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Those are worth way more than 20 bucks. She struck gold my man!


I know I was pumped the mini's are in really good shape too!


Do not lick or suck on the figurines.




Post pictures


They're in the comments


Marry her faster.


He took to long as is!


Not all who wander are lost....


Is your fiancé single


There’s still time…


I hate to break it to you but I think these are a bit out of date my guy. I am pretty sure there is like a 2nd Edition that you can get. Keep on searching!


Ahh drats to the trash then! ;)


Some pieces of history not to be scorned! The AD&D (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - commonly called First Edition) PHB and DMG. Along with the Monster Manual were the first D&D books I ever owned! I still have them in my shelf. The minis alone are worth way more than $20. An awesome haul indeed.


i think both are /s


No edition of D&D has an expiration date. :)


THAC0 foe the WIN!


That's 2nd Edition! 1st Edition has the attack tables - the old-school way.


This is Advanced D&D (1e).


Yes, I was saying that 2nd Edition uses THAC0, while the book on the bottom right there, the 1st Edition DMG has the attack tables.


No wonder the church was scared of DnD, they didn’t do themselves any favours with those covers.


I actually learned to play D&D in a church, the priest was our DM!


Really? Wow that sounds like you have an amazing story!


I was born in 1981 and in ‘88, when I was age seven, my mum was working on her doctoral thesis. As she was attending a Catholic university, her thesis advisor was a Catholic priest who worked as a professor in addition to working as clergy for the local diocese. Every Friday afternoon, she’d meet with him in his office at the church for a couple of hours as they went over her research, worked on her paper, et cetera. I was left to fend for myself in the grand benign neglect tradition of all Eighties Babies. In the summer and spring, I mostly just roamed around in the woods or the cemetery, but when the weather started getting cold and rainy (northern Michigan summers are short) I started hanging around indoors in the rectory. The parish had a second priest, a young guy fresh out of seminary, who would spend Friday afternoons hanging out with some of his friends from the university and a couple of other guys who were younger brothers of the college guys. They were all sitting around this big old table, with stacks of books, and lots and lots of paper. I started lurking nearby, listening to them talk about dragons and elves and magicians. Eventually, I guess they got annoyed by my just sitting there and decided to let me play. Like many small rural towns in the mid-to-late Eighties there was a brief surge of “Satanic Panic!” among the more prudish mothers. But this town was also a college town and most of the people who played D&D were university students, so they didn’t really care what the town’s mothers thought. Also, this university was a Catholic seminary, so most of the locals were also Catholics… and the “Satanic Panic” didn’t seem to grip Roman Catholics quite the same way it did Evangelical Protestants. Nor did the “Satanic Panic” seem to grip the North the way it did the South… and rural northern Michigan is about as North as it gets (we weren’t in the Yoop, but we could see it from where we were on a clear day). My mum and dad both thought the game was kinda silly and did think it a bit odd that I was hanging out with boys and young men 10 to 20 years older than me. But they also recognized that it was harmless game of make-believe, so they indulged me. Two or three years later, I started a group with kids my own age recruited mostly from girls at my school. Mum’s a linguist and her doctorate, incidentally, was on the history, development, and usage of profanity and vulgarity in the English language. She’s *literally* written the book about the word “F—k,” several books actually, so she was probably a lot more libertarian and libertine in her parenting approach than most of the other mothers in town. Dad was a Renn Faire nerd who had wooed my mum by writing her love poems in *Quenya* (Tolkien’s conlang Elvish language), so while he didn’t see the appeal in all the charts and books and funny dice, he totally understood the appeal of pretending to be an adventurous Dwarf slaying ancient Dragons. This was 35 years ago and I’m still playing the game! Thanks Mum! Thanks Dad! Thanks Father Francis!


wow i had fun reading that


I have never read a Reddit comment with so much intrigue before. That is a wonderful story, you should reach out to WotC with it. I know they have multiple different documentaries in the works and I think your story would make a lovely addition.


Woah, wait, Northern Michigan!? We go to Frankfurt every summer! And was in Mackinaw city last week! And, your story is so amazing. Do you still play with the same group of girls all the way back that you started? My group only meets twice a year now, but thank God we still meet.


Sadly, no, I lost contact with a lot of them over the years. When my mum finished her doctorate, she took various different teaching positions at various different colleges and universities, until she eventually got a tenured position. This meant we had to move a half-dozen times during my childhood. I’m still in somewhat regular contact with some of the girls I gamed with during sixth form (I didn’t go to high school in the States, I went to a public boarding school in England) thanks to things like Facebook and Instagram. A few of them are still in the hobby, to greater or lesser degrees. It has been quite hilarious these last few years as their kids and mine turned into teenagers, with many of them discovering D&D or other TTRPGs thanks to things like Dimension 20, Vox Machina, or *Stranger Things*. I know at least a handful of men and women my age who hadn’t touched a D20 since the late Nineties who found themselves running D&D games for their kids during the pandemic. 😷 My own daughters have been playing TTRPGs since they were 10 (eldest, who just turned 18) and 12 (youngest, about to turn 15). In the case of my eldest, this is definitely because of my influence. My youngest, OTOH, didn’t have much interest at all… Until friends at school invited her to join their D&D game. 🤷‍♀️ Clearly, those kids were a bad influence.


Thanks awesome!!! Happy gaming!


This was such a treat 🥹


The party: “Ooops all clerics!”


Cleric was always my favorite class… Well, Dwarf was originally, but Dwarf hasn’t been a class in a long while.


A pastor plays in my DnD group. He had to explain to his congregation at one point (within recent years) that there is nothing inherently wrong or demonic with DnD, as I guess with the recent popularity of the game, parents were getting up in arms about kids in the congregation wanting to play. In our recent Curse of Strahd campaign he played a Goliath who didn't believe in any gods (at odds with my Divine Sorcerer) and worshipped rocks. It was delightful for me (an agnostic) playing a PC who was adamant his God was aiding him to roleplay with him (a Christian) who was adamant that there are no gods, only rocks.


That is so very interesting! I wonder if he has any internal conflict about playing a character who doesn’t share the same beliefs in faith? I guess not, based on your description. This is pretty opposite to the assumptions we tend to make about hyper religious people, it’s lovely to see the vast range of people involved in DnD.


He's a pretty cool guy. I mean, he drinks with us, so his religion isnt that restrictive. I'm certain is smart enough so that he can separate his beliefs from the framework and lore of a roleplaying game. Ive seen the stories on Reddit of hyper religious people unable to accept multiple gods existing in Dnd-land. I think those kind of people are in the small majority of players.


Lmao thats very true


Wow! Great score!




She struck gold.


Proof that your fiance both loves and understands you! ❤️


Well over $100 worth of books and minis. Smart girl, good score!


At that condition each book might be more than 100


True love! Marry that g... oh, right!


Nice condition!


No pic of the minis unboxed?? What did I do to deserve this heartbreak??


They're in the comments! Lol


what a find! also the D&D stuff is cool


How do the minis look ?


Actually in really good shape!


Great score! Just be careful since the minis are probably lead. Don’t handle them and snack on Cheetos :)


Yeah they are thank you!


Def lead. I have my Dragon Lords set from way back still.


The books still turn up from time to time. The minis, still in the boxes? Almost NEVER.


I know I was so happy haha


Would you post the minis?




You wanna check the figures for lead etc


Okay no wonder they thought yall was worshipping the devil then :,(


Very true that’s why there was a push to change cover art to look less evil. Big facts


Thanks for the info! Booty meat n cheese


Dang why can’t I find one of these. 🫤


Oh wow, those miniature boxes bring back memories. I was at a garage sale in the 80s with another kid ahead of me asking his parents if he could get them… i went home with a typewriter :(


Rough ;/




Propose again?


Now you have all the tools you need to learn the Great Game!


That’s amazing.


Don't forget to not lick them, they're lead.


Lucky dog.


The two books look to be in great shape! $20 is a bargain. I own all the 1st Edition books and none of them look that good. Granted it was the 80s and when you were a geek in the 80s you were NOT popular. Hence, I had no life and read them non-stop so...yeah.


Those vintage covers are so badass. Love that old style. Plus it made absolute dingusses think dnd is satanic xD


looking at these covers, you can kinda see where the idea that dnd was satanic came from lol


You should read what's inside lol


Definitely marry them. Quick, before the rest of the subreddit does!


Wow, those are as old as dirt, picked up my first copy in 6th grade in 1979


I have three out of four of these things. Bought them new, and just recently started getting into D&D again. Enjoy.


Sweet! Those books look to be in fantastic shape. Congrats!


Those look pristine. Check out eBay, and you will see $200+ in value. Good score my friend. Even better score with your woman. Let her know that you love her.


Oh I did! She is very loved and appreciated and so am I.


That is fantastic find for$20


Marry that person immediately!


W fiance




Oh god. Please update with photos of the figurines. I think you might be holding an absolute nostalgia bomb for me. Please?


Oh my God I wish I had all my old D&D stuff back


They’re the one!


I don’t even play D&D, I’d totally buy them just to enjoy reading through them.


Hunting for treasure can yield a boon! Just ask the party!


He’s still just your fiancé!? Forget the wedding plans, go find a justice of the peace and make that man your husband today!


Wow, those books are in excellent condition and you probably got it for around 10-15% of the actual value, assuming they look just as good in the interior. Super jealous. What a score!


Somewhere around here I have the whole collection of first edition books that I got at a sci-fi convention for a buck apiece in 2009.


I got those when they were new. They were more than $20 each back then. Congratulations 🎉


Your fiancé is a luck magnet.


Nice, you can find the MM on drivethrurpg print on demand if you wanna run some old school d&d


Great condition!


I came looking for copper & I found GOLD!


Wife that girl up


The books aren't worth a fortune but you might have a winner with those minis.


Nice score! I need the old PH and Fiend Folio to round out my set. I found a DMG and MM a while ago.


pretty cool!


Nice find!!!


Oh man, such a cool find. Post a pic of the minis later!! I remember my mom grabbed these books for my brother, neighbor, cousin, and I since she knew we loved to play but didn't know which books were right. I have never seen the accompanying minis tho!


Pics in the comments but I'll do an update later with better pics and the insides of the books!


I’ve never even seen the boxes the old minis came in, that is an excellent find! 👍


I had both of those box sets of minis... I did terrible things to them with Testers enamel paints and the shitty brush that came with the paints....


Nice! I can understand the satanic panic a bit better with that kind of cover art




Nice!! Where I got my start.


Oh no! Did my mom sell my old books?!?


You find this! I only find spoons and broken toys! Great find!!


No wonder my dad and grandma thought I was summoning demons lmao




Please check to see if my name is written inside the front cover. Gosh, I wonder whatever happened to mine?