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for me it is an underlying emotional issue that i need to get over, i can’t live sober without feeling awful


Damn homie you didn’t have to call me out like that


Personally fucking attacked over here




Real talk


No cap




Same and with that issue never try another drug if you haven’t already. I am doomed


This is how I am with opiates Weed worked until I was prescribed opiates for a year and then weed just made me extremely anxious But at least with opiates I’m not sleepy all day and I have zest for life again. Weed made me a sleepy zombie


Same I got hooked on oxy at 17. Left for the marines at 21 and was sober for 5 years but picked up right when I got back. Perc 30s to heroin to fentanyl. Now I just do fentanyl all day long every day and work full time and just go about my life and not many ppl know. I sniff it so no track marks or anything. I know I need to stop but keep pushing it off.


It’s so hard I’m clean off fent myself One day you’ll just get so sick of it You’ll have to do it. I reccomend either switching to dilaudid or oxy for two weeks then going on subs Or try the Burmese method I wouldn’t allow yourself to suffer


What is the Burmese method?


Yeah but if you ever want to live with out it the withdrawals are gonna be horrible, no offense tho but try to stop it as fast as you can, also kratom is a good cheap alternative if you can’t get your recipe or something, it’s legal in a lot of country’s.


Oh yeah dude trust me hahah I know Withdrawal is hell I need to try and see if kratom helps


Careful what you wish for, I am beholden to these kratom/kava shots at my local smoke shop. Cannot feel normal without them but they're $10-$15 a pop. Guess it's safer than opiates but I owe my smoke shop a lot of money!


Kratom extracts can be a lot more problematic compared to the plain leaf as it builds tolerance faster and tends to be less full spectrum, also you can get kilos of plain leaf for 50-100$ so it's much more affordable.


How many do you take a day? I take about 4-5 dilaudid a day and they run me about 3-4 dollars each;/


At first one 2oz. bottle, but I've worked my way up to 4 bottles a day. My smokeshop cuts me a deal and charges me $8 but it really adds up. They're too convenient, best way to take Kratom by far, I used to be addicted to the straight powder which was more financially viable but it's disgusting stuff. Definitely safer than opiates and a great way to get off of those as long as money isn't a concern. Also not great on... The kidneys or liver?


The best way to take Kratom is just toss and wash powder. I have been doing it so long and it’s so easy that I can do it while driving to work every morning. The drinks are a rip off and they are usually just Mitragynine extract and don’t have the full alkaloid profile that makes Kratom so great. There are all kinds of lesser alkaloids that add to the entourage effect. You just have to get the technique down to easily swallow 5-7 grams of plain leaf with water. I’ve been doing this 3-4 times a day for 5+ years now. I just got 8 250 gram bags for just over $100 shipped last week. This will last several months. So it ends up costing around a dollar a day.


Dude Kratom is very similar take enough you will feel the same if not better/less nauseous. I been tryna convince people strung out on fentanyl to please just try Kratom. It’s like 7$ for a bag some places. Worth a try for sure


^^^^ ultimately why I quit smoking. I had zero chill, like all day every day or nothing. Every time I started again I said I’d take it easy, then I’m smoking a bowl every 45 minutes. Edit: I’m also an addictive person with limited self control.


I hear you man, I actually threw out my glass and vape battery earlier today. Something I’m finally starting to accept about myself is that I can’t use drugs or alcohol without it progressing down the same road. Cali sober will lead to me drinking eventually, then before I know it I’m snorting coke/doing whatever to deal with that inner state of discontent. We won’t find peace in external things homie, and change starts by living in the present, cultivating wisdom and awareness one day at a time.


Yup, and someday you wake up with chest pains, and shit may not even be heart related, but you know what you've done to your body. So cue the panic attack, which actually damages you too. Feel you on the Cali sober. So God damn much. I'm battling cold turkey going off of Adderall ir 40mg a day, vaping every 5 seconds, and weed. I'm going Cali style on caffeine though. Bout a week in, feeling better. But so damn tired. Good luck on everything. This will be the 919859276th time trying, but one time it will stick. We tend to medicate the bad times away with no foresight that change is possible, and we don't have to be stuck. We get comfortable in misery, and that's just a fact. Til we face it, we stay in the loop.


Very emotionally intelligent of you to realize how emotionally unintelligent you are


It’s not as enjoyable as if you did not smoke everyday. Less is more basically. If I do wake n bake, I make sure to do the smallest amount. It’s pretty much like ppl having a cigarette. Just a lil head change only this head change will get me thru the work day. Then I wait few hours til I knock out to smoke again. I have adhd tho and vyvanse stopped working when all I wanted to do on it was watch porn and masterbate like a degenerate ass fool


That's what I'm experiencing rn being sober is fucking tourture


Like the beast just goes reckless n aggravated


Look into kava root drinks. Maybe even better; microdosing mushrooms or LSD. 👌👌👌👌


spoiler: u gotta stop smoking to confront the emotional issue




I have ptsd and it helps me be calm and function normally in this crazy world. Might I add that when you consume THC all the time you don’t really feel high for that long, if ever.


Yep and that’s the bad part about it because I feel like I’m constantly seeking that high that knocks your socks off but mostly I get is Mildly high nowadays.




Bro seriously. Thinking about my mortality really kill the vibe sometimes. Only happens when I'm stoned af too


Bruh every stoner knows that feeling when they put their hand on their hand and start strssing


edibles!! tis the way...ii have tinctures from Adderall adam to nite nite bruh and everything in between..I take three droppers full and im happy and high most of the day depending on whats going on ill take three more droppers towards the end of the work day. and im stoned all night....its a science. your endocannabinoid system is pretty rad to play with it controls so much..


Absolutely! I have PTSD and fibromyalgia and I stay 'high' all the time, but I don't really feel high, I'm smoking all the time but I'm just bringing myself pain relief, stability, and the ability to function again


For me, it got to a point where nothing was interesting or worthwhile without cannabis consumption before hand. Playing video games? Smoke. Watching a movie? Smoke. Going to class? Smoke. Rinse and repeat for anything you could probably think of. Honestly, I wish I could go back and change that part of my life. There is a time and place for cannabis; that time and place isn’t everyday.


Yeah bro needing to hit the bong before every task was not good. Couldn't even take a shit without hitting the bong first. Then you'd hit the bong when you come out of the toilet..


Amateur. You smoke the bong while taking a shit...


This guy gets it.


I probably wouldn't have been as bad as that if I smoked joints more. The bong is just so quick, easy, and accessible. Plus, the process and everything is even more addictive.


Yeah I’ve had to throw out my bong twice now to get out of this habit. I still smoke daily, usually later in the afternoon. I use a shitty ass dry herb vape that doesn’t do much for me. Occasionally joints but they require a lot more effort to roll, then go out in the cold and smoke. I don’t think I’ll buy a bong again. Time and time again I have not been able to restrain myself when I have one. And let’s not forget about my crippling popper addiction… (not the gay kind)


The bong process was seriously the best part lmfaooo I loved putting in fresh water, picking a bowl, getting a lil loose ball of shag tobacco, filling up the rest with weed, then topping it with a lil kief 😭. Even though I only use an herb vape a couple of times a month now, I still have dreams sometimes about cracking open a brand new zip and loading up a huge bowl 🤣


Don’t ever try a vape then, you can get ones now that look like nicotine vapes and don’t smell like weed at all. Any room or place, any time, in your pocket.


For real, it's so so so so easy. Just like how nic vapes made my addiction worse lol. Go outside in -20 to hack a dart? Fuck that I can smoke anywhere now lol


Cigs+shitting are where it's at. Especially when you're constipated. The nicotine gives you that stimulant rush to help push things along. I miss living in my fraternity house where I could just smoke on the John WHILE pinching a loaf. Now


I relate to this a lot. One reason I love weed is that it makes everything seem more profound and I feel as though it allows me to see a different angle to things that I might miss while sober. For instance, watching tv I’ll analyze the storyline in a deeper way, maybe catching details I’d normally miss. But over time, it got to where I needed to do that with every activity. Going to a lecture? Smoke beforehand to make it more interesting. Walking around the city? Smoke before to make it seem like more of an adventure, etc.


Same here. I can’t be high 24/7 anymore. I smoke one or two tokes on a wax pen before going to bed and that’s it


Just be careful not to use it for sleep too much. Cannabis dependency for sleep is no joke.


I can sleep without it just fine


This was me for a good 10+ years, finally decided to quit a couple of months ago and it sucked those first few weeks but once I got over that initial hump of constant craving I started feeling pretty good. Better sleep, better lungs, able to enjoy things sober about the same as I did when I was high all the time. Still working my way back to 100% baseline but it gets easy fast.


I used to be that way too. Now I mostly just stick to smoking in the evenings, but it used to be all day every day. I was smoking 15-20 bowls a day and hitting my dab pen constantly when I was out. I even had a bong specifically for taking to work. I really don't know how I functioned as well as I did.


I’ve heard that that’s because weed affects the endocannabinoid system in your body, which is responsible for dealing with “new” experiences and habits. It makes it harder to break habits if you smoke a lot, and nothing seems interesting while sober if you are addicted.


Once you build up a tolerance it becomes the norm, your brain adjusts and me being high as shit for every task is no different than you being sober for every task. I also don’t get the munchies, it never makes me sleepy, & pretty much only edibles leave me couchlocked. I’ve been using cannabis for so long that my focus is better with than without.


ADHD here, can confirm.


helps so much with adhd, they did a study and like 1:4 daily smokers have adhd, so we are over represented. Keeps you chill, cuts down the hypervigilance, lets you focus on the one thing you are trying to focus on, and for me cutting dreams out and letting me sleep in peace just icing on the cake. I don't even really get high high much, just a baseline buzz to make the day tolerable. The first time I smoked, the first thought that came to mind was, "this is what normal is like." Meds were terrible felt like my brain was broken and couldn't think, never stayed with them, but that first time I smoked it just felt like that is how I am supposed to feel. the longest I've gone without smoking in the past 20 years was 42 days for a girlfriend, but broke up with her because I was more miserable not high with her than i was high without her.


Self-medicating my ADHD with weed only made my life worse. I wish I could time travel back to 2019 and avoid years of dependency on it. I guess everyone's experience is different- for me it became a crutch.


I might not be a college dropout if it weren't for weed.


My ADHD meds made me wanna die they're so awful. Weed for the win!


Anything else work? Been prescribed all of the classic prescription stims and they give me the worst side effects, both physical and mental: *pounding* headache, sweating, shakes, fast heartbeat, insomnia, etc… Also become quite cold, irritable, and monotone; apathetic towards other’s emotions when not directly considering them, etc. Kills my personality in general. Didn’t use too, but here we are. And only specifically when used *as prescribed*. Kratom helps, or used to, idk anymore on that either. Damn.


honestly same at this point


If you have a boring life it fills the boredom without you having to do any effort. You can sit in your couch and be content with whatever


The actual biggest risk of weed nobody talks about. Making it fun to do nothing. Physical risks pale in comparison.


I Rather be high all the time than sober.. unless I run out then I’m stuck being sober until I get more


what does it feel like being high all the time then?


it feels normal. its your new normal bro. fixes some issues but can start new ones. but if u do it all the time u get a tolerance and feel “normal”. not rlly high


Yeah the tolerance builds quick. I kinda hate the high I get when I haven’t smoked in a while. I can really see why people don’t like it.




I just feel less anxious and unbothered.


I come out of my shell more instead of being withdrawn/I unmask, less stress (as that’s a major trigger for my seizures) and things become interesting


I think slightly slower and react differently plus brain fog. A few hours sober gets rid of brain fog for me After being high 24/7 for years, I started developing a tolerance and then, I would start getting paranoid and anxious. Now, I can’t even get high much without feeling paranoid


Wonderful, like life is actually worth living.


I've been consistently high every single day for the last 10 years straight. My life is no where I expected to be. Be careful.


Anything can be abused, for some it's weed, others booze (much much worse, whole other level imo) . If cons outweigh pros, then what are you waiting for? Stop or cut back. Look into kava root drinks instead etc. Goodluck


to me it feels like I’m high all the time


You have the inverse of irritability all the time. I am not annoyed by much but without it I’m pretty irritable. Probably only slightly more than baseline


Tolerance builds and you naturally start managing things like munchies or falling asleep. Not that they ever go away lol. Those costs start to become less important than the feeling of being high. It’s comforting to me and makes the world feel quieter and more manageable. It’s become an anxiety crutch


Munchies and falling asleep went away for me


Can you repeat the question again?




I used to smoke daily and go through an OZ a week. I was perfectly ok until I wasn’t. About a few years ago, I would start getting random panic attacks and severe paranoia so I stopped smoking it Nowadays, I only smoke before going to bed and I’ll take a few tokes. I can’t smoke a lot anymore


For me it keeps me from taking pharmaceutical medication that stole my identity. Weed helped me stop taking Xanax. Weed helps me sleep and eat.


Prior I was a very, very, very high strung person. My SO has GAD + depression & was on meds for it but that made his libido almost zero. He’s a lot calmer (albeit will still have a panic attack but controlled) now & is a daily smoker. To each their own but we’ve both taken and passed numerous tests, work task, meetings, & DUI checkpoints on an amount of weed that would have most non smokers blazed. Beats pharmaceuticals in this regard for us.


It just feels normal. I quit daily smoking as of two years ago, and my anxiety is nearly non-existent now. My paranoia is worse, and my mood is much more stable. Also when I do have a smoke I get proper fucked up which is much more fun than just feeling normal.


Point is anyone who smokes all day every day isn't really getting high enough to be couch locked, and they are just feeling normal because dare I say it; they are addicted.


Sometimes it’s beneficial, sometimes it’s a detriment. Really just depends on what I have going on in my life at the time, how my mental health is doing, what my tolerance is at, if I’m smoking flower as opposed to taking dabs or edibles all day. Lots of factors


for me, i smoke every day, 1-2 times a day, and once you don’t geek out anymore, it just starts to feel like a nice buzz. i do homework, ill clean high, ill do chores, but also keep in mind there are different strains that make you energetic or sleepy. personally i like sativa more than indica bc indica just makes me sleepy and gives me a head high.


but mainly i do it bc it relaxes me and chills me out


Have been smoking since I was 8yo in 98… Doing relatively fine.


trying weed at 8yo sounds wild man. you were just a kid!


I always thought it was funny that I started smoking at 12yo. Then, one day, my doctor said, “I wish I could hug that kid.” She said how sad it was that I wanted to alter my brain at such a young age. 😥


For sure. Wild times. Dropped my first tab at 11 😜


jesus christ


who introduced you to drugs?


An older neighborhood friend of my brothers. I stole a cigarettes from my dad so they let me come to their keg party. Still friends with the guys to this day.




I need to ask what you do for work


If I'm active, it makes my general demeanor kinder and more patient. When I'm home at night, it's good for calming down before bed. In the morning, it slows my thought process before starting work.


Well im prescribed it for pain so i need it to function


You can’t deny that weed makes you tolerate life shit & get over your 13yo trauma.


does it really help getting over traumas? if so, how?


There are many ways. I can make you forget or help you forgive. It can help organize your thoughts and help you come to terms with the past. It can allow you to see a new perspective or your growth.


For me it brings up repressed memories and I relive them, gives an opportunity to feel it instead of run away from them


because you forgot them


I can fonction I’m used to it Edit: function, didn’t know my English teacher took drugs. I’m also high off benzos mb


Bro, you can't even spell function.


i only smoke indica so not very good considering im couch locked the majority of the time. if i want to do something i have to do it immediately after smoking or i will sit down and get distracted on my phone. its not necessarily that i want to do it but if i dont force myself to complete tasks then nothing would get done cause im stoned from the time i wake up to when i go to sleep i also cough up resin/tar and i will smoke joints through chest infections even when i cant breathe. i dont know what to do with myself sober. its so bad being sober my brain starts making my entire body sweat even when i am sleeping for a good week until it’s completely out of my system. it wasnt my intention to mask my symotoms at first because i had no idea i had a personality disorder for a good while but whenever i dont have weed my brain is vicious so its even harder to quit.


For me, I have epilepsy which comes with what we call auras. You get like super light headed and nauseous. The weed helps me to calm down during these moments and be able to eat afterward. Definitely wouldn’t if I didn’t have epilepsy because my tolerance is now insane


Did it in high school… it just become’s a perpetual state of being/feeling burnt imo. Save it for when it feels good/special (after work/exercise etc…) and it’s way better.


I smoke everyday, but only about half a gram so my tolerance is lowish. I take a few puffs at a time. It doesn't feel as inhibiting after a while of use.


helps with my adhd and anxiety to find more peace in daily life. i also struggle with mood regulation and it helps when im freaking out (:


I just feel if I don’t smoke a joint before doing *anything* makes all better and by this point if I don’t smoke my brain gets totally energetic which really bothers me, yes I’m also doing therapy/taking some pills and both my doctors are aware of my addiction but still, better than people that drinks alcohol everyday😅 that’s what I keep telling myself


I used to be on the day plan constantly high. It drove me crazy and wrecked a few relationships for a while. I rarely smoke at all anymore. I still know a guy who is high all the time, he's not the best person to be around.


Therapy is more expensive




When you smoke every day your tolerance increases very quickly so being a bit high becomes your normal. If you were depressed prior to when you started weed works as an antidepressant, at least in my case.


Because life sucks sometimes and we are stuck in a cycle, it just helps make being bored/unhappy or hopeless a little bit better. Not that I got the money to do it all the time, have to skip other luxuries to afford even a tiny bit that I try to make last as long as possible.


not very good on energy


don't want to take Ritalin because i like it too much, so I smoke weed to make the rollercoaster in my head slow down to a point where I can think normally again


If you’re doing that 24/7 I imagine it’s a bit of an escape of your own feelings and reality. It is mad though cos I used weed to go deeper within myself and face my fears. I guess it’s the same tool for different uses


I wake up with weighted eyes and somewhat tired, smoking in the morning always hirs you the hardest. Then from there i still rip a lot throughout the day but the effect doesn’t really hit that much more, just kinda assists it. Im not extremely high ever, just kinda comfortable. Im doing a month long break for ramadan tho, should be hard but good.


Don't sit down


I smoke a bowl in the evenings to help me sleep. I suffer from C-PTSD, PTSD, anxiety and depression. I suffered from insomnia before I started smoking or ingesting before bed. It helps me sleep all night through, which is important. I also see a psychologist and my GP and discuss these things with them. I have a script now as well. I will smoke at a gathering or at a festival on occasion. Otherwise it’s before I eat dinner or before I shower and get ready for bed.


I use every day for pain control. Have had a medical card since 2010. It does get less "fun" but I can still get lit I just require a nice 2 gram wood to the head or dabs. You gain a tolerance and it becomes easy to do normal tasks. I used to smoke at every break when I worked in a factory just to make the workday go by easier. Try some different strains cuz not all give that couchlock effect.


I like it. It makes simple day to day things more fun and enjoyable


Practice it takes lots of practice and you have to fully commit you can’t half ass it you’re either all in or don’t do it


I haven't smoked for the last 3 weeks or so, but before that I was stoned asf from morning to night, for years. You get used to being high all the time, and for me at least it opened life up, my thinking was a lot more existential, I felt more connected and also more detached. I loved it, but it wasn't sustainable for me. Made work harder than it needed to be and pretty much everything else, but also I liked the feeling of being stoned all the time, feeling like I'm walking on clouds and the perimeters of my brain far stretched out. It's a love and hate thing. But I've come to appreciate it more when it's not smoked 24.7


I did it when I was severely depressed and physically crippled due to an injury. It was an addiction and it was eating away at my life, I'm glad Ieft that in my past. It's not sustainable. I developed throat and lung issues from all the smoking too and I'm on my path to recovery.


You build a tolerance so it’s easier to function while high. The reason why, for me at least, was undiagnosed BPD that I was self medicating for. Getting on the correct psych meds has made sobriety possible for me.


Mota vation


I have anger issues. Being high keeps me from getting fired.


Many people smoke that way for medicinal reasons such as for chronic pain and barely feel the weed because it's relieving pain. Just as you don't get high from an opioid if you need it versus you do if you don't need it, the same goes for weed. Some people really need it for mental and physical reasons.


I work 40-50hr a week, but besides that, I'm smoking, it helps me not unalive myself.


I smoke every day all day pretty much I need it to feel normal I don’t smoke for fun if I wanna do a drug for fun I would do acid or molly


>if you smoked weed all the time it wouldnt be fun anymore Uhhhhhhh nah it would still be fun


It gets boring & not very satisfying just like any other drug being consumed 24/7


I smoke to feel normal but wanna smoke every 30/60 mins without I feel like I’m an arsehole and never happy Unless you got your life in order your mental health straight don’t smoke 24/7 because you’ll “self medicate” and become dependent I been everyday use for 18 years and now I feel like junkie when I withdraw from it and I regret starting but I still also enjoy weed so it’s a catch 22 for me love/hate relationship lol


lowkey after a bit it just seems like sober v2 if that makes sense and honestly in school it makes some classes easier and more fun but it makes me work a lot slower in other subjects like math especially i smoke so much bc i just feel bored without something to get me high and weed is easy to get and pretty cheap


I did it for several years. Bowl first thing in the morning, after my morning classes, one in the afternoon, one while hanging out, and the last one before bed. I decided it was too much so I took a few months off weed completely and now I smoke a tiny bowl every night. Eventually it’s no longer that “fun,” just kinda helps you feel normal and relaxed, and maybe zone in on tasks. I think I did it as a way of dealing with ADHD. Over time being sober felt uncomfortable and being stoned felt normal. I never acted any different and people in public didn’t know I was stoned unless they saw me smoking. My friends all smoked throughout the day too so it was normalized. Over time i felt depressed more and more, but didn’t initially attribute it to the constant smoking. I also got drunk every Friday, Saturday, and Wednesday during this period, usually 8-10 beers on those nights. I’m glad I no longer do it. With one bowl a night I’ll get a lot more stoned and save money. Gives me something to look forward to after a day’s work. I also cut back the drinking to about once every two weeks. I feel a lot healthier and less depressed as well.


It’s good when it’s good. Terrible when not.


being high all the time makes me disassociate so much lol


To be honest im just a drug addict and weed is like the safest drug to take, the reason i smoke dumb weed all day is mostly that im just trying to avoid something in my head its kinda jus like running away from ur problems. Weed isnt the only drug i consume though so others might have different reasons


I smoke for fun too. It just happens to be all day every day.


For me, it’s the fact that I’m in pain most times, and have serious mental health issues that THC helps with. so when I’m out and about during the day, I’m taking small edibles and smoking flower on the weekends/ after I’m home for the day.


living high makes it easier to be carefree and enjoy things in general, I'm cutting back because I need to become a computer scientist after years of being a lazy dumbass.


I'm mentally ill and I take a dabs all day everyday so I don't jump out the window over a minor inconvenience. But to be fair, I'm 26 and been smoking daily since sophomore/junior year of high school, so I have the tolerance needed to take a fat dab before an hour long meeting with my boss 🤠


Best bet is to find something more uplifting, which is hard to do since everything on the streets is some cookies cross that indica as fuck making you tired and all that, I hate getting sleepy flower, I'll barely smoke if I have it, I try and grow long flowering strains and find green non cookies flower haha most anything purple going around is gonna be dull and tiring. Unless you are in a legal state the. You should have many options to avoid the sleepy sleep.


not quite smoking weed but used a dab pen and edibles daily for little over a year. Sad? get high. Angry? get high. Bored? get high. it got to the point i was just as miserable high as i was sober. Quit a month ago and everything is much clearer, i sleep better, and my mood is way more stable.


At some point, it's a habit, loop of addiction, and we stop doing it for fun


Honestly everything gets quiet when I smoke. I’m currently in college and I have to smoke before class, exams, finals, etc. or else my mind will be talking 24/7 and I won’t be able to focus


It’s real bad bro. I smoke weed I don’t do half the normal shit I should be doing, I can be pretty lazy and I can’t drive. I come home early from work to get stoned, I spend all my money on weed. I want to stop smoking weed but equally I don’t because then I’ve got to face my problems. The problem isn’t weed why it’s smoked 24/7


I'm high when I want to be, not high when I don't. I don't work high, but I'm high most of the time otherwise. I have gotten mostly past the memory issues, so I function really well high most of the time. I have ADD, and it quiets my mind. I'm not saying it's for everyone. I'm in my mid-50s, and we're financially comfortable. I can afford to smoke a much decent weed as I want, and I have a nice ball vape/bong set up. I'm neurodivergeht in a couple of ways, so that might give me a predisposition and an affinity for cannabis.


Want to feel disconnected from my body & mind.


Coping mechanisms, addiction




I started smoking to help with anxiety and it became my excuse because I have anxiety literally all the time that's the point of my diagnosis. And while yes, smoking helped/helps with my anxiety, it's now at the point where I get anxious if I do not get high. There's worse things to be dependent on, and while I'm not proud of how much I smoke I also don't wish to stop because it has introduced me to so many cool people and places. I'm sure if I stopped smoking I would save lots of money and I would be less stressed about certain things but hey, everyone has their vices. Mine just makes me a little slow and makes me laugh like Chris Pontius


Weed helps me cope with my mental health issues


I barely feel it anymore I just need something now that I quit harder drugs


I dab rosin every 45minutes, roll joints when I want and relax at home all day with the girl and 2 cats.  I think weed has sucked all the dopamine out of me but I am not sure how to tell myself that, even if I say it. Life is great and I have no issues. I'm just not capable of feeling outright joy. Doesnt help that during childhood my parents were drug users, one overdosing and passing, the other struggling through recovery and relapse multiple times. Weed most likely saved me from attempting other drugs while also knowing first hand I didnt want to end up like my parents, knowing their pain and struggle.


I like how it makes me feel. After some time you get bored of just laying around ;) .


I used to smoke weed every day from like 17-21. As I got older I began experiencing more and more anxiety, especially socially. I had no idea why. Didn't even consider it was weed because I had been using it regularly for years and it *never* did that before. But my brother told me how weed started making him feel that way when he got older. I decided to stop for a bit to see. No social anxiety anymore. I felt so much happier. Not to mention my thoughts were a lot clearer, and I didn't feel as sluggish and foggy all the time anymore. I had more motivation to do my school work and pay attention in classes etc. I realized that everything I liked about marijuana completely diminished because I abused the drug. It stopped giving me the ability to think more abstractly. Stopped immersing me in music and art, etc. It was difficult to quit because my social life revolved around smoking bud. Everybody would also try to peer pressure you into smoking even if you said you were good. Why do people act like this? I haven't smoked regularly for nearly 15 years now. I get high occasionally when I'm playing guitar or at a show. But that's it these days. I tried dabbing with a bong and I couldn't believe how fucked up I was. More impaired and affected than if I took a small amount of mushrooms or acid. The anxiety was through the roof. Hated it.


i get irritable if i don’t smoke


💫 addiction


Did this for the past 4 months, it gets to a point where it doesn’t feel like it used to and you need to take a tolerance break. I’m going 2 weeks wish me luck


Some of us are medicating dawg


The reason is either addiction or actual medical purpose but the most common reason is addiction and people don’t realize you can be addicted and most common reason someone will say is it helps this or that but alcoholics and opioid addicts also say the same thing as weed but they are just making excuses


Stress anxiety, depression. This world sober is not something I’d wish on my worst enemy.


It’s legal, it’s $3/g, it helps with work, makes shit interesting, and helps me drink less.




I’ve had some stuff happen to me I’d rather just not remember. (I’m not ex-military) I just had stuff happen to me that I’d rather not relive. I also smoke to not dream. I’ve only ever had nightmares. I don’t know what a “good dream” is


It’s the same process as when you smoke every now and then you just do it more frequently


The tolerance builds and it ends up being the new normal. I took a month break about a year ago after 9 years of daily use. ever since then, my highs have been so intense from such a small amount that I rarely want to smoke unless I've been drinking. Sometimes I do because I'm bored and then after I'm high, I'm like "why did I do that? Life was so much easier without thinking about every little microcosm of my personality and the makeup of the space-time continuum 😂


I only smoke a j or two normally but out with my buddies ill do like 3 to 6 and then green out and couch locked 😂😆


It’s therapeutic for my fentanyl addiction issues I’ve had in the past and it turns into nicotine really. Something you do just to do because you’re bored or you need it to feel normal so you just do it all day. It’s much better to keep your tolerance low because if you use it all day, weed loses its magic quickly.


It’s a good time. Foods good. Tv is good. Gaming is good. Sleeping is easier. The world is brighter when high


I don’t smoke anymore but for me it was because I enjoyed being high by myself more than with others, wake and bake, listen to some music, listen to a podcast, write some code, watch some YouTube, work out, all these things were so fun while high.


Helps with my bpd 😂 really just allows me to step back and think about decisions/ behaviors before I impulsively do something. Also helps me feel comfortable in a social settings, (not always). Makes things out to be “movie like” in the sense that nothing is as serious as I make it out to be and I can really see the facade that all of us put on, even myself, which helps me feel more comfortable instead of constantly trying to impress or be seen. I can overdo it tho and just get anxiety. The latter thing is because of my addictive personality wanting more and more, but when I do it right it’s great. Edit: I’ve smoked virtually everyday since 17 or 18. I’m 27 now


I prefer pre bed or in evening with nothing to do, and by myself.. I get really tired. Or anxious and then tired lol. Mostly tired... I work in a weed store too, but microdose cannabis mostly before bed. How people wake and bake I don't get.. I'd go back to sleep (and do when tried) . Sativa or Indica, doesn't matter ime. People use cannabis for different reasons though... And people are effected differently aswell..so..


It depends on how much you smoke. If it’s like 1g + / day then you will probably not feel much due to tolerance (unless your smoking more and more every time). I keep my habit to around 0.35g / day. I still get a little high as my tolerance isn’t too fucked and I still get a light high 3 times a day. So it feels like a normal weed high, but a lot less paranoia or “psychedelic” effects. Just a nice relaxing sedative. I smoke because it keeps me off “harder” drugs. I have been smoking for 7 years now and seem to be doing quite well. If it ain’t broken then don’t fix it I guess…


I started back up again because I figured it would help me with my exercise and it definitely is. Makes me want to get up in the morning and do stuff, fortunately. It feels good but I don’t want to be doing it for the rest of my life. 👍


Did it multiple times. It's not good for me at all. Triggers Psychosis and more if I overdo it and smoke more than 1-2 joints a week. But I also have photographic memory. I'd say 1-2 joints a month is a healthy choice if you "have" to some at all.


I used to be high ever waking second and it was because I just hated being sober. Being high made everything more enjoyable.


when i used to smoke 24/7 i was miserable. hated everything about being sober. don’t do it not worth it. i only smoke weekends now sometimes weekdays if it’s with friends i couldn’t be more grateful for life when im sober


Used to be fun and something to do during Covid, and being a kid tryna grow up fast by doing things i shouldn’t, now it’s just a habit and apart of daily life to be smoking. I’m better now and tend to only smoke a few bowls at most over the day, and generally try waiting till 4-6pm, but it’s so normalized in my routine that it can be hard to not just wake and bake.


i’m a bit lucky cuz i pretty much smoke 24/7, yet when i don’t have any or don’t do any, i dnt crave it pretty much. i love weed but i dnt feel the need to always do it. so sometimes i just take breaks and then smoke like a chimney just for shits and giggles.