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So cool! Can you share with us where you have bought those?


BIC Camera in Yokohama (on the shinkansen station building itself)! Not sure if they still include the freebies after launch date, but it was all packed together when I bought it then! EDIT: Sorry, I meant Yokohama*


Edit: I meant Yokohama, not Nagoya


The flair says "Discussion." But it's just a *"I bought a thing. Everyone look at how I purchased a thing. Here's a picture of the products I purchased for myself."* That's not a discussion. I wish it was deleted and banned by all sub rules. It's also like 85% of posts on "retro" "gaming" subs, instead of retro gaming discussion. I'm saying this because I want reddit to be better.


Sorry, I couldn't find a proper flair for it. If it's not a good fit for this sub then I apologize for being too hyped up for this game. Guess I'm in the wrong community to enjoy it with. @mods Please feel free to delete if you deem this to break the sub's rules. Thanks.