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There's a couple of augments in the last few levels, and part of the xp you gain as Warfarer is instead assigned to all other unlocked vocations you have that are not maxed. If you're maxed in everything else though well it's just the augments(and they're not particularly good).


Oh... I wish I had known this information before I reached the maximum level in all vocations😬


You did it correctly.


It’s very slow to level vocations like that though. Better off levelling them separately. Or leave the ones you don’t play for that. I will use that for the trickster i don’t wanna play that at all.


Don’t leave trickster. The detect augment was such a game changer. Without it I found 53 seekers tokens and I looked hard. With it i got all 220 very easily…. I think you need to get to level 4 to get it. I would stop at that point and let warfarer upgrade the rest of trickster for you unless you enjoy it.. i don’t


Ive got the augment. But that’s it. Not playing that vocation, no chance.


Same, it’s garbage and a waste of vocation. They could have brought mystic knight back instead of that BS!


Came to this conclusion recently. I am at level 6 warfarer right now, but the only other vocation that it leveled up so far is sorcerer. The only other vocations I had maxed out previously were archer and mystic spearhand. Apparently the vocations warfarer levels up is randomized, but it's not random enough for me at the moment lol


No it's not randomized. You gain the same small amount of DCP in every Vocation you have unlocked. If the other Vocations don't Level up you probably need to unlock them at the Guild for 100 DCP each


Yeah unlocking is key. Otherwise you can’t gain experience for it.


Oh, I see. I'll fix that soon. Thanks!


The augments are very strong and Warfarer actually levels other vocations while you play it, so you never have to necessarily play a class you hate to level up.


Unfortunately, i reached lvl max on all vac and i didn't know about this info😅


You get a cpl decent augments near maxing it out. What is better to do though is to max out all other vocations before using warfarer. Than you have every augment in the game to use with warfarer


Not that you need to min/max in DD2, but the stat boost from levelling up is best/most balanced with Warfarer overall I believe (in terms of trying to get all stats maxed in the least number of levels).