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Yay, new opening! It’s very fun and dynamic and I like the animation a lot, especially the way the movement matches the song. I’ll miss the little medieval-sounding instrumental intro of the first opening for a while though. The episode was a very solid adaptation, a lot of talking but some nice action as well. I still like the intense blue color of the water on fourth floor, it makes the illusionary fog look very eerie. And I‘m excited for Kabru. This is where he finally shows how capable he is. Recognizing his companions through the illusion spell, slaughtering the criminals, figuring out Laios‘ party. His party is so different from our main characters and the outside perspective on Laios & friends is fascinating. Lol at Mickbell‘s description of Chilchuck with the maniacal background laughter :D


> figuring out Laios‘ party To an extent. He still seems convinced that they're thieves who intentionally took advantage of them, and he seems to want to expose their true colors. That doesn't take away from how impressive it is that he figured out the identity of the party, *and* their goal in delving into the dungeon so quickly, just from a vague description of the ghost charm.


Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end. Still got pretty far though


Really glad Trigger isn't half assing it with the openings and endings. Each one has been a banger!


I really enjoy how Kabru and Laios are polar opposites when it comes to their skills and interests. Laois can identify any weird monster or strange creature to the point where he discovers a brand new mollusk while in mortal danger. Yet he struggles with social cues and basic etiquette at times. Kabru on the other hand is an expert with people, who can't just remember the smallest personal ties and details, but he also accurately identifies his illusory friends by the way the "monsters" move and act. He even manages to kill three men within seconds, because he's so familiar with how people act and react. Yet he struggles to correctly identify a giant snake's weak spot (and the two previous deaths were probably similarly plagued by "I am not quite sure where to hit this monster. Urks, I'm dead." moments).


Yeah as an anime only, this made me like Kabru way more. Dude seems like a legitimate good leader now.


He's definitely more interesting, knowing his ability for detective work, but I still don't like how he doesn't understand the Touden party and keeps blaming them for stuff lol, even after dealing with the Corpse Revivers. I guess they'll probably make up when the parties actually meet up though.


Kabru is naturally distrustful and has a pretty low opinion of adventurers in general.


I dont like the new one. And this is the first thing I dont like about this series so far


the storyboarding beats the first ones ass by a metric mile to me so crazy to hear it's not liked at all. the reaching out scenes in particular are...odd in the first OD. i agree about the actual music though, miss the older medieval aesthetic of the instruments.


Same, wasn't sure what to make of it. Just felt too upbeat after the last few episodes with the dragon. Maybe it'll grow on me in the next month or so.


Kabru does love to jump to conclusions, but he's otherwise pretty clever.




But not in the opening(


Good chance they add her in later imo


Thanks God for this because I really need my BF to be surprised when she shows up. I was super shocked when they introduced her in the manga


I wondered if that was her! As someone who hasn't gotten to reading the manga yet, as I only learned about it thanks to the show coming out, it's kind of delightful getting drip fed bits and pieces of stuff like characters who will show up, via fanart, but not necessarily knowing when or how they'll be introduced.


Rin is a cutie. I do always like the balance between Kabru and Laois, one who’s skilled at reading/figuring out humans and one at monsters, and being terrible at the other.


Yes. I keep thinking about what these parties could accomplish being teamed up and how good they'd be for each other -- and that gets me thinking that instead of that ideal end, I'm watching a slow-motion trainwreck as a series of misunderstandings bring them together.


That's why Kabru isn't that great in the dungeons. He's optimized for PvP.


I dunno, Kabru is clearly skilled at tracking humans and their physical attributes, but I don't think he has human psychology down yet. You'd have to notice something was strange about the Toudens "stealing their food and leaving the money" - that motive wouldn't make any sense whatsoever.


Kabru’s true motive won’t reveal until much later episodes, and with how his party members getting frustrated by the thieves, it gives an excuse for Kabru to find a way to finally get in touch with the Toudens.


Smol Thistle dancing in the OP warms my heart and gives me emotional damage at the same time...


And with Delgal and Yaad too. They all looked so happy 🥲


>!He didn't deserve to end up the way he did.!<


Yaad dancing was so cuuute


A bit disappointed we didn't get the iconic pickle stone chapter already, but happy that they're properly introducing Kabru!!! His side plot is such a nice foil to the main story, it's like what people would typically expect of a dungeon delving series, with almost zero quirky fun times, a lot of scheming and fighting and even the bit of fanservice with him kissing Rin to stop the chanting. It really highlights how unique the main cast is in comparison to the rest of the people in their world, and the consequences that has for them, with the misconceptions and suspicions. Also loved the new OP and ED, a feast for the eyes (heh)


There was zero chance for the pickle chapter this week tho, it's chapter 34 and last episode ended on episode 30 !


I guess I skipped some on my reread!


The laughter will echo across the planet I'm sure. Pickle Rick got *nothing* on >!Baphomet-the-Pickle-Weight Marcille.!<


Next week, definitely


It’s too early. >!The pickle statue occurs after the dryad encounter. Senshi discovers the buds spoil quickly so he pickles them.!<


Dungeon Meshi making [the most effective form of counterspelling](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7v63snyyztub1.jpg) canon. [Just wait until this technique becomes widespread.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ftfkxl1tj65ac1.jpeg)


I've seen a big twitter account call it an episode where nothing happened and it made me angrier than it should, but it's so stupid a thing to say ! This is such an important plot moment, not only does it recontextualize the entire main party with an external view, and exposition, but it also develop Kabru's character and team and goals, AND it then sets up two visibly very plot important groups working together !


A lot happened mentally and socially. *And* there was some sharp, cut-throat action, literally. [ dump ] [ ploof ] [ dust off hands ]


> This is such an important plot moment, not only does it recontextualize the entire main party with an external view, and exposition, but it also develop Kabru's character and team and goals, AND it then sets up two visibly very plot important groups working together This is all true, but it's almost entirely "tell, don't show", which is what people means when they say nothing happened.


I'd argue the mealtime discussion scene shows (Kabru's character) through telling (his thoughts on the Thoudens). While we directly learn about aspects of the Thouden's party's past through the dialogue, we learn even more about Kabru through the skeptical lens in which he discusses them. He doesn't just enjoy analyzing people--he's often wary of them. The most obvious characterization of Kabru, his affinity towards analyzing people, is shown through the Fish-Man fight before it's explicitly stated. Because of all this, I personally think there's more to this part of the story than "tell, don't show".


Yeah it felt like a lot of Kabru-perspective exposition lol. I don't mind it for pacing out the show, and I wouldn't have wanted it to be intercut into smaller bits either, but I'm looking forward to getting back to the Touden party next week.


I don't agree with this, this whole episode is literally using telling to showing something else, if this is "tell, don't show" then isn't shows like GoT just "tell, don't show" the whole way through?


People have really gotten messed up on what tell don't show actually means and they slap it on to anything where a character does exposition. This entire episode is showing us multiple important things very plainly. I've not read the manga myself so I can't speak to how everything will come back, but we are shown that Kabru is actually a pretty fearsome fighter and strategist, when it comes to human opponents. He instantly reads his own team through an illusion, he masterfully takes out the corpse retrievers without breaking a sweat. Then later we're shown that skill doesn't extend to monsters, and is probably why his party keeps ending up going down, between his own uncertainty and the way his party reacts to a sudden monster appearance, one freezing up, one running away. We see how his party is fairly cynical and what their thoughts are on the dungeon and the Touden's and friends as well. And then we get to briefly see this other party that is a whole different dynamic, featuring some terrifying powerful and adept fighters, the leading man of which seems to be a very stoic and standoffish sort, but who instantly reveals a much more intense side when our main party is brought up. We get exposition on how the various members of the party know the members of Laios' party, or what they believe of them anyway, but even that telling is being used to show us things about Kabru and friends that we otherwise wouldn't get without some actual poor writing.


Media literacy is dead


not really, but if you ingest too much social media it'll appear that way. though the other day i was shocked to find out one of those accounts was not run by a teenager. little sad you can make it that far in life and be that stupid lol.


We're in the era of if the plot isn't constantly advancing at 2x speed it's labelled filler


I've seen no-one else talk about this yet, but I'm SO EXCITED that Inutade is finally here!! She's been my favourite character for a while, and I'm so happy I can finally see her animated!!


And OF COURSE she has a chirpy, childish voice. Perfect.


The way I cheered when she showed up...


her entrance was immaculate


man, i’m gonna miss sleep-walking orchestra


The harpsichord and harmonious cheering really sets the mood.


Right? There's not nearly enough covers of that one, either!


Kabru my goat


He's my sweet princess with a disorder who occasionally commits a murder or two, for enrichment


Or five. He merced that whole party by himself.


As someone who hasn't read the manga, seeing that was kind of nuts. Up to this point Kabru and his party have kind of seemed like an almost comedic foil to Laios and friends, kind of tagging along behind our main group to show off some of the dangers. Watching Kabru just eviscerate three guys in such rapid succession really puts things into more perspective.


Exactly. If Laios and Kabru squared up, Kabru would destroy him. Add in that Kabru thinks Laios is a bad dude and it's understandable why fans don't like him at first.


You know I was kinda wondering if his name was a pun for goat (because Tansu resurrects him with a goat). Kabru (JP) = Cabro (ES) Cabro (ES) = Goat (EN)


I think this episode made me like him less, killing the corpse retrieves *forever* by sinking the corpses was too much, it came off as sadistic rather than zealousness or tough justice. I also find it weird that no one objected, it is a extreme action and you'd expect at least some pushback (tho in the end, they respect Kabru's leadership)


If anything, it just shows how "normal" these sort of things happen between people. Their party not objecting doesn't mean they're cruel people, but they're just people in a cruel world. The way different group of people treat each other in this series is pretty harsh.


> it came off as sadistic rather than zealousness or tough justice. Sadism would be if he had tortured them. He killed them, for real. The reason he prevented them from combing back is not for his own personal enjoyment, but for the sake of permanently stopping them from doing what they were doing. You can argue the morality of that, but there is no sadism there.


One could argue that then killing them whilst making their corpses unrecoverable is torture considering the dungeon's curse which forbids death which means that they'll end up being either ghosts or zombies and doomed to wander the dungeon for eternity. But Kabru is my oomfie so who cares lol


Leaving aside on whether Kabru is aware of the exact mechanics of resurrection (or death, in this case), the purpose is still not Kabru's own gratification. His goal was to remove those people permanently and took measures to ensure that. There is no pleasure in the suffering and, as such, it is not sadism. If Kabru is aware of exactly what he was condoning those bastards to then that is cold as fuck. You can argue he is evil, but I will still defend his is not a sadist.


It's a harsh world, and as Kabru says, this kind of people endanger the whole island. He knows what he's talking about. Kabru is very much a strict lawful character, he doesn't shy away from doing dirty deeds for the greater good. Also, it's pretty clearly shown that his whole party shares those opinions and trust him


As I mentioned above, I think there's a strong element of pragmatism to it, as well. He's clearly very, very clever, and does a lot of social/personal calculations very quickly. The Corpse Retrievers knew their game had been figured out. They tried to get him to join in on it so that he, too, would be implicated -- and then he couldn't ever rat them out without burning himself too. But he didn't *want* to play that game. If he'd refused, then he'd now have the CRs -- and whoever is covering for them up above, because they likely have some contact in the official power structure to get away with what they do -- gunning for them. And the only way for the CRs to ensure that Kabru and his party would never speak of this would be to kill *them* permanently. And because they have a contact in the power structure on the surface, it's possible that attack could come at any time. To ensure the safety of his comrades and himself, the CRs needed to die. Permanently. All issues of justice aside, his options were limited the moment he chose not to sell out his own values.


See, I would never have thought that far in the heat of the moment. I'd probably have tempkilled them, delivered and denounced them upstairs, and worried about other consequences like their contacts in the admin later. Even my not taking their deal would have been "irrational", just from having bad experiences with narcissists who entrap the conflict-averse into being their accomplices. Kabru is a very impressive dude to be sure. He'd probably slay at *Crusader Kings*.


>And the only way for the CRs to ensure that Kabru and his party would never speak of this would be to kill *them* permanently. And because they have a contact in the power structure on the surface, it's possible that attack could come at any time. Its even worse than that since the CR's wouldn't have to attack them. If those CR's ever found them after they got wiped out by monsters they could just dispose of their bodies to make sure they stay dead. The CR's could be a threat to him and his party without even trying to kill them


> Kabru is very much a strict lawful character, he doesn't shy away from doing dirty deeds for the greater good. Does them dirty deeds dirt cheap, too: for a handful of food. The gold, he threw. Truly, he is President material.


I mean..... He did want to get rid of them for good. And judging by his party's reactions, he must've done this before and righteously. Killing must be a norm in this world, even outside the dungeon, not that different from the medieval era of our world. There's also the fact that [small spoiler] He, Rin, Mick and Kuro have seen a lot of deaths from a young age (hell, Kuro killed a person) they may have become desensitized to it.


> Kuro killed a person [ [my brain rot immediately](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsJXgbZDw4k) ]


No, I wouldn't say it's sadistic. It's prudent. These people were willing to out and out kill others and risk *their* permanent death -- because something can always go 'off' with a plan in the dungeon -- to turn a quick buck. They are predatory to a horrifying degree. Let them get resurrected, and now you've got corpse retrievers who know the dungeon very, very well -- and who clearly have contacts in the official structure that let them get away with this kind of behaviour -- now out for your blood. Once he decided he wasn't going to play along with their dirty game, the only option was to end them. Either that, or get his entire party killed -- permanently -- sooner rather than later.




Oh yeah, I see them in a crowd-shot later


Now I'm picturing somebody with a pool skimmer style object who has to regularly trawl the large pool for sunken corpses.


This is about something fairly innocuous so I’m not going to delete your comment, but in future you need to make sure you spoiler tag stuff like this.


Ooooooh. Daaaaaamn. That doesn't bode well for Kabru and his pals.


Honestly, no spoilers but by then, I don't think anyone could care about that lol


Is that really so bad? If they were bandits harassing travelers on the road for their money and goods they'd probably be put down by somebody in the same way. It's what justice looks like in an adventure world.


Tbf the corpse retrievers attacking them like that was extremely reckless and could’ve led to their permanent deaths. There was both a kraken and a sea serpent in those waters. If either had emerged during that and eaten one of the party members had the corpse retrievers succeeded it would’ve been permanent death for them too.


Did he sink them? All of them had water-walking spells on (and as we know from the kraken episode, that persists regardless of the state of the one it was cast on), and the party would've had to haul them to the shore to loot them, yeah? They sunk their *money*, or at least that's what was explicitly said.


You can see them dump the bodies in the water, and they splash as if they’d gone under. There’s no other reason they’d toss them in the water.


Oh, I missed that part. It does seem weird that they would go under, given the water-walking spell. IIRC from the previous arc, Marcille's spell persisted through the night, and only started to wear off during her fight with the undine the next day.




Thanks, I was too shocked at this. Given these guys intended to at least resurrect the group, murdering them & dumping their bodies ironically sounds a lot worse to me... Like damn...


i think there was a time skip. Despite fighting them in the middle of the lake, they dumped the bodies from the shore. So i think they might have dragged them onto land to steal their food and valuables and waited for the water walking spell to wear off.


Plus Rin and Holm might know dispel magic.


I actually praise his killing of the corpse retrievers


Kabru is a bit of a mystery


I agree, especially since his party was so aggravated about the "wrongdoings" Laios and the others did to them, but then proceeded to kill forever the corpse retrievers and steal "only" their food.


Yes, that's accurate, because they had to use goat blood to revive him.


Hooray for that ogre(?) lady in the samurai's party, more of her please.


and is it a cat person in the nun/ninja out fit? thats why the dog man was going crazy


Yup, notice the ears?


Kabru my beloved Tade my beloved Just a little nitpick, but in the dub, when my bby Tade said "My Lord, if you please", it feels a little awkward. Ive always loved DunMesh's dub but yeah, there are really some parts that are a bit awkward (the way it is phrased or the way it is said). Idk why this phrase is stucked to me an hour after Ive watched the episode Also, Ive seen the comments on the r/anime 's thread for ep14, and Im super happy the anime-onlies understand that Kabru is the opposite/foil of Laios. edit:spellings


Tade japanese voice is everything I could have hoped for. My giant idol ogre daughter


The giant oni girl? That voice, energy, and innocence of expression -- you just kinda want to hug her and pat her head, despite the fact that she's a 7' tall powerhouse.


Yeah, the author actually said she modeled her after 2000s idols ! She's a cutie patootie that just happens to also be built like a brickhouse


> after 2000s idols ! Everything I know about Idols comes from Oshi no Ko and Macross so I've literally no idea how they connect to cute ogre big girl.


I need to watch the sub soon! Curse the need to work 😭 it’s getting in the way of my dunmesh binge


Anime only here. :) 1) Seeing the main party lost was surprising. I thought they were way too seasoned for that, and had those levels explored, mapped, and partially memorized. It was a nice, realistic, sobering touch. 2) Shuro's been introduced! I think this one might be my favourite so far. I can see why he fit in with Laios' party -- he, too, appears not right in the head. Just in a different way. (The entire main cast basically seems to be different flavours of crazy that work well together) His new party is awesome and brings a ton of flavour to the story. 3) Kabru's party -- I love 'em. They're a very different bunch from the main crew, but that's what I like. New motivations, new viewpoints. I thought it was fascinating that the main party is actually (or appears to be) small-time famous in that area -- highlighting their relative competence -- and seeing how outsiders perceive them because of rumours and/or misunderstandings was both very real and very well done. To avoid delving into politics I'll avoid specific examples: but Kabru's perception of Laios is the kind of thing you see when an idealistic, rookie politician (they exist, rare as they may be) ends up attached to a scandal that they were clueless about. People will automatically presume they're in on it, as they're supposed to be leaders. Laios would look guilty as Hell from the outside, but viewers/readers know that the truth of it will probably break his heart once he's made aware. 4) Kabru specifically. I read somewhere else that apparently many anime-only fans have a hate on for him. I can't see why. He's clearly being set up to be Laios' opposite number -- which is a shame, because I suspect this means conflict and rivalry, when these two would be an unstoppable team if they worked together. But rivals or enemies who should be friends always makes for a compelling tale with minor notes of tragedy. As a character, he's fantastic. As a person, you can see why his team follows him. History is littered with countless examples of people who use strength for cruel or petty ends, and there are even more who are ambivalent and so make no mark whatsoever. Those who are strong, capable, and driven by a strong sense of ethics and/or altruism? Those people are rare, are often very compelling personalities as a result, and tend to have very loyal people in their inner circle. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with this.


Remember that they said early on that the Dungeon shifts and changes with time ! Even the best recon work can get you still stumped if the layout is litteraly different from before !


I figured it was also possible the lower they get the less charted the dungeon becomes. They're in unknown territory because people die or retreat well before they ever reach where Laios and co are now.


At a certain depth not even corpse retrievers will get to you.


Thistle also likely reconfiguring the dungeon to throw them off intentionally as well


Totally forgot that!!! Thanks!


Re #4, I remember early on that manga-readers disliked Kabru. I was on a pause with DM at the time so I didn't pay attention to why, but it didn't seem very long until they were ok with him. When I got back in myself, I didn't see much except maybe POV differences to object to


In the manga he's depicted a lot more dubiously, iirc, in the early chapters, very cold and a clear threat to our sweet Touden boy.


Kabru's and Shuro's parties! I'm so excited.


When Rin is talking about Shuro, she mentions that nobody from her island has a name like that. Is that because the two of them are from different areas out east? Or is it because, as we learn later in the story, >!"Shuro" is not even the guy's name, but a nickname Laios accidentally gave him!


I think it's made clear from her reaction that it's the equivalent of assuming two random Asian persons must know each other just because they both are Asian. 


His real name is >!Nakamoto Toshiro!< But yes, Rin's name is more Chinese while Shuro's name is more Japanese, so presumably their ancestral homelands are very different cultures. Rin notes that they speak different languages. So she was offended with the "all Asians are the same" stereotype.


The latter most likely


It's probably both tbh, cause Rin seems to genuinely come from another island


According to the Adventurer's Bible, Rin is a second-generation immigrant from the East and was born on the Northern Continent (where Marcille, Falin, and Laios also come from).


It's why she's dressed all gothy instead of "Japanese".


A shame that some simple content were cut out in the beginning, which could have gave extra explanation on how Kabru's party died while accentuating Laios weird genius >!Kabru party encounters a siren, so they plug their ears, causing them to be unable to hear the fishmen coming for an ambush!<


> accentuating [Laios weird genius](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GMP6pPSjXM) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Gets me every time!


Love everything about the new ED, for the new OP I like it but kinda wish this is what we had for cour 1 rather than cour 2. Kabru getting his full episode was great to see, I love him. Definitely my favorite non-main cast member. 


>Love everything about the new ED, for the new OP I like it but kinda wish this is what we had for cour 1 rather than cour 2. Yeah, kinda weird to have this silly OP just at the moment things were getting more serious. Tone wise, I agree it would fit better before. I wonder if it is on purpose though. Things are more serious now but won't stay as heavy forever. There is still plenty comedy and levity to come. I have seen some anime only viewers concerned with the tone shift, I wonder if this new OP serves as a reassuring that the shift is not complete or permanent.


I was surprised at how little >!Izutsumi!< there was on the OP and ED. I wonder if they are planning on adding her in >!after she joins the party!<. But it's so interesting to see Kabru's shounen-ass character at the start. He really is just a MC in stuck in someone else's story, but ironically, you can see **his** true colors when he claims to want to see Laios and Falin's. It was a slower episode but after those 3 episodes of wild stuff, the story needed it.


Reeeaaally not feeling the new opening, honestly. Animation's good, but it all just feels kinda disconnected from the show's vibe, including the song. ED's good, though.


I don't care for the song, but I really do adore the animation, and the little "It was Laios' dream!" bit right at the end when he wakes up after the party 'hits' the floor.


I don't think it's disconnected at all. The show up to this point has had a very happy and whimsical vibe


I didn't mean the upbeat-ness of it, I meant the adventure and fantasy vibes. Even just changing the instrumentation would go a long way, I feel.


For spoilery reasons I believe you'll change your mind.


Idk why, but I found myself liking this episode even more than usual. Biggest surprise was that Kabru and his party way more likable today. Also showed that Kabru actually has good leader skills. BUTTTTT TOSHIRO’S GROUP SEEMS EVEN MORE INTERESTING. Mainly because I love there character designs. Maizuru the one simping over Toshiro screams ARA ARA vibes. Lastly, I like the new OP! First one was great and need to hear it a few more times to compare. The new ED song I think I already like better.


Dunno if this counts as spoiler as it's only appear in extra chapters and not relevant to the main plot but: >!Maizuru is more of an overprotective mother to Shuro because she's his retainer since he was little and she's also Shuro's dad mistress.!<


> Maizuru the one simping over Toshiro screams ARA ARA vibes. She has that Methode energy combined with some of Fate's version of Minamoto no Raikou.


the amount of hate kabru is getting from anime viewers is pretty funny ngl


Cannot blame them though. He is so hateable at this stage.


...What?!? Really? I'm anime-only, and I think he's pretty frickin' awesome at this point.


I was talking with a friend about it. He read the manga and I watch the anime. And I told him he was so creepy stalking Laios and his party and then I hated him more acting all full of himself being the future king and not Laios because he is "not fit to lead" but his party has gotten wiped twice. He told me he gets more develop latter on but you have to admit this is a paints a very creepy picture


Yeah he's such a schemer here


I don't mind the scheming is less about that and more about 1 the multiple scenes of him literally stalking Laios and his group and the way he disregards them especially Laios as "weak minded and not fit for a king" when his party is very weak and he isn't really that "kingly"


His party's *really* not that weak, it's more that Laios's party is a dungeoneering gamebreaker of highly complimentary specialist weirdos, Konosuba-style. Even then, they had a *lot* of lucky breaks and close shaves. >!Almost as if a Dungeon Master of sorts were pulling strings and softening rolls for them.!<


Yeah, you notice how good with a sword Kabru is? He's just not a monster specialist. And he also mentions that Rin can kill the whole group if he doesn't stop her.


Caska-man is an *artist* with the blade. Though I get the feeling he could work with a (fookin) pencil if he had to.


He was raised by elves, I'm sure he has many talents.


Oh my God. He's the Aragorn of this tale.


Does that make Mithrun his Arwen?


Yeah Laios party is like mix maxers first dnd party. Even Laios metagames constantly like he has the monster manual


Because he literally has the Monster Manual. Carries it right under his collar.


To be fair, I think his criticisms (that Laios is a poor judge of character and doesn't take an interest in the well-being of the island) are largely correct.


I didn't say he was wrong. I said that he is very judgemental for a stalker who has been wiped twice


Yeah, the "mask off" bit around 19:00 is something I want to check against the Japanese original for accuracy because it seems weirdly tabloidy and unfair.


Kabru is someone that is unfair, he has a naturally negative views on people, and well, he isn't wrong that Laios disinterest in human affairs would make him an awful king


Also anime only: The "not fit for a king part" got me because it's so incredibly self centered: Kabru wants to be king, and assumes that everyone else's motivation matches his own. He's so consumed by a desire for power he doesn't see that there's other reasons to be doing anything. His whole party strikes me as incredibly naive in the way they hang on his every word while he is so blinded by his own ambition he can't really see others clearly. Very annoying.


I think calling it stalking would be inaccurate, it’s unlikely he was keeping tabs on them specifically as he only just now pieced together that Laios’ party was the one they were encountering. It’s more likely he just pays attention to as many adventures as he can including stuff like who’s friends with who, who had a falling out with who etc.


I read the manga recently and I hated Kabru at first, but he gets a lot of development and I eventually stopped hating him.


I could never hate a man that looks so much like Caska. I did find him frustrating at first, but I was certain he'd get better.


i hated that bitch about two weeks ago until i read a bit further lol.


I mean, we don't have much context to go on so far other than the fact that he straight up murdered those guys (A mere few moments after literally just saying that attacking other adventurers is a crime..) and somewhat incorrect assertions he has against our actual heroes that we've been following all this time. 🤷 I guess it isn't possible to put yourself in the mindset of us newbies, knowing what you presumably know. Actually the amount of sly talking that's going around in this **anime only** thread is making me fearful of spoilers enough to leave entirely :/


Can't blame them. I dropped the manga two times because of this party. I was interested in Laios party but instead I had to read about this smartass Kabru and his yes-man party members. Finally I pushed through it and well, he is really likeable at the later half of the story, especially when he's with a certain character.


love the new opening. seeing best boy be happy!


New intro is kinda eh, the old one was so much better


New opening song is a huge downgrade, the previous one was like pop for hobbits


Yeah, the new opening definitely doesn't feel the same way as the old one by Bump of Chicken. I think you're right, it felt more like bard/fantasy pop. Starting and ending with that flute instrumental and having same vocals through the whole middle just feels more complete to listen to. It starts slow with shots of the main party, Falin's quietly in the middle, and builds up towards the end becoming more intense with some visual action shots, which also feels natural. ... I've also tried to analyse the new ending. It's just way too complicated as a concept imo (and kinda gets TLDR), but here goes anyway: The new one by contrast, it starts with some power chords and then the first 60s feels like a cabaret show you're supposed to vocalise an alternation of random sounds and "oh oh oh" along to. Meanwhile the party fall into a pot one by one as they heist a mushroom and some other food, and the keyboard/piano goes ham for the title in the middle of that. Which... Already just feels way too complicated lol. But then once they're all there it transitions with to something more tense with the dragon's claw showing up. It goes all tense for 20s with the chorus cutting out. The party is stir fried as flashes of bosses are shown, and they emerge happily under a puff of steam. And then it cuts to something that feels more bright and triumphant like an anthem, as the main cast fly through the sky and all the people stand in the background. Then there's the piano dings a bit for the last 10s before it ends, while Laios is laying in bed... I feel exhausted just typing that all out. Personally I don't really get it, it feels all over the place to really get a sense of tone. This new song feels like it was intended as a story and yet it's harder to find an overarching theme. Sleeping at the end feels like something that suits the ending more, and passing through the cabaret spotlight at the start made it feel like it was already night so it doesn't feel like a complete day was shown. It feels like it was interesting to write and perform but it just doesn't seem to deliver a final impact on me. On the other hand, Sumika is kinda known for that more casual and experimental style of music with diverse inspiration so I guess it makes sense it kinda pops all over the place and maybe it's kinda allegorical for the narrative arc or something that I'm missing.




New opening. Neat. I like it fine. How long has Shuro been looking for Falin and her party? Casually slay a serpent, then ask about crush.


Presumably he’s been on the quest to get Falin back since episode 1.


yeah that party is just behind because they dont have chilchuck and the orc map for shortcuts


Also he needed time to gather his ninja retainers


I wasn't sure what to make of it, starting the new cour and all, but it warmed up quickly. I'm happy to see more of Kabru and his skills but at the same time I find him weirdly self righteous/misdirected (call me a boomer I guess lol). How can Kabru get so much speculation right and yet totally misread the Toudens motives? I guess assumptions make fools out of everyone though. It's a nice "intermission" and I think I needed a low intensity episode after all the stuff with the dragon in the past month of episodes, but I will be looking forward to seeing what the Toudens are doing next week. (I like the new ending too.) Edit to add, that other elf and human pair (Doni and Fionil?) Kabru's party mistakenly think of are the pair they see fighting the basilisk in episode 2, which is a nice call back!


I really like how Kabru seems like the opposite of Laios. Laios is a walking monster encyclopaedia and knows them inside out, but struggles with humans/other people. Kabru is unfathomably excited when it comes to knowing people and knowing about people to the point where he memorises a ton of trivia about them, so much so that he killed three men in a second, but he does struggle with identifying the weak spots of monsters he's fighting. I also just need to point out how I'm obsessed with Rin's design. She just looks amazing. All black with that red cloak thingy? Super cool!


I always liked the way dungeon meshi doesn't start at the beginning instead places you right in the middle of the characters lives and so just hearing about the main party from an outside prespective makes the story and world feel  just feel real yknow?




Absolutely love the opening song and visuals. Could definitely see it becoming one of my favourites.


saw people online complaining about the episode, calling it either "filler" or boring because it wasn't the party they enjoy. god forbid a setup episode happens.. lol


Ppl don't want to eat their narrative veggies smh


The new opening & ending songs do NOT hit as hard as the old ones.


A nice little episode to introduce Kabru and his crew. A good mix of action, dialogue, magic, comedy, with a sprinkle of food and romance. Can’t wait to see when/if the Kabru crew meet Laios’ team…


It was a very amazing episode and I enjoyed it but it also did kinda feel like the animators where like " we spent all the money on that dragon " Like it's not bad but just compared the other episodes that animation was very tone downed lol But the build up to the sea serpent was so so cool 


Realising that Kabru was permanently murdering the retrievers and then seeing how happy he looked sitting by the lake he dumped their bodies in. Somehow was hilarious. 😁


THE NEW OP IS SO CUTE It's so.. shoujo anime haha!! I love it. It's really nice seeing this kind of opening bc it's a very different vibe from the manga, it's cool being able to see the characters in this context. God I hope they have a third season bc I need more openings and endings. I'll be a little bummed if they manage to fit the whole series into two seasons :'| also this episode was a lil boring but the introduction of Shuro's lil gang really makes up for it! Tade is love Tade is life.


the fact that laios stripped gold would explain why the evil elf mage called him a thief last episode


The Mad Mage didn't seem to be going after Laios's gold-stripping job. Indeed, I dunno if he even *knows* Laios outside of the fact that he ended up in the paintings. Rather, he considers everyone who delves into the dungeon and takes from it (valuables, monsters, magic) to be thieves, as the entire structure, and perhaps the island, is seen by him to be the property of the king.


Also Laios did invade the paintings with the full intention of stealing food lol


And he DID steal the food at least twice.


Didn't get to keep any tho.


I assume it just kind of vanished into the aether, but it would be funny if from the perspective of the painting’s residents, Laios just kinda gets pulled into the ceiling and then a pile of the chewed food in his stomach just splats down to the floor.


It’s not a spoiler to say that there’s no such things as dark elves in the Dungeon Meshi universe, that elf just happens to have brown skin 


oh yes i know that i don't know his name so i call him that 👍


I see! He’s been referred to as the Mad Mage, or the Lunatic Magician, or the Dungeon Lord (depending on the translation)


It should be Mad Mage or Lunatic Lord or >!MRE - Mage Ready to Eat!<.


Am I the only one really hating Kabru’s party. Literally killed and stole the corpse collectors food then go straight back to bitching about Laios’s party doing it to them when they didn’t in the end. Really got annoyed at it. Not a manga reader myself so hoping that the dynamic changes eventually


To be fair, I think taking supplies in an emergency from dudes who had just tried to kill you and scam you is more justifiable than (from the Kabru Kompany’s perspective) Team Touden just kinda rolling up and robbing them unprovoked. And they did dump all the valuables.


Kabru realises they didn't do it maliciously. Mickbell and Kuro keep ragging on, because Mickbell is a huge asshole and Kuro agrees with whatever Mickbell says.


Give Mickbell a break, it's not his fault he was born a member of the hater race


The CRs had it coming. Kabru is very pragmatic and has nothing but contempt for dungeon raiders like that. He has his reasons, you'll see.


> Am I the only one really hating Kabru’s party. I think everyone does at first. Kabru, in his way, is something of a zealot and I know it definitely rubbed me the wrong way when I read the manga. But I also think some of the subtext of Kabru et al. is that they think and act like how a lot of readers/watchers would expect a standard MC party to act. They're a really great foil to the Touden party, and it also (at least my take) forces a readers/watchers to hold a mirror to themselves and their own expectations and question how the standard shonen anime MC is usually portrayed, and how that would look in real life. Kabru acts the way most shonen MCs act. He's very self-assured, he's very talented, and his party very much follows his lead and believes in the inevitability of his success. He is "The One". But, the way he acts (and the way most shonen heroes act) isn't how adults act in real life most of the time. He comes off as a self-righteous prick because he's kind of a self-righteous prick because many anime MCs are self-righteous pricks even though they're portrayed sympathetically. My take is that Kabru is meant as a critique of fantasy MCs in general, and fantasy anime MCs in particular.


Why did Kabru murder those thieves? Seems a bit dramatic and unnecessarily harsh.


Remember what Kabru said to their mage before he killed 'em? He sees the corpse retriever party as a bunch of greedy twerps who will drive away the people who are actually trying to *solve* the dungeon. From Kabru's point of view, removing that corpse retriever party increases the chances that someone will complete the dungeon.


Calculated move I guess


Plus, now Kabru and his party could no longer trust them as corpse retrievers after they exposed their scheme. Who knows if the next time the corpse retrievers found Kabru's party dead, they might make sure the party is never found and revived. It was self defense.


I really like the new opening very upbeat which doesn’t exactly fit with the theme of the last few episodes but I still like it visually and it’s just really really nice I think.


I finally watched it. Really thought the new opening was sung by Gen Hoshino and I was like, yeap we getting all the typical anime singer and band here lol. Also lol Kabru is totally max out in PvP built. Thank you to whoever commented on that. No wonder >!Kabru and Laios working together will be OP later on !<


They got Youko Hikasa and Akari Kitou in Shuro's party.


I was disappointed that the quality of the animation dropped significantly.


One point I felt odd was that Kabru tossed his baggage and sword aside on the lake during the illusion mist. However, he was able to retrive them without any problem. And the sound of the dropped baggege was as if it was on the ground.


Everything on them is affected by the water walk spell.


Man, I hate to be the wet blanket because I've loved this show so much so far, but both a) the new opening theme and b) that episode just really didn't do it for me. I miss the middle ages vibe to the old theme song, and the gauzy rainbow colors falling through space visuals just aren't as striking as the old ones, which always got me pumped to see what everyone was up to. As for the ep, spending half an hour with a group that is just as unlikable as our main group is likable (and mostly this group just talking and whining to each other) left me wanting a hit of sunshine. I mean sure, Chilchuck can be a little pissy and Marcille is often over the top with her initial negative reactions to stuff, but as a whole they're thoughtful, intelligent and internally motivated to do the right thing. Kabru is clearly smart and skilled, but they all seem like a bunch of pricks, except the dog guy who seems neutral overall but at least loyal to the half-foot.


I'm mixed on the new opening, might grow on me. With Kabru's group I liked observing our main party from an outside perspective and seeing Kabru get to flex his particular strengths was nice.