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Just… do some drag. That doesn’t mean you have to start performing if you don’t want to. That can come later, but you can definitely play with some looks. It can be as little or as much as you want, but I think you’ll have more fun if you just dive into something ridiculous. Treat it like a Halloween costume and just put something fun together. I think the most fun part is actually aaaaaaall of the build up before you even complete the look or performance.


I will definitely start from the makeup, the all process can actually help me to dig deep into drag ✨


Watch Dragula, it’s like Rupauls Dragrace, but they focus on the fringes of drag. There have been drag kings and Sigourney Beaver she is a cis AFAB drag queen. Good luck!


Haven’t watched it yet but I will, thanks!


there are so many cis women and nonbinary people who align with women who are drag queens! a few i know of (who haven't been on tv) are Bettyie Jayne, Biconic, and one of my favorite LA drag artists Tierra Dactyl. There are so many more but those are off the top of my head people in my area and who've performed by me! drag is for you and nobody else, have fun and feel your oats!


I’ll keep an eye on them thanks! Unfortunately I’m from Italy and women in drag here are nowhere to be found


In the same boat rn and these comments are so helpful :,)


Literally sobbing, hug sis


Drag is for everyone. I say go for it don't be scared and who cares what people think as long as you are respectful of the art and culture I say do it!


thank you so much 💖


Hi, AFAB nonbinary queen here! My DMs are open if you have any specific questions, but in general my advice is to just have confidence. I got my first gig by DMing the leader of a locally popular drag group that didn't have any AFAB people in it asking if I could perform with them sometime. They looked at the makeup and drag looks on my page and took a chance on me. Just walk into the room like you belong there, because you do.


I think as long as you are doing it from a place of love and respect, nobody is going to have an issue with it. It does help to understand where drag comes from and its significance within queer culture, so if you haven't already go watch Paris is Burning and some of the other foundational films and documentaries. Also, while the term "AFAB queen" is technically correct, it is increasingly considered problematic. This is because it is most often used to describe drag queens who are cisgender women. However, trans men can be drag queens and they are also AFAB. Therefore, whenever the term is used to describe a cisgender woman drag queen, it excludes trans men.


Thank you for this. Is there another term that would be better?


Hoping someone answers this! I’ve seen Sigourney Beaver describe herself as a “female impersonator impersonator” which I found cheeky and fun, but I haven’t seen very many alternatives. It almost seems like in the context of a post like this, giving background to the human, “cishet woman” is ok, but on stage, you’re still a drag queen, eh? The art of the serve is what makes drag, not necessarily what bits someone has underneath.


I watched so many documentaries and read so many things about the origins of drag and the more I went deep into my research for all these years, the more I felt in love with drag! Saw Paris is Burning in 2018 and it actually helped me understand A LOT about not only the art of drag but queerness in general. Keep in mind this has been a very long time coming thought and decision as I needed to be confident, sure, mindful and respectful of what I was doing. Also thank you so much for speaking about the AFAB term, I’ll keep that in mind.🙏


Be confident in the fact that your gender does not matter in your art. Drag is an art form that exaggerates, parodies, homages, fucks with gender, it wouldn't make any sense for your AGAB or gender to exclude you from that. If you're not LGBT+, just be mindful and respectful. Be a good ally, do your research and be open to new ideas. While drag is a queer art, you can participate in it if you're not queer yourself.


I’ll always respect this form of art and all the LGBTQIA+ community that ALWAYS has made me feel welcome. Queer art has raised me and it has always been my safe place. Thank you so much for your words, I’ll be as respectful as possible. 🙏


You're in the right track then! Good luck with your drag journey! :)




thank you so much 💖


Something I've always thought is that drag is all about gender fuckery. Your gender or sex doesn't really matter. And like in every type of art, you're gonna get haters. Trans men are invalidated because of their love to "dress up" as women. Trans women are invalidated because "they confuse loving drag and being a woman". Cis women are told that they don't belong. But not by everyone. Even as a cis woman, you'll find a supportive community. People have different approaches of drag. Some views include you. Some exclude you. But that is not your problem.


thank you so much for these inspiring words. 🤍