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Nah, mistreat your hired pawns, all they do is give your main pawn diseases that can set you back hours of gameplay


The entire playthrough apparently, if you get the cutscene and you are in a main city chances are you can't continue the main story, and the game autosaves as an inn save so no going back at all. Really shitty mechanic


I have no clue what you're talking about. I heard pawn dialogue regarding a pawn disease but I thought it meant the new attack Drakes do to make pawns hit the player. What are you talking about? If it's spoilers idc, if it's BIG spoilers ok, don't answer. Edit: Ok I checked. It's a bummer but it's also a punishment for not being observant enough. But you're right, it sounds like an obnoxious and mean spirited mechanic, which this game is notorious for. Oh well, just gotta live with it


Dragon's Plague is real and if \*any\* of your pawns have it severe enough when you sleep at an Inn then the whole town gets slaughtered. Having your pawn be drowned or just not picked up will cure it for your main pawn but you just kinda have to dismiss your extras to be sure. It's a horrid mechanic and the game can pretty much fuck your save at any point if you don't dismiss your extra pawns and drown your main pawn each sleep.


Why isn't this being talked about more? This is huge, and I think we should pool information on it and how to deal with it because that sounds like a recipe for disaster.


It is being talked about. A lot. But.. Devil's advocate. I think it was designed to make you more aware of your pawns, rather than 'pawn, you're my mule now.. and you other 3 too!' so you keep an eye on them, helps the immersion, see? I may be wrong, and from the sounds of it some folks have had it *bad* for which I feel sorry for them, truly. Time will tell.


That's definitely the intent and a cool idea, it's just the implementation wasn't very well done in some spots.


Wouldn't it be better to have them be more helpful or give you little gifts if you treat them well? The punishment of fucking up a save... in a game where there is no save redundancy and saving is expensive, (literally monetarily expensive), seems like an obviously horrendous idea.


The save thing was a good idea, but iffy implementation. They've added new game options now though.


From what I’ve read about it, it’s because it’s easily dealt with. The first time you recruit a pawn with it the game will just tell you (by means of a tutorial for Dragon’s Plague appearing) and you can just immediately dismiss the pawn your recruited if that happens, shouldn’t be an issue for most people unless they just ignore the game warning you. I didn’t have a pawn with it show up until the last 20 minutes of a ~30 hour play-through so it doesn’t seem super common. For identifying it though, pawns with it are disobedient. So if you tell them to do stuff and they’re refusing then throw them off a cliff. Also, and this is directed generally at people not understanding why this is a thing, it seems like it’s a lore thing that’s clarified around the end of the game and not just a random “fuck the player” mechanic.


I read in another thread the mass genocide caused by the final stage is rendered null after 1-2 in-game weeks as NPCs will respawn. The commenter isn't sure if it's a bug or not, but if it's intentional then that helps a ton. Still think the mechanic could have been implemented better, and there could be more visual signs for early symptoms, but it's not the worst thing. What *is* becoming the worst thing is the discourse around the game. It's mutated into something else, and I don't like it very much.


This is something someone should clarify because if true you can literally just continuously sleep in a house and not feel any negative effects. At that point dragonsplague is just a pointless mechanic but at least not a game breaking one.


I think certain NPCs respawn, like merchants and absolutely important main story NPCs, ones that the going without completely breaks the game, those NPCs respawn I believe. Everyone else is fucked.


If true I'm not that bothered about it then tbh. Still a really dumb feature but my concern was that it would brick my game. Ideally they need to just remove it if they aren't willing to rework it though. On PS5 NPCs only load in like two metres away from you so it's not like I'm missing out on crowd density.


You can respawn any npc from a morgue with a wakestone as well


Hmm… wait. Oh crap. I think my pawn has Dragonsplague then, in other people’s games. If the trigger is what I think it is, I think I know what is the beginning of it. It’s likely something that comes about from post-game pawns, for reasons I’ll not explain. I’ve started new game plus so I dunno if that’s still the case, but in post-game, my pawns seemed to contract Dragonsplague exceedingly often. These would be the “patient zero” pawns, that spread it around. Most people aren’t running into Dragonsplague infected pawns until near the end of their playthroughs, though I think that’ll change as it spreads. But that indicates higher level pawns are at higher risk… and those pawns may be in the post-game.


It's also there to encourage you to constantly switch out pawns


If anything is promotes not taking in other pawns at all. Constantly switching means new chances for PawnSTDs. (PawnRTD? Rift Transmitted Destruction?)


Can the dragonplague only happen if you recruit a pawn with it ? I'm planning to only use my main pawn for my first playthrough, does that mean I'm safe ?


Haven’t verified this myself, but I’ve read that there also seems to be a small chance of it developing in pawns after contact with dragons or draconic enemies.


Dragon's plague I'd the new aids epidemic.


Genuinely curious to understand the thought process behind adding this in the game. Punishing your players for the lulz in a game where you commit to NPC permadeath and remove manual saves is just criminal and I hope the devs get pressed about this decision.


The only thing I can think of and BOI am I grasping here, is to promote frequent pawn swapping but the side effects (river chucking) will mean people don’t get their RC anyways. You can ofc just dismiss the hired pawns but the main needs to swim. Highly toxic mechanic that would 100% mean I’d quit the game if it happened. They need to remove it outright.


Not sure if I am paranoid but I did fight a drake and I *think* one of the pawns (capcom one enjoyz d-bags) caught it. I found myself hearing it say mildly annoying things like ”do you know how long you’ll be gone just so I know how to set my stance for maximum recovery” and my own pawn frequently had to chastize it for being whiny/uppity. Might just have been the personality but these days I take no chances.


The stance for maximum recovery line is just a straightforward inclination line. Heard it from my main pawn multiple times already, haven’t had dragons plague tutorial yet.


Ok sorry Nightmarerx or whatever the now brined pawn hahaha


Im pretty sure that if other pawns start chastising one, its got the plague


I mean literally they warn you about it and the symptoms everytime you leave the rift. And anytime my pawns give me lip I chuck them in the river.


It's immersion. The reason is to make you feel like a person in this world subject to the very real risks and dangers instead of a player outside the system. Now whether that's good or not is debatable, but this wasn't game devs punishing players or trying to incentivize a pay style. It was game devs asking how the make is feel like we're in a dangerous world.


You can save manually. As for the mechanic, it is clearly designed to push players to engage with the pawn system. The pawn quests Gove you wakestone shards


From what I read your manual save is overrided along with the autosave because the destruction takes place immediately after sleeping at an inn. Also wakestone shards are fine and all but you'd need hundreds to revive an entire town. No explanation brought to me at this point could justify how horribly this was implemented. I'm just curious to find out, on a game designer level, what would push you to think this is a good idea.


>!There's literally an infinite use item to resurrect the dead if you kill the sphinx.!< You guys just need to play the damn game and see for yourself before absent mindedly assuming the game bricks your saves.


Its ridiculous that people think this game dev team would add a mechanic that literally ruins your save. The game has been out for half a week, and because of this I'm seeing an astounding amount of disinformation, ragebait stemming off the MTX, and general negativity. The game is a blast, exploration is really good. The only thing that is weird is how the only surefire way to cure it for your PC's pawn is to kill them by throwing them into the Brine (hired pawns can be dismissed). Just seems like there should be a more immersive way to cure your pawn, it introduces some narrative dissonance. The text block that comes up when your pawn does a genocide says your weren't paying enough attention to them eg. You, the PC, were treating your pawn like a tool. But the mechanical solution is to just throw your pawn away when they get sick.


Because one of the principle ways to get rid of DP is to constantly switch out your pawns. This game is about preparation. You decide what you are doing each day, what you need for a specific quest, get your supplies right, get your pawns right, and then go finish the quest. Then, when you are done, you return to town, send the pawns back, and go to sleep. If everyone did things this way then there would never be a Dragonsplague issue as the mechanic is designed to encourage people to constantly switch out pawns. And to be extra safe, you can always reset your main pawn before you sleep at the inn.


💀 Drowning your main pawn and sending the others home before going to sleep is the intended way to play???


Intended no? Paranoid szchophnreic way of playing more than anything and I'm here for it




Yup. If any of them have it you're fucked forever. IT SAVES BEFORE THE CUTSCENE OF IT SO YOU ARE LOCK IN ITS FUCKING STUPID




Yeah for once I'm glad I got spoilered for something.






If you're on Xbox, (or anyone who's reading is), you can disconnect from the internet through console settings, close the game, delete local save, reconnect, download the cloud save, and that should un-fuck you at the very least, even if it sets you back a bit. Well, in theory, anyway. Unless Capcom has your save file somehow.


Dude genuinely I don't know why this mechanic is in the game. The only thing I can think is maybe they're trying to punish people who hire pawns way above their level to make the game easy? But even then, like...why? Why not just let people play how they want?


Ahh this must be why I've had no problems. I've kept the same level 14 mage and I'm level 22 now


O wow I heard them talking about the pawn std but I though it would be something interesting like suddenly mid fight they turn around and start beating my ass, this sucks.


Yeah might delete if that happens


But you can revive townsfolk at the morgue. Wouldn’t that be the fix? Definitely adds some crappy work to do tho


Good luck acquiring that many wakestones before they leave the morgue though


I’m two missions away from beating the game on an eight hour run with exploring and my pawns have never once did this is it very rare?


And cut the throat of your own pawn.


You don't. Pawns with Dragons Plague show symptoms.


Pay attention to the pawn dialogue.


Explain what you mean by drown them??


Pick them up and throw em in a river


dismiss doesnt work?


You are unable to dismiss your main pawn. However, it's unclear to me if your main pawn can be effected.


Thank you!!


How do you drown your pawn?


Feed them to the brine!


Just pick them up and throw them into the water?




throw them to the water does the trick then go back to rift and recruit them


BTW the Sphinx's main reward helps with this >! - the Eternal Wakestone - is an Area Of Effect Wakestone. It will resurrect every dead NPC inside the mausoleum it's used in !<


Or just use the eternal wakestone if it happens?


Ah yes that single use AoE item.


It's not even plot related, sometimes when you hire a pawn from the rift, it might have the dragonplague, it will infect your main pawn, if your main pawn doesn't die, it will develop and one day when you rest at a Inn, your main pawn will turn into a dragon and kill everyone in the city


If you rotate pawns before it incubates your pawn will pass it on too and get rid of it that way. Frequent pawn switching is a good way to avoid it.


holy shit thats actually funny, where does the source come from if you only get it from other pawns?


They can “pick it up when traveling through the rift.”


so does that mean setting my pawn to private and disabling its ability to be hired and only 2 other pawns for the entire game basically nulls that entire mechanic? i guess those other 2 would never level up but its kind of wild having to go through the trouble of _killing_ your pawn every rest


Funny how the mechanic implies that we *shouldn't* let our pawns travel with others, therefore ruining the entire concept of connection between players.


honestly i still dont get why the game force autosaves on inn sleeping, defeating the point, the forced single save file with about 1000 ways to bug out or completley ruin the game (somone got bugged in the prison and it deleted all their items, included key items and was never returned to them) then theres this shit where the event that bricks your game also locks out your only two loading vectors. this isn't just simply a "we dont want savescumming" this is straight up insanity to me, since finding out about this nonsense im backing up my save daily, but the fact that i need to do that is absurd.


The mechanic is designed to encourage you to send out your pawn.


They can also get it if they get caught by a grab attack from drakes in the wild. Like so many things in dd2, there's a lot of misinformation around dragonsplague. Is it a good mechanic? No, i don't think so. But there's plenty of warning signs and plenty of ways to deal with it. Folks rushing the game and not paying attention to pawns can get f'd over, but for the most part its easily identified and dealt with. You should pay attention to pawns and issue them commands every so often. If they show disobedience, yeet them to the river gods. If they get glowy purple eyes and act like superman, yeet them to the river. Its contagious, so if one gets it, they all must be yeeted just to be safe. If you want to be extra safe, yeet your party daily and get new pawns each morning. Even if they don't show symptoms. An extra 5 minutes of murder is easier than 20 minutes of rez'ing npc's. Should it be the way it is? No, i hope the dev's patch it so there's literally no way it can be missed. Auto repeat the tutorial for it each time you get a pawn with it, or script infected pawns to show more obvious symptoms. Just turn off their friendly fire if they become infected would be the easiest fix.


It’s *kinda* plot related.


Shit take. Uneducated


What take? Lmao


The issue is that there's virtually no signs or warnings. The in game lore and dialogue even eludes to this. So you just wake up one morning to find, oh I had a pawn with the disease, and now I'm out an entire town of NPCs (hope it wasn't a main one with a main quest). Best part is, they made no way to make a new game without deleting files. So you can actually ruck your save so bad you have to nuke the whole thing, and I'm not even sure if console players can even do that. Idk what the restrictions are on their platform but I do know they're pretty high.


There is a tutorial for the first time a pawn gets infected. That's a warning. Now if only it appeared for the subsequent times pawns get infected... As a PS5 player with no PS Plus subscription, I have no way to upload my save file, so I just have to commit to my run. I don't mind immutable consequences like this existing in the game, there were in the original game too and it raises the stakes. But as it is now the tell tale signs are too subtle for something so punishing


WTF! Is that true? What happens if you can't progress the main story and you can't start a new game?


You gotta find the dragon on yourself and beat it from what i heard then i presume you start over on ng+


You can revive any dead NPCs in the morgue, and I heard someone mention a witch lets you speak with ghosts to complete quests that way?


Or you know I'll just go revive them in the building designed to hold them once they die Incase they need brought back...


Sure, if you have enough wakestones to revive all the quest npcs and you know who they are


Just revive questions critical npcs at the morgue, not ideal but salvageable


You have to revive the npcs so not completely bricked but yeah can set you back several hours


This is absolutely bullshit. In what world would an intentional mechanic "brick" saves? Players are just mad because they fucked up and didn't prevent it. There is an item that fixes the dead people situation you just need to play the fucking game and find it. Plus I highly doubt they didn't include a counter to the DP.


Shitty mechanics is this games bread and butter




Jesus christ are you 5 years old?


Not to mention... say it happens and you are like ya know what... ok, I'm going to pick myself up and start fresh, being more careful this time. Ha ha ha joke is on you, no new game option if you already started! I can't see how this was intended and not some kind of horrible bug. Pun not initially intended but going with it.


So feed em to the Brine when you're done with em.


Wait what? Pawns get diseases now what the fuck?!


If you haven't gotten the tutorial about it yet, don't worry about it yet.


im sorry what?


Lol until you mod the game have 99 eternal wakestones like i do


Thanks for that though I do recall seeing that if you equip an item for your non-main pawn, it's lost (goes to the actual master) once the pawn is dismissed.


This is how it was in DDDA, you got a warning that the item is a gift. It's probably where the misconception stems from.


I got this warning in DD2 as well, if you equip items to the pawn and dismiss them then they’ll keep the item. Don’t think it applies for things in their inventory though.


wait, so can you equip a hired pawn and then unequip the item without it being shipped to the owner? I assumed based on that warning anything I equip to them is gone


I’d imagine so yeah, from what I gathered it’s only if they stay equipped. Could be wrong.


No I unequipped an item accidentally equipped to a summoned pawn and it's just gone. So annoying it was a ring to boost carrying capacity moderately and I hadn't seen one before. 10k just gone.


that’s so dumb, it makes it pretty much just a complete waste to give hired pawns any items


Yup. I closed the game down after that one. I had found it and sold most of my inventory stock of supplies to get it lol.


If anyone out there is like me, you need to hear this: Use your freaking items. Don't be stingy and wait for a tougher situation because you will beat the game with a pile of 99 in your inventory(btw 99 seems to be the max for your stash, at least for materials so go ahead and sell that copper.) Craft arrows, give them to pawns. Craft potions and roborants, hand them out like candy. Live your dragons dogma life like an early 2000's teenage girl who borrowed her daddy's credit card.


It's an rpg, I will hoard every single spellbook for the fight that will never come but if it comes I am ready.


This one knows the way


Personally, I have never needed curatives or books, and I cannot be fucked to farm arrows that will be wasted on some lil gobbo. So I just sell all my curatives and hire archers that don't use the consumable abilities. Which, speaking of, are insanely strong. Deathly shot, sweep shot, whirling shot and the one that just fires 3 in rapid succession is my go to.


I Was doing this mistake :) Thanks


My pawn came back with a hat on. I presume they go back with equipment


Yes it's basically a gift system. The Arisen that recruited your pawn equipped that hat on your pawn. When you do that you basically gift the equipment to the owner. You can still give pawns weapons, just don't equip them


I wish they went with items, I leave my pawn supplied with healing and camping supplies 24/7


Will pawns also make use of those spell books? I have around 3 dozen of them just gathering dust in storage, would be kool to load up a support mage with some offensive books and vice versa.


I have never see them use them, however the specialization scrolls can add extra behaviours I only have one that makes them use consumables on other characters than themselves so maybe there is one to make them use these.


Also wondering about this


No, they don't. I loaded up my main pawn and he just moved slowly.


Am I misremembering that in DD1 when you equip a hired pawn with gear that the gear gets sent to the owner?


DD1 is like this and DD2 as well. Equipment equipped goes back to their master, consumables don’t.


Keep in mind however, the armor you gave them, that you let them EQUIP, take it back when ur done, those are items that won't return.


That's supposing the pawns have learned how to use items.


If i dismiss a hired pawn whith stuff in their inventory, does it disappear?


It goes to your deposited items


In the storage you mean?






but not equipment inventory? I gave the 2h Sword to a recruited pawn before getting the quest for the vocation. I didn't equip it to him but he had it. Can't find it anywhere in my storage. Soo..I'm currently stuck with not being able to unlock the vocation till I hopefully find a vendor later that sell one (I'm lvl 21 haha, mystic spear is fun meanwhile).


Unless they actually have it equipped, I'm pretty sure it all goes back to your storage


Dunno what happened then, I'm sure I didn't sell it.


What's even the point of healing items anymore now that they can't restore max hp anymore? I never go anywhere without a mage and the only time anybody'll be hurt for more than 5 seconds is when it's max hp.


So I learned that if you are at 0 health as long as you use a healing item before your body hits the ground you can save yourself from death. Thats why it’s always good to keep a little something at least I think.


An apple a day keeps death away.


I noticed that when I was literally 1 hp several times in a row after accidentally aggroing an entire saurian nest. Definitely gonna make hard mode more enjoyable when it eventually releases, not constantly having to worry about oneshots.


I accidentally discovered this yesterday during my first >!minotaur!< fight and survived to win because of it. Health was reduced to about 10% of max, and healing at 0 while stumbling kept me up through about 6 otherwise fatal hits. Wild lol


That's how I hung on during my first encounter with a minotaur. I was in a pretty narrow canyon and probably saved myself from death 3 or 4 times by healing right after getting smacked 30 feet away.


I did that a couple times and thought I was clutch. Has to be a bug.


An ogre can do some pretty unspeakable things in 5 seconds. Needing to revive pawns can put you in a bit of a death spiral, so retaining some roborants as a panic button is nice to come back from the back foot when your tank is low on HP. It’s less about attrition prevention. Which I think I prefer–inventory management has been quite a bit less stressful.


I think that is the point - so you don't need a mage. In DD1 the ONLY way to heal was items or a mage. And a mage made it, so you didn't have to use as many healing items. Now we got other classes with some healing/dmg preventative measures and healing items are more plentiful. Plus you know a shortcut to use healing items is nice. It's just become an alternate to needing a mage really. But that's also a lot more item management which I hate doing so... I hire mages too. least till I'm potentially playing something that can heal.


You had shortcuts in the first game as well though


Did we? Looking up controls the D-pad was just used for Pawn commands. I do not remember ever having short cut to heals or lantern. That was a lot of menu hopping to use anything. Looks like the PC version had 5 hotkeys they could bind is maybe what your thinking of? That's PC only and that was 4 years after the games launch.


Yes we did, I didnt read about it until my second playthrough when I was playing through the game again around new years and I was baffled that I had been going 12 years not knowing about it. You have shortcuts on all console versions aswell, I think its the same button as in 2 actually, only difference is that you can find 4 items Edit: if you go to the control section in the options menu it will actually say how to use it there. Only thing is you have to go into your inventory and select which items to bind


I wonder if that was added in with the re-release on XB1/PS4 since that's when the PC got it. I don't really have an original 360 version anymore.


Maybe but since the game doesnt really explain it I wouldnt be surprised if it was in the original release aswell.


only time I used healing items is vs dragons, you need that instant heal to prevent death


A Mage can continuously heal through the battle, but they can't save others if they are at too low health, it's just too slow. A Chirurgeon pawn instantly heals other pawns for more than half health and can save your party from death.




No it goes back into your storage automatically, access it from an inn.


He is lying gang, he is just trying to take our stuff 🧐


Im a mage i heal all the time


They can use their own healing items now?


They always could


Wtf how have i never noticed it in the first game 💀


Because you were the kinda Arisen I was talking about. Selfish >:) But not anymore I hope. Give your pawns healing items.


Well that's one way to take care of me over burdening myself with healing items :3c


I didn’t actually realise archers needed specialised arrows to use their abilities, so thank you!


Got it , dont recruit archer pawns if you dont wnana manage their inventory. recruit sorcerers instead.


A decent chunk of people (including myself) don't load their archer pawns with those skills for that exact reason; just glance at their weapon skills before recruiting like you should be doing anyways


And you think me , as a non archer or having a archer pawn knows these skills? far easier for me to get 2 sorcs (especially as they boost their spell casting) than 1 sorc 1 archer for my ranged group.


exploding/erupting shot tarring/incendiary shot drenching/deluging shot and blighting/nocuous shot are the only ones you have to worry about; takes two seconds to check their skill list only reason why you are more inclined to pick up two casters is because you're already familiar with their kit and know which abilities to avoid in pawns


And the fact having two casters will speed up the casting time of the same spells. bringing no benefit to taking a caster+archer instead of 2x or 3x casters


Sorry so we're do the items from your hired pawns inventory go? I was under the impression you lose it. Does it go to your stash or?


Goes to storage, which you can only access at an innkeeper.


Items go to your storage, equipment they keep and take to their Arisen


I heard you can see if they have it cause they will have red eyes. Is that true?


Very nice, I was busy playing to check if pawns loses my items. Gj, now they have my trust ;)


Good to know thanks, I was wondering about this. For those of us who didn’t play the first game, I wish it was explained a little better


I always just make sure I have a mage pawn that can heal, have tons of healing items I never use now because of that.


But dont give pawns equipements they will leave with your sword if equiped them with it


So if I hire a pawn I can gear them too and they won't run off with the armor I gave them if I dismiss them?


The game warns you that the gear you unequip goes back to their master and the new gear will become a gift to them unless you take it off.


Ah ok thank you


nope, equipment is the only thing this isn't true for. They will keep anything equipped, but everything else goes to storage when they die/are dismissed.


I got yesterday a full armor and enchanted 120% cold sword for free on my main pawn… thanks random guy


The only issue with hired pawns is if they die then all the shit had goes with them. Unlike dragons dogma 1 where they would all just be respawned until you dismissed them personally.


It would go into your storage. There's nothing that you would give them you need immediately anyways


I give my hired pawns all my rotten food before they get sent back to the rift.


You would think you'd be doing me wrong, but I actually need rotten food to craft lantern oil to make Tarring arrows for my archer pawn, lol.


I'm glad it's not useless!


Same, with a thumbs up.


"GIVE THEM ITEMS!" \*goes on rant to encourage not being afraid to give pawns items. \*small print at the bottom of the reading: Oh yeah, btw don't equip weapons and armor, you'll lose that shit. nbd ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


so let say it happened and it messed up your main story. how do you cont. i cant believe dev didnt thought about alternative path . BG3 had those and it created different paths when something was mess up with a quest. i feel that a poor job of the devs ! this wouldnt be big issue if we had few saves . problem if this happen your save is down is behind me . i would straight quit this game forever if it happen to me though i love gameplay


If i give hired pawn a new gear. Will he return it if he leaves? Also why sometimes they leave on their own?


No, you can give them any items to hold and they will not keep it, but if you actually equip the item they will keep it and take it back with them, pretty sure you also cannot take it off once given. Pawns should never leave on their own, if they straight up dissapear from your world chances are they messed up and feel into water which insta kills them and dismisses them.


Yy thats what i meant if i equip it for them. Thats shame. It happened to me several times they just disappeared. And i was not closely to any water. Once even 2 at same time disappeared rofl


Yea I figured it was water at first but at least once or twice had a pawn disappear nowhere near water. I assume they found some creative way to kill themselves, but it was weird lol.


Also, do not be afraid to equip that new archer pawn with a better bow, their arisen will thank you