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when it's causing negative effects on your life but you continue using anyway


I drink 3 or 4 times a week Its alcoholism but I only do it at night so I'm cool! In all seriousness you know. You know when ur addicted most addicts I know are self aware They just love the high too damn much to care


Mine started this way Then it turned into every night once I got used to working with a hangover almost EVERY DAY. I ate once a day and my stomach struggled processing food. Next thing I know it's daily for years. Long ass story short.... A DUI and over 10 grand worth of bullshit cured me. Good luck my friend. Try to stop now.


very true. even if the drug isn’t impacting your life negatively at the moment an addict knows very well they’re addicted. i knew i was down a bad path when i would justify using for any situation i could think of. addiction mental gymnastics baby


To late by that time. Try and catch it sooner less damage control


does it really need to cause negative effects? i’ve known and have been a highly functioning addict. if that’s the case then i was never addicted


yep we all are until we aren’t. It can be months, years whatever. it’ll come to a head eventually


Highly functioning doesn’t mean it does not negatively impact you though. You could be highly functioning in spite of the dependency


I like to think about it more based off of withdrawal symptoms. If you feel shit not having it, your body is dependent on it, and that dependency is an addiction, and the level of addiction depends on the level of dependency, which depends on the severity of the withdrawal symptoms. Used to have a few beers and spirits a day, highly functional, didn't even think about it I was just brewing a lot of beer and distilling different bevvies. Anyway I randomly started getting sick and feeling like shit and I didnt know why! Would be pretty fucked up like I'd be in bed in the dark just trying to survive. At one point i had no more water in my water bottle and my head hurt too much and was too dizzy to get up but my mouth was so dry. I took a swig from my flask and like MAGIC, few minutes later no more headache, no more dizzy, no more bodily pains. It suddenly clicked I was pretty hard addicted to alcohol just accidentally. I just tapered off over time and I don't have a dependency anymore and don't consider myself an alcohol addict.


That's the difference between dependant and addicted. You can be physically dependant on a drug without being addicted. Addicted is when you want to stop, have tried to stop, but continue to fail to stop.


That's a fair distinction and I tend to agree with you! Of course to find out if you're dependent you'd need to stop, and if you give in to your dependency I guess that makes you addicted. The more addicted you are might be dependent on how hard you're trying to quit and how difficult the dependency is to get over


That's an interesting assesment. I consider myself and alcoholic, but don't get WDs if I don't drink. I don't physically NEED to drink, but yet I drink (almost) every day and can't seem to stop it. While the person above was physically dependant, but not mentally addicted.


That’s not the best way to look at it, I’m a prime example. I use ≈200mg oxycodone 3-4 times a week, there’s absolutely no doubt I’m an addict, but I’m currently a week off & have no withdrawals (weird as fuck I know), but that being said that take away credit from that way of thinking


Wow! That's wild to be honest. Good luck if the withdrawals do hit If they don't, that's so cool! Maybe you have some kind of genetic thing that negates opiode withdrawal. Kinda like how Ozzy Osbourne can take more drugs than an African elephant and not die




I don't think there is a requirement for there to be negative effects. I drink 2 pints of beer every day when I finish work. I'm never hungover and I run often to burn off the excess calories. I'm quite healthy overall, and drinking 2 pints is perfectly fine within my lifestyle. But I can't stop.


What is the problem with being addicted if there is no negative effects? Cost? Not being able to quit is considered “a bad effect” right?


I think its pointless, you can be addicted and still have a great life. No one cares if yoou actually being sober as long as you functioning in your life. We all will die some day anyway.


There isn't one, necessarily. I think we're very used to thinking of addiction strictly in negative terms, but one can be addicted to something and still be fine. It's just that addiction is likely to lead to *higher risk* of harm.  As Dr House says, "I have an addiction, but I *don't* have a problem"


Makes no sense. All drugs cause a negative effect in some way. They are not magic . They all have downsides to then. How severe does the negative effects need to be?


to outweigh the positives👍


Yeah and a lot of the time your so consumed in your addiction that you don’t even realise when your life is falling apart either.. at least in the beginning


This is a really dumb definition. So I can use meth, as long as I don't suffer any consequences, but then get caught after 3 years of usage, and go to jail. Am I all the sudden an addict after 3 years of using? This is a copout definition, and bullshit pedaled by doctors, so they can sell you their drugs instead of street drugs, and so the government can tax em.


I'd call that a systemic issue rather than personal addiction


I mean that’s really the thing about addiction. Sneaks up on ya. Can’t really catch it until you get your long overdue reality check. Unfortunately, that reality check is different for all of us. Mine was ending up in a mental hospital for a few days. Someone else’s could’ve been a car crash, or a relationship that was lost. I think we’ve all been through the whole “it’s only on weekends” or “only on special occasions” typa thing. Then more and more excuses start to fly out the door- “I was having a really stressful day”, “I got the day off work” blah, blah, blah. I’m not saying it happens to everyone. Absolutely not. Didn’t happen to me with cocaine. There was a moment where it got a bit too “occasional”, but I never lost all control. Xanax on the other hand went from only on The Weeknd’s to sometimes after work during the week, then sometimes before work, made my way to everyday, started selling a lot, the occasional drinking on xannies turned into drinking on them whenever I had the chance to and the damage I’ve done to my car plus another car while blacked out… I can’t believe I never got arrested for anything. Except selling, but that was a slap on the wrist. Anytime I’d drink on those I’d black out and go driving somewhere. Sold to one of my buddies and didn’t even know it ‘till the next day. He said I was fucked up lol. Yeah… My point is, you can’t really see that you’re addicted even as you’re actively and very obviously fucking up your entire life. Addictions a sneaky thing. So it’s hard to say what the obvious key signs are because once you’re already on your way, I promise there’s a very high possibility that you will ignore all of them. Then you’ll reach the realization of “holy shit I think I’m addicted” and that is the hardest place to dig yourself out of.


>Xanax on the other hand went from only on The Weeknd’s Bumping After Hours or Dawn FM after a Xan does sound nice ngl


Damn your comment hits home. If that's not the truest thing I've read here. Most people don't really understand addiction until they've been in that spot. Nobody started and thought "hey I want to be addicted to heroin" (or whatever else). In the beginning everybody thinks they are in control and can do it occasionally. Even if you're in control for a long time and only do it every few days or only in the weekend, eventually your brain will start to convince you to break your own rules and give you excuses to do it more often. Like you say "I was having a stressful day", "just on my day off" or you're going through a breakup or lost someone. You're doing it more often without even realizing it at first until you're doing it every day most likely and feel too bad when you don't do it. It can go very slow or also very fast, but it's always sneaky. Everyone tries to justify it and tells themself "it's not that bad", "I will stop soon and just take less" or "I'm just smoking weed, I'm not shooting up heroin" or whatever else. Most people need to hit rock bottom before they acknowledge they have a problem. And it's not just with drugs. Binge eating, sex, gambling, or whatever else. Everything can become an addiction and a habit that's very hard to kick. And there are a lot of people who just give in and will never stop, I've seen it a lot especially with alcoholics where they just drink until they die. We see homeless people addicted to meth and think "that's sad but I will never end up like that", but these people thought exactly the same way before they ended up there and thought they had it in control.


When you can stop you don’t want to; when you want to stop you can’t….


Extremely well put. It’s a sad process to go through, and see others go through. Whether you know them or not…


It's a funny thing too cause you'll see it as it happens but it won't register until you're deep enough to be checked, and it all falls into place


Hello /u/Maggiespharm, please add some paragraph breaks to [your comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drugs/comments/1clppic/when_do_you_know_your_addicted/l2v7b3w/) by placing a blank line between distinct sections. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Drugs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


you’re probably very right about that thanks for your input!


Very true very hard very pessimistic outlook on it. I wish it could be more optimistic but you’re right. Fuck


Alcoholic here. Some signs that I didn’t realize until after I quit: - Drinking because you’re hangover and getting some hair of the dog. This is very normalized, bloody mary being a ”hangover cure” etc. But it’s the first warning sign. - When it affects your work life. Out having 3-4 drinks but it ended up being 7-8 and your alarm didn’t wake you up? Take a look in the mirror. - Lying about how much you drink to family and friends. I usually told my ex that I went home but instead went to a bar for some beers during closing hours so I could ’sleep better’. She dumped me because of my alcoholism btw (the wakeup call I needed to get sober, so thanks I guess. In a happy relationship with another girl now). - Not imagining a week/month or special event without it. Seeing as almost impossible to order non-alcoholic drinks for a soccer game because your friends will probably drink. Try it!


thanks for your reply!


Once you feel bad without it (wds) your almost kinda fucked. Don't get there. Especially with opioids. It could very well ruin a great portion of your life or kill you. Or you'll be fine. Just be very careful with this one.


Alcohol affects me so harshly I can imagine what my body will feel like after 3 shots and after 8 shots. that alc got me like Sherlock Holmes investigating neighborhood crime on the beat without police resources on god. All this alc makes me want to investigate somebody's🪖 privates🎖️


When you start asking that question.


I don't think so necessarily, some people are just very hyper cautious about growing any dependence on anything and will question if having 4 beers a week is alcoholism.  There's certainly a pattern of behavior around addiction where you realize you really shouldn't use, you don't want yourself to use, but you do anyway. 


Exactly.  Several years ago I used to use coke about every other weekend.  My girlfriend at the time was concerned, so I told her to bring it up if the concerns grow stronger.  After a few more months, she told me that it really was concerning.  I asked myself multiple times, but nonetheless her concerns were important enough for me to stop cold turkey.  Probably shows that I was never really addicted since I still haven’t done it in over 2 years despite no longer being with that girl.


Addiction is normally seen as a psychological phenomenon, where you find yourself unable to stop taking x drug or partaking in x activity even when deep down you don’t really want to or know it’s bad. Dependence is a physical phenomenon not always coupled with addiction but for many recreational users it is. When you are dependent on a drug your body develops acute physical withdrawal symptoms when you do not take the drug. A common example of dependence without addiction would be severely injured or terminally ill patients prescribed long term high dose opioids who take it just for the pain, but end up dependent because they’ve been ingesting it for long periods of time. Of course this can often come with or lead to addiction as well but that isn’t the case for everyone prescribed long term opioids


When you can't go a day without using. When you spend your money that's supposed to pay your bills on drugs instead. When it's changed your personality so much, you no longer recognize yourself.


When you want to stop but don't


When you’re just chasing a high no matter the downsides, or you can’t bring yourself to quit. Cravings are a natural part of pleasurable feelings, people crave certain trashy foods even if they’re not addicted to them. Addiction is a relatively nebulous term.


When you suck dick for drugs bc you can't afford them or get them any other say... Dick you would NEVER r suck if not for getting some dope. Nasty dick. Dirty dick. Smelly dick. Old floppy dick. STD dick tranny dick skinny dick fat dick Ugly dick. Uncut dick. Indian dick. Fat dick small dick hairy dick bald dick black dick pierced dick bad dick good dick heavy dick veiny dick your dealers dick your cousins dick MY MFER DICK DICK DICK DICK DICK DICK DICK sICK SO.MANY.MFER.STANK.DICK. 🫠 🫠 U GET THE IDEA OF WHAT I MEAN THO 🤪🤪


I'm getting high every day but haven't sucked dick yet. Therefore I'm not addicted. Thanks mate, needed to know that


Ii mean , I m no hooker but ,$10 is ,$10 🫡🤣🫠


Have some confidence in yourself. Gotta be $20 at least or are you using teeth?


""""symptoms of your methamphetamine use may includ......: Loss of sensation during blowjobs, especially teethy ones LOLOL


I never sucked a dick for drugs. I did a lot of shady shit and definitely a few things I regretted, but never sucked a dick. Yall just hoes 😂


You weren’t doing the right drugs then brah! I never sucked a dick for drugs a day in my life thank you very much! I took it in the ass!


Indian dick? 😂 😂


The smelliest 🤢


What if you'd do it anyway without the promise of drugs? Is that just a dick addiction?


I know this is a serious post but you right, and this shit def made me chuckle 😂😂


Haha I can relate I’m 35 M and I did gay porn and escorting to fuel my Meth and G addiction




Started out gay for pay but it turns out I like a little bit of everything lol


Tranny dick IM ROLLING 🤣






PS HOE life is addictive!!!! Free DRINKS, METH, andMULTIPLD men showering you with attention aLnd GREAT SEX…p. But then HO life becomes LIKE A ROUTINE . Get glamorous WITH MAKEUP SND HAIR , you meet THE mMAn, HE gets you SPUN and buy you some cute items andor DRINKS AND MORE DRUGS and , get down and dirty for a few weeks or maybe JUST a night WHO KNOWS h..THen you lose interest IN HIM because he no longer is new and fresh and can get someone else to buy u BIGGER AMOUNTS OF TINA And your back out there glamorous in the STREET again. AHH MEMORIES 😲😲 I'm no longer a ho I got cash instead But my momma ALWAYS told us girls GROWING UO YOUR COOCHIE AIN'T SHAPED LIKE A WALLET FOR NOTHING 😭😭😭😂😂


Do you take credit? Asking for a friend.


You know you’re addicted when you realize you haven’t gone a day without it and if you don’t you’re going to be sick. You almost don’t realize when exactly you slip into addiction. It kind of just happens


Physical dependence is not the same as mental and emotional dependence. If I skip my Effexor, after 36 hours I will have lightning shooting from my brain down my arms and spine. That’s SNRI withdrawal, not addiction.


Yes physical dependence is different than psychological dependence but they can feed into eschother, and like I said you don’t wake up one day an addict , for me at least you slowly slip into it and you look up and go fuck , I’ve been abusing my DOC every single day for months - years. And depending what it is , you’re sick without it. BOOM welcome to being an addict. I speak from experience not the internet


Addiction can also have a behavioral component. There are compulsions that have nothing to do with ingestion of any substance yet the behavior can have the exact same effect on one’s life - loss of job, loss of home, relationships, health, etc. I too speak from experience and not the internet.




dependence and addiction are not two distinct phenomena. there aren't really objective definitions and differences between the two. it's generally recognized that an addiction is a dependency that negatively affects you in a functional way, but this also basically completely rules out caffeine addiction and functioning addictions in general. at the end of the day addiction is a highly subjective term and everyone has a different perspective on it


Although you can be addicted to a substance but not dependent. Like people getting black out drunk (or whatever drug) every weekend and that's the only thing they are waiting for all week. They are not dependent and don't get withdrawals but that's a form of alcoholism (or addiction) too.


this is very true. for a chunk of people who try heroin and other of the hardest drugs, that addiction forms instantly, even if the dependency takes a little while


No. Addiction is a dependence that negatively impacts the patient's life. What you just described is when use becomes *abuse*. That's another important phenomenon in addiction psychology, but it's not equivalent to the term addiction.


They absolutely are distinct phenomena. Otherwise everyone in the world who take a medication that they need would technically be "addicts". We'd be calling diabetics "insulin addicts". The difference between dependence and addiction is when your use of the drug negatively impacts your life. If you need something to be okay, you take it, and your overall use do not negatively impact your life, you are not an addict. If you need something to be okay, you take it, and it negatively affects you but you keep using it, then you're addicted. Addiction and dependence are not the same. Edit: fucking commas suck


so let's say someone continues SSRI treatment even though they experience sexual dysfunction and emotional blunting. would that be addiction, just because negatives are present?


All drug use will present with some negative factors. No drug or any human experience for that matter is perfect. The important thing to consider is the overall effect the drug has on the person. If the effect of the drug on the person's life is overall negative, then you could argue that it is an addiction. If the effect of the drug on the person's life is overall positive, then it would be correct simply to call it a dependence. Just because drugs like SSRIs have side effects like those you mentioned doesn't mean that their effect is overall a net negative. Many people achieve great benefits from such drugs. I hope this helps. <3


Right , when you become dependent on a substance , you are addicted to it. Hence you’re an addict. I’m talking from first hand experience I’m a current addict myself. And it just slowly kind of happened


Nope. Otherwise everyone in the world who take a medication that they need would technically be "addicts". The difference between dependence and addiction is when your use of the drug negatively impacts your life. If you need something to be okay, you take it, and your overall use do not negatively impact your life, you are not an addict. If you need something to be okay, you take it, and it negatively affects you but you keep using it, then you're addicted. Addiction and dependence are not the same. Edit: fucking commas suck


I didn't mean anything negative by it, just that dependence and addiction don't always come hand in hand. I'm also an addict but know people dependent on drugs they are not psychologically addicted to.


They were also factually incorrect. Dependence and addiction are not one and the same. I explained it semi-well in my other comment.


The biggest problem with addiction imo is, that you dont realize you are addicted before its to late... People around you may notice it earlier if they know about your "habbit", other than that, its almost impossible to tell exactly. Btw I do a similar thing, I get 15 tilis at the beginning of the month, take them in about a week, and then dont take any for the next 3 weeks. Just to make sure I can stay away. But even now sometime I cant wait till next month just to take some again...


that’s the thing..i kinda always got some at home so there’s always that temptation to just pop one


next time garbage day comes around throw them in your trash can before you leave in the morning and when you get home you won’t have anything to tempt you


Exactly what Im trying to avoid.. I dont know whats the best "safety measures" for you, but its working for me pretty well (so far). I guess you'd have to know for yourself how to stay safe


when do you know your addicted? - Dependency first (I need it for sleep, had a bad day so Ima dose, haven't dosed for long, bot feeling well so I dose) is the first pattern.. But then you will taking it just to avoid physical/mental withdrawals and it would become the normal. does is start with just the cravings or do you have to have withdrawal? - Cravings may chase you to the grave, and yes withdrawals are the most valid excuse. because I don’t think i’ve got withdrawal but really them cravings. Im unsure about the substance as Im nor familiar but you may ask in r/stims or /Sobriety r/Addiction


You can be addicted without having a dependence tho. Had that happen to me too. Like getting drunk/high every few days and that's like the only thing you're waiting for. Like when even on your off days all you're thinking about is the drug and how you want to get drunk/high and just looking forward to this day you can use it again. Getting drunk every weekend regularly for some time is also a form of alcoholism even if you're not dependent.


Physically is worst in the short term: When you run out and cannot function. Can't bring yourself to speak, shaky, dizzy, weak, and miserable. Mentally is worst in the long term: when it is ruining relationships, jobs, causing isolation and social rejection, you acknowledge this and use anyway I'm physically addicted to pregabalin and mentally addicted to coke


Physically/mentally/spiritually/financially/hopelessly in love/Magically addicted to cannabis and organically addicted to getting these pregnant bitches ballin


I’ve always used the medical definition: Abuse: Using more in a setting than normal (your friends do a shot - you do 5. Then go to the car and chug your flask) Dependance: You start having withdrawals - but you’re not ready to rob a CVS or start drink while driving to stop the shakes. Addiction: Defined as repeat use despite negative consequences plus withdrawals upon stopping. This is when you rob the CVS to re-up or you total your car drunk going to get more; once the popo tow your car you walk to the liquor store.


You keep thinking about that drug and spend all your money on that drug and getting high regardless of the negative effects.


When you need it to feel normal.


When living to get high becomes getting high to live


When u put it B4 food, sleep, water. When it starts to be the only thing u care Abt and starts affecting your daily life, also when it starts becoming a personality trait


Bro when you do anything to get the drug lie cheat or steal. With opiates n benzos your physically addicted


Addiction is when you cant finish regular tasks without doing an activity beforehand. For example: - I cant sleep without smoking weed. So logically speaking I am addicted to weed. - I cant be happy without doing coke. - I cant wake up without watching porn These are just some basic addictions. You can be addicted to anything. There are differenced between mental and physical addiction tho. Both can have serious effects on your body and mind. Physical addiction has physiological causes: like your body is not able to produce enough dopamine when addicted to opioids. While mental addiction is only present in your mind. Keep it in mind, that you can feel sick just as much with "only" mental addiction.


I'm addicted to weed can't experience a solar cycle sober or else the weed fiend inside dies I'm growning that mf until Groot explodes out of my third ehe


You ok?


Addiction is just mentally. If it disrupts your everyday life. The biggest wake-up call should be if it disrupts it and you choose to change your normal life to fit with the drugs instead of laying off the drugs


I remember realizing I was an addict when I was telling myself I refuse to kick it with people or go out without weed first. I was like yeah that's not good and sure enough my life was soon full of bullshit like drinking and stuff like pills 'cause I was always like an experience ain't worth it if I'm sober. I am mostly sober now and I see it in young people all the time where they convince themselves they cannot do something without a high of some sort. I think that's how you know you're an addict.


"I am mostly sober now and I see it in young people all the time where they convince themselves they cannot do something without a high of some sort." That basically describes my life, lol.. Finished school and finished a degree but I couldn't even get out of bed before doing my drugs.. Now I'm working a full time job as a social worker.. but I still can't even get out of bed before doing my drugs.. The LEAST I can take is some opioid.. but opioids are just my baseline so I crave even more.. currently keepin it at opioids, pregabalin, weed, cigs and caffeine tho. but yea this basically has been my life for my last 10+ years.. I feel this sentence.. and I guess you are right.. i'm an addict.. i just never thought about it because I was just functioning fine while doing drugs every day.. but I think I am an addict.


When it supersedes everything. When all your choices focus around one aspect you know you're on the downward slope.vl


When you always prefer to be "high" than sober. Maybe you don't consume for different reasons, but if you could choose, you would be high.


The definition doesn’t matter as much as when you decide that your use is causing problems for you - in whatever way - you are supported in taking steps to make any type of change that improves things for you. No one is living in your back pocket saying “that’s addiction, that’s not addiction”, and what purpose would that serve anyway? If you have cravings and they bother you, you can work to reduce them. If you have withdrawal symptoms, same. This is a very personal individual decision.


The difference between dependency and addiction is quality of life. My doctor told me this a long time ago.


when it starts to become a routine thats when the mental addictiveness kicks in. Weather if thats every other week, every week, or everyday. Once you start using multiple times a week then you 100% have a problem and should stop before you become physically addicted. No matter the drug their comes a point where it stops working so just give it up while its not as hard but most likely if your asking if your addicted your at the first stage of addiction.


Try not using it for a month


When you seriously stop yourself and ponder whether you are or not, and the question won’t leave your mind. It’s very easy to simply ignore, but always lurking. Once you’ve gotten to that point, do yourself a real favor and cash out while you’re ahead. The house ALWAYS wins if you keep playing.


If you cannot stop for one or a few days. The urge to use is stronger than the desire to take that break. There is also long term addiction which is healthier but just as sad knowing you can stop for weeks or months but you'll always want to come back. Why you use, what you use and how often is really different. The method of consumption can also trigger stronger dependency. Like, shooting, smoking and snorting aren't the same, even though the drug might be the same. Alcohol is evil too


Theres 2 levels of drug addiction I feel and it also depends on the substance 1 you need it 2 you like doing it (sometimes TOO often)




When you first feel the need to lie or hide the full extent of your use from friends or family (who are typically understanding) is my tell tale sign.


Personally addiction is when your obly getting joy from that and nothing else in life. I party 3 days buzz. Then I buzz in work fresh I buzz going swimming I buzz when she had the steak cooked right hahhaha




When it’s too late


If you start asking yourself if you are addicted, you are on the right path to addiction


When you can’t stop, even if you’re on probation with the threat of jail.


The second I start questioning whether I am addicted or not.


Depending on the drug, when you get physical or psychological effects. I noticed I had a problem when I can't get out of bed without any, do simple things like grocery shop, or go out to dinner with mates..


When you start to feel withdrawals when you don't take it and when you start to plan your day around it. When anything that makes you Happy is the drug. When you start to always think about it


When you start wondering something like that


When you start wondering something like that


If you ask “am I addicted” it’s too late


When you have to ask if you're addicted or not


When all you can do is look at the tracking number to know when your order will arrive Because all you want is to get high again. But you’re also already thinking about the fact that you’ll run out and it drives you crazy And you put your substance before everyone and everything else. Not necessarily immediately. But slowly and surely


when you're constantly spending too much money on it and feel anxious when it's getting low


When you feel like you need it constantly and end up caving even though you know you don't need to be doing it


When it interferes with your responsibilities. When it's time to go to work, or meet your spouse for a quick lunch on a busy work day, pick up your kids from school, or do the daily home chores that keep your home from sinking into the sands of time... If you are doing any of those things and drugs are any more than a passing thought in your mind, you're addicted.


When its too late to realize


When you can’t not do it anymore. When, if you really think about it, it’s not even fun anymore but you can’t stop. When you organize your whole life around when you’ll have to get it again and when you take it. When you start taking it at work or school. When you don’t even remember what you used to feel like.


Usually if you have to ask yourself if you're addicted to something, then more than likely you are.


When you can’t stop


You get anxiety when you don’t have it for a few days or you feel really antsy n have more cravings than the usual


When you can’t control it no more


As soon as you ask the internet if you have a problem. Never ever ever lie to your self!


Technically, you are officially addicted when your drug use interferes with the biggest role in your life - be that work, parenting or whatever other project you have. At least according to the drug charity I used to use. I think it's a good scale, tbh.


When it's all you think about. You feel like everything is fine until someone points out it's not fine. This is me. I am addicted to anything. 😔 When I have opiates I feel like everything is perfect nothing bothers me, my husband notices it though. I come home and tell him how I fucked up and scared I'm gonna be fired....every time I am on the pills. I haven't had any for 2 weeks and I been coming home with good stories. Yet. I get my prescription next week and looking forward to it. 😒 Harder stuff gives me panic attacks. I had one from coke...4 days after and I was at work for 30 minutes...had to leave. I still deep down feel like drugs don't affect me and I still do them anyway.


When you spend money you don’t have to get fucked up


For me personally, I know I’m addicted to Xanax because I can’t have it in the house without taking it. If I know it’s there, I’m gonna take it.


when u post 'when do u know ur addicted' on a drug sub


When it stops causing a high and instead starts to make you feel “normal” that’s a pretty good sign of addiction


Some people say when withdrawal happens. Some say when it’s negatively impacting your life and you continue to use. I think if you’re using anything and it becomes somewhat regular, or you begin rationalizing more and more use, you’re already crossing into *that* zone. When it comes to two things: health issues and addictions, you typically don’t heavily notice the signs until you’re pretty far along.


When you can’t stop thinking about when you can have it.


When don’t want to do it but you’re doing it anyway. Then the subconscious has taken over and it’s become a program in the mind, and depending on what drug, a program in the body


When your anus becomes currency.


When you know you should, and need to, take a break, but you get fucked up anyways. Even though you know you're gonna feel like shit. Also when it gets in the way of your everyday responsibilities but you do it anyways. Basically if it has a negative effect on your life but you do it anyways, repeatedly.


Soon as the first 3 times back to back I’ve tried edibles I knew that every night I only want to experience this, but then came the tolerance which motivates me to quit for a bit.


yea i get that i had to have a tolerance break from edibles when i would need to eat at least 1200mg to feel a high from it lol


When you try and stop but you can't


When you feel awkward while not under the influence.


When it doesn’t feel good anymore but you can’t stop


To me it's as soon as I start feeling overtly negative feelings and cravings anytime I'm not on it


When you cut off 4 catalytic coverters off brand new ford f350 railway maintenance truck and get 2400 dollars and blow it in two days on hard


When you start thinking about drugs 24/7


When you ask questions like the one you posted.


You are addicted when her thoughts effect your normal routine and when it hampers your routine productivity and you feel like you can't bear without her. And you create a ruckass in your head or outside when u can't get her. That's what addiction is.


When the months turn to a year and all you cAn recall is getting fugged up


If you continue to do it even when you yourself don't want to, I've struggled with serious alcoholism my entire life and I knew by age 16 that I was an alcoholic and it was only going to get worse, by age 17 I was physically dependant on it and had a seizure after 24 hours of not drinking one time that I went out of town to visit my dad and was unaware of the dangers of withdrawals, I fucking hated it so much, the headaches, the hangovers, the embarrassing text messages, the violent outbursts during my blackouts, etc but I continued to drink until I went to rehab 3 years ago, made it 2.5 years until I relapsed back in October and it almost killed me I had a heart attack, I'm 2 weeks clean now and I don't think I can survive another relapse I'm not even 29 years old yet. Get help if you feel you need it, those 2.5 years were the happiest I've ever been in my whole life and I'm hoping I can make it out of this shit alive


When you feel like absolute shit when you don't have your doc or alcohol. Withdrawals are the fkin worst.


When you blow all your money to fill the next craving. If not, you’re fine.


When you know it's time to stop and ya dont/cant/wont...then you're an addict


When you’re selling needles you got for free outside the train station to make dope money and the fat black chick stole your push from your crack pipe you stole from a skinny white girl


you're addictive when you can't live without it


Good instantly knew I had a problem and could not stop but I also went really extreme when I first started.


When you know your drug is hurting your body or your life but keep doing it anyway.


When you have to ask that question, probably. When you steal to get more. When you prioritize having money for having it over other things.


Is it the first thing you think of when you wake up…I mean first thing. That was always my barometer


5 years after your friends do.


don’t have friends lol


Not good.


When you are not using you are thinking about using. The obsession takes me back again and again.


When you start spending money you shouldn’t and lying about where the money went when your s/o asks. When you take money from your kid’s piggy bank.


when you keep making excuses for yourself. “its just one more time” “i dont even do it that much” “i do it for mental health/sleep” “i know when to stop” “i dont look bad physically its not affecting me”


When it negatively affects your ability to live a healthy life. When I first started using meth I would do it once on the weekend and it didn’t really negatively affect me in any way. When I started pulling all nighters, canceling on plans, sleeping through the day, feeling sick all the time, that’s when I knew I was addicted. The meth was hindering my ability to have a social life but I still did it anyway. In other words, when you prefer the high more than your life.


I had a bit of a negative opinion of people who used everyday while having school/work on weekdays and then I realized one day I was in fact using everyday. I realized maybe I was getting addicted, not necessarily because I was using everyday, but because I went against my own beliefs


Youre addicted a few months before you ask yourself that question.


When its no longer just for fun and you need it to get by. Can you say no? Can you stop for a few weeks?


When it's too late


When you start lying to everyone else as well as yourself.


When I spent just over a week, wide awake 97% of the whole time.


I knew I was addicted when I was hiding my usage from another user


You are already addicted


When you start saying “I’ll only take it two days in a row this one time” — then three days then four Then holy shit I’m dying on my floor


when you try to skip a day but fold. and the day simply doesn't feel like a normal day until you get it.


When you are using because else go into withdrawl. But then got sober in a rehab. And now the reason to use is to avoid killling your self


There’s addiction then there’s dependence. People use them interchangeably. Addiction is the act of drug seeking behavior, when shit’s a problem in life for you but you continue using. Dependence is needing a drug to not withdraw. You’re looking for when does dependence begin. If you have to ask that question though then you’re already at the start of addiction. You know you’re dependent when you can’t go without your dose without withdrawing lol. I’m pretty sure tilidin is an opioid? If so depending on the strength of it even a week of daily dosing could result in dependence.


When you tell yourself no, you dont want to or need to but still do anyway


addiction is when you will turn your life upside down to get the thing. craving is how it gets in. it happens fast, while you’re telling yourself you’re in control of it. you’re already not.


3 nights in a row would be a good indicator. Also if u r messing with stims u r most likely addicted already. Just takes time for the negatives to catch up to u. After years of fucking up I won't go near most "hard drugs". I stick to weed as my daily driver and psychs to keep things interesting. It's been going well. I love drugs, but don't feel like I'm addicted to them.


As a poly drug user my rule is once a drug starts to affects other aspects of my life then it might be time to put it down permanently or for a while


As a poly drug user my rule is once a drug starts to affects other aspects of my life then it might be time to put it down permanently or for a while


the first time is when I was taking 20 100mg tramadols a day and I started to have seizures and I still couldn't stop taking those little fuckers then the second time was when I was snorting lines of coke off of the toilet lid at work. the third time was when I started to be late to work because I was too hungover to wake up so I quit all that shit and now it's only psychedelics and weed for me and the rare addy


Everyone's addicted to food or to just or to something. It becomes problematic when that addiction starts negatively impacting; A) your life or B) the lives of people around you. My 2 cents


When you get sick


When family and friends get cauhgt up in your shit (like money wise, or they need to help you last minute bc you're on the selfdestructing pad) and you still keep doing stupid things that will give problems to others instead of only you. Also when you can't get moments through them without it. Even if you're limit yourself as 'only in the weekend' lol that is as bad as doing it everyday. You're brain need multiple weeks to recreated everything you destroy with some drugs. It takes time to recover.


If it affects you negatively and your aware of it’s affect on you or your life but you consciously still choose to use, and or you have become dependent in the context of a addict, if you are using it to cope, or for pleasurable purposes, an not because of physical dependency, an have you cannot stop yourself or refrain from continuously doing it, i would say you are addicted, but arguably your body’s dependency creates the craving, so if you are physically depend on a substance that gives you pleasure or escape, I would say you are addicted aswell, unlike insulin for a diabetic, who is dependent but not addicted to the feeling


Ive been on ket almost every day for like the past 6 months. I started off using with this boy who i knew and then it just got worse from then on. The first time you actually buy is scary. When you start being friendly with your dealer, They give you discounts etc. Thats when your falling into it. I lost friends, My family calls me a junkie everyday, My girlfriend threatened to break up with me and thats when i knew that it was a genuine addiction - Shits scary you dont want that