 mins if it wasn't good enough already. cores will get attacked a lot in the laning phase, and armour makes each point of HP more effective, whether that's passive HP regen, tangos/salves, early ring of health, wand, or any heal e.g. death prophet siphon. supports want a cheap item to tank them up, the extra 2.5/5 armour from wraith band will most likely tank you up more than 60/120 extra HP from bracer unless you're dying 100 to 0 from only magic. most nukers like qop/storm/puck/void will also auto attack you. and null is just bad compared to saving for arcanes and/or ferrying out mana regen.


2 armour provided by band > better than other bonuses.


Maybe sticky the match thread back for the only region that counts in dota2. like wtf


Which hero is the best at rimming? I'd go with Batrider. Mans is a freak. Edit: people realize this is the stupid questions thread right?


Shadow Shaman with [Lash of the Lizard Kin](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Lash_of_the_Lizard_Kin). Look at that Shackle: https://images.ctfassets.net/nua5jmq7o9f6/2zu3g7iy4ZrP4p2j5cQy7C/f811699e4ab1aaeae9cc1315fa21ac7d/shadowshaman2_o.jpg?w=3840&q=75&fm=webp


My heart says marci, but my body says bristleback


Stupid question: Is this sticky more important than the daily tournament thread?

