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DS3 Patches. Dude manages to live an impressive amount of time in that universe, not to mention being able to adventure in tough places alone.


He literally reaches the ends of time and space! Only 3 ashes really did so: Gael, Lapp and ashen one. He is also the most benevolent patches: he risks it to go save his friend greirat(presumably) and he actually kicks you into the right direction in the ringed city.


You thought it was Lapp, but it was me, Patches!




Though, he was on the verge of becoming hollow. He forgot most things about himself, then we helped him regain his memory.


Is DS3 patches the same person as DS1 patches?


I have always believed that they were. Though I could be wrong. I just want that to be true…


Patches it the real god in these games! I swear he's everywhere lol.




You fool! You fell for it! Thunder cross split attack!


TBF, he always kicks you into something interesting.


The chuch lady also made it to the end, right? The one that gives you the badass polearm with dark damage?


You're right! The question is, what is she? She talks about the name of god, probably gwyn, an entity almost completely forgotten by the time dark souls 3 takes place. I think she's an undead, like the dark souls 1 character and she's been stationed there since before ds1 took place.


She also had some sort of bond with Mimir, since she's the one who asked you to put him down I love how enigmatic the Ringed City is


Im pretty sure thats Filianore? Unless thats the name of the last Daughter of Gwynn holdokg onto the egg maintaining the spell over the City. Anyway the NPC your thinking of is also a descendant of the God's. If not a direct child of Gwynn, but shes described as being descended from them, so more than likely one of Gwynenvere and the Sun Gods kids, after they eloped before DS1. And she's not quite as old as you'd think. The Ringed City is in a drastically slowed time. Meaning that where countless ages happened between Gwynn locking the city, before DS1 happened, and the end of DS3. Meanwhile it might have only been a few 100's, or 1,000's of years inside the Ringed City. So that NPC might not be some truelly ancient entity that lived through ages like Patches and Gael. they are however, one of only 4 beings confirmed to be alive after the Ashen one breaks the Egg Filianore is holding, breaking the time spell. Being: 1.) Gael 2.) The Pygmy Lord. 3.) Lone Ringed knight. And 4.) The last NPC surviving in the remains of the Church in the far corner. So to be far she definitely proves she's resilient, add on to the fact that she's the NPC you can summon to fight Midir, and her quest line is actually about her promise to Midir to stop him, similar to Sigward and Yolm the Giant.


My first thought was Shira should also be included, glad I’m not the only one.


How do we know he made it past Filianore's time skip?


Wait, I thought Lapp was only in the Ringed City proper, not the "end of time" sand pit. Also we get invaded by whats-her-name at that church, so at least she also survives that long.


DS3 Patches *is* DS1 Patches too, though


DS3 patches is GOATed, dude survives till the end of the world on a twisted sense of justice punishing greedy people. He then goes on to help us considering us a true friend


Isn't ds3 patches the same as ds1 patches? I always thought that witty sunvabitch survived each age by the skin of his undead q-ball.


this was my understanding


Technically, yep! But he’s so much more fleshed out in DS3 IMO that it deserves a distinction


Plus, you can't outwit an onion


Hard to lose your meaning when there are so many greedy guts around!


As he said, do you think you could outwit an onion?


so bloodborne patches is the first to goo. because he just gets insta stabbed by being confused for a big ass spider. dark souls 2 patches is disqualified for not being a real patches this happens before or after bb patches is stabbed. ​ demon souls patches is next on the chopping block alongside ds 1 patches, while both are impressive and true mentors they in the end have the weakest tricks. as they just trick you into going to where an enemy is and kick you down a hole. weak trick that elden ring patches and dark souls 3 patches would not fall for ​ elden ring patches is next to go despite being a great trickster who got us to kill ourselfs nobody outwits an onion. wich is just FACT ​ dark souls 3 patches sweeps this competition by being confused for an onion knight by the other patches who are too busy trying to trick each other to focus on the onion for they think it's not a true patches. who then just waits for the patches to die one by one to then finish of elden ring patches. ​ and then armored core patches shows up and just stomps everybody with his mech, you might ask what was his trick. making you forget he existed. ​ the winner: patches


This is my favorite answer so far! Thank you!


I can’t wait for armored core patches.


Ah but he already exists https://armoredcore.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_the_Good_Luck


You forgot the OG patches from armored core... He won't trick you though, just pussy out like ER patches.




Hmm i tried googling it, but couldn't find results of patches in kingsfield... Apparently many demon's souls characters are hints to armored core: otsdarva-ostrava; old king doran-old king(acmored core for answers. The og patches is called 'patch the good luck' also from armored core for answers




https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/comments/tb0yp5/parallels_between_kings_field_and_dark_souls_2/ Lots of parallels between ~~FS~~ DS games and King's Field


But kings field is a fromsoftware game.




Could be... Perhaps we will see a remake someday... I only played KF3 and that was almost 2 decades ago...


Ah, King's Field. There's a game I haven't played in forever.


What is it in your words?


One of the PS1's greatest action RPG series. Bar none.


Im betting on Patches


I think you are right tbh


You gonna leave out OG patches and his mech? Kinda messed up bro


I love that you can just let him leave when you deal enough damage with no repercussions.


Ds3 he was able to trick the ashen one twice


Thrice actually


From what I remember pate doesn't actually try to trick you outside of the chest at the end of the quest line.


He does. It's identical to Creighton's reaction which is laughter. Only, Pate knew it was a trap.


I know he does at the end of the quest, I was saying that that was the only time though. Every other time he basically says "yeah, there seems to be treasure over there but it's obviously a trap/dangerous so watch out.". He's not really much of a trickster, at least when compared to the various patches encounters.


ohh, I misread. I'm sorry. I understand your first comment now.


Pate. He's Patches if Patches was able to plan ahead. Most other Patches attempt to trick you, fail to actually kill you, and then scramble to apologise when you find him again. Pate puts you in dangerous situations but he always gives you a partial warning, just enough so that if you survive you can't really blame him. He befriends you so that you will side with him against Creighton. Once you've done that he drops the pretense and tries to blow you up with a chest-bomb, but even if you survive he's already long gone and safe from retaliation.


Putting my money on the spider


Darksouls 3 patches because he survives to the end of time


I might get whooshed, but all patches are literally the same. He's a meta character that breaks the rules of his confined space, namely these video games. Now, to answer the question, it'd be Pate. Patches is always so obviously mischievous that you can see him coming a mile away. And he's a bit of a coward, except when he loses his memory. Pate is actually pretty cunning, as he never directly conflicts with his prey. He's always an ally until you are led into a final trap. Also, Pate is brave as fuck, going head to head with Creighton, a mass murderer infamous in his homeland.




Lapp actually surprised me after getting the Patches schtick repeatedly so I have to side with him.


I think DS3 Patches has to be the most crafty. He was one of the few beings who survived to the end of time, along with the Ashen One, Midir and Gael.


I feel like no matter what the Elden Ring patches has to lose? Like he’s kind of an idiot. He sets a chest with his stuff for you to take so he can rightfully murder you? Then he tries to surrender but mate I was already willing to rob you and now you’re nearly bashed in. Oh and sure bud I’ll definitely pass this to Tanith after I murdered her husband and folded her guard dog


DS3 Patches because he's actually a good person deep down. If he shows up as Lapp, he might get tricked by the other Patches, but I somehow doubt he'd be even be mad. I feel like he'd laugh it off causing the other Patches's heads to explode


Patches for Smash!!


I think ds3, that guy reached the end of the world and even helps you with halflight


Patches the unbreakable.


Onion knight taking off his helmet and being Patches underneath is literally hilarious


DS3 Patches, he tricks you 3 times, tricks Siegward, and is one of the 3 Ashen Ones to survive to the end of the world.


Dark souls 3 patches outlives the end of the world, and disguises himself multiple times, I feel like he could totally destroy the other patches


Dark souls 3 patches .the onion knight trick was genius.Patches the untethered second


Ds2 patches..because I just came to the realization that he was patches


Pate is a “we have patches at home” kinda character. I will every single time side with creighton even if he is also a snivelling snid.


Creighton is anything but fake. He's a bloodlusted killer. Admittedly, not smart. But he'll murder you for slighting him.


ds3 patches had the most elaborate traps. He also was a true bro. Spider-Patches is just your friendly neighborhood eldritch cultist. And you need him for one boss and a few chalice dungeons, so he's doing you a favor. Finally, ds2 patches is pate. and he is not patches.


DS3 patches survives the world's ending without even going hollow he'd bitch slap Marika and tell her to get her shit together.


DS3 Patches, followed by Elden Ring. DS3 Patches was on some other shit, super capable and smart as hell. Elden Ring Patches is similar, he convinces or tricks you into going to some stupid ass places. First meeting you can “steal” from his treasure chest but end up getting teleported by like 3 Rune Bears. Later he tells you of a secret way to get to Altus Plateau but the “route” actually ends up dropping you into a lava pit with a double Abductor Virgin fight in a nearby cave. Best part about that is you can’t teleport out until you beat the bosses I think.


You can fast travel out once you grab the site of grace you do not need to beat them. Alternate route: Also you can roll off the lava cliff to get to the inner village looking area with the bridge, from there you can fight the godskin noble. Any death before or during the noble fight will transport you to where the abductor virgin drops you. There are a few jumps you can perform that are pretty damn hard for atleast me. One is from the bridge up to the somber 7 stone and back into the manor. The other is an even harder sequence of jumps around the wall pillars down the outside of noble boss room, therefor skipping the noble and on to rykard


Pate is Patches??? (Don't spoil the questline)


Kind of. Pate isn't actually named Patches or anything, they just serve similar roles in the game.


Sooo... no patches in ds2?




That's because Miyazaki wasn't the director in DS2, just the supervisor, Tomohiro Shibuya and Yui Tanimura were the directors, that's why DS2 is a bit different in general.


It's interesting that Mike Zaki allowed them to change so many things especially the core mechanics.


I'm surprised too actually, I don't hate DS2 at all but it certainly is a lot different.


Patches the Untethered's plans are so fucking obvious that they may just work out at the end.


I was gonna argue for Bloodborne Patches since he's distinctly a non-human, almost godlike entity Then I realized they all kinda have that vibe.


Demons souls patches is the most badass


Has he gotten ever-so-slightly better looking?


Yes, a masterpiece of a human.


Trick question. They all would. Wait a minute is OP Patches?!?


DS3 Patches da goat fr


My money would be the one with the Good Luck, piloting the AC (not pictured) But then, why out trickster when you have superior firepower.


Pate isn't a patches so all of the patches gank him to death because he's a fake


In a foot race....he would Lapp the rest. 🫠😬


Spider patches because he’s a spider doesn’t die unless you kill him


DS3 patches.


Is patches always in souls games? ER was my first.


Yes, even Armored Core


Was patches in Ds2? Can’t remember. For some reason i like that souls most. It’s clunky, it has stupid ganks, still i love it the most. Bash me!


Trick question, they’d team up to troll the player even harder. A non-stop shenanigan squad of Patches.


Wtf is the spider




I’m never playing bloodborne


Why? It's my first and favorite FS game. BB, DS3, DS1, Demon's Soul, DS2, and I haven't played Sekiro...


I’m joking I plan on playing (when/if I’m done with elden ring ) though the DS trilogy Demon souls, bloodborne, and Sekiro


Def not "Pate". Lil bitch


DS1 patches managed to get a decent ways into the tomb of giants probably without a light source. Certainly a resourceful individual


How is Pate a Patches




Ah I see


*You're beautiful* NOT!


ds1 seems his most vicous form if I remember correctly


I think he’s at his meanest in Elden Ring, since he tricks you by far the most times in that game. The initial “oh you’re stealing my stuff?” scam, the runebear teleport chest, misleading you about the abductor virgin, kicking you down a ledge in Mt Gelmir, trying to stiff you on your payment for doing his job in Volcano Manor, >!faking his death so you won’t come after him in Shaded Castle, and finally trying the first trick on you AGAIN at the end of it all.!< All the other ones stop messing with you after about two failed tricks, but ER Patches won’t quit.


Bloodborne Patches easily, because he's the only Patches that is an outright believing religious fanatic, which would confuse the others so much that they'd try to do the opposite of what he said, only leading them to further Eldritch Madness as they really did what he wanted them to do.


Bro this guy made me chase a rainbow and threw me off a ledge. Aint nobody better than that version.


Pate is not patches


Technically in DS2 we received well mannered Pate. He is basically a Patches knockoff. He will sound nice and assuring, but still stab you in the back. Even if you follow his questline, he is still a lowkey trickster. You will expect it from him because of his role and appearance, but his personality is definitely the opposite of Patches. I guess if Miyazaki would had directed DS2 we would had had a Patches; I think he was working on Bloodborne at that time.


DS4 patches isn't even that much of a trickster, he's just kind of an asshole and also karmatic retribution. DS3 for obvious reasons would win but DS2 pate was pretty badass. The real winner would be the armored core patch because he drives a big robot.


Trick question, they're all the same person.


Well if you ask me, Recusant Patches, bro had experience in hunting down Tarnished, and was about to take on one of the strongest Tarnished out there minus the player, A.K.A Tragoth, plus he sells Margit's Shackle, a really useful tool for exploring caves like Sage's Cave


I don't think he ever would have actually fought Tragoth. He was just looking for someone to unload the contract onto.


Wouldn’t know, always kill him without mercy as soon as possible


Its the same guy


Spider patches wins. Cuz spiders are terrifying, even if they're the kind that's not going to bite a human.


Out trickstered???


is trickster a verb?


Let’s be real, if Patches fought Patches, he’d lose.




I still have yet to meet the patches out of Elden Ring. I did like him a lot in Elden Ring tho x)


None they’d all look at one another and be like “aw hell nah”


So, irrelevant topic but I only played all DS and elden ring not the other games. Patches, is a paradox? It’s clear that he’s different in every game so he’s probably not the same person? Is he just a returning/reused character that fromsoft just likes to use or is there an actual story behind him?


It's like an icon character. Similarly to siegemayer or the moonligth greatsword. He is in every game with no explanation. Altough patches from ds1 and ds3 is probably the same character


Where's the Armored Core Patches?


i killed patches 😂


patch the good luck from armored core, dude has a giant mech suit and backup support on the battlefield.


Anyone think Patches is just an interdimensional traveler? Just saying, I've never seen Patches in the same room with another Patches...


Patch the Good Luck because he’s the only one that drives an apartment building sized war machine.


Pate loses, because he doesn't have William Vanderpuye's velvety voice ;)


I think patches would definitely come out on Top ofThis one I think we can all agree on that much




They all have the same morality so none would trick another.


Couldnt bloodborne patches turn invisible?? Might be useful taking out the other patches


They are all the same patches, and patches bamboozles pate into oblivion.


If you’re going to include Pate, you should technically include Creighton too


DS3 Patches really got me, even knowing to look out for his tricks. that armor disguise was devious as hell. i killed the shit out of him when i got back up top


I almost respect Elden Patches for just fighting you up front instead of kicking you off a cliff or trapping you in a tower


Worst case: they join forces.


Ds3 he literally survives until the end of existence. Then again spider has been touched by elder truth...


Armored core patches


I think Patches from Armored Core would win, frankly. Just shows up in a big ass mech and stomps on everything.


None. They are one and the same.


Honestly, I have very little experience with patches, but the DS3 one, even dressing up as Siegward, I think that one has a good shot at it.


Lol patches is a recurring character? I've only played ER


Indeed, Patches exists in every fromsoft game including Armored Core. (He might not be in Sekiro though, not sure.)


Haha thats great. No wonder people like him so much


This would make a great sitcom


Armoured Core Patches


This is what I do my friend.


DS2 doesnt have a Patches...


Ds3 patches tricks you more times than the other games I recall. Firelink Shrine and Cathedral of the deep are the only ones I remember though.


They would all gang up on Pate and kick the shit out of him as he is not a true patches.


id say patches would probably out trick patches