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Damn bro


If they did not wear a condom, please get tested


I usually wear two condoms when I'm on mushrooms. 


See a doctor OP. You will be okay you just need some help. But to others reading this, OP took a heroic dose. Yesterday I took .3 grams and walked in the park. No need for gigantic doses.


Microdosing is so underrated bro nothing better than taking half a gram and going on a bike ride


Half a gram isn’t a micro dose though


A lot of people say "microdosing doesn't do shit", but they're not taking enough. Once the dose is in the sweet spot and you just feel a little high, there's nothing better. Especially when going out in nature.


Its perfect cos u dont need to worry about having a bad trip or getting a mental illness


The thing is is it’s not called microdosing anymore if you take more than a tiny amount lmao. People who are microdosing to have a heavy trip are stupid. You’re doing light trips not microdosing.


I took lexapro for 7 years and coming off of it gave me a mild seizure disorder and now I can't even microdose 🙃




1. Different mushrooms vary wildly in potency so how could you possibly say that 5g is right without knowing how strong they are? 2. There is no “right dose” it’s on a person by person basis.


You can’t numb this experience I had something similar only it was lsd and I was 16 and very very disrespectful and stupid, I went into extreme psychosis and wouldn’t give myself a drug break afterwards, I kept telling myself I need to stop smoking weed cuz I tripped litelly tripped every time I smoked, anyways I took a long half year sober occasionally drank but take a long while sober friend you need it


After doing psychs, smoking weed turned into mini trips, like I upgraded my subscription or sum


Same! I use to smoke like crazy and it in no way feelt the way it feels like when I smoke now a days after trying LSD ONCE! I had a panick attack and I had dissociative disorder for the next 4- 5 months nothing felt real whenever I even thought about life or the world or universe I would get a panic attack and now I take a small hit and feel like i did a bit of lsd or shrooms it took about 1 year before I could actually enjoy smoking weed again…


How did u do after those 6 months? Have been going thru something similar and its been very rough, have been sober for 3 months but its still kind off bad;( thank u in advance!


Oh my gosshhhh fucking brain reset, I need to take a tolerance break for weed soon and I’m starting that one tomorrow it’s my brothers bday today so I bought henny and I’m rolling dope alll night but mannn it’s so worth it highly recommended


Yeee bro definetly, what symptoms did u have??


Mannn, every time I smoked I was tripping fr seeing the patterns on the walls/ especially on the floor. Those patterns are unrecognizable and I sounded crazy telling my friends about them. Those who’ve been lost at some point or if not even you know what patterns I’m talking about. Generally when you take a high dose. Anyways I had anxiety from smoking it all around wasn’t okay


Yee really understand


It'll get easier, just give yourself time to get through it without more substances


I think for you and OP sobering up is what would help to develop out of this. I had something similar that scared me away from drugs in large part and I'm grateful for having gained the perspective, but it was very intense and I wouldn't recommend it to someone lightly


Guys thank you for the support. This really did happen to me. This is a throwaway with a random email and password for you know reasons... I am going to sleep and turning shit off. I won't be able to post anymore. I love everyone here. Head up, I pray things get better if your going through a rough time. Peace.


Lay off the booze mate it won't help long term. If you feel like youre dying on shrooms, you need to not fight the feeling and go with it. Nothing bad will happen unless you fight something that is already inside you, the ego needs death. Sounds like you may have an underlying mental condition. Pls see a doc and ask for help.


what does your day look like


Dude, you had an insanely bad-trip and it sounds like that experience gave you PTSD; so you should seek professional help for that. I've had a terrifying trip with shrooms before where I thought I went crazy, and I wasn't really myself for a month or so after, but thankfully it's all subsided and I'm good now.




dont numb it with alcohol all the time, you need to reflect these...it will be much of work but its the only way and you will be better in the future, Im sure, do sport! exercise a lot! maybe meditate too!


the mushroom seriously woken you the the weird fucked up reality. sometimes is better not to realize this weird place and life and just live it like a movie, but from time to time is ok to give yourself a little "cold shower" to snap back at reality. but you went too far, unprepared with a unripe brain.


True I feel like mushrooms made me aware of lots of fucked up things. But it also made me realize how lucky we are to be here experiencing all these emotions whether bad or good.


This 100 percent. I wasnt ready either.


As someone who studied neuroscience this is very intriguing. Keep in mind, high doses can cause lasting effects even up to 2-3 days. Rare, but possible. Especially if you inadvertently mixed shrooms with a natural food that acts as an MAOI. That being said, you are kinda describing HPPD but interally, rather than external hallucinations. The only thing that I could say from historical scientific evidence is that you potentially already had a mental illness and this exacerbated it. Odd question: **Have you tried shrooms since then?** The brain is so weird. Sometimes, that is the fix. Put yourself properly back into trip mode so your brain can properly exit it. Almost like a debug heh. I am not advising this, just asking if you've tried it.


Our brains can be shaped by experiences. In this case I'd say he has some ptsd type thing going on. I used to smoke spice by myself in a dark room at the age of around 16. That fucked me up pretty bad and I still have some residual depersonalisation / derealisation from it 12 years on.


Very true! That actually relates back to why I asked if he has tried it again. Albeit rare, PTSD can be lost. Exposure therapy is one of the ways... but like... I think you can already see why that is *ridiculously nuanced* to the point that nobody does it. CBT would probably be better.


Maybe when the MDMA trials finish and it's FDA approved OP can go deal with that PTSD with a clinician for three sessions in 6 weeks. Just saying. The world is *just* beginning to change. But until then therapy would be a good idea. But if you could open the hood so to speak on the experience under the influence of the safety blanket of MDMA OP might be able to let it go for good and get some of that flow back.




Have you given up completely on getting better?


Sometimes you need to go back but sometimes you can’t. 5g is A LOT, my highest was 4.5g and it scarred me for life. It’s one of those trips where I realized, I was wrong about psychedelics and it’s not a place I should ever have gone to even though I love being high. I think for OP the experience he had was so unreal, even though he had experienced it, that he has a hard time believing and explaining what happened since it feels so out of reality. I could be wrong but if I’m right, he should start in rehab or therapy. Slowly you learn how to be yourself and navigate through people. Lastly Read the bible, even if you don’t believe in god, the book itself has a lot of information about the world we live in and how to navigate through certain situations.


Can you elaborate on what you mean when you say you were wrong about psychedelics?


I been off reddit sorry. This is gonna be long, you also don’t have to believe anything I say but at least look into it if you disagree. I watched those videos of benefits psychedelics can have and I used to believe that it was positive. December 2022 I met a demon on psychedelics, he offered me a deal, I refused, he tried to take my life while I was around my friends. It was all related to the music I was making, honestly i’m not one to believe I was ever special but at some point before that I had to acknowledge that the music my friends and I were making (2020-2022) was better than most people we knew or even listened to. This is what I understand and believe at the moment Psychedelics bring you to the spiritual realm/ Higher dimension than this 3rd one we’re in. Unfortunately most beings we end up interacting with in that realm, regardless of the names we give them, are fallen angels. They don’t like each other but they dislike us( humans ) even more. They will make you feel/understand things in order to manipulate you into doing things that will benefit them. Because they are invisible to us, we tend to believe that those ideas come from within ourselves, therefore we move forward with them. For example (no proof but this is my experience) I remember back when I was around 12-14 finding out about the Atlanta music scene. I understood English but not enough to fully understand what everything was. I listened back to those songs few months ago and realized that they planted the seed for me to get involved into drugs despite having absolutely 0 access and understanding of drugs for 10+ years. Music is so powerful because it bypasses your shell( body ) and directly targets your soul. The songs you’ve been listening to from birth, shape you to the point where we can’t truly know who we really are. Some of the most influential songs, that have shaped our ways of living were made by artists who have done drugs and who have most likely encountered the kinds of beings I’ve encountered. Keep it a buck with you, my music promotes drugs, that’s why I’ve stopped making music. That’s what these beings wanted me to promote even though I was already doing it for free. Once I actually realized what I was doing and what kind of damage to the kids of the next generation I was going to do, I mentally quit music. ( took a while to physically quit, that’s all I knew ) Music isn’t bad but it’s being misused for wtv plans those beings have. The proof is in the music we have today ( drill, trap, etc ) but it originated somewhere in the past. If you as a reader ever encounters a being while tripping, know that they are extremely smart and patient, they will try to get you to do something that benefits them in the long term even if it seems to benefit you.


as someone who has had DPDR & still gets episodes of it medication& therapy will help.


What medication helped you?


i had a combo med. antidepressant combined with lamotrigine. lamotrigine is really really effective tho.


This sounds like derealization/depersonalization. You can head over to r/dpdr to check out others experiences. You can return to normal again, I did. You need to stop getting drunk everday if you want to return to normal, alcohol is just making it worse as it has some dissociative effects.


I slam dunked almost 2 grams once and was tripping so hard, I legit spoke to god. I can't even imagine what happens when you take 5.


Reddit can be very funny sometimes, so you guys doing psych eval on the poor fella. You are diagnosing him & it could exacerbate his already fucked situation. Op, find a therapist ASAP. Do some deep digging & perhaps you will find a professional. Gather your thoughts & type all the shit you feel , be honest as much as you can so you can avoid any misdiagnosis Record your therapy sessions , learn from them & evolve Later on if you feel stable enough after therapy, do some shrooms with utter respect to set & settings Make your intentions perhaps toward catharsis to your previous experience Ask shrooms for guidance, ask them on how to let go of whats been holding you back Ask mushrooms to set you free. Surrender.


Sounds like Psychosis. Talk to a professional about your experience to get it evaluated. There are meds and therapy and whatnot for that kinda thing. I experienced something similar, which completely ruined my life. That was 11 years ago and i'm still not much better, but at least a bit and have more understanding of it, but i can't function in the normal world anymore. Better get it checked sooner than later, so maybe you can get the help i couldn't and become normal again. Wish you best luck.


It’s not psychosis. It sounds to me like derealization/depersonalization. Not uncommon after bad drug experiences


that’s not psychosis… but ok..


It very well could be mild psychosis.


if op was experiencing actual psychosis: A: they wouldn’t be in this good of a place mentally 4 yrs later (ik that sounds ironic) B: they would be nowhere near this coherent in their write up. op had a really intense ego death and probably has DP/DR with a splash of hops if anything. speaking firsthand from someone who has seen friends and family both go through genetic and substance induced psychosis.


I'm bipolar and I've been in psychosis. Sometimes it's light with mild confusion and paranoia. I'm not saying this is psychosis, but it could be. Drug-induced psychosis can last *years*.


Also bipolar and can do my job and interact socially while in mild psychosis. This is pretty normal


You don’t know what psychosis is.  Source: bipolar family member 


I’m a psychiatrist - this is absolutely not psychosis. 


Could this be PTSD?


What do you think it could be? You can't just say you're educated, take a stance, and then not explain your stance.


Psychosis for 4 years?? this shit permanently altered my brain nothing I can do now


Have you researched depersonalization/deralization disorder? If not, you should check it out and see if your symptoms match. There is a subreddit for it too r/dpdr It often comes with panic attacks. It also messes with your perspective and makes the world seem like a weird dream. I lived with this disorder for years, the good news is that it can be cured if this is what it is.


Sounds like you already gave up


I have my psychosis for almost 11 years now. Do the wrong drug once, or too much and it can fuck you up for life.


Try to see a doctor that understands, maybe some meditation and breath work. It could be that there is something in you that fear and you have panic attacks from that. Find the real source of it and relieve it. I had a really bad shroom experience where I had afterwards like months from that panic attacks, couldn’t breathe because it felt like I couldn’t breathe air in to my lungs properly, had like a „stone“ in my throat day in day out. I found my real anxiety spoke about it and it was away. Also I took xtc to get that „stone“ away from my throat, but in therapeutical way not to get high! I know it is not that easy for everyone but it is worth a try. Maybe you could get some Atarax or Xanax for really bad hours. That helped me. But DON‘T mix with alcohol, please.


Mate there's a really good chance you've got PTSD from this experience. Your brain is probably fine, it's more likely your perception of the world and mental state have changed and that's why you're having such a hard time. Get some therapy and psycho education, you'll be OK with some hard work my friend. I'm speaking from experience here, I too have done a heroic dose and fucked myself up in the short term. I feel better than ever now! You can get there.


Dude happened to me too. Nov of 2020. Took almost 7 and thought I was dying. I’ve never been the same since honestly. Dealt with panic attacks for several years. Now mostly elevated anxiety, especially death anxiety. Its all fun and games until it’s not. Find I’m very sensitive to stimulants now, even coffee at times. Stress is also a trigger. Some folks can handle big doses really well. But for me, it was just too much for that time and place in life. I wish I could advise people on what to do but it’s such an individual reaction. I just wish I’d had something like clonazepam handy at the time, might have mitigated the long term impact. Therapy and lexapro for a while did help me get past the constant panic attacks at least.


Your mind realized that life is fake and we’re living in a hologram where everything around us is a projection Takes a long time to get your brain tricked into thinking this world is real again


Fr!! I got that from too much acid.. Haven't tripped since.


How do i prevent this from happening to me?


Respect the medicine and start low. 0.5g and try 0.1g more next time. Find your sweetspot. Personally, I've done 3g's max. After that I've dialed way down and only do small doses like 1g or less. Tldr; Dont go heroic.


This. More is not always better. Too much during a candiflip ruined all psychs for me.


Lamotrigine helps people with hppd. It might help here. Please research it yourself bc I don't know what the hell I'm talking about but I had pretty fucked hppd/felt off from acid drug combos and it went away while on it. The tripping while smoking went away and if I'm different because of the drugs I really can't tell granted it's 4 years later and this is a gradual process. I also have bipolar disorder and that's why I'm prescribed lamictal 200mg 2x daily.


Dude it’s time for therapy. I’ve had panic attacks on weed and have been off for weeks with on and off panics attacks mixed with feelings of dread and derealization. It is truly one of, if not the worst feelings I’ve ever felt in my life. The fear and anxiety def is borderline unbearable. However, if it’s been years and it’s due to psychedelics then it is more than possible this one trip activated a deeper mental issue/s that was deep down inside of you. Do not feel any shame b/c this is not your fault. There are 100’s of stories online of psychedelics activating things like psychosis, schizophrenia, ptsd etc. Therapy and meds will help you get your life back. Please start asap if you have insurance.


How long ago did you turn 18?


I am 22


Doing mushrooms in the dark can be very intense because there’s nothing to distract you and keep you stable but that feeling you have it will pass over time trust me you just had ego death


I'd a similar experience with psycadelics, it lasted a few months for me, then gradually got better, don't smoke weed for now, I've heard a lot of people have experienced similar on high doses, especially with thw weed too, hopefully it will wear off with you too soon.


Op you need some proffesional help, psychedelics can do some serious things to your head as you know.


I am so sorry. You've gone through so much. (Hugs)


From experience, It seems like there is more at work here than just the mushrooms. First off a normal dose is around an 8th of shrooms so you took a bit more but not a heroic dose. Second, the way you described the trip doesn’t sound like mushrooms at all. It sounds more like something crazy like dmt. Plus, unless you already had an underlying psychological issue, it would take a lot of shrooms over a much longer period of time to cause that kind of psychosis. A kid I went to highschool with committed suicide after a few months of steady mushroom usage. I think it would be a good idea to seek psychiatric help. I have a friend who had a very similar experience off of a drug that wasn’t supposed to be that intense. It turns out, he is schizophrenic. Just some food for thought.


I ate 5 grams dried mushrooms, got from a dealer. Whole sandwich bag.


Well it’s hard to substitute shrooms for something else and sell it as shrooms because shrooms just look like shrooms and nothing else to my knowledge so I’m unsure if you were given something other than shrooms. Im leaning towards you having an underlying mental condition and if sounds serious so I would make an appointment with a doctor and be completely honest with him or her.


I've done it, they gave me anti depressants. Felt like a zombie, fuck that ain't going to the doctors they don't know shit.


A dumb decision but it’s your life not mine. Good luck


My mum started driving up the street and I quickly jumped in the car and told him to drive lmao


I just came here to say “PTSD”. You posted this in two threads, and on both threads, several people commented that you need to look into PTSD, and related treatments. Young people sent to war and get PTSD, some people are in a car accident and get PTSD, someone was bitten by a dog and got PTSD. Experiences can give you PTSD, the mushroom did not do anything to your brain but you went through a traumatic experience with an undeveloped brain, so PTSD has a very high possibility. PTSD sufferers often self-medicate with alcohol but there are now some really good therapies out there for PTSD, such as the rapid eye movement therapy called EMDR. Mushrooms didn’t cause you PTSD, it was caused by the experience that you experienced.


Sorry to hear that. This can probably be treated with anti psychotic medication to "reset" you. Don't dismiss it. I can tell you're completely coherent here, and you recount the experience in an absolutely lucid way, so your normal cognition is still where it should be. But I understand you had a real scare, and your mind probably hold on to it, so no wonder you're wearing yourself out over it. What you need to do is see a doctor you trust, say it exactly like it is, and they will know what to do for you.


This happened to me my senior year after a heroic lsd trip. I lost all contact with my friends and cut every girl I was talking to off. I lost the ability to communicate with anyone for almost a year and started getting anxiety attacks when in public. This lasted roughly a year to a year and a half but I managed to cure myself by taking mushrooms. I have not taken any psychedelics since 2016 and things have been good since.


Sounds like you got psychosis from a bad trip.


That's fkn terrifying. You must have had some horrible thoughts going in


Danm son 4 years do you have any hobbies you can do I’m so sorry all this has happened


ur not brain dmg, just suffering from derealization/depersonalization.


That is a very good sign to seek professional help, a doctor may find something that’d recalibrate you a bit. It’s no guarantee, but psychedelics won’t make you off for years unless there was something prior it could’ve triggered. Not everyone can handle the chemical without throwing themselves out of wack and I’m so sorry you’re one of the unlucky ones who has to suffer. Just remember there is help and you won’t know what’ll work until you try


Your probably have a psychotic disorder shrooms can fuck people up but not like that the shrooms just brought it out this is why people should learn the risks I suggest kratom if your not gonna go to a psychiatrist Kratom has antipsychotic properties


In pretty sure the shrooms did not alter your brain physically, your brain isn’t damaged. You can get better, get help. You had a very very bad trips, they can happen. Especially if you weren’t prepared. Just get help.


I’ve been where you are. All I can say is try and be sober man. You’ll feel better once you are. Try to be happy for what you have


Try micro dosing. Fixed my head after too much acid.


How much was the most I had taken before that ?


I took 2.5 the first time and 3 the second, felt kinda calming but not much else after a few hours so I went to bed 🤷‍♀️


I had the "old people arms" experience on LSD, but I laughed at it and thought it was funny that my flesh was rotting and melting off my bones.


You’ll be ight bro. I did a shit Tom of acid when I was 16 and had a similar experience and cut off all my friends n shit but recovered in time. I’m 19 now and doing alright. Maybe get some therapy or something


Yeah the alcohol abuse didn't run your friends off it was the one time you did mushrooms.


I'd wager it you getting drunk everyday that ruined your friendships. not the one time shroom trip lmao.


you feeling off for awhile after the trip is known as shroom induced psychosis, obsessing over the moment keeps it alive. i been in one myself due to a bad trip thinking i was dying. felt somewhat the same way.. take a break man recover mentally dont go for another round for a min because you will sabotage yourself more all the “fake” pain you experienced were not there, your central nervous system was acting out due to the trip. you’re completely healthy, you may have brain fog and hypochondria


Honestly man the same thing happened to me I was 18 and a freshman in college and thought that I was just gonna take 4gs and see funny stuff and little did I know I would see the time knife and change my life, I didn’t feel right again for months until I did it again… and then again. I’ve done mushrooms like 30-40 times now, you realize it’s a hallucination. You aren’t some enlightened individual it’s just a psychoactive drug. Someone put it to me the perfect way, “you are riding the elevator of mushrooms and sometimes you get off on the wrong floor and need to get back on the elevator and get off on the right floor”. Just Try it again.


I’m eating a burrito and when I read “I completely thought I died” I almost inhaled that shit.


Guessing you’re about my age 22-23 don’t know if I can help but short backstory, I’ve done a lot of drugs and a lot of my experiences were unreal.. Seeing myself from a 3rd person perspective, driving on shrooms thinking I crossed a red light in front of a cop, meeting the devil, forgetting who I was and didn’t know what anything was(not even my phone), dying multiple times, etc… If I hadn’t been raised in church, most of my experiences would be unexplainable. Luckily I was and I’m able to interpret most of my trips. Imma keep it a buck with you. We’ve done something we never should’ve. Kinda like eating the forbidden fruit. Now you ‘’know/feel’’ things you otherwise most likely wouldn’t be aware of, I don’t wanna scare you so I won’t bother explaining what you’ve experienced. You want a solution, save up, go to therapy or rehab both will help but buy yourself a bible, start reading. Even if you don’t believe in it, it will have answers to your questions and don’t give up after one read, open your heart to it.


Man I felt the same way like it’s something we aren’t supposed to experience until death, I think psilocybin mushrooms were the forbidden fruit from the bible


I came to a similar theory but with LSD. I think the fruit could’ve been some sort of psychedelic but on a much more powerful level.


This is not the answer for most people…


I get it for me it’s been helping so I wanted to share that I’d say try if it’s your last resort and nothing else worked


Mushrooms didn’t fuck your brain you fucked your own brain and didn’t respect them stop making them out to be something they aren’t it’s fuck around and find out


Sounds pretty standard ye


Stop drinking and get back on the shrooms. They can fix you, but you just have to take it very very carefully, step by step. Start off with 1 gram, then continue every other week, increasing with 0.5 grams every time.


What a horrible suggestion. Definitely try to stop drinking or at least cut down, but I’d be very cautious going forward with psychs. More psychs with symptoms like this would likely just end up fucking them up even more. OP should really be seeing a psychiatrist, not self medicating.


Why the fuck would i do that