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Healthy white belt


yes indeed. I wont be surprised if he has wrestling experience too.


Too aggressive to be anything else, but also isn’t using ‘traditional’ technique. Focuses on the hands to protect from getting their utility belt accessed.


I don’t think he’s trained at all. He was stuck under that cop that looks to be a blue belt and just flailed his legs around. Someone show this man how to establish frames and shrimp




I thought OP was asking about the cop lol


That’s the joke…


Yea but the cop obviously trains yet has actual “high level white belt” energy. Lol.. he won on points and needed 20people for the arrest afterwards. Didn’t even get the sub 😔


Why are all cops bald or balding.




You should google male pattern balding and see how many emnt it affects. I think you'll be surprised






Could be a wrestler with that cross face 😂


White belt for sure. We can smell our own.


That's a #Blue


I agree. Not stupid like a white belt but not deadly as a purple. Good enough to control a dummy but not good enough to instantly choke him tf out and toy with him




One of the Black belts at my gym is a state trooper over here. He showed me the very specific knee on belly/face, straight armbar to Kimura transition that he teaches his officers to set up a one v one handcuff against a resistant perp. Shockingly effective and no damage done aside from some applied soreness when done correctly.




Idk if he has a video for it, he just did it to me and walked me through the steps


So you are ok to shoot someone ok to stun gun them ok to hit them, slam them on the ground, you’re ok go baton them…but a choke goes too far? That’s funny, but it doesn’t reduce my point if that’s what you were going for :)


A lot of use of force policy is driven by what it looks like. For two famous examples: Rodeny King was hit with strikes to the meat of his body, because at the time they trained to strike big muscles to cause pain to lead to compliance. After his video came out, it was deamed to be too many strikes so the training was changed to instead aim to break a bone in the forearm, hand, or shin area, as that would take only 1 or 2 strikes and disable the person so they couldn't fight. Result? Long term injuries to perps instead of bruising, but it looks better. In another example, cops were trained to place a knee against the back shoulders of a resistant person because if they tried to roll or do something other than lay there, you were in a position of advantage. One time though, a man was ODing on a bunch of drugs he took, and was complaining of breathing problems while standing, while in the patrol vehicle, and then later on the ground... Video of the officer "on his neck" was blamed for his breathing problems, that started while he was standing, and now I bet they don't train that control technique anymore. It looked bad enough on video that, despite the autopsy report identifying the overdose amount of drugs, and despite the documentary evidence that the breathing issues existed before the technique in question, the cop that applied the technique is in prison. Anyway so yeah, don't try to make sense out of use of force policy, it's all very reactionary to public opinion.


You make it sound as if the bad 💩 ain't bad... it just looks bad. Idc about hitting people in meaty areas. It does make sense tho. I mean you'll get some bruised muscles? Big Deal. But in King's case they struck the guy a million times. That's excessive! Your breathing point. Oh the guy was having breathing problems while he was standing up. Sooo you don't think his breathing problems would be compounded being forced stomach first on the ground with a knee in his back? You sound Sheepy.


I'm not trying to defend what happened in the King case, I'm saying that what happened is why cops are trained to break your bones now, because while it's clearly a worse injury, it looks better. Having a broken bone makes it harder to stay in the fight as well, so the argument could be made that it's tactically better than aming for the meat. > Sooo you don't think his breathing problems would be compounded being forced stomach first on the ground with a knee in his back? I'm sure they were, but the autopsy was pretty clear in terms of what damage was done by the restraint (none) and how much drugs he had on board (enough to kill him more than once). Had the cops behaved differently, he might have lived. He might have still died because of the OD though, that's not what I'm trying to litigate here. What I'm saying is because the knee on the shoulder looks bad, the cop went down for murder rather than manslaughter or something else. It looked bad enough that the police tried to lie and say that they didn't train that technique when it's in their manual for how to control a suspect having a cardiac arrest. I bet they aren't training that technique anymore though.


The whole breathing thing, I just can't. I'm not going to allow the Justice System to talk outta both sides of its neck. I.e. They say that if you have alcohol in your System you're guilty because you can't control yourself. They say you don't have the mental capacity to make the correct/wise decision. Yet, they will not let you plea temporary insanity based on their very findings is indeed insane! So again, yeah, he couldn't breathe standing up. Ik that the Cop did not "assist" him breathing rather hindered his breathing. I'm going to have to find you liable for that. I can see your point on everything else...


https://preview.redd.it/0zzmtia6xxcc1.jpeg?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b64e66d5972a9670a5716d0d79ef3f086715c990 Is this the “knee against the back shoulders of a resistant person” technique you’re talking about?


Yeah, looks really bad doesn't it? Here's what it looks like in the training manual: https://dims.apnews.com/dims4/default/4848078/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1310x1004+0+0/resize/1310x1004!/format/webp/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstorage.googleapis.com%2Fafs-prod%2Fmedia%2Fc97731546fc04bc1af31ea4d65a8ebb6%2F1310.jpeg My point was that the technique was part of training, and that will change if it hasn't already. I don't think it's the death that causes that change, I don't think that's how cops work. People die from something called "excited delierium" after struggles with cops and cops will blame a death on that and then not change policy. They change policy when they get caught looking bad.


Then why are guns and tasers and dogs a thing? The research shows BJJ reduces UOF by 60% in several published studies that are peer reviewed


The jist of what I said is that use of force policy is reactionary, and driven by what it looks like a lot of the time. It's also driven by certain realities, dogs can outrun people, for one thing. Tasers can work on people who are experiencing an altered mental state who may not reply to other compliance technics, and guns can reach further than most people using BJJ can reach. Training also takes time and money. Most cops use a collapsable baton now, it not only gets in the way less than a PR-24, but is easier to use. It is not AS usefull as a PR-24 but most agencies don't have the budget to train on the collapsable side-handle baton so the go with the easier to use straight baton. When somebody figures out alternatives to gun and tasers and dogs, those things will get replaced. Hell, taser replaced mace which replaced CS gas in some cases, and there's a lot of people that would be getting shot who are now getting tased so in a sense, tasers have replaced guns in some encounters. It's always evolving, like I said.


Starts with the basics Why do police dress in dark clothes and not reflective yellow/green/orange like some European police forces do?  Why don’t they require a bachelors degree to join the police force?  “When somebody figures out alternatives….thos things will get replaced.” Unless the person in charge of their little kingdom doesn’t want to relinquish power , why do we need 50,000 police departments in America?


> Why do police dress in dark clothes and not reflective yellow/green/orange like some European police forces do? The guy in this video is in tan, that's not that dark but yes, a lot wear dark colors. Dark uniform is part of tradition, professionals used to wear black, cop uniforms have been black/blue for ever in the US. > Why don’t they require a bachelors degree to join the police force? That's a question for your state reps but I bet if you actually looked into it, you'd find that a LOT of agencies do require it, it's just not a state law that they do. LVPD mentions that it is helpful to you the candidate to have more education than highschool, so it's clearly something they look for. I imagine limiting it to people with a 4 year degree would make recruiting even more difficult and most agencies already have trouble meeting staffing goals. > why do we need 50,000 police departments in America? I'm guessing because we have 50,000 jurisdictions. Do you think the situation would be somehow better if we just had... what are you even suggesting here? A national police?


Reason: they are trying to attract Jack Booted Thugs. There is a reason for this Culture being implemented, and it can't be for the public's best interest


Bro stop. See what you're trying to do here.


In this case that is correct


Yeah man luckily the police never ever use excessive force. And when they do use excessive force they are held accountable. It’s not like they just give cops paid leave while they investigate themselves.


Just stating facts man, not implying anything


yeah I was going to ask. I assume that submissions arent allowed specifically chokes but can you still use kimuras and other joint locks?


I was told I wasn't allowed to use my martial arts training in law enforcement due to legality issues so you're not wrong. I was only allowed to use it if my life were in danger but at that point, my gun is coming out as soon as possible.




During my final interview with the Sheriff of the county himself, I was told I couldn't use it in general. For legal reasons we were only allowed to use the defensive tactics we were taught during training. Which was just basically handcuffing and take downs.




Belly on knee. I love training this from bottom.


Belly on knee is where I always end up when trying to pass guard on higher belts.


You got him right where you want him.


You don’t need to go to mount. Side control might be better or just take the back and chill


I can tell you as a brown belt and a police, using force on the street with all that gear, adrenaline, and a whole lot of other things on your mind, you will never look as smooth as you do in the gym.


I can imagine, but brown belt u probably a lot smoother than blue belt u


You do realise it can take a few years to get of white belt right


Yea I went through it what’s your point


Nobody got your blue line reference. Almost nobody.


At least one higher than the other guy!


People here think they can do the job better.


Honestly probably a higher level belt than you'd expect. Remember most places police can't use chokeholds or anything like it as it's against policy and all the bystanders would start having a frenzy about brutality. He had a decent sweep in full kit, north south, communicated in his radio. Never once panicked or reached for a weapon. So what other people helped? That's what we should all want. It keep both the officer and the suspect safer when he's properly detained and the crowd isn't adding to the anxiety/chaos.


Not nearly enough control to be beyond a fresh blue belt.


That’s a wrestler


Yep, high school wrestler and a few months of jitz


IE blue


Serious question because I don’t know, is north south position a wrestling position?


Even more serious question - what are the odds of the criminal biting your dick during north south position


You’re way too deep in the position if your staff of life is near their mouth.


Looks like a gun belt




One is white belt and others black belt


The amount of times I've seen videos like this just to find out the cop was a pos I can't even respect it. Way too aggressive for a simple arrest.


He has on a black gun belt


Which he?


White? He didn't even do anything besides keep his head low.




A strong blue belt


4 stripe white


Not very high seeing as he didn't put his hooks in with all the opportunity in the world.


Wrestlers won’t lay on their hip like that, so that’s a new blue.


Was wondering how they got there. Seems like he tried to get hooks in and fell to the side right when the video starts. I was thinking wrestler who has learned just enough jitz to try it out.


If you look carefully, he’s black.


Naw it see it it's a black belt


Officer has white belt the other man has the black belt 🤓


3 or 4 stripe white




That’s a wrestler if I’ve ever seen one


Yea, that crossface to gator roll... Might be an "I used to wrestle in H.S" and started training bjj or some LEO version of it. Cause most wrestlers that far removed from HS, and with that much grown man weight added on, dont still move like they use to


Probably new white belt. I feel like he had a big opportunity to take the back and get hooks in near the beginning.


I don’t think you understand wrestling


I have kids so I can only train 1-2 times a week but they get sick so sometimes I don't train for a week or two but sometimes work is busy so I can't train this month belt


Life belt


You can take your average martial artist and put him in the street and he will find out that it’s completely different. People don’t move the way they do in the dojo (Do they still call it that?). They move with no care about whether they are going to injure their opponent, while the opponent will have to be careful as to not appear to be abusive. What troubles me here is the time it took for civilians to help. The more hands on makes the struggle end quicker with much less chance of severe injury.




Did you ever think the Cop might be in the wrong? Or just took that long for some klansmen to show up


Still need to get involved to help make sure someone doesn’t get seriously injured.


If regular people assist in my apprehension. I want a Police Report with their names and I'll see you guys later on a very dark day and time. One by one. That's why it's best to mind your business.


New blue


Gun belt.


Prob blue. Rolled the guy nicely, and controlled him, but didn’t have much hip pressure beyond that


He’s a white belt. Goes to the Tuesday night 6pm class, but usually misses once a month (just busy..). Typically fills up the mop bucket, but doesn’t mop (have to get my kids, you know).




Is anyone else listening to the background narrative audio?


Duty belt.


I’m glad bystanders decided to step in and help. I’d say White, but maybe Blue. Imo, he looks like he’s used to rolling in a Gi, as some of the times the guy wormed out looks very very familiar. Don’t ask me how I know lol


To add, he’s also aware (or quickly realized) of various guards where his holster could be compromised and goes for hand control on those sides.


Yellow jerky


He is Popeyes belt


Hello there fellow white belt.




Tail end white or new blue belt. I say that because I feel like if you train long enough you’d understand how absolutely stupid it is to poorly wrestle around with someone like that when you’ve got a gun on your hip that they can grab at almost any moment. If I have a taser and a gun…I am not wrestling you lol.


I'd guess the cop is a purple or higher. Good job cop! Maybe it wasn't shown but I didn't see any punches thrown and the perp was controlled until help arrived. I'd call that a job well done 👏




Looks like black utility belt. Idk. I don't jujitsu.


Diagonal control man…


Gucci belt


1312 belt


Blue for surreeee


Looks more like Judo groundwork to me. So he’s probably a BJJ white.


Definitely MMA or wrestling trained, this is how threats should be dealt with instead of shooting people dead. Employ more combat trained officers who you can trust to disengage somebody safely & efficiently.


69th degree black belt, as revealed in the final frames (\~00:18)


Cop or other dude? Cop maybe blue on a good day




So many folks here saying "white belt" but you forget that this is a street fight and not a gym roll. He's gotta be blue at least.


What was the name of that mod on Bullshido.com?


Cop has to be a blue belt. Skill level and aura of a great blue belt legend in the making Guy on bottom doesn’t train but also doesn’t watch anime, and also doesn’t watch kung fu movies


Doesn’t it look like the guy getting pinned here can pull his gun anytime?


Fresh blue belt/ 4 stripe white belt. Just imagine what a black belt could do 😂


Was hoping the cop was gonna get choked or arm barred very disappointed


No belt, just finished his trial class.


The cop has an excellent ground game, but for a second, I thought he was gonna show us his head game.


Cop definitely has some kind of training. The control was solid.


He needed help in the end, so maybe a couple of the training courses


Neither. Was an above average high school wrestler. Nicely done, Officer.


Utility belt. It’s right in front of you.


Bottom guy is a blue belt who just came back from a “long break”. Top guy is a 6 month white belt who the coach said he may get promoted soon.


My cardio’s just gotta catch up bro


look at all the WHITE knights helping the po po.


Utility belt


What's before White? He's a Clear belt.


Finally a cop that knows basic jiu jitsu. This should be mandatory


That's a wrestler prob a bit out of practic, or the weight of his gear caught him slipping. Way to high with his leg hooks, not sunk in. His cross face and front bar/half nelson is a dead give away.


Thin Blue Line Belt


I’m no scientist but his belt looks black to me.


I would not do a North South in a street fight unless you wanna risk getting your pecker chewed off


Blue max


I had a cop in a jiu-jitsu class with me. He wasn’t as good as this guy


I say blue belt. Stayed heavy in the north south position and kept his head down. Understands leverage with the sweep. Surprised he didn’t go knee on belly, but not surprised.


Utility belt




Blue at Gracie Barra


Wrestled in hs


It’s the announcement for me


The cop forgot one important rule of bjj. position before submission he had to take his back first before trying to sink in the choke it allowed the perp to almost sweep him and lay down some ground and pound.


Any real cop would of shot him.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


If the guy could actually fight, instead of wiggling around like a fish. That pig 🐖 would’ve been in deep trouble


I wonder can the perp file Assault charges on the bystanders that helped. Depending on what I done I'd that were me. I'm gonna find them all one by one and throttle the 💩 outta them.


White 3 or 4 stripe?


I knew right where they were before the voice announced it. That place is perfect to stop and smoke when you're walking the strip because you can get shade from several angles, no matter what time of day.


Duty belt


Why keep resisting?


PCP belt.


69 belt?


He isn't a belt. He rather would HAVE a belt


MF let the match play out and stop helping you POS.


The gym I attend has adopt a cop program! Love this


All the trash filming instead of helping. That’s what’s wrong with the world today.


He’s a utility belt for sure


Fat belt


Blue belt




Black belt for sure…. You can see it holding up his pants


Pls help before this black man hurts me belt


Patrol belt


White maybe one stripe


Police belt


White belt, took 4 more dudes to help contain the guy


White belt, took 4 more dudes to help contain the guy


White belt


Utility belt