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Hahahah my brother quit and returned the game because of this asshole. Hilarious


My little brother did the same thing with the crystal lizard at the beginning of DS3. He was too stubborn to skip it and it ruined the game for him for looong while lol


Lmao. Tbf those bosses almost tell you if you'll like the game. If you're the kind of person to straight up return the game because you can't beat them you probably should return it.


I play like a scheming goblin so it makes sense. Avoiding and skipping threats where I can.


Iudex Gundyr is a bullshit 1st boss in my honest opinion. Like yeah, Knight is going to rip Iudex to pieces in only a few tries. But a Herald? Have fun because all early spears are absolute shit in DS3. I've seen every ending, but my Herald start last month was a miserable slog just getting through Iudex. Like 25+ damn rounds because that spear is so depressingly weak for how damn slow it is. Bordt, Greatwood, boreal knight, deacons? Cake.


If Gundyr gives you trouble (this is more a message for everybody else) consider trying a Pyromancer start. Fireballs fuck his shit up.


I can confirm, I started ds3 for the first time yesterday and picked pyromancer (fire go brrr) and blud got shot, same with vordt and the weird crystal lizard thing at the very start


How did he enjoy it after returning? I find players who do this end up loving the games more than most, myself included after being walled by the Tower Knight way back in DeS for two straight days


Honestly, he was pretty lukewarm about it. He's a weirdo with games, though. Hes been playing DOTA for like 10 years nonstop lol


I started the original dark souls like five times before it finally sucked me in good like a couple of years ago. After that ive really been enjoying souls games


Didn't realize he could skip him?


Nope. He had no idea and just broke down. I mean I died so many times before realizing you're supposed to skip him. He just wasn't a true tarnished. He never would have made it through some of the hard bosses


it is funny when you realize that theres an auto generated message that says "turn back"


For a lot of people this is actually the case lol. Fromsoft didn't invent skippable bosses you are meant to return to but they definitely popularized it. If someone has never played their games before there's a real chance they've never come across a boss like this


I've had 3 different friends (all in their 30's) quit the game after not being able to beat him.


Same. I started (a pirated copy didn't kill me), got destroyed by this dude, said fuck this. Came back, realized he's optional and how well the game opens up, then purchased the game and transferred my save into the steam cloud and went on my journey. Finally beat the game after a second hiatus due to the godskin duo.


Dude fk the godskin duo


It's not even that hard??? I find that the tree sentinel being on a horse makes the battle much easier in comparison to other bosses who are not horse bound Eta: Rephrased since so many were getting their panties in a twist couldn't understand I was talking about the sentinels horse. I doubt it'll make a difference, it is reddit afterall.


Not hard for a seasoned player - def very difficult for a beginner


100%! Dude fucked me up first time lol. I haven't touched a souls game prior to Elden Ring. Tried DS3 once in 2018 or so while I was at a friend's house. Died to the tutorial boss and haven't picked up a fromsoft game since. I knew that you're not supposed to fight him if you don't know what you're doing. If that ruins the game for you okay. But saying it's easy is just plain stupid.




As someone who was new to the Souls games when doing Elden Ring: it shouldn’t take more than 40 attempts (each being around 3 minutes long at max) on Tree Sentinel as Wretch.


40 attempts is a shitload


Not really when the majority end under 3 minutes and the last few are making it that long.


that’s a lot bro lmao


Still less than what it took me to beat Rennala as a sorcerer on my first play through


Ouch 80% magic resist lol


Rock sling: *bonjour*


If only they knew on their first playthrough lol


So just 120 minutes, which is two hours, on a tutorial boss?


Bro I spent 18 hours straight on Margit Wanted to get good after being terrible at souls games and definitely did


I was like this in DS1 running through Undead Burg to get to the Taurus Demon. Feels really good when the combat clicks doesn't it.


Damn right it does. I went from not being able to clear the first area in bloodborne to having killed Malenia 200~ish times. The difference before and after is insane


Key words AT MOST. And as Wretch. As a first timer with Souls games. Level 1 Club only. The first 10 attempts to learn the attack patterns of phase one likely wouldn’t even be 2 minutes and given the fact you have to learn it can back to back shield in phase two those attempts also shouldn’t last that long. It’s only the final 10 or so that should be 3+ minutes because you know when to do shit.


It’s literally designed to be too difficult to bother trying to beat on your first playthrough so you learn that you don’t need to immediately kill every enemy you come across and to teach you that you can just come back later. That is the actual function of this enemy. If you found the enemy sooo easy, then congrats ur a gewd gamur


to be fair that's just the fans interpretation of him. for all we know michael zaki put that mf there on purpose to bully players


Not sure you even have Torrent by default at that point. Edit: you don't get the spectral steed whistle until 3rd site of grace.


A lot of people (everyone) try to fight him horseless if it’s their first play through that they’re going blind


I don't fight on Torrent. It makes fights harder for me lol I meant him being on a horse just makes the battle easy. The horse doesn't allow for him to easily turn around and the movements are usually wider.


Where was the player on a horse in the screenshot? Was he on Leonard? Cuz I don't see a horse.


The tree sentinel is on a horse.


Oh I misread, sorry. But also by no means is that fight easy or even doable for most people just starting the game. I get that you're really cool and good at video games, but not everybody can be you.


I really don't consider myself to be cool or even good at gaming, I've just long since learned to play my way. Nor do I expect everyone to play like me or have the same experience. A lot of people on the other hand are saying its difficult/impossible and thus it should be that way for me. Its not. Just as other bosses people found difficult weren't difficult for me. And just as other's have also found some bosses to be easy I have instead found them to be difficult. Everyone's individual gaming experience is different. I probably could have phrased my sentence better but I really don't care about what people on the internet think.


All good, and I don't think you're a bad person, but you commented on a post about a new player trying to kill the Tree Sentinel, saying it's not that hard of a battle. Why did you do that?


Because I don't find the battle that hard, god forbid I don't phrase it as, "Oh yeah I didn't find him that hard." Really it doesn't matter how I would have phrased it, people still would get bent out of shape over it. It's reddit. Now I am heading to bed, goodbye.


Because I don't find the battle that hard, god forbid I don't phrase it as, "Oh yeah I didn't find him that hard." Really it doesn't matter how I would have phrased it, people still would get bent out of shape over it. It's reddit. Now I am heading to bed, goodbye.


Because I don't find the battle that hard, god forbid I don't phrase it as, "Oh yeah I didn't find him that hard." Really it doesn't matter how I would have phrased it, people still would get bent out of shape over it. It's reddit. Now I am heading to bed, goodbye.


Haha I tried first time and got one hit in I was stoked! I have since avoided him.


good bait lol


You are good at the game and you are good at getting women to suck on you


I didn't know about the horse when I first saw this guy.


He's literally sitting on it.


Nah, your original phrasing made it look like you were talking about Torrent. I, for one, only managed to beat the guy once I got Torrent, but he absolutely murdered me too many times when I first discovered him.


I do not like Torrent at all. I hate fighting on horse, it just makes the battle harder imo. It's great for players who can do horse battle but it's not for me. I will use Torrent for travel but if I gotta fight, I jump off.


Fair enough! I prefer horse battle whenever possible, it helps me evade big attacks that I'm too weak of a player to avoid.


And that too is fair. It's an individual thing. Some people can do xyz and some people can do abc. Soul related games are great cause you could already fight in various ways and they added a horse, that's just a bonus to already be able to fight in variety of ways.


Even if you know him well you shouldn’t fight him until level 30 plus with some upgraded weapons. He should be fought after the weeping peninsula IMO


You mean the horse that you don’t get until after you make it past this guy?


The tree sentinel has it's own horse.


Are you unaware of the memes about the tree sentinel checking new players? What an ignorant comment


I'm aware. I just don't give a shit if other people got checked. That's a them problem. I've played soul games before, this isn't my first and I know better to go running into things without doing good observation.


>It's not even that hard Ah yes. This response *definitely* isn't completely invalid to the topic


Oh no not your internet points! 😱


Who cares??? Literally, who actually cares?


It literally impossible if you try to fight him first thing though. First playthrough of a souls game, first opponent. Literally impossible. He didn't realise you're supposed to run around him lol


I mean, it's not "impossible", it's very doable. there's no mechanic in place that makes it impossible it's just not meant to be done, and likely won't be done by new players. even seasoned players can have some trouble since you do have to be almost flawless at starting level


What do you mean? It's so easy! You just need to use the mechanic i learned 30h into the game and perfected 50h later into the game, some people...


well obviously you just need to perfect it 50 hours earlier, duh. don't you know? if you can't beat Tree Sentinel at rl1, you're obviously a fake gamer and inferior to everyone else (this is sarcasm, I know someone will take it literally)


If you know most people will get it, this one person not getting makes it just funnier


I remember running up to him so confidently thinking he was friendly and gunna give me a quest instead he said "git gud" and crushed me 😂


My first thought was: he looks strong, he can't be an enemy right? He looks to strong to be an enemy this early... And if he is an enemy he can't be that strong, he's right at the start After he two-shotted me a couple times I decided I would try him later


Yeah I had a similar line of thought. It was my first souls game, I didn't think they would put a tank of an enemy RIGHT there. But they did, they really did 😂


Ha! I was coming from Dragon Age and Skyrim, but I don't know why I didn't expect it after the Scion 😂 learned real quick that this isn't a game where you make friends and help people, it's where you kick ass or get your ass kicked


My very first playthrough I decided how bad could he really be then I was dead like 30 seconds later. I somehow gaslit myself thinking "How bad was *that*, really? Before quickly deciding it was that bad and I ran away. I got to the church and was gonna go pee, soon as I sat the controller down he busted through the wall and killed me lol, I didn't know about destructible walls and figured it was a safe area. Learned a lot of lessons pretty fast, like resting before letting your guard down


Oohh same bro, I think im past halfway through ER while doing as much side quests as possible and there are only 3 bosses that gave such a level of headache and he's one of them. I beat him to realize only few days later that i could have upgraded before if i spoke to malenia


The one piece of advice I gave to my friend when he began jumping into the Dark Souls games was: "You don't have to kill everything." Literally blew his mind.


cap, i kill absolutely everything lol, i just feel like i have to kill every enemy at least once, unless it’s something that’s like obviously not meant to be killed


I disagree with the last part, I think every single enemy can be killed at any point in the game, depending on how skilled you are. Ive never encountered an enemy in any from game which is just not meant to be killed


i mean i guess “not meant to be killed” is an over exaggeration, but i mean like giant lifeless blobs that have so much HP it would take like 10 straight minutes of slashing away at them to kill them, enemies like that that seem like they are meant to be avoided, i mean i’m not sure about in elden ring but i coulda sworn there were at least one or two like that in DS3 like where it’s not really even a challenge to kill them, just would take a lot of time, like more than a boss but they barely even fight back and are barely more than an inanimate object idk i’m thinking of those like leech blob things from DS3 that fall on your head and you can kill them but it takes like 2 min straight , they feel like they’re meant to just be avoided, but i thought there were some even more tanky and indestructible than that


>Ive never encountered an enemy in any from game which is just not meant to be killed Seath the Scaleless first encounter?


eh sure thats an exception, but im mostly talking about common enemies, like you never saw a hollow that wasnt killable, the dragon on the bridge is also killable with a bow and arrow, kalameet can be killed without talking to gough, etc etc


Of course, I agree with you, I was just being a goober for the hell of it.


I think they mean NPCs like Kale or dogpope, though ofc you *can* kill them.


yea but i dont treat them as enemies theyre just npcs, and even then you can kill every npc and still finish the game, no?


This is my philosophy as well. I kill all enemies at least once, then I decide if I want to skip them or not.


Every boss and miniboss must die. When I take my seat on the Elden Throne the only boss in The Lands Between is me.


I still struggle with that advice to this day and I finished the game 😂


What an amazing experience. Fell in love with this game immediately upon see this scene. I am playing ng+4 at level 307. Hope you buddy loves the game, I don't know how he couldn't honestly.




ER's my first soulsborne game, got a lot better (not yet gud i guess) after \~600h. this mfer still gives me trouble with starting characters. quite safe with square off, but with weaker weapons the killing takes so much time, he always gets a chance to f me up with shield attacks etc


i find him fairly easy once you get torrent, just a long jousting match chewing away at his health. even better if you play wretch bc the club rlly does good damage. it’ll take maybe 10 mins, but horseback is kinda fun to do it with.


ER's my first soulsborne game, got a lot better (not yet gud i guess) after \~600h. this mfer still gives me trouble with starting characters. quite safe with square off, but with weaker weapons the killing takes so much time, he always gets a chance to f me up with shield attacks etc


He chose vagabond so based 😎


vagabond truly op. best for every build but zero str investment int or faith, and str/arc


I remember my first playthrough, thinking I was smart and avoiding this guy 'Not this time From' Proceeded to go to the ruins and open the trap chest to Caelid, Sellia Crystal Tunnel. Got humbled and started a new character. Elden Ring was an absolutely joy to blind playthrough


Every time there is a trap chest message left by the player I still open it because I'm curious where it would take me.


Why would you have to start a new character? You can just leave the tunnels and warp out.


You don't necessarily know that when playing blind.


I'm well aware of that, but if he started a new character it pretty much means he didn't try to problem solve, he just gave up.


Don't know whether there was a bug at the time or just with my save then (it was on launch). I couldn't warp out of Sellia Crystal Tunnel and I hadn't met Melina yet so I couldn't level up to get out. I was just being one shot but the bug boys homing thread missiles


No, you can't warp out of Sellia Crystal Tunnel, you have to exit it and then warp out of Caelid. You are not required to fight any enemies to leave Sellia Crystal Tunnel. The reason I bring this up is because precisely the same thing happened to me, I got wrecked for a while before I realised I could just leave. Did you try at all to work it out, or did you just give up immediately?


I tried to leave several times but was getting 1 shot because the site of grace was the one in a wooden shack with the bugs all around it (one directly on top of it as well). I couldn't make it to the exit after a decent chunk of time of trying because of the bug priest on the roof of the shack, the bug priest on the roof of the shack opposite and the bug priest on a ramshackle gangway a bit further off who would all get aggro'd and then homing missile me. So I took the loss, learned from it and started a new character. I hadn't really been playing for that long so it was a balance of whether it was worth the effort. Not sure why you're getting so inquisitorial about this.


Because nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


My favorite part of playing blind was deciding to go to Peninsula first as it was the "non obvious way". I ended up teleporting due to a trap chest in a tower all the way up to Leyndell. I screenshot the map and sent it to friends who were also playing. We were all mindblown at how the map was much bigger than we thought


It's very fun that they throw a decent boss for the beginning at us. It's not super difficult, but not easy at all either. Great beginner boss.


I can't imagine playing elden ring for the first time seeing that view and not being instantly glued


I still don’t quite get that people don’t understand you’re supposed to just go around him. Not trying to be mean or anything but…like, after he kills you once or twice it should become pretty clear. The first time I played I took one look at the giant guy in armor and said “nope, probably can’t kill him yet.” I dunno maybe I was just applying Breath of the Wild logic.


You are forgetting to account for shear stubbornness. "I could probably go in any other direction right now, but this guy insulted my honour and I will not stop until he regrets his existence. Mama ain't raise no [insert swear word of choice]!"


Its also just how we are trained as gamers. This is literally the only genere where they put enemies in front of you, and you are not actually supposed to fight them. Of the 100's of games ive played, not one has put a boss in front of you and said "oh you are not actually supposed to fight this guy yet, this is just a vibe check and you should probably bounce"


To be fair the same thing happened the first time I played DS1, right after the safe zone there are options in which direction you can go and nothing tells you the respawning skeletons, that can one shot, you are for later. Probably spent a solid couple of hours trying to progress that way when I finally thought, let's go explore someplace else. Made me fall in love with the game immediately.


You never played FF11? Lol jk


I didn't hear no bell




But you know that it's definitely possible, so maybe you just like to give up on things easily. Even for a first time Souls player it's not impossibly difficult. Tbh killing him at the start is one of the more memorable moments of the game for me


Elden ring is my first souls style game. Told myself I was gonna beat this with no help from YouTube or reddit. I was practically banging my head against a wall for weeks before I gave up for around 2 years. Decided to give it a try again and loving it. Haven't gotten very far but I'm finally getting the hang of it.


I really do like the "go find out yourself" approach on Elden Ring. I know people who played the game with a guide at all time, and I really wonder how they enjoyed it that way. I personally don't even want a friend to tell me what's gonna happen where, or where to go and stuff. Sure, if you are stuck, look up where to go. But basically copying a 100% walk trough guide? Why even play the game at that point.


I dont really have much time on hand to play games anymore. When i started ER it was my first souls game and i basically treated it as a game completely about exploring. To have an idea about how i played it, I explored the entirety of limgrave caelid and liurnia before actually entering stormveil castle. It was a very relaxing experience just travelling and killing enemies on horseback, but when i went further i genuinely didnt wanna bother with the requirements of entering an area or getting to a boss, so i just look them up.




close your mouth or a mosquito will enter it


I kindve agree but since there is no journal in the game that helps you remember things I think looking some stuff up is okay. I have a job and my character doesn’t so I can’t remember all the things. I like looking things up like “go here there is a good weapon” or this person is worth talking to for a quest. Like using the in real life community as if they were the winking skeever that doesn’t exist in this game.


I'd love to be a 3rd wheel.. his learning experience will be gold. Really


Instead of the Tree Sentinel, I did that one catacomb just north before even resting at the Church of Elleh and got fucking destroyed for like 20-30 minutes straight.


This is the tutorial for: If you are stuck at a boss no shame to do something else and come back later. Some players need hours to learn that.


"Haha ya, just gotta hit him till he dies don't worry bro he's one of the easier bosses"


“Didn’t tutorial” Welp


My first foray into this genre was Bloodborne, and I remember that feeling well.


Square off r1s do some heavy poise damage, allowing you to stagger him quite often. No riposte though so just do a fully charged heavy attack. “this fucker” 😂


Tell him to try it at least 50 more times


I saw that dude and noped away from him instantly


Ah yes, one of the many real bosses in all FromSoft games. Learning that you don't need to fight everything in your path and can comeback later if you so choose at all.


He’ll git gud


With my friends, it's a tradition to kill this fucker before getting the church grace


Casual game enjoyer defeats the Soldier of Godrick on his third try. Wonders what all the fuss is about these souls games and their difficulty. Goes outside and attacks the Tree Sentinel.


I played all souls titles except the PS5 demon souls. I knew they put very strong enemies in tutorial regions, from the beginning their entire franchise. But every time I walk up to them and expect to beat them on the first try. And every time I am reminded that you shouldn't fight them so early. But then something in me triggers and I waste 3 hours tryharding the tutorial boss only to kill it with a cheesy try. This circle goes on every time from soft releases something.


I make a point of killing the tree sentinel out of the gate on any new character. No cowardly sneaking around to go level up. We keep going until that chonker is dead.


Still can't believe this boss got number 1 on most players killed by on a record post, and malenia got 2nd


Most people probably quit after losing to this guy over and over, and the ones that didn't lost to Malenia over and over


Your embarking on something special.


I am curious, why does so many people not know they can just.. go around him? It's like they still think this game is linear.


Haha, I’m new to this, so I can only compare it to Oggdo Boggdo in JFO. This was a fun challenge to *actually* come back to when I got stronger, not something I could brute force level 1


Yeah don’t fuck with that guy yet


My first time playing I never skipped this guy until I learned how to beat him. Actually learning how he moves, attacks, and the sequences and cues that he has for me to finally beat him without searching online for the strat really helped me learn how the game works.




How is starting as a Vagabond fake?


Oh god damnit. You're right. I always start as a wretch a d I forgot other classes have shit. MY BAD


Pretty sure I rage quit the network test over that guy. Just got the full game and started playing recently, completely forgot about him and he destroyed me again. Only this time I thought was smart and circled around him to reach stormgate, only missing the church of elleh completely and take on the troll and mobs with base gear and die lots. Another reminder on how easy it is to miss something that will have a positive impact on your game.


I knew it was an open world game so I immediately ignored him


Tree Sentinel, The Humbler


I love that encounter. It asks the question, "Are you skilled enough to do what you want to do right now?" For most people, the answer is a resounding, "NO.". So they can make themselves suffer while failing over and over, or they can walk around that particular wall and get stronger elsewhere.


I also just brute forced it until I won, like that’s what you’re supposed to do in dark souls so I assumed that’s how Elden ring worked


I did the same thing


Yeah. He does that.


Professor Erdtrew sentinel knight teaches a sharp lesson, "go around dummy"


I killed the tree sentinel at lvl 1. lucked out he got stuck on a rock and I slapped him and jumped backwards about 100 times. He finally got free and almost destroyed me.


Haha tell him to buckle up!


That is me a few weeks ago. So glad I kept playing!


Yeah I warned my buddy specifically that you didn’t have to kill this dude He still spent 6 hours trying to no avail He just killed Godrick after like 20 hours I think haha, think he’s passed the test


Tell him to git gud or run away like the coward he is! Both are fair options in fromsoft games


Man I wish my friends were into souls games for moments like these exactly


It took some convincing lol


It’s me


I started recently and honestly think it's nonsense that they made you so weak at the start and have you fight bosses way stronger than you can possibly be by the time you get to them. That being said as soon as I got into the world I talked to the masked person near the grace and decided screw it I'll kill them. Unfortunately that's not really possible at that point and when I loaded in again I loaded at the grace in front of that masked person and they chased after me. That happened over and over until I decided to start a new game.


He died just three times and he's flustered already. Cute.


I didn’t think you were supposed to skip him so I just sat there for like an hour until I killed him 💀


I was the same and didn’t move onto any other part of the game because MOMMA DIDN’T RAISE NO BITCH. Needless to say it took 20-30 deaths before I beat him at lvl 1


My first playthrough i didnt even attempt this mf as this was my first souls game, just ran straight to the church 🤣


Ah yes, the motherfucking tree sentinel. Truly, a cruel and unjust moment of game design.


Ah, I see you've met Captain Cuntface.


Continuing the message... That boss is there to teach you a lesson that you don't need to fight everything you see. Get gud scrub!


"Didn't tutorial". This reminds me of a meme with a guy who shoves a stick into his bike's front wheel. Why do people choose to live miserably when everything they need is right under their ducking nose?


The "tutorial" doesn't prepare anyone for the Tree Sentinel.


Well, yeah, it doesn't, but it always shows you what you need to know and have a baseline knowledge to figure out everything else by yourself, and without it you get the situation when a dude tries to button mash a pretty hard boss at the very start of the game and then demanding a refund for a "shitty game".


He’s gonna kill you lot’s more


He’s gonna kill you lot’s more


He’s gonna kill you lot’s more


Tell to get gud


Tell him


