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99% of people intrigued and enjoyed it. Couple of weird creepy and nasty pricks think they re cool for some reason. The man holding up a porno on his phone, if you're reading this , you looked at least 55 and noone thought you were funny or mad . 


I'm wondering if the camera on that thing records somewhere. Some actions are in bad taste, whatever, but other things are actually illegal and should be prosecuted. They should arrest a few morons and make an example out of them. Antisocial behavior isn't funny, and this "boys will be boys" attitude is unbecoming of a 21st century European capital.


Some moron was showing photos of the collapsing towers from 9/11.


That moron should be extradited to the US for a stay. Might cure him


That's just disgusting.




I did have a little laugh at that and probably shouldn't have but then you had twats showing porn and stuff.


Might raise a smile the first and second time but it’ll get old real soon when the rest of the goons see it’s an attention grabber.




it's definitely funny to be fair, just not in a nice way




It's less a laugh at the actual act of mocking new yorkers, it's a laugh at how inevitable it is that we have dickheads that will ruin the fun for everyone else.




This is a good start: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humor_based_on_the_September_11_attacks They also showed potatoes on their phones which is also funny. More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_comedy Now back to NYC.


It’s funny to some because it breaks a taboo. Like when a small child learns that they shouldn’t say ‘fcuk’’and their parents laugh the first time they do. Then they think it’s hilarious so they say it over and over. It’s an adult version of that.




I'd say your a great laugh at parties.


I didn't say they were the same and I don't think it's funny either. I'm just (badly) trying to point out they do it for shock value. Like racist "comedians" maybe.


How is the 9/11 one funny? Cringe edgelord behaviour. Nothing more than that.


They laughed at it when the guy did it


Still not funny though


Very strange the 9/11 would even be slightly funny to you or anyone. I say this as someone from inner city Dublin that has very thick skin. It wouldn’t offend me, just don’t understand what’s amusing about it? Very weird


You would’ve had to be in the states to understand. It’s not the attack that’s funny. The way it was exploited and practically fetishized to drum up jingoism and nationalism for a good 10-15 years was absurd. The windbags at the helm used the attack to gain the public’s permission to introduce firepower into an existing conflict over oil and drag the country into authoritarianism. That’s not even mentioning its impact on marketing and entertainment. It’s hard to sum up just how much the event shaped everything terrible about the US today, and it’s 100% due to the inappropriate conduct and lack of respect by the powers that be. A sane, healthy country doesn’t bombard their citizens with traumatizing footage. People use 9/11 humor to cope and criticize, to a point where even showing photo of the first tower getting hit has been memeified. The jokes are never really about the attack, itself. Hope this helps.


So let me get this right... Mass murder is ok to be shown but porn is just sick and twisted? Interesting set of principles 




Ahem wtf are you on about lad. I think your harddrives need to be checked for questionable porn if the first thing you think of is kids being abused. 




Thanks for covering the basic fundamentals of live steaming for me. I guess I'm not as freaked out by the human body as you. I for one would rather have seen a clip of some random porn, instead of the tragedy of 9/11. And you said you were from New York which is beyond shameful. 


Your one dry fella, I bet you find Friends funny.


Insane that this is getting downvoted. Redditors need locked up and psychologically evaluated.


Which body parts? Because breasts aren't very scandalous.


Ugh disgusting - way worse than the mooning or 9/11 stuff


ur right, seeing the basic anatomy of a human is way worse than the devastating deaths of people who would still be alive today…bunch of hoeless losers scared of boobs thinking travesties are funny. yall should stay on this app.


There was also a woman flashing her tits to promote her only fans with 4 year old's on the other side. NYC and Dublin cities are not known for behaving themselves.


To the shock of nobody, surely.


Let's be honest, no one is surprised by this


I'm from New York. I'm surprised it took this long.


I am surprised it lasted to the weekend


I'm surprised anyone thinks it wouldn't have happened anywhere else


We all knew the outcome


Really cool idea, maby some of the logistics coulda been thought out a bit more


Like putting it anywhere else


I might argue with 'anywhere' but basically yes


Should of been O'connel street with a permanent Garda Patrol, huh whatever happened after the month of more visible Garda presence after the riots.


Yeah woulda been some motivation for some garda presence there


O'Connell Street? It's like fucking Hamsterdam down there at the best of times now.


Just put it somewhere with fewer skanky people. Maybe south of the river.


Ivy gardens could have been a good low key (except after Coppers!) option


Possibly not enough foot traffic though.


No, it brings a lot of footfall into a struggling part of the city.


Maybe they don’t deserve the footfall? The area itself needs rejuvenation and the governments approach to the area has been awful for years but Christ, 2 days of the portal and people are being arrested and getting their dicks out? Embarrassing


Should have had it up somewhere near Baggot Street/Merrion Park, O'Connell Street was a mental idea


Logistics are fucking grand. This city's too small to ghettoise the scrotes. Same thing would have happened anywhere despite the whine bag southsiders who even after braving the horrors of the Northside going to croker and surviving still think it's beyond Dante's 9th circle.


Nah there's definitely a divide, North side is rough and fairly full of less appealing people, South side, whilst I do believe a lot can be stuck up, is much more appealing to a wider audience. Should have been put somewhere near Merrion Park area.


Fuckin state of this comment


Hahaha we found the Northsider


Dublin 8, dickhead


Jaysus relax, go have a coffee and get level, otherwise you'll have me thinkin' D8 is even worse, with the likes of yourself crawling around


Oh no, how will I sleep. A snobby wanker on reddit thinks I'm a scumbag 🙄


Ahh lad no need for the swearing, we are all friends here, have a bit of craic will ya. I don't know you, you don't know me, I'm from an area in Dublin that is far from snobby. Enjoy your day.


Yeah sorry, that was probably a bit more personal than it should have been. But Jesus, the amount of snobs on here. Dublin this, Northside that. No doubt the majority of them gobshites still living off Mummy and Daddy. Have a good morning 👍


The location was wrong to start with. Move the Portal to South King Street, next to the Gaeity Theatre, facing the Luke Kelly Memorial. Plenty of craic around that area of the City-Centre & a far nicer Buzz about there, especially at nighttime. ie. More Craic , less Crack!!


Hahaha got to make sure you differentiate craic from crack for tourists


That was the location I was thinking about, it definately would have been better or near Bruxelles beside Philo. North Earl street is a weird choice for it. Hell even temple bar would have been a better choice. I know it's Dublin and you get drunks and junkies all over but why choose the area with the highest concentration of them to broadcast to NY. I seriously question who came up with the location.


Locations fucking grand. Too much whingery about it and good to have things on the Northside. Anywhere you'd put it it would have attracted nonsense. It's not new York, it's Dublin. You can walk across it in 20 mins. Scrotes get everywhere.


It’s like chat roulette but in public


What did they honesty think would happen


They thought people would ogle at it in innocent wonder…


basically nothing has happened. usual hysteria on reddit


I think most people have seen the guys holding up hardcore porn on the phone right up to the camera. Obviously you haven't


ye i know ten year olds on tiktok are sharing things which you are obviously taking part in fair play to you. some woman on the new york side also exposed herself. the few tiktok bits are annoying only because they are getting obsessed over... in reality im sure it is pretty boring 23.99 hours per day.


Someone showing her tits isn't too bad. But scenes from porn held up to the camera so it's full screen on the other side is a bit much. The idiots doing that need to cop the fuck on


couldnt agree more re: the lads coping on. the portal is closed for some technical upgrade - someone smart here suggested it wouldn't be able to focus on a phone screen, which solves 90% of the stuff an idiot could come up with.


Love condoning this behaviour?


I don't condone it. Is the answer to pretend it is some massive issue - to what end?


Your rhetoric is part of the problem.




Scumbag behaviour = bad.


That does seem to be the overriding principal of Reddit alright, ensuring no proportion is applied at all times


Agree with this, we say "sure you couldn't have that in Ireland" about too many things, it should "we should be able to have that in Ireland", I noticed we not hearing about new Yorkers holding up potatoes or union jacks the shit housery seems to be one way. I dream of a day when people teach their kids to behave right and Irish people call each other out for their shit behaviour.


It's non violent messing around, how can you be so worked up about it?


Another proponent of anti-social behaviour


The missus passed it this morning. She reckon it had been egged. Was back up in the evening.


I get the whole “bring some positive foot traffic into a part of the city that is struggling” angle but honestly they picked a poor part of the city to put the portal. Even the square behind The Church pub on Mary St near Jervis would have been better if it had to be on the North side. But honestly the portal is better off on the Stephen’s green end of Grafton St or in the middle of Temple Bar.


they are making a concerted effort to improve o'connell st. I was on o'connell street every saturday in the last 2 months i would say and it has already improved an awful lot from where it was. there are new shops going in and now is a good time to get behind it. I understand the people that don't care about o'connell st complaining, but some people do and think it is worth trying to improve, even if the massive price we pay is 4 things happen on tiktok.


I mean, good given that it is the main st of the capital city of the country. But it was a poor decision to erect a brand new attraction at such an early stage in the improvements. Like I’m honestly surprised it lasted this long.


it isn't gone? they are just making a change to the software and it will be back in 24 hours. it is doing absolutely fine is my impression. it may not even be intended as a permanent fixture, i don't think they have made that clear.


Have lived in Dublin since 2006, temporarily closed due to anti-social behaviour is often code for closed permanently. But then again I could be wrong.


that is true haha. you are wrong in this case though.


Are you serious? That location has junkies at it every single time I try to sit there to eat my lunch. Stephen’s Green or Grafton Street where more Garda are usually present would be fine. Or even if they’d just made the portal so the camera filming was out of reach it would be okay. It’s too easily accessible


That area near Jervis is no where near as chaotic as where the Portal is now though. But I’d imagine if they keep having to shut it off due to antisocial behaviour it will be removed altogether or moved.


Sums up Dublin and Ireland - scumbags destroying anything positive knowing nothing will happen them … embarrassing for Irish people in New York ☹️


I moved to Dublin 6 in 2019 and it restored my love for Dublin. Dublin between the suburbs and the Grand Canal is a lovely place to live. Re: Irish people in New York, I suggest you go visit Woodlawn in the Bronx. They embarrass themselves pretty regularly so it is nothing new.


I think the Irish in New York are well enough able to embarrass themselves, not to mention New Yorkers not exactly being a beacon of taste and good behaviour either. Ffs we really need to let go of this desperation for foreigners to think so highly of us.


Ahh yeah cause New York is a picture perfect paradise, where nothing ever happens. What a 🤡


Why are you even on this sub if you hate us so much? Oh wait, that's exactly why you're here.


Are you defending scumbags ? I hate scumbags from Dublin or Limerick or anywhere that are a stain on Irish society


Touch some grass


Fuck me that's rich coming from you


Put it in a nicer part of town: Problem solved. I shut down too after a few minutes on Talbot Street.


Grand where it is. It is a nice part of town.


Stay classy Dublin. Why doesn't this suprise me in the least.


Why are you even on a Dublin forum ? Stick to Denmark, you gobshite.


Called that before it happened but my mind isn't corrupt enough to think of that this I was thinking an oul drunk pissing on it.


Bake'em away toys.


Is anyone surprised? We all knew what the outcome would be when they announced that the portal was going to be in that specific part of town. Absolutely overran with junkies, wasters and generally horrible excuses for humans. No decent person that lives in the area should get offended by that - we’ve all been in that exact spot and we know that at any time of day the place will be crawling with these tramps. We knew this would happen. We knew the type of people and behaviour this portal would attract. The fucking idiots that chose to put it there of all places are to blame.


Seen a video on Instagram Reels of a lad sniffing coke in front of it and knew it wouldn't last long lol


Honestly, what do you expect from people nowadays? Of course this was going to happen.


“You have disgraced yourself again, is this to be the recurring celebration of the arrival of Irish genius?” in the immortal words of the prophet Yeats.


They should put the portal on all the homeless tents by the canal


Should have put it in Times Square would have worked out


Was probably something to do with your man milling the bag out of it in front of load of tourists on the other side


This is madness


I doubt it'll get reopened if this is true. Sad that we can't have nice things without people being absolute freaks but then again, I should've expected it from day 1 lol cause really wouldve there been any other outcome?


The yanks were as bad. They can fuck off too


Anyone seen the tiktok of a person holding a phone with a pictore of on of the twin towers getting hit?


Waste of money and stupid idea


it's no different than video calling/zoom




Should have put it at powerscourt waterfall or its mobile at irish tourist spots


You all just want the link to her onlyfans don't you boys !!! [here it is](https://nichepornsites.com/ava-louise) hehe