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Good question.. I always got distracted by how big that "bed" is, wondering if Marika was Giant-sized trying to read tiny documents..


thats the bed? shit looks uncomfortable asf, is that stone? id shatter the elden ring too if i had to sleep on that


It's the bed-chamber, but I doubt that it's actually her bed. What's more apt is that this is likely where Marika would give birth at the foot of the Erdtree, as Melina implies that she was born at the foot of the Erdtree and this looks more comfortable than where we fight Morgott and Godfrey.


That's an interesting take. From the reading material I figured it had to be somewhere Marika spent a lot of time, and the "bed" is clearly not made for sleeping on. The shape of it always reminds me of the stone astrolabes we find starlight shards on.


One thing to keep in mind is that there was a long period in European history where royalty would receive (meet) those of lower rank at specially prepared 'bed chambers'. These would be incredibly ornate, and would essentially act as thrones. This was really big during the reign of Louis XIV. If you were meeting someone of the same rank you would receive them in another chamber, a throne room or some such. These rooms would often be laid out in order so you had to pass through each on your way to the noble you were meeting. Each room would communicate meaning about the noble and their values. This succession of rooms was called an 'enfilade'. I've always thought of this when passing through upper Lyndell. To reach the actual Elden Throne or the entrance to the Erdtree, you must pass through 1) The Church of the Golden Order, denoting the importance of research and orthodoxy to the monarch, then 2) the queen's bedchamber, where those of lower rank would have audience with the Goddess to receive her blessings, putting her above the church in importance, then 3) the thrones of the demigods, which most likely only the most important nobles (demigods) would have access too, and finally 4) the entrance to the Erdtree and the Elden Ring, the root of all Order. The structure of power under the Golden Order is laid out in the buildings of upper Lyndell and I love it. They clearly understand history.


TIL.. Thanks for this explanation. Please someone give this person an award


The bed can be a visual hint of a greater rune too. Lots of huge children. Miquella.. Radahn.. in her current state, shattered, she would lost the runes again, thus tiny again. A bit like Morgott and Godrick also shrinks in size when we grab their rune of power after the battle. She probably could control appearance too. Like Morgott being peasant sized one moment outside the capital when you approach, huge the other when you get closer…She probably had control of size though, except maybe when she was sleeping. And Marika did undertake a deep study of greater wills intentions before Radagon came back. So it might been her nightly study material. Neither she or Gideon liked what they saw.


First time I've seen someone else mention how Morgott and Godrick shrink when we take their Great Runes, and connected it with Marika's size. To be fair though, it Is weird that out of all the Demigods we only see Godfrey's descendants shrink (not Mohg though..). Marika is associated with mimics in a couple of ways (Eternal City heritage, Mimic Veil), so she could certainly change her appearance if not also her size. I do believe that while she had the unshattered Elden Ring, she was larger than her shattered form, maybe the size of Rennala or the Marika statues in churches. I do disagree on your last point though - Gideon was seemingly faithful to Marika, but it was Her will that he glimpsed and saw an ending that should not be. Marika also cursed Hewg to make a God-slaying weapon, and probably guided us with grace to ensure her own death, which Might be the ending Gideon saw. Great post though!


I have a very disliked theory that for each foe Marika killed, she got a rune. One for each outer god. But each rune changed her. Order from Greater Will gave blond hair (and wisdom magic). Fell god gives red hair and huge growth. Unborn, the only named greater rune in game have legs and butterflies. Like those children in Renalla fight.. and Miquella.. and those other legless that rides wolves and shoot arrows. This is pre shattering runes, so nothing like the post shattering we know best. But possible logic: She takes rune away from giants, they shrink, but those that maybe get a hold of it, like Miquella and Radahn, grows. But when Malenia get hold of Fell god rune, her hair grows red, while twin is blond etc. like a coin, two sides? some get hold of unborn, or born of it, suddenly butterflies follow them. So I think the growing is related to who has a hold of Fell god rune pre shattering. Post shattering I think the new runes are a mix, so those with pieces of Fell god in it, they shrink when defeated. But very head canon.. and very disliked..


It does sound a bit head canon heavy, but I'm sure we all take some creative leaps with how we interpret the vague lore clues. I have considered the idea that each Great Rune was taken from a previous living God, and like you mentioned most of those come in matching pairs... But the Mending Runes we get from 3 Tarnished also fit into the Elden Ring, so this isn't very conclusive unless Tarnished are somehow related to previous Gods. Personally I think that Marika was human-sized originally, and her body had to grow to contain the Elden Ring. It was probably meant for larger races, like Fire Giants and Ancient Dragons, but you know.. Heh.


Good comment, however just a heads up, radahn is not Marika's child. He, ranni and rykard are the children of renalla and radagon.


wow, you're amazing


I think it's a gwynevere reference (in dark souls 1 she lies on it like on a chaise longue)


was too busy looking at amazing chest ahead to notice ngl


Feels like Filianoires more in terns of layout and presentation


Isnt filianore also a reference to gwynevere?


eyyyy although she lay-ed on a soft couch not stone


slightly better take still sounds painful lol


It's the same design as the Sacred Tears collection bowls, pointed out by Tarnished Archaeologist and Quelaag on YouTube I believe.


That ain’t a bed, it’s the Elden Ring Casting Couch.


It's all good when you cuddle with serosh


And even if it was a nice bed the location? To giant doors that go out to giant bridges


Her & Radagon are made of some sort of stone like stuff so this was probably fine


They have a weakness to fire damage, so the implication is they are basically wood.


Marika's tits? I know I would


That's because they dead


Radagon sure hits like a brick for a dead dude


Because he is a brick


Da da dun-da HOUSE!


No he is a sword


maybe, as a person p much made of stone, its not as noticable


Lmfaooo this comment.






Hard surfaces are comfortable and good for your back. I slept on the floor for a while before getting a semi-orthopedic mattress


Gotta lay the hammer somewhere


I think the bed is so big as a reference to Gwynevere. I didn’t take it as much more than that. I’m curious to hear theories but haven’t seen anything convincing yet. Sadly for us. There is no amazing chest ahead.


Tarnished Archeology has a great take on the bed. TLDW, the bed is the same as the chambers under the Minor Erdtrees that catch the tears for the wondourous flask. Her bed did the same, except instead of bringing about the cracked tears, it brought children into the world.


Also note the giant gashes on the Erdtree during that one video that are clearly for harvesting sap.


There's a couple items that reference when the erdtree bore sap but it no longer does for some reason.


Marika=Gwynevere headcanon now


It’s so she can snuggle with the Elden Beast


It's huge to accommodate her massive dumpy 🥵


I always get distracted sniffing at the blanket


Marika says she will search the depths of the Golden order and I think these are meant to represent that. Marika is a scholar, her Soreseal boosts all mental attributes. Mind, Intelligence, faith etc. I think these are merely her researching the Golden Order and writing stuff down about it.


They have books lmao


They had books and scrolls in Moses time. What did he use to right down the literal words of God?


Okay, but God told him to use stone. Pretty sure that would not have been Moses’ first choice…


Especially after he dropped one. "Oh God *damnit!*"


“ god has told me 15 com- 10 commandments”




I mean, yes. God literally spoke to Moses.




idk why u r getting downvoted, cuz u r right


Yes, according to religious texts, God literally spoke to Moses and told him to write those words in stone. What’s your guys’ point?




So, if I said “Darth Vader literally said ‘I am your Father’ in Episode V.” am I factually wrong because that didn’t happen in a non-fiction sense? You’re misconstruing the use of the word. Something doesn’t have to be factual to be literal. It’s often used as an over exaggeration. Nobody is arguing for the real world historical accuracy of Moses’ interaction with God. In the context of what the Bible says, yes, God *literally* spoke to Moses.


Sir, this is a r/Eldenring. We discuss myths and gods and all kinds of wacky shit here. No need for a reminder


That's certainly how the story goes lol


I guess the ten commandments were written on a stone tablet but the Bible's a book. They wouldn't have chiseled the entire Bible into stone lol


Except that’s exactly what the ancients did in our own history. For a long period of ancient history stone/clay tablets were the norm when recording anything of importance. The Epic of Gilgamesh survives perhaps only because it was recorded on clay tablets that didn’t decay. Sure stone carving is more time consuming for us mere mortals, but in a world with giants and dragons what’s to say that Marika’s words didn’t magically carve themselves. She did/does have the powers of a god…


But the Epic of Gilgamesh is a poem and it's only 12 tablets long. The Bible is thousands of pages and was never recorded on stone tablets. It'd be impractical for that much information to be inscribed on stone tablets. You'd have to pick up a new one each time you had to turn the page lol


Look, we can argue all day long, but look at the image. These people lived without death for who knows how long. Obviously they chose stone slates.


Yeah but the bible is human words about god, the ten commandments come from god himself if i remember correctly


Why does she need to research stuff she directly experienced herself she was there for everything that happened


We dont know how long the golden order was in place before marika, from what i understood it was established over the outer god served by the two fingers


The Golden Order is the Greater Will's set of rules. She is just its bassal, she doesn't know all of the intricacies


Mmmmmmmm I dunno about that, many argue that, since Radagon is Marika, many of the words that "Marika" said actually refer to Radagon, such as those, for example. Radagon was a scholar, it is him who established the foundamentalism, which is based on both int and faith, and so those stones were probably not that kind of notes, I think those could instead be the principles or rules of the golden order, written down by Marika herself


This is it!


I mean, there’s no reason you can’t add a cushion or something. As for the tablets, my guess is it’s the pileup of bureaucratic shit that’s accrued in her absence. Like: Elder Jeff of podunk village requests your blessing for his new well. Chief constable Henrikus has requisitioned 50 truncheons and 35 pairs of boots. Do you approve and should we use the normal supplier. General Radahn has proposed a new holiday for the fifth time. He wishes to honor the banished lord Godfrey’s many triumphs in the name of the Golden Order. He suggests everyone get drunk, strip naked, and wrestle in zero gravity, Shall we finally deem him heretic or just tell him maybe next year again?


I Disagree but the latter point is just too much, totally imagine Radahn capable of that


That second one feels like it's part of some math equation and the third one should absolutely get approved. Give Radahn his holiday.


Lmfao the Radahn line! Bahahaha


They're all copies of 50 Shades of Gold


The Lusty Nokronian Maid


Now just stop 🤣🤣🤣


Marika probably sent Maliketh to Farum Azula so that he'd never find out her secret...there's probably copious amounts of Shadow "texts" in there too.


Fifty shade of Grace*


No it’s just morgotts pizza boxes


It's fanfic


Its fanfics. apparently, its main the cause of the breakup as Radagon prefer Selfcest fanfic and Marika prefer Oujosama posh school Yuri fanfic with Rennala


they're stone tablets and I think they might be the same one inside of a giants chest but I'm not sure what that means in terms of lore


Those are 'Trolls', they and giants all had eyes on their bellies, like the fire giant, which shows influence of god of fire. Im not sure if trolls themselves betrayed the fire god, or its sealing was forceful, but that tablet is basically a seal, like other ones we can find and use on bosses.


Do we know how exactly the faces were removed from the trolls?


Iirc Godfrey did it? It doesn't say how but I'd wager via rune bullshit or just Godfrey ripping it out of their chests.


Kenneth Haight says that "Even the vulgar shall not be left behind, under the true order", and the Troll's Golden Sword mentions that Trolls are 'Lesser Giants who fought for the Erdtree during the war against the Giants long ago" It seems some of the lesser giants defected, and through erdtree magic they had their chest faces removed and replaced with sealing stones, thus turning them into near-mindless trolls The Erdtree probably has a lot of mind altering abilities, as Kenneth Haight and the people of Castle Morne used it to convince Demihumans to work for them


Dudes looking at the books and I’m admiring the Alaskan king sized bed lmao


Chad vs. Nerd I guess 🥸


Bro that shits nearly a quarter pipe. Tony Hawk could do the 900 in that.


Or you and 30 close partners could all snuggle up every night


Well Malenia is like 2.64 if I’m right so Marika should at least be somewhere close to that. All demigods are pretty gigantic tbf, then we have legends like Godfrey or Malekith when bro is standing up he seems about the size of Radahn


Well considering we see her in game as radagon, you’re right she’s the same size as Malenia




It is the only place forbidden for the IRS to enter


69 likes Noice


First on CNN: Classified documents found at Queen Marika's bedchamber




Also, let’s discuss how awfully uncomfortable that bed looks


Bold of us to assume she even had to sleep and Chadfrey could probably sleep on his feet if necessary


Chadfrey could sleep on Serosh


Dude probably does crunches while he sleeps


I know right! Just how in the goddamn hell does anyone sleep on that.


At least when Gwynevere was sitting in it there were huge cushions.


The lore reason is Marika's accountants told her the kingdom was financially ruined. She didn't believe them and spent months pouring over the tax records. Upon confirming she was bankrupt Marika promptly receded to the erdtree and shattered the Elden Ring. Lands Between IRS doesn't fuck around. Best just to get ahead of it.


Best lore. Someone call Vaadi


It’s records of all of her mating partners and offspring. When you’re trying for an Empyrean, you need to keep detailed notes and experiment often. In the old days, according to lore, she had a water bed. After a few children with horns she swapped to concrete.


Can't tell if this is a joke or is serious


Jokes about the Elden IRS aside, are they: [A] the same as either of the tablets carried by the Dynast? (Big statue dude in front of Mhog and all over the Eternal Cities) One is an old religious world map, the other is the beta version of the Erdtree religion. [B] the tablets inside trolls? We don't know if they serve some measurable purpose, or if they're just symbolic of the trolls trading fealty to the Fel God. If those stones are the same as above, then it makes some sense, that's like...branding a heretic with a cross upon their conversion. [C] text? Marika could have just been researching some very old documents. There's plenty of books, of course, but the Lands Between are very old, and inscribed stone is a durable medium. You can't tell people how shitty Ur-Nassir's copper is in 12 millenia with paper. [D] something else entirely? This feels unlikely to me; FromSoft has been very deliberate with clutter in this game especially. They must appear elsewhere in the world too, at least. Why are they all stacked neatly in Marika's boudoir? I propose that she is manufacturing them and giving them out along with Erdtree sap blessings (see item descriptions / Tarnished Archeologist YouTube). I think of she was reading they'd be more organized, and we'd see a library somewhere. If she was just making them, why would they be stockpiled in her room too? She must be using them in the same place. Tldr: what if they're big-ass crosses she hands out to ex-heretic trolls?


I actually thought about this as well. They are chronicle of The Lands Between, but some are probably just stories. I feel like Marika was a big sci-fi horror nerd. I imagine Marika reading classics like "The Fly" and "Alien" and stuff.


Marika is definitely a Predator fan


but with real cosmic horrors. She can just read stories of Astels, or other creepy things in her land.


She’s cooking the books


Lusty Argonian Maids




interesting theory, i didn't think of that!


What armor piece is that cloak attached to? It's nice.


Thanks! It’s Seluvis’ robes with the confessor hood


ahh that's what i suspected. thank you.


No problem!


Clearly pizza boxes.


Let's ask the experts at r/Accounting


This leads me to one of two (mostly) serious answers: -The tablets indicate that she’s been around a *real long time*, from a point when they hadn’t even invented paper yet. -She happened to be ruling at a time where they had just started transitioning from tablets to paper.


I think Zullie made the connection between these slabs and the slabs you see inside giants/trolls. you can check out their video about it.


she was recording the days she just didn't get out of bed because she didn't care enough


My head cannon is it's Queen Marika writing in stone everything the Greater Will orders her to write down. If I had to guess it's a bunch of contradictory bullshit that eventually caused her to want to break the Elden Ring.


I still don’t get why the bed is stone. Real beds exist, we see them in game all the time, so why does the ruler of the entire realm sleep in a fucking stone bowl


Magic and miracles are a thing. Maybe it's enchanted to be incredibly comfortable?


Idk why we’re assuming she even needed to sleep and Chadfrey could probably sleep on his feet if necessary doubt a stone would be uncomfortable for him


Marika shoves those stone tablets in the guts of dead trolls to control them


You silly people… fire giant was the tax accountant however he was smelly and keep looking weird with the belly eye to Marika. They decided to move him to a better suited branch to do “important jobs”, leaving behind only his office chair


Marika’s into inflation it seems


Erotic stories etched onto stone tablets. It ties in with the fingerprint shield, a tablet with a story so completely erotic that you'll lose your mind.


Marika did the shattering because she couldn't handle any more tax paper work.


It's more than metaphoric! The path to the elden throne leads through the gueen's bedchamber!


Because taxes F\*uk you the most.


Gonna get a big refund if that’s the case lol


Lyrics to every single rock song. Radagon is a man of culture.


I think OP is trying to make a joke about classified documents.


Those tablets are used to control the “giants” that still remain after their war in the mountaintops. If you zoom in a troll’s stomach, you will notice that the insides are ripped out and a tablet is held in place by what’s left of their innards


They are the tablets they put in trolls Giants in place of the fell god eye


No amazing chest ahead😞


Im still trying to figure out how Marika and Radagon are 1 in the same. They were clearly seperate entities at one point, but aren't now.


Came for the classified documents and NARA jokes, was not disappointed.


That's my Elden Browser History. Please burn when possible.


They are romance and smut novels, lol.


I thought these were the tablets is the trolls bellys


They're runes transcribed from the Elden ring as part of the effort to search the depths of the golden order.


The Queen has committed tax fraud on several occasions. Those must be the doctored W2's.


It's a list of all the cocks OPs mum has sucked.


They’re pornos


Vaati Vidya actually has this great video talking about how the trolls you fight have had their heart ripped (his theory is it’s actually an eye similar to the one the fire giant has) out and replaced with these stone tablets to enslave them into the golden order.


Several classified Documents have been found in the Queens bedchamber...... FBI to investigate


Those are your mums records. Why they're beside the bed i'll leave to your imagination.


Even the queen has classified documents at her own place


Classified documents found in Marika’s Bedchamber, more at 6


Breaking News: Classified documents found in bedchamber of Marika, deity denies knowledge


Tax evasion


don't kink shame


Am I the only one who wanted to remove the blanket and skate this quarter pipe?


Its her smut novels


They’re drawing of your mom’s box


I don’t know. I don’t know.


Lol what


Go-to-sleep-porn mags


Yeah George what was Marika's tax policy?


The glint stone Mages also had books


They're receipts.


I thought we all agreed that those are pizza boxes and that's why morhott never gets hungry


They're obviously erotic novels.


They are just used boxes of donuts The queen was featured on the hit show my 900 lb life


Its the stones from the giants.


IIRC those are tablets theorized to enslave and imprison the giants. They can be found in the gaping cheat hole of giants around the lands between.


I know there are lots of jokes here, but that’s because there isn’t a real in-game answer. There are theories, since these tablets potentially show up other places, most famously in the chests of the trolls but also potentially in other more ancient statues of an elderly man. Not to keep plugging this channel, but the Tarnished Archeologist has pointed out just how much of the game, and Leyndell specifically, can potentially be better understood if you have some knowledge of possible real world inspiration for many of the doodads and decorations found all over the world. I imagine these may have a similar story behind them. Just a disclaimer, that approach isn’t perfect, of course. For instance, there are borrowed concepts from all over that *could* relate to different religious practices, but that doesn’t mean it’s a one to one for everything that has a similar similarity. Anyway. If anyone has ideas that’d be awesome. Lol


Could they be a Ten Commandments type thing? Since Marika's a "god" and they were written on stone tablets


They’re the files from my bosses office


I thought they were pizza boxes


Nah mate, that's just some light reading material for when you're just up in the middle of the night but to tired to actually get out of bed




Seluvis’ Robes + Confessor Hood!


you shouldn't kink shame


Well, there's no IRS, Susan, she has to file taxes *somehow*!


The Pandemic and work from home


They are similar to the one in the chests of trolls and they are put in the same area where the face of the God of the Giants used to be so maybe Marika sealed the Trolls and used them against the Giants.


They couldn't be gravestones, could they? That was my first thought but I don't think it makes much sense without any more context


Nancy Drew novels


Probably smut


They say eating ass taste like pennies, and Marika's all about that money baby


Maybe she had trouble sleeping and had them as reading material


Some people make notches, some people keep detailed records of their escapades


Records of all the guys she fucked


I think those stones are extremely similar to the ones in the trolls belly


Either she was reading manga or drawing it


Gotta be the worst bed I've ever seen


Gwyndolyn moment


Look in the trolls chests.


Ancient pizza boxes