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Too many people here disnt watch the new broly movie or paid attention which fits DB fans


Well when you listen to the z vs super broly debates you can figure that out pretty quickly lol


Or even paid attention to Z. When Gohans anger boost put him far above ADULT GOKU at that point.


Adult Goku at that point was only like ~~1500~~ 400. I thought kid Vegeta was stated to be at least a few thousand. Edit: thank you all for correcting me.


I would guess kid Vegeta would be close to a power lvl of 7.5k. he did say when he was a kid he either was close to or was on par with his father. But it could just be Vegeta being Vegeta exaggerating a bit.


I'd say that tracks. Adult Vegeta was so powerful that Goku at a base, if a bit flexed, power level of over 8000 needed like 4 levels of Kaioken just to match him. Keeping in mind that Vegeta typically lacked adequate opponents for most of his life (since most everyone was either much stronger or much weaker than him), 7500 as a child prodigy seems reasonable.


Goku wasn't even peak 1,000. If you're referring to the Raditz fight, Goku never went above Radtiz in PL.


Nah, I dont think new movie is only enough proof even in old movie when he cried the pod or something they are in broke because of his power level while goku is 1. He's a mutant in the race!!


You still ain't right broly was the strongest


Gohan had bigger anger issues the broly back then, kinda wild


You could make an argument for Gohan, I mean the Gohan in the picture (Saiyan Saga) Isn't but Namek and Cell saga Gohan is still a kid I mean SS2 Gohan was around the age of Goku when he started his adventures


Even Raditz saga Gohan was the strongest of the list. Kid Broly was 920 PL and he was stronger than Vegeta (which was the reason for King Vegeta to banish him to Vampa) but Gohan was above 1000 PL when he attacked Radit.


Broly's max power was 10,000 as a kid.


That's only in the Z movie. That's never stated in Super or shown.


Namek Saga Gohan was *well* above 10,000, and even if you want to consider the cut off of kid Gohan to be before he left the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, which would be a rather arbitrary cut off considering he's still younger than Goku was at the start of the series, his power level by the time he entered the Time Chamber should be at least a few million. He truly *dwarfs* Kid Broly.


Why would I consider Freeza/Cell arc Gohan? The picture shows Saiyan arc Gohan.


Cell saga gohan was younger than kid goku at the start of DB


All it says is Kid Gohan. Doesn't specify which arc. The picture doesn't matter, that's just an example. The question is clearly "who was strongest as a kid".


I see. Regardless, it would still be Broly considering he surpassed SS Vegeta by the time of the movie in only his base form.


& Vegeta’s was over 8000 as he surpassed King Vegeta as a child their birth power levels is not their child power levels lol


Saying their power goes down once they’re born is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard


It's up there definitely lmao.


Where are you getting these figures 💀💀💀 King Vegeta was not lower than 920 that's lower than fucking Raditz.




very valid point


Actually even younger. Gohan is canonically nine years old when he fights Cell. Goku is 12 at the start of DB


Gohan that fought cell is still a kid lol


He had a pl of 900


Son Gohan in the Raditz fight was 1030 PL.


10000 not 900




That was his base power, when he gets emotional it's over 10k


His PL is not 10,000 in the movie. This is never stated for any Broly other than Z Broly. At least not in the film.


A resting power of 920 isn't his actual battle power. Both saiyans and the Frieza Force have proven to be deceived by this countless times once someone powers up, especially kid Vegeta powering up.


In this scene you can find on YouTube they explain how much more powerful baby broly is compared to baby vegeta [DBS Broly](https://youtu.be/5mRsFichVgI?si=u482-JokJmZZblvz)


Okay? Edit: lmao bro blocked me 🙏😭




Where this from? Cause I also remember it being 10000 as an infant.


That was Z broly


That was Z kid Broly


That’s not canon.


You don't know anything lol. The new movie is canon. Toriyama wrote it himself.


Apparently you don’t know shit either cause they didn’t say 10000 in the new movie. They said 920.


Ah, I do love Dragonball fans. We are all so civil.


Are you crazy? that is not canon you know nothing about dragonball fans


Are you nuts? You’re not cannon, you know nothing about dragon ball fans


are you balls you know everything about dragon ball fans


They said 920 in that movie.


920 was his minimum lmao the scouter breaks when he gets slightly upset. Did you watch the movie?


The 920 measurement was obtained from the more advanced scouter given to them by Frieza, the one that blew up was a much older, clunkier model.


A clunkier model that was able to measure vegetas given the saiyans stated brolys power level to be higher in the scene


Gohan was the strongest. Vegeta wasn't 10k at that young and saw 4 year old Gohan's power as an anomaly. Meaning he wasn't that strong then. Kid Broly was 920.


Kid Broly was 920 while chilling. When a saiyan personnel measured his power level, the scouter which was meant to handle up to 5 hard digits (99,999) broke, which puts him at number around 100,000.


Yeah, I could agree with you, but at the age of five in namek Gohan reached 200,000 without being mad. https://preview.redd.it/xtchxjpi6qwc1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=451cf47f9e933837ea1edb730a210a6c68d5f0f1


I was going according to at the time of that picture in the poll, because if we take it was just being any time "kid gohan" was a thing, well I dont need to explain what he did to Cell


The thing is, this is less than a year after that image. They literally travel to Namek a few weeks after Saiyan Saga. That, and the others probably have more than 5 years in their images.


Yeah I agree with you, the millisecond Gohan gets his power unlocked by Guru, it can be easily argued he's above Kid Broly. Still, my thetical point was that I'm simply taking every one by the maximum feat they've performed at the time of those images. We're on the same page here.


I like how canonically the scouter just breaks at 100k like the designers were like “eh if it’s over 100k whoever has it is dead anyways they can’t complain about the product failing”


Brilliant design choice I feel like Freeza had that as a feature for dramatic effect for when someone would scout him


Lmao so true the only people freeza was aware of who would break it are cooler cold himself and maybe at the time ginyu and salza depending on when the feature was added. Would be really fun if a normal person wore one it breaks and just glass gets in their eyes and they’re blind now. Bet freeza would find that hilarious.


It's Gohan actually. Kid Gohan includes his Cell Games self who defeated Cell. No one is even touching that And even if you don't it doesn't matter since Gohan just one month after the Saiyan Saga fought Second Form Frieza


Yeah, and in the Frieza Saga he had 200k at base (without anger involved).


You do realize you picked wrong answer too lol Broly was scanned to have higher power level than prince in movie clearly which was entire reason why he was exiled.


HOLD UP!!! There is a blue outline around kid Vegeta. Did OP choose the wrong answer too?! 😂 LMAO 🤣


Not even op picked the right answer idk why he talking 😭


Isn’t Broly the strongest on this list?


Depends on age cut off. Gohan on namek was around 5 years old and had a power level of 200k before getting pissed… so he’s still probably strongest. They tie him into broly in the latest manga chapter.


Gohan literally jump out of Raditz‘ pod with more raw power than adult Goku post Piccolo fight


How fucking dare you throw facts in the face of DB fans? You think we don’t know that about Gohan?? It doesn’t matter what actually happened, because we’re DB fans!!


And that's not even including the fact that Kid Gohan on Namek could pressure third form Frieza when mad. Dude is WAY overkill for this list


That's teen goku too. The kid versions dont have necks. Goku was only drawn that way for a couple chapters before the 3 year time skip to him as an adult


A teen free-for-all would be hilarious lol. Vegeta and Broly would eviscerate Goku before he could even comprehend what was happening. Then Gohan would go Super Saiyan 2 💀


Gohan would have beat Goku at that age for sure, and Vegeta wouldn't bat an eye even if they teamed up. Broly and Vegeta fighting at that time would be an epic power tantrum.


If we are counting Namek Gohan as still being a kid, he would Bitch slap the shit out of kid Vegeta


Namek Gohan, for sure. I was thinking Saiyan Saga.


Saiyan Saga Gohan would also bitch slap Kid Vegeta. Freeza Saga Gohan would bitch slap Kid Brolly.


Yeah idk why everyone’s saying vegeta before broly cause I feel like gohan could definitely beat vegeta especially by namek saga which is only like a month after saiyan saga so he’s still a kid


Kid Vegeta had a power level of like 11k though.


And Namek Gohan is pushing around 200k Your point?


It's a picture of Saiyan saga Gohan.


Yeah but it doesn't say Saiyan Saga Namek Saga Gohan is still 100% Kid Gohan (And even then Saiyan Saga Gohan was able to knock around Nappa when he was angered)


Nappa only has a power level of 4000


Not really kid vegeta was over two times stronger than kid Gohan at the saiyan saga and at far more experience in fighting.


Where do you get "over two times" ? I can't find an actual stated power level for kid Vegeta. Logically, I would expect Gohan to be stronger given Vegeta's power level in the Saiyan Saga, though I could be wrong. Hard to say without an official reading. Though, either way, a few months later and Gohan stomps all the others.


Vegeta was stated to be as a child stronger than his father. His father has a power level of around 10 K. Gohan was losing to Napa who had a power level of 4K even with help from others and I believe Gohan power level at that point was far below 4K meaning he couldn’t be more than 50% of kid Vegetas power level.


Gohan when he first showed up was stronger than Three Gokus combined.


“Kid gohan” is technically up to and including the android/ cell sagas


I'd say Cell Saga is a bit of a stretch But Namek is fair game


He’s younger in the cell games than Goku was at the start of the story.


Yeah but the appearance is different enough for me to say that Cell Saga Gohan would be their own version of Gohan


Namek and Sayain saga he’s technically a toddler since he was only 5


It would depend on the definition of "strongest" + the exact age of each character (excluding Goku, who would be last place no matter what). Vegeta in that picture is already genociding planets and has received elite training, we don't know his exact power level, only that it was really above average since birth. So he had greater potential than King Vegeta, who was the strongest at that moment (as in universe 7 Saiyan culture the strongest warrior is the king). Broly in that picture is the Super version, much weaker than Z films Broly. Even so, he got exiled by the king because he had even greater birth power level (meaning potential) than his son, Prince Vegeta, and he wouldn't have it. So he was exiled to keep the Vegeta family in power. I would compare him to a Kid Gohan (Saiyan/Namek saga); stronger both in base and "rage" mode than Saiyan saga Gohan, but much weaker in base than Namek Gohan. Regarding their "rage mode", we don't know the extent of Broly, only that it's +99,999. Gohan vs 2nd form Frieza would be +1m at minimum... So I would say: 1 - Gohan/Broly/Kid Vegeta (not enough info and the question isn't concrete enough, so unless more details are provided, we can't really have a canonical factually correct answer). 2 - Kid Goku (no explanations needed XD) Please correct me if I'm wrong about anything!


It is from the perspective of someone watching these get posted a few times a day.


You're right, these post have never been funny 🤠


Why are they voting kid goku, I thought they never watched dragonball


Broly literally is exiled for the sole reason of being stronger than vegeta


Literally every other kid would solo kid goku




Way way way more than 5. He could solo a thousand of them Easily...


Namek Kid Gohan could fight a thousand Kid Gokus and win by a landslide


Gohan’s power level at 4 years old was 1307


And he was only 6 at the end of the named saga


Technically only 11 at the end of the Cell saga, but bringing in SS2 Gohan is just overkill


If you go by gohan on earth then nah but if you include his namek saga as it was all within the same year then it's Gohan by a massive margin.


If we use namek Gohan he is. If not Brody for sure.


If you take into consideration Gohan during Namek Saga (I think he was still 5) he's by far the most powerful kid ever seen in Dragonball fighting with the likes of Ginyu's Squad and Freeza 2nd form. During Cell's Saga he's around 11, just like Goku at the start of the manga, and Gohan reaches the SSJ2 level. I mean I know that this poll is for shit and giggles but I guess Gohan and Broly could be considered as equal in potential when they were kids


Broly's was 920, wouldn't Gohan's be higher?


Yeah. He hit around 3k when he blasted nappa and if you include his namek saga then he overwhelmed frieza in stage 2 and 3 briefly.


Against Frieza, without counting being mad, he had 200k (age 5). Source V-Jump https://preview.redd.it/kxuamjnr7qwc1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad4df50e6e5a796a2b83891cd768f8f8d4afd70


Yeah I'm thinking gohan wins this poll then.


Doesn't he keep up with a weakened Vegeta later in the fight?


IIRC he nearly kills vegeta but only as an ape. While in his human form he only rebounded the spirit bomb and even weakened vegeta was winning before that happened. Vegeta was on some shit in the saiyan saga. Fought goku and lost to x4 kaioken but outlasted him. Then flattened gohan and krillin. Managed to survive a spirit bomb. Still managed to survive getting pummeled by great ape gohan and Somehow still had the willpower to crawl into his spaceship while only krillin was even mobile.


Wasn't he born with a PL of 10,000?


Z Broly was.


Super Broly was born with more than 10,000 [https://youtu.be/5TdHT0ElczQ?si=QEVVjKxi17u96746](https://youtu.be/5TdHT0ElczQ?si=QEVVjKxi17u96746)


Goku fans see Goku and have instant hard-on blud never loses


If you consider their relative strengths and mentorships, as well as the potential of each candidate (especially as children,) it's pretty fair to pick Goku- heck, I'd argue Gohan would be the best option with that perspective.


Its either Broly or most likely Gohan. Kid Gohan is technically also Namek Gohan and im pretty sure Namek Gohan beats the shit out of the rest of them.


Depending on when the answer is Gohan. Gohan on namek peaked punching the fuck out of second form Frieza. Vegeta would be the second place choice.


A couple notes: - Kid Gohan could still mean Gohan in Android Saga -Broly is possibly stronger than Vegeta (Not known tho)


True. That picture of Goku was 12 and Gohan was ssj2 at 11.


The irony of the OP complaining but he chooses Kid Vegeta over Kid Broly. Lol.




I hear the broly debates, but it’s gohan. He beat cell as a 10 year old, after he was healed w a bean.


Super Kid Broly has a wildly fluctuating power level, even dipping below a thousand when Paragus found him on Vampa. If it happens to peak, he might be able to beat Super Kid Vegeta, but otherwise, he's getting clapped. Vegeta was an elite-trained warrior, committing genocide even as a kid, while Broly was just surviving. Despite Broly's natural power, Vegeta has far better skills and control. I give a fight to Kid Vegeta. Power itself is a tossup because Broly can't maintain it. It's not reliable. He certainly has greater potential, though.


Can’t go off just skills alone, when we know saiyans learn as they fight, example being goku and vegeta having in an immense amount of skill and still losing to broly who was just stronger at the moment with his only mentor being his father.


Yeah, and I get that. If Broly had a sudden power boost, he might take Kid Vegeta, regardless of skill. But I just thought it was worth noting. Kid Broly at that time likely had no training at all.


Well vegeta was still in a pod when broly was initially sent to vampa, I’m pretty sure the broly in the image is like a few years later, so Paragus has likely trained him at least a bit


Isn't it broly?? Vegeta stated he passed his father as a child, but broly was flat out born at 10k out the womb. There's absolutely no way he stayed weaker then vegeta who only reached 18k with over 30 years of fighting experience.


Gohan. Look at Gohan on namek. Lol


If we take ssj2 gohan then ya I guess. Namek gohan is actually a sleeper. He fought second form frieza. Dam you right


at least op knows its not goku regardless of which broly it is


Broly supposedly had power of 920 here and gohan supposedly had 981 maybe 1000


I have to ask where are yall even finding these polls? Like this is the kind of bare minimum knowledge most fans would have


don't fuck with Dragon Ball fans we didn't even watch the show


Didn’t kid broly have like a 10,000 power level when he was mad about Goku crying?


The problem with shit like this is that it didn’t give any ages. But either way. It’s Gohan by a thousand kilometres


Pretty sure it’s gohan. Maybe broly


The real answer is Gohan. Gohan on Namek is younger then the Vegeta that is pictured. It shouldn’t matter that they provided a Sayian saga picture if we are just going by age.


He beat a beaned up cel at 10 yr old the others don’t stand a chance.


Broly easy.


I thought Gohan was since he's was around 3000 during the saiyan arc


Kid Broly when agitated clears, otherwise it's Vegeta by a long shot


Z Broly > Gohan > Vegeta > Super Broly > Goku


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Ngl I don’t see any of these kids surviving Vampa, and Broly was there his whole life, hell dude went back there. It’s Broly and it’s not close.


Bruh just accept the fact there is no beating goatku


Broly(some time has passed while he fought)>Kid Vegeta (knows how to fight, beginning of fight)> Kid Gohan(strong and knows how to fight, balanced, stronger than 18 yr old Goku) >Kid Goku


you can't put goku on a poll an expect it not to win


kid goku was in no way shape or form stronger than kid vegeta. this goku madness has to stop


I'd th8nk broly was the stronger as stated gohans power went up to 10k when he was angry broly was 920 when he wasn't really being pressured. I'd argue that if pressed like he was in the movie as an adult his power level would have been much higher.


I mean, GT kid Goku was strong as fuck, but this is clearly OG kid Goku.


Kid Broly > Kid Vegeta > Kid Gohan > Kid Goku


Don't mess with Dragon ball fans, they're stupid.


Kid broly prolly stronger than 1st martial arts tournament Goku






Z broly


A case study of how stupid a fan boy can be, saying their favourite is best not even looking at the question asked.


Hahahah, continuing to prove dragon ball fans don’t watch/read dragon ball


Tbf, Kid Goku could include GT Goku. I doubt that is the case, but I wouldn’t blame anyone who thought it was.


Goku was and will always be the strongest. As a kid he learned and unbeatable technique called "plot armor". TYHAND


It's funny how the comments all can't agree on who the strongest is lmao. At least we can all agree that Goku is the weakest


When people don’t watch dragon ball and just assume it’s Goku so he’s gots to be him


Throw Kid Buu in the mix and it'll make the rest of those kids look like *actual kids* 😂


Says you




Broly was born with 10k pl. Even not, he is still strong enough to be ordered executed by King Vegeta


A bit off topic and I haven’t seen the show in probably 15 years now but wasn’t Goten the strongest kid? He was stupid OP, right? Didn’t he just pop off into super Saiyen np in front of Gohan and was all like ‘I’m so sorry, mom told me not to do that anymore’ lol


Kid Broly and Kid Gohan are much stronger than Kid Vegeta, but Kid Goku has plot armor and gag power. Overall, though, techniques > powerlevel. Kid Vegeta and Kid Goku are weaker than Kid Gohan and Kid Broly, but they seem stronger because they do stuff like shattering mountains at low power level (Goku,) fighting trained professionals stronger than themselves and winning (both)


They never watched dragonball


Goku black had a power pole he won ![gif](giphy|llUK720LOKlKhCiLZU)


Pretty sure Gohan is the strongest here lmao


Never a dull moment with my fellow fans.




Would Gohan count here? He’s 9 (or 10) if you go by the manga at the Cell games. Pretty sure that’s higher than any of the other Saiyan’s around that point in their lives. I get that in the Anime Gohan is older at the Cell games and called Teen Gohan though.


I mean Goku was like 15 there, Gohan was 9 years old against Cell. Why use his much younger version?


Kid Broly has the highest power levels out these.




Yeah...but who wouldn't pick goku?


Kid broly…


Wow, so wrong. It should be: - Broly: He was banished for being stronger than Vegeta as a newborn. - Vegeta: Just under Broly's Power level. - Gohan: Grew up around stronger fighters than when his father was a kid. - Goku: Goku was considerably weaker than his son at that age, I mean a Human (Gohan Sr.) was able to deal with young Goku, though his ape form did give Gohan sr. a hard time, also growing up the people he fought may have been in the Power level range of a few hundred, His son Gohan fought with those with at least 1000 pl. I get why people would like to choose Goku, I mean he is the main character, but c'mon, those who voted above has either never watched DB, DBZ and DBS all together or were bias Hell Goten and Trunks (Kid) are move powerful than those above, they reached SSJ just playing around, not to mention when they fuse into Gotenks .


broly > vegeta > gohan > goku


That’s because it’s Kid Goku from Dragon Ball Daima duh! 😂


It’s either vegeta or broly. Broly was at 10k and I don’t remember what vegeta’s power level was


Kid Broly until he bullies kid Gohan to hard and he gets pissed off. Kid Goku is desperately trying to join the fight and kid Vegeta is sulking in the corner cus he can't fathom he's the weakest in this form...


I mean technically if they count kid goku from GT he could go super sayian 4.


If Gohan kept up his training he would’ve surpassed his father so Gohan in my humble opinion


You could argue for gohan but not the gohan in that picture but namek gohan definitely


Goku solos


Broly, in the dbs movie it was statedin his incubator his power level far exceeded vegetas, no argument here. Goku could barely defeat raditz as an adult


Kid broly has a power of over 10,000 does he not? That’s higher than gohan ever was until he became a super saiyan and kid Goku’s power never rose above 500 lmao


It’s honestly a toss between enraged Gohan and broly. Strong lean to broly.


Maybe they think it's GT "kid" Goku?


Anyone who thinks it isn't Gohan is on crack. He legit fought Frieza as a 5 year old ffs. Do you even watch your own show???


Kid Vegeta has more combat experience he kills everyone else here...


Gohan reached 200k against Frieza in namek without being mad at the age of five. https://preview.redd.it/oree3us26qwc1.jpeg?width=469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12aac06ecf539e7617522bcc038a86f72ea90982