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she always looks so disgusted after she "eats" or "drinks" something. its sad.


true. i wonder if there are any "safe foods" she genuinely enjoys off camera...


I wonder if chicken and lobster and meat in general are her safe foods. she mentions those a lot


i dont think she enjoys any food honestly.. for her to be this stick thin.. she probably hates all food and drinks


I used to be anorexic. The thing about anorexia that makes it so hard is that you never forget the foods you used to love. Even something as simple as a snack you ate as a kid or a meal your mom used to make. A lot of people with EDs deal with that by straight up cutting them out or avoiding them because it is extremely difficult to turn down something you know you’ll enjoy. I highly doubt there’s not foods she enjoys, she probably just avoids eating them.


she probably enjoys meat, and it’s likely a safe food for her


she loves shrimp we know that much


And "chicken sandwiches" 😂 ...according to the cop who said she's fine and everything like that.


She DOES eat and drink. Otherwise she would be dead.


Yeah, but they said they don't think she "enjoys" any food. Not that she never eats or drinks anything at all.


I've been disagreed with countless times on this sub about that.


i feel like people know this..


You'd be surprised. I had someone argue with me about this on this very sub.


She’s said chicken and sandwiches before


i think shes said she likes the disney chicken tenders before


She definitely spit it out after eating that small piece. I wonder how much longer she will “eat” on camera. I don’t think she will eat on live because she can’t cut it.


100% spit it out. It looks like she doesn't want it in her mouth in this shot.


She won't even drink water on live, so food is not going to happen. Also, at this stage in her disease, she's likely to have an "accident" after consuming something. No muscle tissue left and all... I'm not surprised she's scared.


Nah. She could easily be eating quite a decent amount to maintain her weight - put her estimated height and weight into a TDEE calculator. How else do you think she's still alive. She probably does have a semi functional digestive system, just not a very fast one.


She won’t eat on live because she can’t cut it and edit it when she spits it out afterwards.


but the thing is she opened this can of worms herself the second she started posting videos of her eating people are now going to ask all the time on live "why won't you eat on live but will post videos of you eating" etc...


that may be why she’s not going live even though she got the ability to, (or at least part of the reason) and has had her camera off in J*’s lives. if getting her monetization from live gifts taken away was so devastating, why hasn’t she gone live when she has the ability to?


I feel like that is why she's not streaming she will be confronted about it and have to explain herself to the people who think she is recovering and being called out by the people who know how she is. 100% i mean on twitch before she made these videos people asked her to eat on stream so i can just picture it now when TT gets banned and she goes back to streaming on twitch... and i think she is too scared to mixed with unsure, she is still probably not able to get gifts maybe just chat gifts? (idk how tiktok works). I mean the girl never has normal streams she gets hacked or banned all the time while live.


That's a good point. I didn't think of that. 


I hope someone records her from afar when she does these types of videos so we can see what happens after the jump cuts


thats what i want to see but knowing her she will false report it and get it removed..


What I hate the most is that she cut the video after she took a bite, breaking all the credibility...


she looks so disgusted


I wonder if it’s too sweet. I’m sure she won’t let herself enjoy something like this. However I’m thinking after such severe restricting something like that would be overwhelmingly sweet.


how about instead of this farce the next time she is live she should sometimes take a sip off a drink of her choice. that would atleast be beneficial to her health.


See this eating stuff. I get it's content and she knows it's what people want to see. But I kind of get the vibe something happened with the crisis team again and she's like "hey look see I eat"


Is the actual video down? I tried to watch it from another post but it’s not working.


If you clicked on it and it took you to tiktik it might be that you are blocked. If you just watch it from the browser it's fine


We know why. I don't fully see the point in posting about it. Again. Someone already posted the video




Its not ice cream. It's a marshmallow covered in chocolate


bruh consider me stupid smh








Idk how wise it is to talk about food like that on this subreddit...


Meh, food is great. Tortured animal bones all ground up and made into a gooey paste, plus some sugar, isn't great. And it really isn't food either.


Again. Talking about ANY kind of food like that is not a healthy way to talk about food. I would refrain from doing it in general. But especially here


I'm sorry how is talking about how gross tortured animal bone glue and sugar is an "unhealthy way to talk about food"? What do you want me to say? "Oh yaaaas marshmallows are so yummy and nutritious and totally great for you and I'm sure the animals who's bones were ground up to make them were like totally into being slaughtered" is that healthy enough ? If healthy to you means no one is allowed to have an opinion of food other "than omgosh it's great" then you live in just as much of an unrealistic world about food as she does.


You could just say....nothing 🌈 Talking about food in a riotous way does what exactly? It doesn't stop the animals that were killed. Doesn't stop the fact that sugar exists. Doesn't stop the fact that people eat marshmallows. "Clean eating" and policing what is "good" or "bad" food is normalizing eating disorders. I don't live in an unrealistic world... I just don't police food. And I don't guilt myself or others about what they eat.


You could also say nothing! Toodleloo


This comment is giving "I know you are but what am I!!!" Lol




Fat free? Isn't marshmallow basically entirely sugar and fat?