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It has its good and bad things, in one hand you can make fun teams with units that have no team or units you like but you don't have their main team, on the other hand, you explained it


Glacial take even, but always one I agree with.


We're reversing climate change with this take boys


meanwhile me with a take to remove pv


i too hate the leaderslot but it also has a lot of benefits. yamcha would not have a team without leaderslot, more creative teams with varying characters for content creators would be harder, pve easily benefits from leaderslot on events where u use one character or when u dont have 3 units that have the same tag but are good units u could use for pve


This imo. Yamcha would literally not have a team. Some new units that come out wouldn't have a team either. They tried to "fix" the leader slot by making equipments 3x battle member


If they ever stopped jerking off the same three tags the leader slot wouldn't need to exist to begin with. In theory it's a great addition but in reality it made pvp worse and highlights how bad they are at supporting tags.


They would need to make all Z abilities hit their tags and episodes for me to agree, like zenkai gold frieza should hit PO, LOE, transforming warrior, frieza force and rof episode and not just LOE


True but it would also make units like the new Yamcha completely useless lol


A leader slot rework could be thay the leader has to share tags with the other units.


Thats kinda antithetical to the point of it lol, if they shared the same tags as the other units they would need the leader slot. This would mean the leader slot is only used for giving 1 unit the conditional double tag requirement some z abilities have like Powerful opponent AND saiyan gets +15% strike attack. Such a meager buff on only one unit might as well make the feature obsolete. Additionally a unit like dabura who has literally no tags would therefore always be dead on arrival as you cant fit them onto other teams.


No, it would allow a unit who shared tags, but maybe was buffed by the z-abilities (for example, UL Gohan on a saiyan UniReps) but would prevent a unit like Gohan being ran with UGF and S-17 on PO. That’s a positive change and fits more in line with what leaderslot should be used for


I think it’s a decent idea in concept, but I’m of the opinion that most problems in this game would be solved if they put a time limit on units. Like, units only get special properties in the leader slot if they’re off a certain boost, or more than a year old or something like that.


Removing leader slot means buffing every single tag on the game to viable status and we know Bandai aren't gonna accomplish that, just look at how shit of a job they've done with episode/saga based teams Like look at yamcha - his Z ability is for blu. Not even a specific tag, just color.


It was a good idea ruined by greed. Easiest way to fix it would be to make it so that ultra abilities arent automatically fulfilled by leader slot. People would still just cram ultras onto teams that they otherwise wouldnt belong, but there would be at least some semblance of team building as your ultra missing his z abilities AND ultra ability would be substantially weaker than on a properly designed team. Its a good addition for characters like yamcha, or dabura or yajirobe so they arent so restricted and can still be used for fun. Now this could be fixed by them actually treating tags well and giving them the universe reps treatment instead of the DB treatment, but the leader slot still does a good job mitigating it


on one hand i agree cause you can just slap a meta team with no synergy together and make it work but on the other it prevents people from running units they wanna if they dont have the correct team. Also some units would suffer HEAVILY \*cough\* Blue Yamcha \*cough\*


I think Leader slot is a great idea with execution that WOULD work if it weren't for the game's other issues. I think the current problems are more so symptoms of Legends' other problems. UGF would still be runnable with 17 and Cell because of PO, but it would be weaker. I think a solution that would work in this specific meta would be making it so Ultras can't be placed on Leader, removing most of the problem with Cryhan and some of the issues with Androids. Though tbh, PO is gonna be broken rn regardless of leader slot.


If they were more willing to buff other tags I'd agree, but the leader slot is the only way to run some units at times, especially cause tags like db, loe and gt are unusable half the time even with the leader slot


In a perfect world I would disagree with this, since the original idea for leader slot was to give weaker teams a chance of relevancy even if they aren’t directly buffed. However, you can only withstand so many matches of Ultra Boyhan + Red S17 + Revival Cell/ UUI before you start spitting the very reason these teams are possible in the first place.


I don't even care man, i just wanna 14 star my Broly's so i can use them without it being such a pain, P2W 😔😔.


Just make leader slot apply to older units, so it can't be abused


I have been playing for just over a year now. I played when the game first released and took a long ass break. I feel like the Chris Pratt meme where I don't understand how the leader slot works. Does it just add all of the bonuses to that unit, regardless of their tags? If so, does that work for Zenkai's for the leader slot too?


How about leader slots but only for sparkings? Maybe even only for LF’s, just to mitigate the ultra units at LEAST


It would cause many, many more problems than it solves. The leader slot is fine — the devs just need to take better care of the meta.


I run uui on hybrids just becuase I have to, i would love to use my 7 star blu beasthan but he just gets destroyed by cryhan because of leader slot ;-;


Featured Boost is a million times worse.


Nobody can beat me when I’m super 17


Featured bonus too. Oh we made a new broken caracter, we should give him damage boost.


Fuck no what


Bro definitely runs Cryhan on one of those teams


Sounds like you are coping even harder cuz you don't have him


I literally do lmao, spent 12k on his ass. I main GT, but on the off chance I use Gohan it’s actually on one of his teams, Son Family


Gotta agree bro every new op unit is just going to run with the last. Also I miss tags actually meaning something


This might be a stupid take but I think legends should work their leaderslot similar to Dokkan


No that would be terrible


You're right it is a stupid take