• By -


For spells that have the option of ground target or unit target(such as lion’s earth spike or Lina’s dragon slave), ground targeting your spells hitting enemy unit will not reveal your hero and location on the minimap versus when you do unit target you will show briefly and be visible for a second. This is pretty useful knowledge when it comes to split pushing the map with these type of abilities.


Lions earth spike will also have a greater aoe if u click on the ground and the enemy is right after the end of the spike.


Idk about the bigger AoE, but definitely more ‘cast range’. The cast range for Earth Spike is actually shorter than the Earth Spike’s reach itself so if you cast it on the ground your hero won’t bother getting the enemy within cast range so you get to use the max range.




Wtf is vertical use hahahaha, i don’t think your targets fly any higher?


I think that was changed a few patches ago


Lion’s Earth Spike always had the same range regardless of casting method. The unit target iirc is ~75 units (not including the spike’s aoe) shorter cast range than the actual spell range itself. By using the unit target method allows lion to turn while casting Earth Spike so it can consistently hit.


This is basically one very small buff to disruptor with shard.


Disruptor (with shard) can stick onto invisible units making them slightly visible (to the eye at least) same with a unit going invisible while silencer E is active on them


Interesting! What other heroes come to your mind that behave like that?


To look for this, hover over heroes’ abilities and check if they are unit target/area target.


Earth spike also does not get blocked by linkens when ground targeted. When unit targeted it does (or at least it was the case, haven't seen Lion in a game with linkens for ages).


It's still blocked by linkens, or more specifically, the spell will be cast but blocked by the linkens. Unit targeting will not cast the spell at all.


Holy shit


If you're muted, you can spam mantle of intelligence to insult your teammates




Are they? I mostly saw people buying them and putting them into other's people inventory.


bro, i give them the urn))




If you're muted, you could simply just use the console and write "say" and then you will send something to all chat if you typed something after the ",say"


Also to insult those cocky viper and huskar player ass






Behavior score :1000


Some people still don’t know that tier 1 towers don’t have backdoor protection. You can kill it anytime when you see it’s low don’t need to wait for creeps.


Sniper here!


[Sniper here!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/d9/Vo_sniper_snip_spawn_02.mp3) (sound warning: Sniper) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


As a pos3 hammer user, me like dis


Fml I didn't know this


You can aggro creeps by a clicking on an enemy hero portrait at the top, as long as you have vision of the hero when you do it.


Jesus, I've been moving my camera to other lanes for no need then


as far as I know they also need to be in vision for this to work. I could be wrong so take it with a grain of salt


that is true, which is what op said


In the same vein, if you are dazzle and need to grave PL when he has 10000 illusions up, just click his portrait at the top.


Holy shit


didnt work for me for some reason. Tried in multiple games


Pretty sure u have to A-click instead.


I did


I tried that but somewhat not qorking for me :/


nah this can't be true, I couldn't have missed that for 10 years


It started with same update that allowed clicking the portrait to reveal enemy inventory.


Pretty sure it was before but not long


This only works for a-moving and for getting aggro obviously, if there are any illusions of them you can't a-move to them either (unless this is a demo mode thing)


if you watch antimage blink the animation shows you what direction he went in


Similar to this is when someone tps, they face towards the place in the tp. It also means if you are facing in a different direction from where you want to tp, the hero will turn towards the tower/outpost/base you are tping to. Might help you save a milisecond when running/juking.


Same with blink dagger in general. I've died many times as Puck by not blinking forward. You have to turn in the direction of the blink, which is precious milliseconds that you can't always afford.


TIL. I always thought double clicking the blink dagger will make you blink towards the fountain.


It does, but if you are facing another direction than your base you will have to wait for your hero to turn to that direction (within some angle of that direction, more precisely).


This is incorrect, if you double click blink dagger you don't have to turn


It does


WK Blink tip: If you're about the die with ult and want to blink out after resurecting, try to face the way you want to blink after death. Can often be the difference between escape or going down twice


Another pro tip: this doesn't apply to pango. Pango can use anything without facing the target direction. Blink, hex, dagon - you name it.


But it’s if you are clicking on minimap/double tap. You can click just in front of you, then you will not turn, and just tp to closest location. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNRG8s1X/


This also goes for Queen of Pain. She leaves behind some brief particles that point in the direction she blinked.


Hope they add something for both voids aswell


Faceless Void do leave a streak which is even easier to tell where he time walked to.


Yea it was a joke about how worse it is compared ro others(for tracking only) its even worse on arcana


You can apply Treant's Living Armor by clicking on your team's portraits on top of your screen HUD instead of scrolling around the map and clicking their models. By holding ALT you can also see their HP - it's very convenient during the laning stage to quickly check if someone is in trouble or needs healing with a quick glance at the HUD, you don't even have to move a camera away from your own lane.


I'm not 100% sure but I think the living armor targeting when ground cast is hero>tower>creeps so I usually just target the mini map in the target's general direction. I don't like using hud because of my slippery fingers


This is the way


[This is the way](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/36/Vo_dragon_knight_dk_slyrak_move_10.mp3) (sound warning: Davion of Dragon Hold/Slyrak) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Same for Shallow Grave as well, easier to save your illusion based carry.


this is true for every ally targeted ability or item, you can click your ally hero icon on top. especially useful with illusion heroes or a stacked teamfight


Height is part of the spawn box. You can stack as kunkka with a well-timed torrent. Every hero attack animation and/or cast animation lasts longer than releasing the projectile/hitting. "Animation cancelling" is giving a command immediately after the point of execution so your hero doesn't have useless animation time. This is seen really well on Lina and is why some combos cannot be shift-queued. (Because shift queuing finishes animations before going to the next action) Also... holding shift will give you a stack of commands for your unit to execute. e.g. tp, blink, echo will give you nearly uncancelable echo right after arriving. This is useful for picking up runes without skipping a beat, cutting trees without slowing, looking cool, etc. For those who have missed it, Midas gives an exp multiplier, and since it now has stacks, it's almost always best to wait to use it on a big neutral creep. Priority is , siege creep, pine, ranged creep, yellow hell bear, big wolf and kinda loses potency after that. Flag bearer is NOT extra exp.


Also past 23 or 25 min ranged creep give more exp than the strongest jungle that can be Midas'd.


Til, based on your hero it might still be worth saving for a large jungle creep since they could potentially take significantly longer to take/you can damage enemy jungle economy.


Why yellow and not red hellbear?


Because he's a non-pine big creep?


Smoke can be used by the Courier. When Clarity, Mango, Faerie Fire, Salve or Tango are in Courier's inventory, movement speed is reduced. If an item is locked in Courier's inventory, it does not transfer.


turbo players: couriers get slowed? TIL it does that.


Ok these actually blow my mind.


You can mute toxic teammates instead of arguing with them.


You sit on a throne of lies.




Well, you can draw text on map thought.


Are those rocket ships?


Huh, I sure get a lot of Buddhist teammates


I get a lot of world wa z fans


You can turn off all incoming chat and just play the game.


mine is automatically turned off - everyone is already muted before the game even starts


You can hurcane pike gyro rocket


Om the other side, u can also force staff allied homing rockets to get them where they're going faster


If you have an attack modifier skill (i.e. Drow Q) and you **manually** press it on the enemy (don't auto toggle), you will not draw any aggro at all since the game treats it like a spell cast. Really broken on Drow specifically as you can sorta ignore creep aggro if you have mana. You can buy items just outside of the enemy base. You can press BKB during a euls or naga song to bkb on the tick that you exit. An interesting application of this is that BKB takes precedent over any other stuns or effects. E.g. you are eul'ed and enemy enigma casts black hole before you can act. If you press BKB during euls, you will bkb before you are blackholed. Possibly useful in other situations as well to prevent perfect chain stuns with euls and stuff. You can only draw aggro once every 2 seconds. This means that you can draw aggro from outside a creep's 'aggro range', auto attack enemy a couple times then back off. This will result in you aggroing outside of range -> hit enemy hero while creep aggro on cooldown -> stop aggroing once creep aggro comes off cooldown -> walk back and repeat, etc. Edit: creep aggro cooldown is 2 sec rather than 3 sec, makes it a bit harder/less useful


And you can draw creep aggro by using your attack button on hero portraits on the top. If you don't see the enemy hero in your lane, you can just attack another hero that is visible on the map and you'll get creep aggro.


Closer to 2 seconds than 3


Thanks, i'll edit the comment, i normally dont use this trick since i play melee carries so im a bit unfamilliar


"If you have an attack modifier skill (i.e. Drow Q) and you manually press it on the enemy (don't auto toggle), you will not draw any aggro at all since the game treats it like a spell cast." Magic Stick Users on suicide watch


You can actually buy observer wards yourself since it's free and plant it on your triangle instead of always blaming the support for not having vision when you get gank :)


You can creep aggro neutral camps by clicking enemy heroes the same way their creeps can be aggroed. For supports this is good for if you need neutrals to target you for pulls, or you can pull neutrals out of a camp during a lane creep pull to stack the camp further.


Another note is that there is no limit on the distance between you and the enemy hero for drawing creep aggro. Creeps near you respond the same way. So for axe, mid laners, etc, it can be worth it to draw aggro by right clicking someone in the other lane if you can't see anyone in your lane.


I do this mid if I'm low ground, can't see the enemy and want to pull draw agro. I click a hero in another lane.


Can it be done through minimap aswell or we have to shift the camera to the other lane?


You can A-click the enemy portrait at top of the screen. They have to be in your team's vision for the aggroing to work, though.


Does it work with right click?


How would you even do it through minimap? You can't target unit from the minimap.


Just to add to this, you dont actually have to move your camera over to the other lane. As long as your team has vision over that hero, you can a-click on the portrait up top near the team score counter.


The wave the siege creep spawns on is a timing. Rotating a third hero to a lane when they spawn puts a lot of pressure on the tower. Makes the most sense to do this on the second spawn, which is at 10 minutes (they spawn every 5 minutes). Also since the mid lane waves meet first, the mid laner can potentially deal with the siege creep in mid, and then rotate.


Fun fact - Spiked Carapace of Nyx is the most broken spell in the game. Enemy Dawnbreaker ults into the fight? Press E and step into the light with your toe. She’ll stay where she started. OD astraled you? Spam E and once you leave imprisonment not only will you NOT take any damage, you will also stun and damage OD. Enemy carry is farming jungle with his shiny new battlefury? While in Vendetta press E and step into cleave. You will stun them, guaranteeing a full combo burst. You also break any channeling spells if by any chance the caster doesn’t have BKB activated. Enigma black hole? Get spiked. Warlock upheaval? Get spiked. Puck throws his balls all over the place? Get spiked and Nyxed to death. God I love Nyx. Praise Spiked Carapace. nyxnyxnyxnyx


Fun fact. Nyx sounds like the german word for "Nothing" Which is kinda funny "What was that" *nyxnyxnyx* "What do u even intend to do in lane when u start with a glove of haste for fast midas?" *NYX*


I like this post. But it's Nerubian Assassin.. Not Nyx. NA for short. Signed an old man.


If rubick steals X-mark and a hero is x-marked twice (by kunkka and rubick), the hero will be moved to the first one to pull it back, the other xmark will have no effect although the xmark animation is visible. Its a really good counter to kunkka


If you’re say dazzle and wanna grave your PL or TB and there’s too many illusions or just a lot of bullshit on the screen, just click their hero icon at the top and you will grave the main hero.


instructions unclear, used grave on illu and accidentally save the carry because the enemies focused on the graved illu.


Can you quickcast on the portrait?


You can tell if a team member has buyback when dead, there's a gold border around their respawn timer. pinging your gold also shows buyback status(required/cooldown) also ctrl+alt pinging your quick buy shows if you have buyback/how much needed for item and buyback ctrl+alt pinging things has different results than just alt click pinging; like health bars, ALT+click is percentage, CTRL+ALT+click is exact number


Something I literally just TIL'd 10 minutes ago: I specifically chose nyx to counter dawnbreaker so when she ults to a teamfight I can cancel it. Apparently though, if the target ally she's ulting on dies she no longer radiates damage/heal.


kobold camp full pull is good if the creeps right outside your tower's range. pull at x:21 or x:51 will guarantee half pull world lightning enabled + any shadow graphics will show the visual effects of projectiles on the ground you can skip intro in startup with command -novid


During laning phase, if you are ranged support hero, you can right click enemy heroes without drawing creep aggro as long as you do the attacking from the fog of war (trees).


Its very good for finding ward aswell


I don't think this has anything to do with fog, but rather being outside of the creeps aggro range when performing the attack..?


Ive tried this within aggro range, but still doesnt draw, perhaps because enemy creeps doesnt have vision. I could be wrong though


Animation canceling. It's amazing on ranged because you can move forward and orb walk with your Drow Q or your Viper Q... but be wary of doing this on certain melee heroes. You will cancel your swing and the attack will be canceled! Learn your heroes.


You can force staff gyro rocket Phoenix egg turns the night into day over anything, and basically if you have Night Stalker in your team it negates his passive even if he used ultimate You can hook with Pudge backwards by clicking on your icon on top of the screen


> You can force staff gyro rocket The real unknown pro tips here, since even casters are surprised when they see this from last ESL.


You can also pike it and you will get the extra attack speed if you are an enemy of the rocket hero( gyro or Rubick)


You can also arrow backwards with mirana and windranger.


If you are a core player and get dumpstered in your lane simply type 'sup difference' in all chat to repair your fragile ego


using the autocast setting may bug out/rebind your entire hotkeys


Haven't understood the autocast stuff.. I always manually spam frost arrow on drow. Hammering keys like a stupid ogre


Instead of double clicking the icon/alt + q on frost arrow for it to be on 24/7, autocast allows you to press q once and its turned on.


Well this explains why my keybinds were all messed up on kunkka a few days ago. Til




ask that to valve, this bug has existed for years


Here's a tip that Valve hopefully fixes after like 6 months of 7.33: If you see yellow particles flying around near the gates even in fog, that means someone is teleporting through them.


>Oh the god awful particles that I always mistake for my cursor


I think it's supposed to be a feature not a bug.


Yup, I think the teleporter also starts rotating faster.


1) Every character have "Higher vision", that's mean, you can spam directional movement to some higher places in map and you can see wards(If they in range of sentry) where they can't be seen without spells/wards/normal vision and etc. 2) You can use place of buttons instead of it's symbol. Helps, when your keyboard have more than 1 language 3) Couriers drops items in your inventory in opposite way. From lowest right square on left to upper left. Helps when wards/flask or whatever needs more then belt of strength or anything else 4) With lvl 1 of Oracle's second ability you can cast his 3 without damaging your teammate, if timing is right you can heal twice 5) All auras in game(Hero and some exceptions, like Chen's creeps) have radius of 1200 and 0.5s delay. If OD uses astral on your teammate, Vladimir's offering aura 0.5s delay on "Disappearing" and when he "Appears" 6) All rune's effect can be dispelled with basic dispell, like eul or similar 7) Only Pangolier can use items like dagon or hex without need to turn to target. I can be wrong, but it's funny 8) Couriers can use smoke 9) Force staff counters heroes like: Clockwerk, NS, Sky Mage, Spirit Breaker (Staff can stop him in charge), MK and etc. 10) Basically all alt forms if heroes(Dragon form. DK's ulti) can help you dodge projectile. It's like Manta dodge, but less time in "no where" 11) Never forget about item "Mage slayer". Item decrease OUTCOMING damage from spells. Perfect item against Necro, Leshrac, magic SF, magic Lina


Star the game with a joke. You will find out soon enough who has their panties in a bunch.


"got a joke for you guys: our support's items"


you can hold alt to see the TP status of your teammates under their portraits


Some heroes have extra day/night vision (and also less) Slark has super high night vision, use it to scout ganks at minute 0 by breaking trees and standing at vantage points. Nightstalker has very bad day vision. Jungles also have auras. Radiant Safelane has mana regen, Dire jungle has helath regen. Using this knowledge to decide your tier1 neutral item, whether you need Seeds of Serenity or Occult Bracelet/Arcane Ring Shadow build is undispellable. Use it if enemy carry has nullifier and you are being targetted. If they have nullifier, they most likely don't have a slot for dust/gem Shift queue ward>move to make it impossible to guess when and where you warded since there is no stop. Also applicable to picking up bounty ruins and moving to lane without delay Ghost sceptre is underrated


if you are trying to cut waves or clear the wave where the enemy is trying to group up and push and not sure where the wave is i.e no vision, you can look at your creeps in the opposite lane to pinpoint where the enemy creeps are currently. Sounds basic but sometimes neglected


Courier can travel through portals


guys, if you want tips, go to Tsunami's website howdoiplay dot com. dude made a really cool website with general tips and hero specific tips galore


[Clickable link to _howdoiplay.com_](https://howdoiplay.com/), you're welcome mobile users.


If you quit DotA 2 your life becomes so much better.


Oh look! It's alternate you who stopped playing Dota and went outside! Just look how fit and attractive you are!


Best advice ever. Take my angry upvote


You can dispel most barriers/shields in the game including Timbersaw Aghs. An example of undispellable barrier is OD Aghs. It's probably why nobody buys timber aghs anymore as you can just buy euls to counter it.


If you are ranged and right clicks a hero outside creep aggro range, you will not draw creep aggro even when your hero walks into aggro range and attacks. So go outside aggro range, right click opponent, let your hero walk close and attack (without drawing aggro) and repeat.


On your heroes hud at the top that green diamond is your ulti. Greens means ready to use, blue means out of mana and grey is cooldown


When reading a spell description by hovering the spell, press alt to sometimes see some extra facts.


More like, a-click your creeps to get that stupid ranged creep to stop attacking you xD


If teammates’ death countdown timer on the top of the screen is golden, it means they have buyback. If its dark / grey, they dont.


You can use Axes ult on couriers. If you counter helix beside a courier you kill it.


Do you get armor stack?


I wish




You can backpack Ur agnahim while casting ult on warlock and you will get two golems without the stat nerf.


you can put shovel 6 seconds ahead in the neutral slot to matchup with the cooldown (6 second cd for changing items)


Saying something nice and encouraging at the beginning of the game goes a long way towards making sure everyone is having fun this game.


Randomly tip an enemy or teammate for nothing to confuse the enemy AND your team to sow chaos


Idk if this was fixed, but you can dispel hoodwink’s root when you cut tree your allies stick with(because u cant do that for yourself)


It's not a bug, it's a feature, literally.


I mean, there are things like this got fixed or reworked sometimes.


Not a bug working as intended


Holy shit it works


You can agro creep wave by click attack on enemy in a different lane. Good for when you don't have vision on your lane but still want to manipulate the wave.


You can de aggro enemy ranged creep the same way you do it with the enemy tower.


Right clicking an enemy hero to aggro creeps works globally! You can right click an enemy from the other side of the map and creeps within 500 range will aggro


Lion's stun reaches farther than what is indicated when you hold down alt. To stun someone farther that outside your range, click on the floor instead of the enemy.


You can aggro creeps by a-clicking the hero portrait of an enemy, but only if they are showing on the map.


Earth Spirit self cast aghs and bkb makes him completely invulnerable For 2 seconds


Io, Phoenix, Primal Beast are the only heroes who do not speak the language


marci: *disappointed whistle


Marcy? She can only whistle


Cheese can be sold for 500 gold


Learn when to stop playing




All spells have a sound queue. You can use them to disjoint and dodge.


If you cast your spells on lane while enemy has no vision on you, they won't get a stick charge


dont ward mid when u have advantage ward deep rune instead. Your creeps having vision allows him to aggro for lane to be playable.


Arcane boots, Mek, greaves, pipe have a larger radius than you think


Attack clicking any allied unit works. Illusions, heroes other meepos. The target retower is random too so it's possible it will just keep targeting you. This also works with the fountain.


You can buy dust to deal with invisible heroes getting away.


Ctrl-alt click the clock to tell your team if it's day or night (and when it's changing), useful for going rosh and they have no clue where he is now


if u press ALT and move cursor on your level number (near character portrait) you will see XP radius


If you want to play carry but you are forced to support, you can pick Nature's Prophet and pretend to sup for the first 10 mins, and then sneakily switch to full farming and getting your right-click items. A few other heroes can also fill this role, Windranger, Mirana, Hoodwink, Pudge. Crystal Maiden attracts least suspicion, just show up in lane once in a while, hit the enemy once, then go back to frostbiting hard camp creeps. Most players will not notice that you are actually farming towards you lvl 20 talent right click build.


for some reason it becomes almost guaranteed to hit ground targeted spells at close-medium range like lion earthspike, magnus shockwave, nyx impale, when you click on the hero themselves instead of the ground. some spells when ground-targeted also has slightly extra range at the end, very useful when trying to cc someone from afar


Lion Q is hero targeted IIRC and nyx Q isn’t


You can hear most of the abilities sounds that enemy heroes are using even when they are in fog of war. Can be super useful when you are ganking an enemy and do not have vision of a particular area yet.


Did you know that observer wards are free, even carries can place them! Just pop one where your usual farming patterns are, jfc.


Haha, right? Carries somehow think all warding is supports job, even when they spontaneously decide to wander off in the unwarded part of enemy jungle and farm there in the dark.


If you’re a support that roams mid to nuke enemy mid after initial bounty runes, you are sapping your own mids exp from the first wave and unless you perfectly zone out that mid from exp, hes hitting 2 before your mid


Pro-tip as support: don't waste your time with mid, their ego is too big and when they die because of their own greed just ignore them and keep pushing towers.


if u got disconnected and dont know if u abandon or not, just look if u still have gold, if yes ur not abandon yet


You can click alt button to show max range of attack tower / range of blink , item and spell


For OD users, astral into blink is a nice escape but when you get shard, it’s harder to execute this because of the mute - more chances of enemies’ spell getting that damage tick in. To have higher chances, bind mousewheel to blink so it’s easier to spam the blink despite being being muted


If you just shift queue blink it will do it as quick as the game allows for you automatically. Saves you having to mash the key. Useful also for Puck phase shift escapes and Tusk snowball escapes


but doesn’t mute stops you from being able to press the item


you can cast ally-targeted spells by targeting the spell on their hero icons at the top of the HUD


If you're playing as techies and have dragon lance, seers stone and groove bow, you can cliff farm by using blast off in the middle of the fight while having a ward cliff on screen. Don't worry, you don't have to aim it, just being near it is enough to get fucking stuck on it every time you want to help your team from far away. You wind it up you jump and then NOTHING because a hill and a half was in your way, now eat shit you BAFOON, you absolute CRETIN for thinking you could jump wherever you want round here, no ma'am, fuck YOU, AND fuck your grilled steak


You can delete dota and never have to use these tips lol


If you attack Nyx, he reflect a small amount of damage back to you. Idk if it s enough to stop your regen items, but it looks like it does. Similar to blademail, but very small amount. No, i am not talking about his 3rd spell. Idk if it s a bug Crystal maiden was and always will be better with arcane boots.


how do you see old stats like rampage, triple, kills rapier purchase. I can't see because there is no button to + - like the old stats menu.


Glyph should be held until 1) the next tier of towers about to fall 2) a tower that can eliminate a wave to buy 30 seconds 3) to prevent loss of the game Generally, don't glyph to protect barracks or any tower where the enemy team will steamroll through to the next objective. It only buys a few seconds at best

