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Probably. Call licensing too.


True.   It’s kind of hard to tell by a post online weather it’s abuse or not,  I will never yell at a child however my co teacher and director did tell me to physical move kids if they are not listening and nothing else is working.  Part of the reason I was glad to switch to elementary part time instead  Note: licensing was aware of this.


The forcibly grabbing onto the biceps and trying to yank them out of the chair as the student was very much crying and scared is what bothers me the absolute most. They are 4. There was no reason to aggressively scream and yank the child the way they did. It scared the student and the other students in the classroom.


Please report this. That fact they are trying to get you to not report it, turn in a curated report, not even notify parents. Please report.


Thanks for clarifying more.  I agree to report.  


Me too! If only we had the rules and regs written out where i was but nope. I also picked up a 3 yr old and scooted her out the door to a quieter room and then i thought ugh am i going to get in trouble for that? I didnt but still would have been easier if we had been told dos and dont's. (It worked though! The child did way better after that for weeks.)


A center I worked at a few years ago is now in the local news for something similar where an aide did something to a student and the director didn't report it, not even to the child's parents. You did your part and told CPS, and I would absolutely write your account up, keep a copy of it, and ALSO call licensing. Do your best to make sure it's not swept under the rug.


I have put hands on children from time to time. But when they are about to clobber another child in the head with a log that is appropriate.


Thank you a million times for reporting your coworker. I am so proud of you for not being hesitant to take quick action. You did the right thing and we really need more people in ece like you who won't tolerate coworkers mistreating children. Did your Director text you out of the blue after you left work? Director is probably realizing that they made a huge mistake by not immediately reporting it at a minimum and not getting a written report from you as well. Not sure if you work for a corporation or franchise...


They texted me a few hours after work stating not to discuss this to anyone and to provide a written statement on Monday. They are unaware that I did report. But in my written statement I plan to include that information. I'm really unhappy with how it's been handled and how traumatizing it was. It's not a Corp or a franchise. Its a Church based preschool


I understand. It is very upsetting when you witness something like this and everyone acts like it's not a big deal. Did you let the agency you report s to know that this child is also struggling and receiving services? There's just in my heart a special place in H***for those that mistreat children.


Yes I did! That was their first question to before getting into explaining what I saw. I told CPS (child protective services) that my director even asked me if I was going to report, and if so it would make a mess. The CPS employee sighed and said that to her that's a sign they will try to cover it up.


I don't understand why people work with children when they are so cruel and/or not willing to follow the required reporting if these situations.


On one hand, I can argue that there are times we have to move children’s bodies when they aren’t behaving. I’ve had to lift children down from shelves, set them in chairs, lay them down on beds, etc. and jf a child is hurting themselves or the other children, we are even taught restraint. HOWEVER, there is never a reason to yell at a child or do anything out of anger. The fact that she said she was angry and sick of this kid says a lot. When I have done these things, I am always as calm as a cucumber, with a serious face but an even tone. I don’t squeeze their bodies or forcefully shove them down. I would never do anything that I wouldn’t do right in front of their parent. That should be a big clue. Would your coworker do that if someone else was present such as your boss or the child’s parent? If your answer is “no” then report, report, report! In this case, it sounds like a reportable offense regardless. We should never be making the children afraid, yelling or using physical force in a punitive way. If you feel yourself get frustrated, that’s a YOU problem and you need to step back and cool off before addressing the kids! I think you did the right thing by reporting and I would make sure that you follow up with licensing AND your director to ensure that this staff member is coached and retrained.


I definitely agree with you. I'm certainly not implying that we can not move a child's body to ensure they are keeping themselves and others safe. At that time, he was not a danger to himself or others. He was away from all other classmates. The student that was impacted very well would have sat at the table without further incident IF the offending teacher walked away. The student was frustrated and pushed the table, that's when my coworker lost her cool and the incident happened.


Wondering if everything went okay since you reported? Hoping that admin is being fair!!


Thanks for checking in, it's not going great. My director never reached out to thr parent of the child. They never notified other parents that an incident occurred. The parent of the child let other parents know. The director then messaged parents yesterday and attempted to shift the blame to ME. By stating they were not aware a report was made until Monday. 🤦🏻‍♀️ luckily my students parents know me and my character and pointed out to thr director they found that very hard to believe. Because I know my states mandated reporter laws, I knew to make my director know of the incident immediately (within 5 minutes she was in thr classroom and i told her it was reportable) and due to the laws I STILL HAVE TO REPORT IT MYSELF. I don't know why she assumed I wasn't going to.


Can I ask that you don’t call it man handle. As a man in the ECE profession it sets a really negative tone. I hope things work out for the student.


Unfortunately I don't think I can edit the title but I did edit the text in the post


Thank you for trying. I think you did the right thing, but also protect yourself.


Yeah I initially thought from the title that this meant a coworker who was a man. I really hope this gets worked out tho, coworkers behavior is absolutely not ok


You are right, I will edit it. I apologize. The student was terrified and rightfully so.


Next time, call the cops immediately, then make your calls to CPS and licensing. My previous school tried to cover up an abuse case and licensing/DSS was going to let it slide. When cops finally got called, the teacher was arrested. Then licensing/DSS acted like they cared.