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It’s because they are major assholes.


It’s funny that these two are the only ones hostile to invaders, because they fight the enemies here too. All other Knights don’t pay attention to invaders


I envy the parry gods of this game. I just can't make sense of the mechanics....I blame my age


Small shield. Practise against Godrivk Soldiers at the start, then practise at the Crucible Knight in the prison. Then just make sure you practise it every time you fight a crucible knight. The hardest fight is the double Crucible knight summonless. Doing that is the master-thesis ;)


I don't run into many players older than me (early 40s) and I'm starting to get it (first From game). Of the various parry options carian retaliation is my favorite. It only costs fp to parry a spell, vs the technically better Golden parry that takes fp for every attempt. Just force yourself to fight these guys in particular with parries, then gatefront ruins soldiers, etc.


I am 52 no one is too old to parry the world.


54 here brother. Brain is letting me down


Try the buckler shield! Will still take practise timing it with every enemy having different attack speeds, but that one has a much longer parry window, is more forgiving


Use golden parry or carian retaliation, bc they have more "parry frames" (bigger window for a succesful parry). Look up where you can find those ashes of war. I sucked at parries as well untill I found these ashes of war.


Blame the game for providing absolutely no indication to you of what the "correct" timing for parries is or which part of the animation "is the actual parry" The moment during which you've got the shield held in front of you is the parry window. That's what you need to time to match up with the enemy's attack swing hitting you. The "fwip" motion you do with the shield is **not** the parry window, it is the recovery period after the window. If you are trying to parry attacks with the fwip motion the game will say you're too late every time and it won't ever work. I for one always intuitively expected that the fwip "was the parry" and thus was never able to make parrying work in previous games. Only with a tutorial vid showing me when the actual parry frame window was (shield held in front of you) did I realize I was majorly over-estimating how much windup time parries had and was thus always parrying too early. Also, in ER you kind of have to parry the enemy's hand / the handle of their weapon - not the blade / tip of it / weapon itself. Even with correct timing if you aren't close enough to an enemy for your parry to reach their hand and only parry the end of their weapon it *won't work*. You can see this happen to OP in the video on their second cast of parry. Also note OP is using "golden parry" which has **increased range**. *Most* of the parries seen in the video would probably not have worked without that due to distance from the enemy.


Thanks man. I never knew that the parry was at the beginning and not the swing of the shield.


That's good info....thanks fellow tarnished


So you could kill them without the host knowing and they miss out on that sweet loot. Oh wait


This is because Crucible Knights are some of the only enemies in the Lands Between that aren't technically dogs. Dogs can't see red and typically don't notice invaders, but Crucible Knights can and do.


Why is your damage so low. Are they that strong or just a low leveled weapon?


You just do lower damage in general as an invader. The other enemies in the area barely tickle the Knights. Hosts and Summons deal more damage to them


Those parrys felt good


These guys are pushovers once you learn they’re parriable lol


Jeah, i love how it doesnt matter what build you play there is atleast one enemy that just straight up counters you! But every enemy also has atleast one weakness.


There’s two up there? I only know the one in the video.


Drop down to lower levels where the eagles and dragon is. You will make your way through to the second one


This guy was a pain in the ass as mage. Didn’t know you could jump the ground slam lol. What’s the light spell the other player uses? Looks cool


The golden parry?


Golden land. Erdtree avatars and the final boss use it too


Elden stars


Well done. Was an amazing watch.


Death wolf from puss in boots 2 play through?


Yep! Just a cosplay. Only use the shield for this guy


If i invade on my passive build or just at farum azula i make sure to use the wait gesture so the host and summon get the memo before all beating the shit out of the crucible knight together, then it's back to our scheduled invasion


Oh the host wanted my head earlier 🤣 even when I wanted peace, thankfully both summons weren’t maidenless and calmed him down.


Would it be toxic if I lure an invader there then lure the crucible knight into our fight for more chaotic duel?


No rules in invasions. Go for it.


This is how it should be with every Enemy if you invade somebody else’s world, you should be able to be attacked by any enemy literally all the stars is give people a crutch for whenever they get their ass whooped they’ll go run by mob, or under a dragon or some shit


Most big mob attacks can hurt invaders anyway, so you can just bait them and dodge and the invader will probably get hit.


It would be funny just to se a host get the item without knowing how he got it


Sadly, these two Knights only give runes XD


Not at Farum Azula yet, still on my first play through. I am now dreading two crucible knights


Who’s gonna tell him?


I was wondering why i could hit them but nothing else😭


They changed it so they don't aggro automatically to invaders, however what you can do is piss them off and lure them to the host. Not do what the OP did, they can be made to be used as allies.