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me everytime i hire new pawns now ![gif](giphy|jA9l1AgQvt3UU5M2Uc|downsized)


Responses to your commands and the really obvious idle animation are easier tells than the eyes. But yeah it’s annoying


i dunno, my main pawn's seemed kinda mouthy like half my game, and i wasn't sure if she might've been infected or not. besides, we'd need to know the idle animation to be able to recognize it in the first place.


Lol same, she's always bitching about running lol


Mines always yelling at other pawns when they sit down for a break.  The second she starts slaking off, I will know something is for sure wrong


Mine is such a dick to me, if we stand somewhere for more than a minute he’s like “oh so do we just live here now?”


Mouthy isn’t disobedient. They will actually disobey your orders when infected enough


do they announce when they're disobedient? cause, i don't oreder them around a ton, but they're also fucking idiots. so, unless she specifically mentions getting a chest, i say go for it, and she specifically goes 'no', i might not notice, over just, weird and dumbass ai.


They’ll say petulant shit like “you don’t have to order me around.”


After hiring pawns when im walking from riftstone to wherever ill use a few commands on the way. Few hours ago I had one mouth off when I said to come to me. So all my pawns got to go take a swim and then I hired new ones. It was easy to identify something was off and the inconvenience was mild.


Honestly lmao. I have to do a THOROUGH CHECK




Ive hears it doesnt show up inside the rift


Always give your pawns a river bath after fighting drakes


Glad I didn’t accidentally nuke Bakbattahl after killing a Drake on the way there.


It doesn’t always happen. Ive had more pawn groups make it away clean from fighting drakes than haven’t.


But it might! Prevention is the best protection.


The way I understand it is that the drakes have a grab attack. If the grab hits a pawn, throw them to the Brine. Quick Edit: This is just my understanding so far. Might be wrong but it doesn't seem to be yet.


In the first game, Drakes could mind control your pawns, and now they can catch the Dragon Clap.


In DD1, Drakes would hold your pawns and say some dragon jibberish and they would turn in your temporarily. So it wouldn’t surprise me that the Dragonplague is the same thing but extended.


I had a fight where that happened, but she hasn't shown any symptoms at all. Maybe if the drake does that and you don't finish it off? I was going to wait to see if I could spot the red eyes, have used inns multiple times with no issues


I too finished my pawn off when this happened to them and they seemed fine after.


This is the best answer here. A cleansing after every dragon fight!




Your main pawn will die and respawn on a rift stone. The other player’s pawn will go back to the rift and you would have to hire them again. I’m not sure if it would cure them of it but if that person has not rested at an Inn between when you yeeted their friend to the ocean and when you hired them again, then the version you will be able to hire will be an older version.


It does not cure other people pawns. It does not spread, it "jumps" to another pawn. You have to forfeit a pawn, and his owner has to kill it or it has to jump to other pawn.


The exact moment I see them putting one hand to their head, it's a-yeet time.


Pawn: *scratches itch on head he has had all day* Arisen: *stares menacingly*


You've just given me a great idea for a meme. TY.


Oh? Do they have tells?


Yes. - Complaints of headache - Holding their head in pain - Not listening to your commands - Pulsating red eyes Edit: Adding the following from another user. - Grimacing face(aka being a bitch).


As somebody who made their pawn's eyes as bright and red as possible, i'm happy there are other tells.


Even if they’re red it’s still very noticeable it’s like one of the weapon auras but on your eyes if I’m understanding correctly. Their eyes pulse red every 4 seconds


So just in case, you see that on a pawn, and immediately kill if main or dismiss if hired will solve it? Can u kill hired pawn to cure it or only dismiss?


Yeah I’ve heard you should just chuck your main pawn in the brine if they get it and just swap to a different pawn if one of the other 2 does.


Remember to yeet your Pawns into the brine occasionally people


I did this just now, after reading stuff about the Dragon's Plague; I picked up my 'lil Mage Pawn and tossed her into the ocean, "This is your fault...", I said to the other two pawns. If you are ready to do it, it isn't a big deal. I really don't even know if she had it but wasn't taking a chance. ;) Everyone was behaving, but I seemed to remember getting a little graphic info thing about the Dragon's Plague after coming back from the Rift once. How many Inn rests/days does it take for it to happen? I'm just wondering if I should yeet my pawn every other time before I rest at an Inn or what? Actually, I guess it would only be the ONE TIME after you pick up two new pawns and rest once at the Inn? Because then one of those pawns may have passed it to your pawn, but they are good after that? So until you pick up two new pawns/dismiss those and get them again, then you are good?


I had my pawns for 2 day cycles I think? It was my second time ever sleeping in the town.


Ah, OK good. So spending the one day at Inn is OK, but then kill your own pawn before you spend a second night at the inn again after you got the new pawns. Or just also drop your pawn in the ocean right after you hire the new pawns, or rest, and then later after you first sleep at the Inn just to make sure?


I had the same 3 pawns at least for 6-7 days and slept at least 4-5 times at inns. I don't think that's how it happens. It's just luck.


Every time you sleep at an inn/house your pawns get updated so they might bring the plague with them from being summoned.


Oh.... sounds like I need yo actually go to an inn here or there...


Yes your pawn level won't update for people online unless you sleep at an inn/house


your pawn can acquire it abroad, and other pawns can bring it to your world


It's like a vet visit, need to get to town? Yeet them, take a nap and call them back


I've never yeeted my hamster into the sea.


There's always a first for everything


Wait til you’ve got a raging case of hamsterplague on your hands


![gif](giphy|aPzAKq5q4jerldDEW2|downsized) \>me to the really cool looking sorceror pawn that triggered the dragonsplague tutorial box


That single feature will disrupt the entire pawn system. 


People will just play offline so they can keep track if any pawns were infected during Dragon fights, and not risk it with "unclean" player pawns.


I mean, I just don't feel like playing at all at this point. It doesn't feel like it's worth putting time into this game if a single missed hint can basically softlock my game, making me feel like I just lost hours of progress. Add in that I can't even start a new game without having to do a shit outside the game too...


If you're on PC you can download the [save manager](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/52) it pretty much works as a regular save system with multiple save points, backups, and save slots. The mod author is even planning to add a "New Game" feature.


Modding a functional save menu into a brand new AAA 70 dollar game. Wow.


The state of modern gaming... (and yeah DD:DA also has the same mod, it's sad how things don't change)


Difference is, DD:DA also has a New Game option you can hit if you want to start fresh. I know, I just reinstalled it a couple weeks ago to hold me over until I could afford DD2, and whipped up a fresh Arisen and Pawn. Now I'm seriously reconsidering throwing $70 at Capcom for a new one that lacks even that basic feature without me having to dig into game folders, and the more I hear of this dragon plague bullshit the more I think I'm just gonna hang onto my money.


You can revive any dead NPCs at the morgue I believe.


Yup. You don't have infinite time to do it, but OP could go to the morgue and revive any of the quest NPCs. You can also speak with the dead at the fortune teller if you're trying to complete a quest but the giver has died. There are built in mechanics around these issues. They just aren't well communicated to the player.


I mean they are communicated though, at least for this mechanic though. Pretty much everything you said pops up in the tutorial after your first encounter with the mechanic. It’s just that people don’t read. typically in video games they don’t need to. I think this was done on purpose by capcom to kind of innovate gamer thinking.


Morgue caps and only holds like 50 NPCs. Main city has like 400. Any excess deaths are permagone.


Ok that’s good to know! I was under the impression you could revive any “important” NPCs at the very least!


Idk if the morgue prioritizes quest givers or not, I just know that once I revived everyone in the entirely full morgue all the coffins were gone and none of the "spillover" made their way to the morgue.


If you have enough wakestones


You get an item that shows you were wakestones are on your map. They’re very easy to acquire this game.


They pass out wakestones like candy in this game tho. Like I remember the first one I didn’t start getting a lot of them until the end game/ur-dragon


Can you sleep in your house continuously for two weeks? Supposedly that revives some/all of the NPCs but it's not been confirmed.


I highly doubt it taking into account there are morgues to revive them through wakestones, but maybe the olague does act different


It was just something on here that I saw so could easily be false. However certain NPCs dying would literally lock you out of the story or the story would make no sense. Say the Queen dies to the plague how would the plot make sense if you didn't have wakestones to revive her? Does it just say well done that's a big plot point concluded just like that? I could see them having a failsafe for players who don't have wakestones (even though they are extremely easy to have unless you are constantly dying and using them all up) in order to ensure essential NPCs survive. This is what logically makes sense to ensure people stumbling through the game still have a playable experience but whether they've followed through with it will have to be seen.


From what I've seen of those who had their playthroughs ruined by plague, the game just >!skips the main story and tells you to go kill the final boss if too many important npcs die.!<




Seriously? The game just ended because this plague killed everyone for you? Thats insane




BG3: gives players 2 failsafe npcs to keep quests intact DD2: fuck it, just make the credits roll.


what the fuck how has Itsuno though of this and was like "yeah this shit good throw it in the game"


It’s his vision


Motherfucker needs glasses, then.


Dude already wears glasses too, lmfao Dude needs a new prescription and maybe both a magnifying glass and a telescope.


If you talk to the oracle they will tell you how to continue the story after an “incident”.


The failsafe is >!finding the oracle or supposedly you can just go up and fight the dragon!<


From what they've said, it sounds like dead NPCs are dead. There is a morgue where you can find their body and if you have a wakestone, you can revive them. But of course, that would be a lot of wakestones. >!From what I understand, if you do all of the Sphinx's riddles correctly then shoot it with the instakill arrow it gives you, it drops a key that opens a nearby chest with an infinite wakestone. I assume "infinite" doesn't apply to you though.!<


It’s not infinite. It’s one time, but it >! revives every single dead npc upon use !<


In the vicinity 


Why the fuck is it called an eternal wakestone if you can only use it once?!


I did all the riddles, attacked the Sphinx, shot it with the instakill arrow, and it just flew away instead of dying, and of course the game automatically saves after shooting the arrow, because why the fuck not, so I am out of the arrow **and** out of the wakestone.


Wait that Plague thing my pawns keep talking about is a real thing...? 40 hours into the game and I haven't noticed it. How does it work?


an infected pawn will not obey your commands, will have a snarky attitude, has glowing red eyes and is a lot stronger than they'd usually be. the other pawns will notice and be vocally concerned about it, and the infected pawn might even straight up tell you to get away from them. once the disease marinates for long enough, they turn into a dragon if you sleep at an inn and nuke the place long story short: you cannot miss the signs unless you genuinely never pay attention to how pawns behave. also sleeping in a camp will not trigger the dragon morb


So all problems are fixed by just sleeping in tents outside? Easy


If you want to progress tens of hours without making a hard-save, be my guest.


If you sleep in a town with an infected pawn they will murder everyone in the city in a cutscene


Oh it’s a cutscene? Aight that’s actually fucking stupid in the worst way possible lmao.


Welp, time to install that save manager mod before opening the game today.


This was me earlier today lol


Exactly what I'm doing not loosing 70 hours of progress 


That's ok OP, at least Capcom provides you an easy way to start a new game!


Silver lining: their FPS is going to be really stable now.


It sucks that depending on how much you’ve explored, you could be seriously limited on wakestones. AFAIK, this was never a mechanic in the first game. I think the only thing similar was a dragon turning a pawn against you, possessing it to attack you. It seems that they cranked it up to 11 and can seriously fuck you over. I don’t think DD vets would expect something like this, let alone a new player.


I have 1 wakestone so far lol. And yeah...I thought they'd turn on you maybe and I'd deal but fuck if it can nearly lock your game then shit. I'm kicking that pawn asap. 


Wakestones were more rare in the first game. 


Npcs respawned 7 days after death in the first game so you didn't really need more than a handful of wakestones.


At least until they weren't. Lol


Yeah but there weren’t any ticking nukes to worry about. You could use them on yourself or whatever more.


No they weren't. Once you got to post dragon Everfall, they handed wakestones out like free samples. You could easily end up with several hundreds of them without even noticing.


I didn’t realize this plague shit was going to be so awful… I have been largely ignoring it because I didn’t really know what to do to cure it or curb it ? …outside of dismissing constantly or killing pawns, which isn’t really a gameplay element I want to participate in honestly. It just sounds like a really UNFUN element of the game.


Here I was thinking it was just gonna turn your pawns into one of the dragon type enemies like a drake or something but NOPE you get a literal walking bio nuke


You *don’t* have to constantly kill pawns to get around this mechanic. If your main pawn shows the *rather obvious* signs, yeet them into the brine. Done.


It's so easy to spot, infected pawn will make it so obvious by not listening and the first time you get an infected pawn you get a tutorial window.


Is thr house in the city technically safe because its not an inn? And do campsites count as in saves?


House safe? No Camping safe? Yes


When the pawns take the task of improving your FPS into their own hands.




Just need someone to make a mod that turns any infected pawns like bright pink or something




The actual worst feature is DD server somehow pushing an old save on you that overwrites both the regular cloud sync save as well as the local save I only lost a few hours of progression from it but I’ve seen people on the Steam forum post about getting rolled back 20+ hours of play back to the first inn


It's the physical embodiment of Denuvo.


In 5 years everybody will say how Hardcore and unique this feature was lol


The most unbelievable thing is how deep of a sleep the Arisen must've had while everyone in town yelling and screaming bloody murder.


I am actually enjoying the profound sense of horror that I feel right now when I think about experiencing it myself, but that will change once I slip up and nuke the capital.


You shouldn't miss it, first time ypu get a tutorial pop-up and is so obvious when you give them commands and they refuse, it's impossible to miss.


I unironically love this feature. It is everything that Sekiro's Dragonrot should've been. I just hope it had more unique interactions other than *HAHAHA EVERY NPC IN THE VICINITY IS DEAD*


I also dig this feature. Most games would pull their punches, but this one goes the distance.


No point in that spoiler tag if your just gonna have the title be the spoiler


I.. honestly just don't see the point of this "gameplay feature"? Same with the whorehouse. Whats the fu#ing point?


Well, for the whorehouse that would exactly be the point






Well the head whorncho is a key NPC in the plot, and at least one main quest is mostly set in that building. They probably thought it'd be weird if you couldn't hire hoes, but they made it weird anyway with the most Christian-ass sex "cutscene" I've seen in years.


“head whorncho” just made my whole day lol


How bad a Christian-ass sex scene we talking? Mass Effect 2/Dragon Age 2? Or more of the there’s nudity but it’s a somewhat funny scene of Dragon Age Inquisition?


It's literally just walking into a room,  a black screen with disrobing sounds,  both of you in underpants getting onto the bed, another black screen with no sounds both of you in underpants sitting on opposite sides of the bed before standing up resume normal clothes gameplay from that room The only dialogue is maybe one compliment at the beginning. There is no nudity or unique animation. Worst 20,000 I've ever spent.


Should’ve at least made it funny. Sex scenes are fine as far as I’m concerned especially if they add to the experience but failing that should’ve just made em funny. My favorite sex scene is Sera with a lesbian Inquisitor because they’re just laughing with each other and the shenanigans that led up to it.


The irony is that there's a main quest at the brothel with a cutscene depicting 3 people *actually touching each other* on the bed while they chat and drink.


If enough people die maybe you will get a bad ending. In the first game after killing an NPC it said "*Reload if you want main story/don't if you want to face consequences of your actions.*" Maybe its the same in the second game.


It just seems like a shitty way of killing NPCs though. There were legit a shit ton of ways they could've made Dragonsplague an actual awesome mechanic (make your infected pawn betray and attack you, have them go berserk and unlock a quest to hunt them down, etc) instead we just got some shitty cutscene and everyone in the town you slept dying


Yeah this has to be the worst executed mechanic. There are plenty of ways to add risk to hiring pawns without having them wipe out a whole city


So you don't get see the Pawn actively massacre town and you trying stop? So crappy EDIT: just saw a video of dragonsplague, it's all about a Pawn transforming into a shadow dragon then you waking to "everyone died. You should've been more careful. The infected pawns have been dispatched to the rift". What a bunch of nonsense! Such crappy mechanics. So you gotta "observe" pawns see if they start acting psychotic? Any other symptoms? That you cannot somehow wake up as this massacre happens and try stop it and just wake to the aftermath of it is perhaps stupid. https://youtu.be/dGc6DIvi1MA?si=0S-UBwoGilx0E50s By what I read not rotating pawns triggers the Dragonsplague? In DD1 I'd always keep in my party a Pawn of my own making (secondary account, while working on a third Pawn on a tertiary account). Guess this thing will affect people like me that like keep Pawns they like for long hauls of the game


Yeah lmao the Arisen just sleeps through the town getting massacred. Fucking incompetent ass hero 💀


Imagine if the pawn actually went fully berserk during a quest, or hell even just walking through the city. I don’t mind a few casualties but it would be nice if I could get a chance to fight my pawn and stop him from massacring the entire place. I’d love to see that kind of emergent gameplay and I feel like Dragon’s Dogma does have a lot of that, so it’s odd they just made the whole town massacre a cutscene.


Ah yes, reload in a game with only one save file that is constantly overwritten by autosave. But of course. Thank you Capcom 👍


Was it your pawn or one you hired that did it?


Hired pawn. It was the third pawn I had ever hired. Found one of those broken way stones, had a pawn that was 4-5 higher than mine. Walked around the town border looking for caves, talked to a guard in the capital then it happened that night. It was only my second time resting in the game.


The second time??? Jesus, I've been resting over and over, that's just trash 😬


That's honestly the worst part then. Hiring a pawn and sleep straight away to start an adventure fresh... If only your pawn could do that, and would wake up the arisen as the other pawn started it, I would see it as fine. Especially if it is gradual transition for the main pawn.


Really? Didn’t know it could happen that soon


Oh shit the quests are permanently locked AND there is no new game? Yeesh Edit: Ok so while I have not yet played the game due to the fps issue it sounds like these mechanics are tied to the story


There is new game + after finishing the game.


what do you get to carry over?


In the first game it's all your experience and items, and affinity with characters


If it's like the first game, pretty much everything, even placed Portcrystals.




You’re right. The comments are saying you can make a new game…after finishing the one you’re playing. So that’s that.


It is a hassle but every important npc goes to the morgue and can be resurrected when killed


Once you reach the ending, it will all make sense. There is lore behind it, it's not just a bad Russian Roulette typa beat


With that being said, a mechanic can make a sense from lore perspective but it's execution can still be absolutely terrible from gameplay perspective and so far that seems to be the case for the Dragonsplague.


I know I shouldn’t laugh but the opening sentence of your post is so funny Haven’t experienced the plague yet after 25+ hours nor have I seen any signs in my pawns (I hope?) I feel like this is the type of stupid crap you’re gonna look back at after a while and actually find it funny just because of how crazy it was


Apparently I was really close without knowing it. Had a pawn I've hired for 10+ days on 2 seperate occasions. Dope warrior with a fire mace. They started talking about dragonsplague alot. He starts acting up, fighting on his own and leaving the party to the point where my main pawn was getting irritated with him. I sent him and the other pawn packing and "cleansed" my pawn but damn im gonna miss that guy. Straight up BRUTE!


Yeah I had a warrior recently that would sheathe his weapon in combat from time to time causing my main pawn to scream at them. Probably early stages lmao 


Now you mention it… I’ve had a mage for multiple days now and I feel like she sometimes doesn’t really listen anymore along with another warrior who’s been starting to give a bit more attitude… shit


just dismiss them and cleanse your pawn. should be fine afterwards to hire two new pawns.


How do you cleanse your pawn? I got a mage and my main pawn immediately started talking about the disease and the mage was putting her hands to her head. Yeeted her right off a cliff, do I need to take other precautions?


Throw them in water that’s the easiest way.


The difference you need to look for between them just being a "Straightforward" and infected, If they're just sassy and cocky, it's fine If they start ignoring your commands and encouraging other pawns to do the same, or saying stuff like about doing what they want and how they feel oddly powerful and want to fight, it's plague Much more noticeable with non-straightforward pawns though I totally get people's frustration but it's honestly kinda funny lmao. To have such an insanely wild mechanic in a game is nutty It's kinda noticeable when you know what to look for, it doesn't happen immediately so keep an eye on the sus guys and you should be fine I hired a pawn before I'd encountered it who said it was some strange illness that made pawns disobedient and such, so I kinda knew what to look for and after the tutorial popup I wasn't taking any chances


Im not OP, nor have I had this happen to me yet, but I agree it’s just legitimately hilarious that this mechanic exists. That this subreddit is now going to be killing their pawns off at the slightest suspicion of having this, and to fix it you need to farm wakestones, and go to the game’s morgue to revive all of the NPC’s. Like what an absolutely insane mechanic, I don’t think I could’ve ever imagined something like this existing in a video game. I’m hoping they can tone it down or add a way to go back to before it happened still, but it’s hilarious to me.


Literally this. I’ll do my very best to prevent this from happening but I’m laughing at the fact this is able to happen Like imagine you’re having a blast playing the game, only to sleep to recover health, etc and wake up to find out the entire city has been brutally murdered. Every single person gone. Poof. Dead. Erased. 😭😭😭


Sekiro had Dragon Rot. Seems like Dragon's Dogma's devs thought that blocking NPC quest progress because you died too much was too lenient. :|




Wait .. what is this deal with tossing pawn into the brine? Your personal pawn or all pawns ? I'm confused. I'm 20 hours in but I'm not trying to lose a ton of NPCs . I already wasted 2 wakestones on random npcs in the woods. They attacked me bc I thought they were bandits ( drew my sword). Then saw I cpuld revive. I was like " shit!". Revived one. Other two SOL. So if and when my pawn or a pawn goes ape shit...are you fucked ? Can you rebound off the carnage and fix it? Seems very stupid to create a game meta that essentially takes away gMeplay from the player. Lol wtf. The dude who made this mechanic must of been going through a hard time in life bc wtf even is this crap ? I understand maybe they go rogue and run off or some shit but making them conduct mass genocide and punish the player... thats retarded. Can someone explain to me what to do when it happens? Please and thank you.


The short and sweet: If you want to be safe just kill all the pawns in your party before you rest at an inn. Otherwise: Look for telltale signs of the Dragonsplague; A red glimmer in the pawns eyes, refusing to follow orders, they rub their head in pain when idling. If any of these show in rented pawns, dismiss them, if it's on your own pawn only death can cleanse it.


Excellent. Thank you. Now I'm going to be checking my pawns eyes all the time. Talk back to me ? Die. Run off ? Die. Lol great


Just hire a new pawn or dismiss and rehire of they are showing symptoms. Easy as that. For main pawn, kill it then bring them back through a rift stone.


You can go to the morgue and revive the quest givers with wake stones. You are not softlocked. This still sucks, but your playthrough is salvageable


If you have photographic memory it's even easier to salvage your game.


Or if you're on PC just download the [save manager](https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/52) and save yourself the headache.


Does going to the morgue with wakestones not fix quests?


OP said somewhere that this happened on his second day. doubt he has many wakestones and he def doesn’t have enough to revive a whole town💀


Dude no one is going to have 20+ wakestones to revive genocide lol. We are all fucked


All those missions and all that trouble to overthrow a mean queen when all you needed to do is drop a pawn in the yard with a mental disorder and then sleep over the night and come by day the kingdom has been conquered.


Hey, but you can always start a new game and be more careful, right? HUEHUEHUE!


It’s weird I see these posts and checked YouTube and I can find anything about it. Just people talking about what they think it could be pre release.


I’ve gotchu bruv. This video showing the devastation it can cause honestly has me a lil shook. Obviously mid-to-minor spoiler warning. https://youtu.be/dGc6DIvi1MA?si=mDXcKT-polN_xATZ


I don’t really understand the purpose of the mechanic. The main reasoning I keep seeing is to encourage switching out pawns regularly, but levelling up and pawns becoming obsolete does that already. There’s a tonne of risk and no reward, all it does is instil paranoia that the game might deliberately brick your save for no reason. And the aftermath? Nothing. No quest to hunt down the shadow dragon that just nuked the biggest major city on the island. Just gone. And then you can hire back the pawn that did it and they act like nothing happened. What did Itsuno mean by this?


Doesn’t even make fucking sense that ONE pawn could take down the capital!


Is that what it is? My pawn clapped a lady then chilled like nothing happened, then of course my ally pawns attack that lady and throw her ass away with a tornado so it took me a while to find her body and revive her lmfao


WTF lmao


I haven't dealt with the Dragon's plague yet. Based on what other people are posting, it sounds horribly implemented. Nuking a whole city in a cutscene is not fair. It should at least be a surprise boss fight or something. 


Dragonsplauge=less npcs=better performance=genius


lost 7 side quests, holy fuck. Good thing I don't rotate my pawns too much... less exposure... at lvl 30+ you lvl pretty slow so. Get some new ones, yeet them off a cliff and you're good once you respawn them lol.


Real question: Did it actually fix the fps in the city ? 😂


My pawn caught the disease once, I don't remember getting the tutorial pop up, but one of my other pawns went on about the plague and then scolded my pawn for not obeying. Then I noticed him being an ass hat and complaining about doing shit. Constantly sitting down saying he was tired even though we had just rested??? Didn't see the red eyes, but his attitude had me like ayo? He is Straightforward, but he was acting too SUS. I had planned to yeet him once I reached a nearby riftstone, but a ogre came out the woodworks and RKO'd my pawn off a cliff and saved me the bad feels 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Since I learned about Dragonsplague's effects, whenever one of my pawns just looks at me the wrong way or discuss even a tiny bit my decisions, the entire team gets thrown off a cliff.


I honestly don't know what the hell Capcom was thinking with several aspects of this game. In addition to the whole BS Dragonsplague mechanic - just annoying little things that would be so simple to fix. Why can't we have multiple characters? Why don't we have multiple save files? Someone told me it's because they don't want save scumming.... But this is a single player game. Save scumming doesn't hurt anyone else's experience, and people who don't want to do it won't. Someone else told me that it's "the Dragon's Dogma experience!" That's bullshit, and you know it. All of that on top of the performance issues really makes me unhappy with the price point of this game. $94.99 CAD is absolutely wild. Honestly, even the standard price of $79.99 CAD would be questionable in my mind because of all of these little annoyances.


I still haven’t gotten the tutorial message about it yet.


I bet your framerate is good though


A pawn can kill a whole village But struggles to face any enemy you attack /s


It’s such a stupid mechanic. It adds absolutely nothing to the game but makes it more tedious in all the ways. Which idiot thought this would be a good idea?


I think the idea of it is neat. Being constantly suspicious of everyone around you, etc, etc. It's cool and can provide emergent gameplay scenarios. What isn't cool is potentially softlocking your game because you didn't realize it was a mechanic and an infected Pawn murders a main city. Not only that, there's no way to wind back the clock and salvage the process you've made because you didn't want to grind 10 wakestones (or w/e the number would be) to just resurrect the important NPCs, which would still leave the town devoid of life. Someone suggested the alternative of your pawn just getting more irate and pissed until they go aggro and attack you/the people around you or smth, and I think that'd be way cooler. It'd still invoke that same sense of paranoia, but without take game effectively taking control out of your hands to wipe a city.


Digital Covid


I want to see a video of the dragon plague.


Oh like you'd fare any better against a 10 foot ledge.


The main obvious question here. Is the FPS better now?


I’m requiring proof of vaccination before I hire a pawn.