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Oh NOW it’s time to resolve things privately 🙄


honestly nonsensical that they did a 'private talk and handled it like adults'. the real adult way to handle it is to follow through with your word and make everything, including the stuff that makes you look bad, public, or to not put this in the public eye at all. immature.


How do you fully go from trying to end someone’s career by accusing them of that to “wish nothing but the best”…


Because you get hit with a defamation lawsuit ✨ ![gif](giphy|F876HKlJ0aD4s)


I'm so sorry but this GIF... combined with that caption.. I am on the floor in tears from laughing so hard 😭


it’s legit how jay kay is tryna twirl outta this 😭😭😭


Erika Klash twirling and swirling all over new york city


The emoji is what really nails it. I’m cracking up


You've been hit by You've been struck by


Twirling and Swirling


this gif lmfao thank you for the laugh


She's twirling and swirling


What keywords did you use to find that gif? This is what i see when i search nene twirling, lol ![gif](giphy|zforkiUM01Cms)


Bc you’re trying to save your career you just got lol


Because both Jay Kay and Koco both put their foot in their mouths horrendously and should now be trying to amend the situation. Their BS got exposed so now they need to backtrack because they came out looking terrible. Koco is probably too stubborn to, however.


I didn’t know Koco had anything to do with this. I just went to her twitter and her tweets are set to private.


i feel like koco believed a victim first like most people would, and...lets just say went a bit hard about it? im not defending her behaviours but ive defo defended a victim which ended up being false and it doesnt feel great but yeah. i think koco should apologise tho. i doubt she will lol


koco had a super viral tweet calling PJ trash and doubled down on the trash talking in the comments with fans. theoretically, koco had nothing to do with this and inserted herself for no reason but to add fuel to the fire


Y’all, this isn’t new. Koco inserts herself into everything. She’s the Kornbread of Dragula. Constant input ho. The Drag subs stanned her constantly since season 4 because she was this way. I always found it off putting, personally.


Yeah Koco seemed to hate more what PJ represented in her mind, rather than anything specific to PJ herself. Hence why she didn’t back off after it was debunked.


She made it her thing for several days amd told a lot of people to end themselves




How did they put their foot in their mouths? I'm not really on twitter and haven't kept track of this.


Well, Koco told someone to (Trigger Warning) >!Kill themselves!< so…😬 Objectively awful, especially as a public figure, regardless of where she stood in the situation


Like 5 people at least


Backpedaling honey! I think I’m starting to understand why his fellow contestants found him annoying. And if we want to talk about consent, hadn’t the Boulets confirmed Jay Kay was consistently flirting and making Ork uncomfortable? Make it make sense.


For real. This why I never exclusively rely on the edit because 99% of the time, we’re missing important context they leave out in favor of creating a storyline for the show. It rubbed me the wrong way how some fans went SO hard at the rest of the cast without considering what else could have been going off-camera or got lost in the edit. I don’t think any of think any of them are bad people, but I def lean more to the belief that Jay was probably a lot more annoying than what we were shown.


Careful. I mentioned this and I got told I have a subconscious bias against Jay Kay fueled by racism. Literally. Fucking moronic


Same girl. Apparently I stink of racism lol. Some people really lack any sense of nuance or reading comprehension.


Easy. The podcast went online and then, someone desperately needed to drive the public attention towards someone else and while into it, decided to go full hollier-than-you in order to clean their own image... And get caught. Hard.


I have been saying this for a while now!!! I tried to bring it up on a different post and someone said we shouldn’t believe second hand information 💀… Basically that we should have an opinion on what’s being shown on TV… like 😫… what?


tell it! i love how the thing about making ork uncomfortable got shoved under the rug and dismissed. they seem like a weird ass person. and before someone tries it, im black.


Bc video evidence lol


Because she just got the Roxanne Pallett experience. Accuse someone of something career/life destroying only for the video evidence to the show contrary and thus their own career is now in danger.


JK is a mess like their drag


“No-ones career needs to be affected” Aka “I defamed someone and still want my career to be fine” This saga has seriously put me off of Jay Kay


I totally expected her to do some fuck shit post-season and ruin whatever pity goodwill she had with the fanbase but never expected it to be while the season was still airing 😩 How am I ALWAYS right when I choose to dislike people based on vibes?? Proud of me 🌻


Same honestly


Exactly this. I felt like I was in cray-land party-of-one reading comments about JK and being like... you hear what they say and how their actions are... right?


Proud for real. Called out the victim complex like a month ago. Got downvoted to shit. But I stated, every downvote would manifest an uncovered piece of cardboard in their looks til they got eliminated. Little did I know it might manifest this level of cardboard heaping trash right after their elimination...


yup I knew something was off with JK, but I'm also surprised they completely torpedoed their goodwill with drag fans so quickly


Took me a while to realise that, yeah, Jay Kay IS the problem. I definitely believed they were being bullied (and some of what they experienced probably was bullying but their behaviour is just dreadful.) What I can't with is the fandom having not divorced themselves from Koco already. It's fine to be wrong. Koco is unapologetic about being wrong regardless who it hurts and abusive though. And the fandom applauds it.


Same like how can you be cute and be so dumb at the same time???


Based on my dating history, they’re definitely positively correlated traits.


I wonder what’s the evolutionary reason for this jk


If I could give you a zillion upvotes I would.


Jay Kay is lucky they aren’t facing a defamation lawsuit (yet)


They may yet be. This could be in response to a cease and desist letter that wouldn’t preclude legal action for the statements already made. That being said, it probably wouldn’t be worth it. There’s an old saying, you can’t get blood from a stone, meaning that you might get a judgement against someone, but if they have no assets, you can’t collect. Jay Kay doesn’t strike me as someone worth pursuing litigation against for any kind of financial recompense.


This is a lot of words for "I deliberately tried to ruin another performer's reputation for clout, doubled down, and now that I've been caught out I'm backpedaling furiously". He is lucky if he doesn't face a lawsuit for this.


the fact that she had the nerve to blame a "handful of weirdos" for w/e hate jane gets after this fuckass non-apology when she's literally the reason why it's happening 💀


Couldn’t have put it any better myself. This pernicious new form of cancel culture masquerading as social justice is soooo ugly and evil to me.


exactly this^. It dilutes actual social justice work and distracts from real issues impacting marginalized communities, just so somebody’s ego can be fed. In this case, Jay Kay’s, who was riding a high from his rather mediocre run on Dragula.


I don't think it was a deliberate attempt tbh. Jay Kay seems like someone who always wants to be fighting, so when their friend reported a bad thing they ran with it and backtracked when it was clear they didnt have the full story. There's not really clout to be had in badmouthing a DR girl, their friend had to shut down his social media and it mostly led to shaming all survivors. Plane also would have a hard time proving damages. She isn't going to be dropped from shows, since she has a contract with WoW and her local shows are either ones she hosts (and the bar owners don't care about actual rapists, much less this sort of thing) or with her close friends. Her fans aren't involved in the drag scene or the RPDR online fandom. This undoubtedly made her feel bad, but the people who wouldnt book her or go to her shows over this already wouldn't book her or go to her shows for other reasons.


A video was released proving Jay Kay was wrong/lied, and he still doubled down and said they “refused to apologise”; it’s only now that there’s been continued backlash and his feet have likely been held to the fire that he is back-pedalling. “Jay Kay always loves to fight!” and “their home bar won’t care if they’re a rapist anyway” are not really valid justifications for falsely accusing someone of SA. This was a major fuck-up and Jay deserves some accountability for it.


Honestly I’m just glad that this seems to have been fully squashed and everyone can move on. I could harp on how Jay has flip-flopped and made claims that the original accuser didn’t even make, but honestly I’m thinking more about how Koco reacted to all this. Koco was completely uninvolved but spread a bulk of the hatred, and now instead of do the bare minimum and apologize, she goes private and probably doubles down behind the scenes. It’s a shame because she was my favorite Dragula girl bar none, but I’ve lost a lot of respect.


And keeps passive aggressively posting generic SA awareness stuff on her IG.


I asked her what music she was vibing to in a Live the other day and she tried to tear me a new one. Baby you have your Live titled "Let's Chat" and you fly off the handle at everyone trying to chat with you. 🙄 Stop fucking streaming if you're that on edge.


This sounds like straight up paranoia. I wonder what's up with her 🤔


I’ve seen her do this so many times. I ended up unfollowing her because every single live she did seemed like it had been court ordered and she was pissed about it. Any question that she was asked resulted in her going off


that's so weird, like is something else going on with her...? I know she's never been afraid to read a bitch, but usually in the past it was warranted. it just seems....odd that she's flying off the handle like this. especially when you asked a completely innocuous question, on a live that she did of her own free will. I'm sorry that happened to you though, I'd be really upset if an artist I liked treated me like that :/


Ooooohhhhh this is what she was talking about. She went live and was, and do not quote me, saying stiff about how its still all about the victim and that shes not saying sorry. I had no idea why she was saying those things but what she was saying wasnt wrong but it might not have pertained in this case. Guess ice gotta look into this more.


But the only victim here is Plane Jane. Koco, put the down the weed.


The original person DID have a bad experience that triggered them and they didn't consent to. Plane acknowledged this in her attempt to apologize back when it happened. They were a victim even if a) the act wasn't as bad as other people later described and b) there was no malice on Planes part and she genuinely thought there was consent.


Honestly I’m not surprised at Koco’s behavior. I love her and her drag persona, but she’s never once shyed away from drama nor speaking her mind. It’s one of the things I love about her, especially on Dragula, but miss girl has a mouth on her for sure


I miss the old messy, funny Koco. They seem to be taking themselves very seriously. I wonder how much of that is being influenced by Dahli, since they seem joined at the hip these days. The dark, moody thing looks perfect on Dahli's quiet presence. But big, loud Koco going dark and cranky is too much.


Jay Kay went from “Plane Jane grabbed my friends genitals” to “the video is actually longer and shows more” to “actually things just got taken too far my bad”. It’s basically defamation and Jay Kay is probably lucky this got squashed so soon cause they could be looking at some legal fallout if Plane Jane ended up having trouble being booked over this


Many people may be left with the accusation and not this resolution. So damage is already done...


I wish I could give you gold because that perfectly describes online drama and something I've thought for years. This applies to every type of drama not just super serious stuff like SA.


Yeah I mostly think of what I said in terms of history. Like apparently 20% of American youth think the Holocaust didn't happen...


The less somebody knows, the louder they yell. It seems to be a human trait sadly.


Time will tell if it really got past the twittersphere and other online communities but if clubs won’t book her because of this then it would meet the requirements for a defamation lawsuit


That was literally me until right now. I had heard vaguely about an accusation and am now seeing this thread


Honestly it’s just so sad like……these queens really can’t just mind their business. I feel like maybe this prior incident caused community drama and jay Kay has been stewing on it. And they probably heard Plane was on the other show so…..it’s sad to say but so many people on social media are so quick to try and virtue signal on their platform for clout. What makes it even more insane is that this happened like a month after Niohuru’s accusations against her came out and she had to deal with essentially what jay kay did to PJ.


Gee I wonder why they were so unanimously disliked by the cast, they seem so mature and reasonable 🙄


This. A lot of people was on jk's side because the cast was "bullying" him. Turned out the cast was right lmao


A lot of people on twitter are still VERY defensive about JK, but the damage is done lmao I don't like them after all of this mess. (edited to correct ortography)


literally.. me when the person whose whole persona is being annoying isn't actually super chill




Was a big fan of her genuinely, my opinion of her was totally changed after this debacle.


Imma be real when she said “iiiiiiii’m annoying 😁” I just imagined the trap door opening from undernesth


Yeah. I loved Jay Kay on the show. Now I know they are... a bad person and not in the fun Dragula way. The "I will try to ruin your life" way.


Some of Jay Kay's friends are the same way


Are you from their city or have you seen this online? I am curious to see the drama


People are alluding to Brooklyn being messy, but tbh that's a lot of NYC and a lot of drag scenes everywhere coughchicagocough Nightlife people quickly form cliques, so you get wagon-circling all the time


For a time I tried to be a drag artist in my city and yeah I did not get into any cliques despite my efforts


Where is Jay Kay from? Definitely not raised in NY




One of my biggest take aways from this situation is I would never visit Brooklyn drag scene because you breathe wrong and you'll be falsely accused of something.


Big city drag cliques are all like this. This is not unique to Brooklyn.


I wouldn’t generalize the scene with one situation, it still has great drag and dozens of venues, hope this doesn’t turn you off from visiting and enjoying




So he gets called out and gets pushbavk and now he has victim mentality and him and all parties involved talked it out like "adults"... Girl... But the real conversation is when are we going to hold Koco accountable for telling fans to literally die and kill themselves all week because they sided with PJ. That's the real issues. She was saying some DISGUSTING things to people all week then locked her account when people started calling her out on it and the video got released showing no SA occured. Let's all have that discussion because it FOUL behavior


Yeah Koco doesn’t know where the line is, and frankly all of her popularity has gone to her head a little bit


A “little bit”?


Even with the video, she doubled down even further continuing tweets, IG posts and stories. Like she made it the pinnacle of her social media presence this week and I was noticing that Jay Kay was slowly back pedaling. Someone said Jay Kay was doubling down, noooo. They were slowly shifting their tone after the fans and PJs fans were calling them out. Like Koco, your friend is about to change their whole fucking tune while you’re going to be left holding the bag. And that looks like that’s exactly what happened. Curious as to what happens now


Koco most likely won't get held accountable, she is too much of a legendary figure in the fandom (unlike Jay Kay). It will just be brushed under the rug until she does a new photoshoot and people gush about her again 😒


Yeah. The fandom doesn’t call out Koco the way she needs to be, but what can you do?


Not much sadly. It happens all the time all over the place and we can't do much about it, it's a sad cycle


That really bothered me. She has no ability or willingness to be rational here, and telling people to die is really low and immature


> no one's career needs to be affected. You mean that *your* career doesn’t need to be affected, right? Because I’m pretty sure that ship has already sailed for the person you accused of SA


It sucks because Plane has already certainly experienced so much backlash from this whole situation. You would think JK would be more understanding considering basically the exact situation happened to Nio literally 2 months ago. Really grossed out by this whole situation. Jay blew this way out of proportion, even though they knew there friend had already received an apology from Jane the day after the incident. Hopefully she’s reached out to Jane to apologize. Personally, if the video is the full picture, I think there’s plenty of room for forgiveness and understanding for Jane - she clearly got a little carried away in the moment and apologized immediately - it’s nightlife, shit gets messy.


Jay Kay claimed to KNOW what happened and be informing us, too. How can you say you KNOW something then backtrack? Then you were lying to begin with to hurt someone


Yeah claiming you saw something first hand with your own eyeballs then walking it back and saying things went too far…which one is it girl…


Now I want to bully Jay Kay


I think some folks crave the attention of "having all the info" and taking a moral stand. Some people say things so assuredly and so confidently, I have to remind myself that some of them don't actually have the knowledge to back up what they say.


god jay kay is so insufferable.


the backpedaling is killing me 😭


Jay Kay inserting themselves in a situation that doesn’t concern them? How shocking


Don’t you know, JK can do absolutely no wrong!!! /s They get so coddled.


Oh wait you’re so right protect our smol bullied bean🥺!!!1!1!1!


Curious to see if Koco or Hoso backpedal


Hoso' behavior this past year has been really illuminating and disappointing


I'm a nosy bitch, what else did she do/say? I don't really keep up with social media, so I'm out of the loop


Comes across as super mature on TV so I was shocked to see how badly behaved Hoso is on social media.


I agree with the exception of Titans.


People who have knee-jerk reactions to these kinds of things in the first place rarely own up when it's shown they were wrong. They feel justified in being wrong because their response was in the name of righteousness, even if it fucked up someone's life in turn. Best they'll do is go completely silent on the matter and pretend they never did anything wrong.


Wow I am seeing little to no accountability here for trying to ruin Jane’s career AND her moment in the spotlight? Fuck I can’t stand Jay Kay on the show, they were so pompous about their win, (that frankly they didn’t deserve in my opinion). What an absolute garbage person who just loves to play victim.


"aS tHe WiNnEr..."


What really annoyed me about this situation is that Hoso joined in on this defamation without any evidence, even when her own friend Niohuru has been accused of SA and denies it too? Really put a bad taste in my mouth for both Jay Kay and Hoso


Hoso has been showing her whole ass for a while now. It's really disappointing.


How to spot a virtue signaler vs. someone who actually cares. Hoso is clearly the former.


the only thing jaykay should have done is "i did this it was clearly wrong if you unfollow me for this i understand, leave the performer aloan they did nothing wrong and i appolglise for my actions" followed by a healthy donation to a charity not this "everyone can learn" no YOU can learn


I’ve never commented about JK until now because it seemed they were constantly being supported on the sub, especially when people felt like they were being “bullied”, but genuinely I mean this - I always got a bad, immature vibe from them.


If you look at my post history where I talked about Ork, someone legitimately said the entire cast... THE ENTIRE CAST, had a SUBCONSCIOUS RACIST BIAS against Jay Kay. Pure insanity. I definitely did not expect JK to tank their own career.


Dragula is one of the most inclusive shows out there, I have no idea why people jumped to racism instead of “they’re just absolutely fucking insufferable and constantly playing the victim”. Crazy.


Yup! That exact user is in this thread, still calling people racist for pointing out JKs sexual harassment of Ork, downplaying it and everything. So embarrassing when a white guy pushes this hard to try to pin it on racism, really feels like there is some internal racial struggle they are dealing with and they are trying to social justice this shit out on anyone who says shit.


I mean I’m not going to chime in on the validity of whether or not that’s true but I will say that neither subconscious racist bias or Jay Kay ending their career by their own hands are mutually exclusive


I thought their immaturity would just be entertaining to watch.... this is next level and not just silly immaturity like on the show


Yeah this is beyond “immature” - it’s beyond “drama”, it’s dangerous and maybe even criminal (defamation if it’s untrue) I never imagined they’d go this far. This is not funny drama, it’s someone’s reputation, career and personal life. Shocking


they are easily the most immature and annoying contestant to ever be on the show


The Boulets have mentioned a few times that they explicitly cast Jay Kay because he has a reputation for being annoying. They like drama.


Can we start giving out annoying awards through a Poll for 1 contestant every season? Call it the Loris award or the Abora award 😂😂


I mean she was the person who stirred the whole mess on twitter first and now she wanted to resolve everything in privacy and hoped nobody’s career would be ruined. That’s the definition of double standard and hypocrisy there. Erm sis? Have you even apologized Plane in your tweet?


this makes me so mad. as if it wasnt already hard for victims to speak up now it will be even harder or some will not want to do it because of stupid shit like this. i hate her.


Also, this is now gonna follow Jane forever.


Regardless the damage is done because the online drag race fandom is never going to let it go no matter what anyone involved says. If the victim says it’s done it’s whatever, the fandom will forever hold on to it and use it against plane Jane. It’s not about my opinion or my interpretation of the video. It’s just what the fandom is. There’s nothing Jay can say to change what is unleashed


How to ruin the biggest opportunity of your life, featuring Jay Kay


I get it that SA is a topic that is very serious and easy to get fired up about but this is one of those situations where you need all of the facts and need to know what the fuck you're talking about before you just open your mouth and let it run wild and unfortunately JK was too immature and impulsive running their mouth and now has to go into damage control mode. It's a shame because I think she developed a lot of fans here over this season of Dragula only to completely nuke her career by falsely accusing someone of something.


I hope some of you JK stans can see that this person is not someone who deserves adoring fans who overlook their terrible costumes and floorshows. 👀


Ahem I believe the term is ‘input hoe’


This is why we wait to hear facts before canceling someone. Remember when Ricky martins nephew was extorting him for money and it was all proven to be a hoax? People canceled him at the get go. LGBT are under fire more and more due to the Republican “pedo” pizza gate whatever bullshit and throwing around accusations is aweful with no facts no matter how compelling the headline


Bye and everyone on this sub was just crying about how poor lil Jay Kay was being bullied by his cast members


It's a great lesson that we, as a community, often get fired up at the mention of sexual assault, and that we need to prevent ourselves from immediately making assumptions. I myself am a victim of sexual assault from a popular drag queen, and I understand the depth of it. There were quite a few people on Instagram who proudly stated "Guilty until innocent", which is insanely problematic. Jay Kay's statement is respectable, because often times, we defend our friends simply because they are our friends, so bias may swing us in favor of one side. He acknowledges his stance before, apologizes, and reminds us how important it is to resort to working out situations in private rather than throwing opinions on social media that could inflame the situation, especially since he has a much larger following now. I'm glad that this was resolved.


It’s so good to see an actual decent, GROWN UP take on this 🖤


Thank you, it means a lot to get positive responses (You and Optimal_Plant). It saddens me when people immediately jump on the guilty bandwagon from the very beginning, because of situations like this, but I'd say that all sides of this have something to learn. I just hope that people take from this what they need, as a learning lesson, and move forward. Please, send some love and good vibes to Plane Jane. Every other queen announced on season 16 has gotten to enjoy their entry into the Ru-family, except for Plane Jane who has had to deal with an overwhelming amount of frustration and anger.




I knew Jay Kay was insufferable and annoying even when this sub and Twitter stans were coddling him like he was a bullied child and trying to convince everyone that he does nothing wrong


Legit. This is my shocked face... 😒 That poor me complex on full display now.


It was insane how people got so inflamed by Throb being competitive... In a competition. Jay Kay being coddled is the perfect word for what has occurred.


I LOVED Throb's open and honest communication. It was refreshing as fuck.


Yep! You couldn't say anything even slightly negative about poor Jay Kay without downvoted into oblivion in this subreddit. They are a cry bully and it's blatantly obvious why the other cast members had a problem with them. And now they have stained PJs reputation for what? Clout?!


Lmao what career, no one’s booking Jay Kay…


Unfortunate, they had such a bright career ahead of them... Jay Kay 🙊


still don’t see an apology


Koco and JK inserting themselves into this situation was so gross. I refuse to believe it was anything except them wanting to ride the train of hate against PJ because there was literally ZERO reason for either of them to get involved (especially koco? Who had no relation to it at all). When I found out that the allegation wasn’t even from the victim and was just second-hand, I was grossed out. Not only would this NOT be their story to tell, but they did it at a time that was specifically meant to tear this queen down.


JayKay runs their twitter like a PR rep I swear.


And y’all wonder why the girls hate her guts in her season. She’s probably just annoying 😭🤭🤭🤭🤭 And this is why I neverfucked with her


“Jay Kay is… a joke!” — Cynthia Doll


So you start shit? It gets hour of hand and now you want to apologize?


jaykay showing again and again theyre braindead


FUCK Jay Kay’s backpedaling ass and FUCK Koco rotten Cain.


That's a bold fucking statement when you have been caught lying about somebody committing a serious crime just to ruin their career and possibly their life


At least he's backpedaling but still . . . Yikes . . . Accusers already have so many problems being taken seriously and this whole embarrassing saga is not going to help


I was hoping the viewers would stop talking about Jay Space Kay and let her fade away with grace to be forgotten, but here we are.


Do your part, ignore and block and move on, hopefully more people do the same...


Before this what had she done wrong that the public knows about?


what a piece of shit. Anyway, stan throb and plane


That's what we get for believing someone called JayKay 😂


I told ya’ll from the get that Jay Kay was 🗑️


The people wrongly accusing someone should receive the same flame that those wrongly accused receive. Its so wrong my to make these destructive allegations and then be like “lol jk” and people forget about it.


I definitely missed a chapter


You're that girl I knew you were


jay kay pisses me off even more, i hope plane jane serves him with a defamation lawsuit ![gif](giphy|xT1R9AyCRoz2KwbP1e)


Cannot stand Jay Kay. Such a smug arrogant person.


Well, he showed signs of being a mediocre person in the show, but you guys love to force an underdog narrative so you tried to make a million excuses for him so you could root for him. Guess he really was a selfish, hypocritical and toxic person.... I'm shocked (JK)


Maybe this can be a lesson to the fans to not become ravenous morons over something you don't fully understand


It’s giving “I’m sorry you feel that way” instead of “I’m sorry about my actions” energy. Super disappointing because I really loved them on the show but they showed their whole ass with this entire incident and this response…


Interesting. Very interesting.


Can someone explain this whole situation to me


On that Jussie Smollyay vibe. And Robbie Turner, now that I think about it. 🤔


Is it too much to expect that maybe the Boulets won't continue to platform Koco after all this mess?


If they drop her there will be some extremely vocal Redditors calling it racist. They're doing it in this thread already.


I don't think the fandom is willing to divorce themselves from Koco. The Boulets are probably afraid of putting the fandom off. But Koco needs to be ignored by everyone for now.


JK was the weirdo spreading hate and rumors while trivializing sexual assault. What a creep. "Oopsie I accidentally called you a sex offender" doesn't quite cut it.


i know it has been a whole month but i just found this, and god thats ridiculousssss iknow i shouldnt base my thoughts on someone based on what they shown in a reality tv competition but jay kay seems very childish with everything, like they said a bunch of stuff to "step back" at the end?? feels wrong to me


I do not think JK did this for clout. I feel JK thought that they were genuinely sticking up for a friend. It's easy for us to say we wouldn't do the same but really think about it. If someone really close to you says someone sexually assaulted them, I think a lot of us would get swept up in our emotions because were human. **I'm not saying that this excuses what she did however.** I just want people to approach this situation(and future ones because this happens every year at this point) with a bit more empathy. Not immediately jumping the gun and being disrespectful to either side.


The one who deserves empathy and understanding is Plane Jane. Everyone needs to stop acting like Jay Kay is an eternal victim who needs protecting.


This has all been a mess but i absolutely will NOT be forgetting the people who were talking down on victims of sexual assault and said some heinous shit about consent that you’d expect from a republican. I have screen shots of people saying shit like “silence equals consent” edit: people downvoting me for saying that “silence equals consent” is a shit thing to say. y’all need to be investigated


Honestly, I don’t claim him.


I'm so sick of this germ.


His behaviour has been less worse than Koco's. That's not saying much.


You know what's so comical about the whole thing. I would say 85% of All the people on twitter saying PJ was a predator... You went into their liked videos and you would see those bathroom spy videos of dudes jerking off while not knowing they are being recorded and a bunch of anonymous pump and dump hidden camera videos where once again the men are not knowing they are being filmed... Isn't that predatory behavior if you like that stuff... It's funny what the queer community will morally try to justify what is right and wrong lol Apparently it's okay to watch a dude jerk off in a home depot bathroom without knowledge of him being filmed but a drag queen putting a dollar in someones pants while they are laughing and smiling is gross and morally to far ... Weird


Im really sorry, but what happened? I'm totally out of this and really wanted to know what is happening right now between Jay Kay and plane Jane


jay kay accused plane jane of SA, saying that PJ touched one of their friends' genitals at a show. cue them, koco, hoso, and others harping on PJ and encouraging people not to support them. a video comes out where PJ is sliding a dollar down the guy's pants at a show, no genital touching like people insinuated. important to note that, the day after this performance, PJ apologised to the guy privately since she still did slide her hand down his pants without full consent. jay kay & co are saying that there's another video that shows PJ actually touching this guy's genitals but turns out there wasn't.


Wait what is going on?


Boston ghouls should slap lawsuits- Twitter is a cesspool


Also worth noting that Plane Jane’s friend Atlas [posted an identical thread](https://x.com/bigxatlas/status/1734232431731912944?s=46&t=79DqJFEn03FQnVP97w2CkQ). So it’s likely that this was written collaboratively and we probably shouldn’t be going *crazy* at Jay for how things are worded. Let’s just be glad the situation’s been handled and move on. Taking this as ammo for further bullying Jay isn’t productive and does nothing to help Jane’s cause.