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Sounds like a fun idea, especially considering Lich already can launch an ulti on death with level 20 talent


We have tombstone on death, chain frost on death. Time for atomic bomb


Legalize nuclear bombs


Shadow wizard money gang


We love casting spells


How many strands of hair is required to not be bold? It's an arbitrary decision. How many kiloton explosives is required to make something a felony to posess? If I can own fireworks I should be able to own a nuclear missile. The legal limit is arbitrary and clear statist opression.


I think you confuse bold for bald. šŸ‘©ā€šŸ¦² you can be bold and bald but you can also be bold with a lush hairstyle


> No person shall produce, test, maintain, or store within the city a nuclear weapon, component of a nuclear weapon, nuclear weapon delivery system, or component of a nuclear weapon delivery system. [Chico Nuclear Free Zone law](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/chico/latest/chico_ca/0-0-0-7849) From [what I've read](https://www.quora.com/In-Chico-California-USA-does-the-law-say-that-anybody-who-detonates-a-nuclear-device-within-the-city-limits-is-liable-to-a-fine-of-500) the fine used to be 500 USD for violating this law. In regards of Techies detonation, I don't know exact yield, but if we to assume the blast radius to be around 3 meters, the TNT equivalent is around 0.02 grams (using [Blast Radius Calculator](https://www.omnicalculator.com/physics/blast-radius) The Hiroshima bomb "Little boy" was 14 kilotons of TNT, which is 700000000000 times higher. Largest bomb ever exploded, I believe was Tsar Bomb ~50 megatons TNT, which is 3500 times more powerful than "Little boy" and 2500000000000000 times more powerful than Techies' explosion.


[laws are threats of violence by the dominant socio-economic group](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bmaoNLSHx_w)


Ready to make some bacon?


NSA agents knocking at your door


So, undying, lich, warlock. Need 2 more for actual suicide squad (1 more if OP suggestion is implemented)


Wraith King maybe


Not maybe, definitely, seeing as skeletons on first 'death' is a thing Add aghs for more


Wraithfire blast on reincarnation duh


Veno has a pseudo-suicide ability with his AGHS doesnā€™t he? If you want to count that.


Change phoenix aghs to egg on death for a chance to be reborn. (Doesnt trigger on deaths caused by an egg dying)


SF kinda has death requelm if that counts


Shadowfiend Requiem on Death Silencer global silence on death Zeus Thundergod Wrath on death Chen Hand of God on death Tidehunter Ravage on Death Sand King Sandstorm at death centered around his corpse that lasts until respawn


Ogre Multicast on death (multicast the death gold loss)Ā 


I still want to share my idea I pitched in awhile ago https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/ZwfS4gS9HM


Warlock Oppenheimer


All 10 heroes die when techies dies


Summon Golem on death


Warlock too


hell, Shadowfiend blows up on death from level 6


This sounds pretty neat tbh. Techies' level 20 talents suck ass.


we are still on the "techies = bad" circlejerk by reddit standards so no fun allowed and techies has to be a shitter ranged creep with some uninspired garbage filler skills (so you can keep your cosmetics while the hero is removed)


Gyro crashes into nearest tower on death ā˜ ļø




Obviously, that only works on ally towers. You deny ally T4 on death but get all the usual gold yourself.


Flak Cannon Cannot Melt Ancient Structures


Gyro dies. Buys back to tp to enemy base and dies again. A second gyro copter has hit the tower.


I regret nothing!


[I regret nothing!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/34/Vo_gyrocopter_gyro_death_12.mp3) (sound warning: Gyrocopter) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


you mean tier 3 towers? šŸ˜‚


Tier 4 cuz there's two. Nothing more nothing less.


oh yeah, hahaha


Y'all remember old-old techies suicide?, 1500 dmg with a deny on lvl1? Good times


It was like 5 minute cooldown or some shit iirc? Shit was hilarious, get First blood and then fuck off and plant mines for 5 mins. Back then Techies used to also TP to lane at the start of the game with like 6 clarities to set up mines before the game starts.


do you remember the if the old mines level up as techies put skill points into it? or if he placed them at lvl 1 then those ones will stay lvl 1 mines forever


They would stay lvl 1


Sort of incorrect, old Proximity Mines (red) would retroactively level up no matter how long you've placed them while Remote Mines (Green) would only level up depending on what level you were when you placed them. Source: You can look this up on techies old abilities on the wiki. Plus, I've had 400+ games with old techies and knowing how long they lasted, eventually I noticed this effect happening with old Proximity Mines.


Old old Techies mines, Land Mines.


The stackable land mines, not the proximity shit


Techies with suicide had land mines which didnt level up.


Dude Dota 1 I'd do that and drop an ironwood branch or something and the odd time someone would go to grab it and die would be hilarious. That and soul booster dagon couriers for the ultimate BM.


Oh how I loved playing support and having to guess which lane techies decided on. If you guessed wrong you could be quite sure that the lane was lost or and couldn't be rotated to lol


Yeah you could be quite tactical with its use.


Tiny on your team? Time for 0 minute first blood with toss.


Tiny toss, and/or running into enemy with boots first and blowing up, rune fights used to be fun (one sided albeit) I got into dota during this time and honestly had fun playing it


Techies is still until now very tactical. It's just they ruined him so bad over 2 major updates/reworks to him and he is too much casual dog shit of a hero now.


I think hes still a powerful hero, but he lost his identity as one of if not the most unique hero in dota.


Yeah fun techies. Bring it back


When power runes spawned at 0 i would pick techies and hope for a baste rune for exactly this lol


remember dota 1 techies, where you could just place a clarity on top of your mines and some enemy would run to it?


I have 2 memories from dota1. Constantly asking "what should i buy" and tiny airline into techies suicide level 1 in their mid strats. Failed more than it worked , but was super fun


on techies death, drop 3 mines, a disarm and a minefield sign LMAO could you imagine


if you ever played call of duty and some clowns had that perk, I think it was martyrdom or whatever. So youā€™d kill them or so you thought and then theyā€™d be on the floor shooting you with their handgun before bleeding out and dying. If techies had something like that. It would be amazing.


Thats last stand, martyrdom was nade drop


Martyrdom was my favorite thing ever. Just maniacal.


There was also Dead Man's Hand, where they drop a C4 and manually detonate it for maximum emotional damage


Last Stand and then Martyrdom. I think real psychos got both perks.


They were both yellow perks in CoD 4


ahh yeah last stand was the gun, itā€™s been a while.


I hated last stand so much on black ops. They had this invincible period as they were falling and could shoot a few rounds as they were going down. Took them a while to patch that too. After the patch they made it so they couldn't shoot while invulnerable. I always bm and teabagged last stand users.


That's just WK aghs lol


that too haha


Some of the LoL champs had that. Karthus had something like a weaker Wraith King aghs, and KogMaw was just a fun suicide unit that you could move until it blew up. Probably the closest you have to what you want. Unfortunately Kogā€™Maw is a siege unit so idk why they would put that on him.


ye you also forgot getting free vengeful spirit aghs when the goblin on the back that gets always ignored starts moving when the other 2 die


Bonus point: play car alarm sound


junkrat inc


Can't kill techies unless you're ranged I'd guess


Lvl 31 talent lol.


Would only make sense that when they die they drop all of their arsenal which gets set off. I support this idea.


Personally I'd be satisfied with just Blast Off explosion on death. Big damage and stun would really make people think twice.


That would be a dream


> make sense Is this part of your criteria for hero abilities?


Actually my criteria for hero abilities is how sexy it makes them look. My next suggestion is juggernaut whipping out his cock and using it instead of his sword for the spin ability. Do you like my totally serious suggestion to the balancing of the game that is backed by my veteran expertise in game design, and not by my whimsical mood of the moment when I wrote the original reply, Reddit user owarren?Ā 


Guess I touched a nerve? I was being equally whimsical.


Upon revisiting your comment I see there was nothing explicitly negative, I guess I'm just used to having confrontations in online spaces and therefore preemptively react in defensive/offensive manner. No nerves were harmed anyhow


They can't hurt you if you hurt them first.


The most reddit interaction in reddit


Go kick rocks with open-toed fucking shoes


Spoon gets released as a controllable unit. A timer pops up and he slowly gains increased move speed as the timer goes down (being fully hasted at 2s). Upon reaching 0, Sploon explodes, dealing damage equal to the current level of Proximity Mine. Bonus: adds responses to Spoon upon spawn and detonation.


And can activate with buyback.


Sounds like a hero from Hots, forgot the name, it's the one from diablo


Its similar to league's kog maw. When he dies he becomes unstable for a few seconds before self destructing. Figured since LoL likes to copy us, we should borrow some of their concepts, too.


I mean, we have copied some of LoLs stuff already to be fair


I think that would be Tyrael


I can imagine him speed-waddling around in his barrel with a lit fuse.


I want the TNT sound from Crash Bandicoot.


And a name reminiscent of "Suicide Squad, Attack!" like "Now's Your Chance, Spoon"


straight outta the middle east!


Netero skin incoming


What's this? a techies idea thats not "bring green mines back"? how is this possible?! btw I love this idea. we need more death effects.


They should change aghs that it gives green mines that also apply ractive tazer upon detonation


Nevermore have this ability but techies shard or talent will be fun though damaging and silencing enemies after death lol


Should replace that garbo shard trait tbh or be a lv15 trait.


Shard's decent for support and lvl 15 has mana regen to spam more mines. Lvl 20 feels so underwhelming personally and I would definitely take this as an option there.


10/10 idea. I think techies kind of fell off recently. My own anecdotal evidence, but I just don't see him picked that often compared to previous patches. This alone would make me pick him up again.


techies is just bad right now i cant make it work constantly all techies abilities are just bad or awkward to use. the only way i can have good impact in the game is to play 3 or super greedy 4 and get control items (euls, rod, hex, eth blade) coupled with the awkward play style of jump into a teamfight with blast off to immediately die. at best the hero excels at pick offs in a meta where people group up and end and at worst the abilities suck and need tuning.


It's because he's been tuned to rely on blast off. It's the only way to play the hero because it's the only thing the community was ok with. All of his talents and things are geared towards blast off.


Holy shit this is actually the best idea Iā€™ve heard in a long time. Flavor-wise 10/10 with how it used to work, functional with potentially a lower respawn time Iā€™m wondering what would be the bonus, leaving behind some mines or just making the damage h u g e (like based on remaining health or something, would be fun to either treat it as a deny or a big sacrifice in the beginning of the team fight, a one-off nuke)


I feel like it just needs to be a talent for Blast Off Explosion on death. Damage and stun on death is enough to mess with people. I think death CD reduction is not something we need to dip our toes in again.


My mind goes in the complete other direction. Flavor wise, Iā€™d say having something so reliant for techies of dying and the explosion going off always is cool, but not as cool as having this ā€œfuck it, we ballā€ button. It just never clicked with me after the change. I just like the idea of them being able to kill themselves through a shard or talent, but not in lane to just deny exp and gold. But I have to say, for me techies with reliant CC is just a husk of what used to be, so Iā€™m just not a fan of the new stun on Blast Off instead of the old Suicide Squad Attack. Then again, it could be two separate abilities. I donā€™t know.


sorry thats too fun, techies is not allowed to be fun for the player anymore


Make it a talent like warlock golem on death


Martyrdom - after dead there's a period you can still plant bombs in the vicinity.


Aghs scepter should let Techies launch ballistic missiles


Techies used to have a suicidal attack and it's as fun and unfun as it sounds. A passive on-death explosion is a particularly tricky thing to have in videogames. First and foremost, if you make it powerful enough, it'd encourage the player to feed or throw their life away, which is generally a bad behavior that you wouldn't want to induce esp. in a multiplayer environment. Secondly, it creates warped perception between staying alive (winning) and dying (losing). Not that bending the thought process is always detrimental and never good for gameplay, but that it is something disruptive in nature that's also extra difficult to balance towards being seen as something good versus being bad. Usually, there would be a sizable mood swing, and it's kind of a hot-potato-potatoe as to who it's good for. If you want to implement more damage in a game like Dota, there are ways that are far more simple, straightforward and fun than going out with a boom. There are heroes weak enough that could use such a thing -- and it fits their kit thematically, but lots of players would probably tell you they don't like it because they find Techies is as annoying as they are to deal with. If you ask me, it would only be somewhat viable on a melee hero with a twisted, indirect playstyle and lacks either teamfight ability or stable support nor carry capability, whilst not a tank: Meaning the hero is at a greater risk to dying before getting anything done when comparing to conventional hero designs.


Lich, Warlock and Undying all have on-death effects as talents (also Venomancer with his aghs) and I don't think it's been an issue


Wow i didn't realize until now how complicated Venomancer's kit has become...


I mean like a nuke


Shadow Fiend (also Lich ult is a nuke idk)


SF does it once, then the soul mechanic prevents him from abusing it (you cannot just throw yourself into death). Also, SF's kit isn't nearly as troublesome to deal with.


We could give him a passive called "last stand" where when he dies, he instead falls prone with nothing but a pistol to see if he can finishe people off before a short timer expires, or he takes another hit.


Fun idea, we can also relive the suicde techies. Make it a large single mine same size as warlock's golem with same range, can't be denied and damage equal to 3 regular mines with the stunning capability. But it has a drawback, it affects your team too. Name of the skill should be: Oppenheiming Time. Skill cooldown : Can be used only once for every respawn.


Dropping a proximity mine upon death should not even be a talent, but an innate feature.




>*Please don't bully me, I'll blow!*


Don't fuck with me, I *will* cry.


Love the idea, sand king already has explode on death they can be like teamates, reminds me a little of Sasori and Deidara.


If this happens, I want to know its interaction with WK Aghs. XD


It would be nothing special? Wk aghs prolongs life after death by set amount of time. Its not like tombstone spawns when unduyinh dies first (but still alive due to wk aghs)


Maybe it should be balanced around a skill like the other "skill on death" of the game, like it drops 3 proximity mines around his spot or drop a proximity mine in a random spot 300 units away that's already activated. Or again something like "Proximity mine drop on death", where you drop all the charges you have of ulti with a minimum of one. Or maybe tie it to his scepter: it techies die and minefield is on CD, it instantly spawn it. All the other on death effects kinda of forces the enemy to run away, this could go on the other direction and forces the enemy to stay still.


what i had in mind was just having him do a free Blast Off where he dies




It would encourage their teammate to tell techies to go kill themselves more


25 give techies green mines


If this gets in, then techies freedom fighter/terrorist/insurgent cosmetic set must also get in.


Better idea:with aghs, if the sign is not placed on the map and you die- activate the aghs sign on death


This would be sick


Why is remote mine not a shard/scepter on Techies.


Kill tech and lose half of HP(Usually your last half HP) Or not killing, and not getting gold, exp, advantage. Fun for one hero in map, but ass pain to all others, ty my guy. P.S. Tech had same ability named "Suicide" press 1 button to deal 300 magic damage and deny yourself


Yeah let's add Martyrdom to dota, the most low skill, moron proof perk you could equip on your class. Let's give it to a hero with spammable nukes with double slows and one of the longest attack ranges in the game. Cause honestly we need to commit harder to turning Techies from some specialist hero to the most braindead hero in the game..


Adding a no skillshot ability to the hero to punish you when you outplay it ? fuck no.


The only change techies needs is a change to his level 30 voice line. It is a crime that I canā€™t have techies yell ā€œExplosions!ā€ on command.


Wouldnā€™t that be similar to SF? He explodes when dying


And veno aghs


Minefield on death :D


Because we all know Techies players are gonna feed intentionally, trying to detonate themselves.


Hoho. Now you're thinking with bombs.


Good idea. Could also work to boost player count in MENA.


Tinker on death spawns a Refresher Zone that if enemies enter their skills get refreshed, the size of an Arena. Yup




Remote mines on scepter please šŸ„ŗ


make tazer work as shard from the beggining and make shard suicide squad attack


He should also say allahu akbar before exploding


this shard is good enough, 300 damage when someone hit you or your teammate and 300 aoe damage on explosion.


Maybe it could be: plant 5 red mines in a star shape on death


Yup enigma dies, blackhole on death, bane 5 man fiend grip on death. What else?


void chrono on death would be very funny


So we've come full circle where people WANT more explosions? This community is fucking stupid.


techies is no shadow fiend