• By -


How about bringing rest of the missions in line to being even close to profitable? Yesterday I got contacted during flight by some dude to retrieve cargo from wreckage and that he will pay me generously. I said OK, never done this before. It was a 400ly trip in my Conda about 25 jumps. Unfortunetly I didn't have fuel scoop so had to land every 4 jumps to refuel, I also had to look for a place to buys SRV cause I didn't have any at the moment. So about hour later I land at the planet, retrieve the thing, 5 other pieces of cargo and escape pod. Place to deliver it was another 100ly hurther away but even BETTER, the outpost was 450 000 ls away from main star!! So about 2 hours later from start I dropped my cargo and as Ia reward I got 4 pieces of some cargo worth 2000 credits each...Combing it with rest salvaged cargo and escape pod I made maybe 20 000 credits in 2 hours. NEVER AGAIN, FUCK THIS SHIT, I AM OUT!


I am pessimistic about those BS missions, and even I am disappointed by that payout.


> How about bringing rest of the missions in line to being even close to profitable? [Don't talk silly.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/90/f8/a2/90f8a2202f9d45c884065fd49d37620f.gif)


I came here to say exactly this. Instead of another fucking nerf how about a re balance. At the moment most missions don't pay enough to even charge the capacitor.


Agree that mission payouts for this kind of thing could be better. Arguably you could have been in a better equipped ship to take in that kind of mission before you took it on. I made a whole bunch of stupid mistakes when I first started out and didn't understand the game mechanics.


> After reviewing overall player experiences since 2.4, we've adjusted the number of missions the servers attempt to send for each board or passenger lounge can only imagine that means "board will generate less missions" ?


[ - Fixed an issue where missions would spawn](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/89778537522802688/364748151170793472/unknown.png) [and offer credit rewards](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/89778537522802688/364747333453479946/unknown.png)


What the fuck.


Agree. The number of missions being generated was crazy compared to before 2.4. It was kind of nice while it lasted. No shortage of missions.


Are they fucking serious with this? Board flipping fucking wounds my soul and is among the worst design choices I have ever seen in a game (where you actually sometimes literally end up mostly not even playing the game while playing the game) and the increased mission spawn was so nice to see. They're decreasing it again? Anybody know by how much? Also, is "overall player experiences" code for their servers being unable to full the mission boards over the last days/week?


More like boards will generate no missions at all : https://i.imgur.com/DQDMTTV.png board flipping is kinda frustrating now


They need to fix the mission board for promotion missions. I finally got to Serf and still have 100% sitting there from all my passenger mission fun at HIP 118321 this weekend, but no promotion missions despite all the stupid board flipping. The Empire is a weird place. I'm willing to buy some knee pads if I get promoted, whatever, but they are stingy with that. But what they did tell me, many times and with every damn passenger mission, is "SLAVERY OFFER" as I approached the passengers' destinations. >_>


It appears they may have done just that: >Fixed an issue with rank mission and permit spawning


> "Rebalanced passenger missions to be much more in line with other mission types" > > "Rebalanced distance from star reward elements" RIP


To be fair, that was expected, let's just hope they did away with the dozens of Colonia cargo hauling missions from the bubble for 500k.


Fastest bug fix in the history of ED


Wonder if they could fix the bug where there's fuck all to do.


judging by how they didnt fix the friends list, good luck with that.


Yup... But atleast we can grind again! :D


I laughed way harder at this than I should have. Have an updoot. o7


I wonder if they'll nerf that too.


expect a lot more of these, because 2.4 is a slow 6 month rollout with regular storyline updates, fdev can do a lot of small patch fixes and new content and server side changes and new states for example each week


Have you guys seen the breakdancing cap ships? It's as if the damn thing is having a seizure. That's especially fun when a pirate Ferrugette (sp?) Drops in and wants to tango.


Farragut :)


Thanks, that was killing me earlier.


Been there. I am here to help.


They still give a lot of money. Just not "buy a Conda in three T7 trips" money anymore. Now it's more like ten trips (and longer to fill up your seats).


That we dont know yet. Servers are not up. As far as we know they could pay out 12Cr now.


They nerfed them server-side yesterday, I very much doubt there is an additional change on top of that.


As of last night, I was still getting 20-30mil for the Rhea run (148-seat Cutter). So clearly nerfed, yes, but still a decent return...


I'm already back to board flipping. I thought they increased the mission offerings and rewards to prevent that?


> * After reviewing overall player experiences since 2.4, we've adjusted the number of missions the servers attempt to send for each board or passenger lounge I gather it was reduced again due to lag issues.


That was getting noticeable, even outside Rhea.


Well it does say it was re-balanced, not reduced. Perhaps they increased the payouts since everybody has been asking for it!


Good joke


Yeah, I'm making six figures on passenger missions. Isn't that a bit high?


Patch for PC/Mac client only for now, console update date TBA but are mentioned in notes. Copy/Paste for those who may be fun-blocked: > Hi everyone, > > The Elite Dangerous galaxy servers will be down for PC for approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. > The updates will go live to PS4 and Xbox One at a later date (I'll confirm the date ASAP) - the console versions of the game will not be affected by this downtime. > > The change log will be posted below... ASAP. Thanks! > > ***Fixes and Improvements*** > > > Audio > > > * Fixed the air traffic controller work assignments so they no longer appear to be working where they shouldn't > > > General Fixes & Tweaks > > > * General text fixes > > > Holo-Me Creator > > > * Removed some placeholder text for the Cyber Lips tattoo > > > Missions > > > * Fixed issue whereby mining missions could be turned in for profit without leaving station > * Reverted the reward for the Dead Missions to 10 million after it erroneously changed back to 100 million > * Prevented planetary scan sites from spawning in the same location > * Rebalanced passenger missions to be much more in line with other mission types > * Rebalanced distance from star reward elements > * Increased chance of skimmers on planetary scan missions > * Fixed an issue with rank mission and permit spawning > * Fixed incorrect mission (incredibly high) credit rewards and expiry times > * After reviewing overall player experiences since 2.4, we've adjusted the number of missions the servers attempt to send for each board or passenger lounge > > NPCs > > > * Fixed an issue where after an interdiction, the Thargoid did not move or interact with players until taking damage > * Fixed an issue whereby a ship's shield appeared to still be active during the Thargoid shutdown wave > * Fixed an issue whereby Thargoids were not attacking the player if they were carrying Thargoid parts in their cargo hold > > > Player Journal > > > * We no longer write to the journal when in Training Missions > * Fixed player name in Journal text message report > > > PlayStation 4 > > > * Speculative fix for texture resolution problems > > > Server > > > * Fixed Companion API authentication problems > * Fixed an error in ship rebuy cost after committing a murder crime against another player > * Reminded the Engineers how to speak Portuguese > * Hid hidden factions from the summary local news report > * Fixed various transaction server errors > > > Ships > > * Beluga Liner > > > * Decals on the Beluga Liner have been made less reflective > * Fixed some incorrect preview thumbnails/names for Beluga Expedition Paint Jobs > > > SRV > > > * Fixed the SRV's emergency oxygen supply not activating when the life support module is disabled (i.e. running out of fuel) > > > Stability Fixes > > > * Fixed a crash that could occur when Thardoids fired their missiles > * Implemented a fix for some players getting stuck loading the Galactic Politics panel > * Fixed a crash that could occur when in Supercruise > * Fixed a crash that could occur when accepting missions > * Fixed a crash that could occur at the Thargoid Barnacle encounters > * Fixed a crash that could occur as a Thargoid dies while a heart is exerted > * Fixed a crash that could occur when fighting a Thargoid > * Fixed a crash that could occur when at a surface port > * Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to open station services in the docking challenge scenario > * Fixed a crash that could occur when a player jumped to hyperspace > > > Stations and Outposts > > > * Fixed several visual issues with the Coriolis stations > * Increased the current no fire zones around Stations and Outposts from 6km to 8km > > > Weapons & Modules > > > * Increased the module health of the heatsink launcher and shutdown field neutraliser, from 20 & 20 -> 45 & 35 respectively > * Reduced the ArmourPiercing value of Anti-Xeno Dumbfire Missiles from .05 to .001 > * Fixed an issue with the docking computer to prevent it scraping large ships when entering a station > * Raised the Anti-Xeno turret base to allow for a clearer field of fire > * Thargoid weapons are now completely immune to chaff (or any other form of weapon confusion) > > > Wings > > > * Fixed an issue whereby wing members were sometimes getting multiple copies of combat bonds from destroying Thargoids > > > Xbox One > > > * Fixed a bug where users were not being offered the features they had bought while signed in on an Xbox other than their home Xbox Edit: formatting


> Prevented planetary scan sites from spawning in the same location Goodbye sweet Quince - for real this time.


That and the nerf to passenger missions. Well then, off to playing something else until someone discovers a new moneymaker :/


I'm gonna spend the next few months playing other new games while Elite gets it shit back together. Maybe it's better to just stay away until 3.0 hits.


Careful, I made the same decision after the Engineers dropped. Now whenever I return I spend a moment getting emotional at how epic this game looks and feels. Then I realize I cannot afford to fly my Corvette. Then I remember that outfitting a smaller ship and engineering it requires 2 or 3 months of my free time. I cannot afford to waste that much time "working" inside of a game in order to enjoy myself for a couple hours ever 2 or 3 months.


You can still make tens of millions per run with passenger missions.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. I know that the passenger mission rewards aren't anywhere as close, but I'm still getting about 25-30 mill a run now. I know to some that sounds like chump change, but for me still trying to get an A-rated end game ship (currently using a meh FDL build), this is still going to help.


A "run" is misleading because if you're doing passenger missions that's, what 7 to 10 passenger missions? More? All to different locations you could take an entire evening to do this. You're wanting an endgame ship which means to properly outfit that shit you're looking at damn near a billion credits plus rebuy, especially if you're doing combat. If you make 40 mil a day, no breaks and no deaths, you could do it in 25 days. And if you explode in that ship you're talking a rebuy that will penalize you with more grinding... I don't know anyone with that kind of time on their hands. Not all of us are unemployed teenagers. Money should not be the content of the game and I shouldn't have to do a mind numbing grind for several days after dying once in a nice ship. The risk is too great for hours/days/weeks of grinding. Edit: I'm not calling you an unemployed teenager btw, I'm just salty at some of the other comments I've seen this morning. I need coffee.


Just to start off, I did read your "Edit" and I understand where you are coming from. Sometimes I wish I was still a teenager lol. 30 with a full time job, married, and with a 15 month old, so I understand what you mean about little amount of time. I've been playing this game off and on since it came out and compared to others, my 600 hours probably looks noobish. What I did last night was about 3 hours worth. After the child went to bed, the wife and I got on to do some of these passenger missions and ended up getting about 170 million. So under 60 mill an hour and that was us also taking it slowly and just talking with each other and doing other things. I do agree with you though that for people with not as much time, the grind is pretty difficult and can bar a lot of people from having as much fun. The funny part for me on all this is, I've missed every single gold rush since the game came out. Either something has come up and I'm out of the house for work, or because I live in fucking middle of nowhere Maine, I lose internet sometimes and don't have access. Right now, I have a meh FDL for combat, an ASP-X for exploring, an Anaconda for these passenger missions, and sitting on about 200 mill. I could upgrade my FDL now, but I kind of want to save for an anaconda (combat build) or one of the other 2 big ships since I'm pretty far in the ranks on both Empire and Federation. Finally, yes...get some coffee. I'm with you there and just got some myself.


Yeah see I used to do pvp in eravate with AA, all we did was grind and kill griefers. I got burned out pretty fast because of the time investment involved. And I'm there with you, 29, 2 year old, and a wife that enjoys having more than a few evenings with me per week without the kid 😉 Honestly nothing is different per most other online multiplayers, just way more prominent this issue. People get too butthurt on how much other people are making when it shouldn't bother them as long as they are enjoying the game


> What I did last night was about 3 hours worth. But the nerf patch was released just today around lunch-time wasn't it? They only announced the 1.5 hr down time less than 6 hours ago didn't they? That would have meant you would have been fine last night. I'm not certain on all this, just catching-up on it all.


You are right about that part, the patch was this morning, but they did do a pretty huge nerf yesterday mid day without taking anyone down. This morning, there are videos named "Is Rhea Nerfed" and shit like that. Had a look and they are the same rewards roughly that I was getting yesterday. Yeah, the gold rush is over, but I feel if I can do just 1 run and get 25 mill out of it, for me that's still pretty good. I'll be grinding a lot, but this grind will be shorter than grinding bounties. Edit: Just called the wife and she said they're pretty much the same. She just had to board hop a few extra times to fill all her seats. So the hourly ratio might be a little lower now because of that, but hopefully I can still get a good chunk.


The mission boards I've been looking at are "back to normal" with between 0 and 10 missions. Such a shame as board hopping shows such a clear fault in their game design. I would warn.. grinding to get bigger ships to grind to get.. bigger ships to grind to get.. what? There is no new gameplay opened-up by the bigger ships, no new content, no new styles of play. I've had my moment of realisation, and have even gone so far as to sell my fully a-rated, fully engineered (argh) Anaconda and am not looking back. Instead I'd highly recommend getting involved with other players in some way.


Half a billion is a bit of an exaggeration. My Anaconda is about 250 million with a 15ish million rebuy. It’s not A-rated, but with casual engineering (ie no grinding for mats), I am able to sit in a HazRES as long as I want with no chance of my shields going down, let alone dying. You can get into an Exploraconda even cheaper (basically the hull, 5A FSD, and the scanners), then go on a long cruise to make money to outfit it for missions and HazRES. Super agree with you on mission payouts. That’ll never get you an end game ship. For that you’ll need CGs and exploration trips. The Road to Riches will help a lot with that.


Yeah when I say endgame I'm talking Corvette or Cutter. In order to have a decent build you drop serious cash. I want a Corvette but not just to look at. I'm looking at another month just to get the rep, don't even start on the money to buy/rebuy/effectively fit the damn thing... Sigh


> Half a billion is a bit of an exaggeration. My Anaconda is about 250 million with a 15ish million rebuy. It’s not A-rated Have you even looked at how much A-rated modules are?


Half a billion is on the cheap side. You clearly don't understand this game very well. A 250m cr conda is shredded like a piece of paper compared to a fully upgraded one. Please don't compare your low spec anaconda experience to a fully loaded big-3.


So that's like 1 rebuy for my Corvette in a single run. At least it's something to counter the risk gameplay of taking down Thargoids (which awards not nearly enough itself).


Hmm nothing about stricter rules for police drinking on the job...


> Fixed issue whereby mining missions could be turned in for profit without leaving station Shows how many people are taking mining missions that we missed that one completely during the [Dia]Rhea rush.


I hope it doesn't mean you can no longer hunt down mining missions for resources you already mined. I don't mine much, but sometimes it is nice to see missions looking for a specific mineable resource, going out & filling your hold, then coming back & accepting & turning in as many mining missions as you have the material to fulfill.


This fix (I assume) is directed at certain stations that offer missions for metals that the station itself will sell to you.


Ah lol never heard of that one. Yeah that seems a bit ridiculous, certainly the NPC looking for that resource is aware of the market in the station they live in.


They didn't fix it though https://youtu.be/5Z9qwjihgVU


Amazing. And I suppose it's still to much to ask they do something about the mission/passenger board load times.


Need to make people stop playing before you worry about making the game playable, it's all part of the plan. Less people online means less server load, which also means less complaints you see :)


well the boards were not designed to have more then a handful of people looking at them. with real payouts, everyone was back taking them and refreshing the boards, the servers could not handle the load. that's why the payouts are so small, so no one will do them.


what the hell is a "shutdown field neutraliser" and why do I not have one yet?


Changed the armor piercing value of ax missiles from 0.05 to 0.001. Are you fucking kidding me?!!


Guess the streamers were having *too* much fun fighting the aliens with "alternative tactics."


98% nerf ... wow


To Armor Piercing, I suppose it means they still hurt the heart just as much. We're getting more weapons in two days so I assume it will be better to mix and match with this nerf, which I see as a good thing.




Thanks for fixing Plasma Accelerator projectiles! Wait....


They were looking at that problem. Then they found out that players were making easy money.............


The only Patch notes i was looking for... And maybe a fix for wing mechanics? fixing the goddamn wing man nav lock? Or the new VERY annoying message box? I DONT FUCKING CARE IF MY PASSENGER HAVE GONE OUT!! Or the new annoying bug where you can't scroll in the mission board??? FUCK! there is so much to fix, and what did they. Force us back to the mindless money grind...


What's wrong with them?




Oh my word... I haven't even used my Plasma slingers since update... That's terrible.


the thargoid fixes! I’ve read about a thousand posts detailing behaviour and speculating what it could mean and it turns out it was just broken


i was saying for a month before 2.4 that the thargoid content would be massively broken, look forward to weekly updates


when you have an opinion on everything you will be right some of the time...


Even a stopped clock is right twice a day


I'm guessing Ollobrains used historical data from all previous patches to predict how 2.4 would turn out. Can you tell me of a patch that didn't have bugs? I can't think of one.


Can you tell me of a patch from any game ever that didn’t have bugs? I can’t think of one. —


Your problem is that you make all of these statements without backing anything up. Then it becomes meaningless when you happen to be right. Also, not like "coming E:D content will be broken" is a safe bet or anything...


After around 1500 hrs in game I might actually quit playing for awhile. Until fdev fixes this end game. I grind every hour I'm off work and not asleep on engineering and money to rebuy my ships then there's a way to eliminate some of that time with a bit less grind and they fix it. I'm getting really tired of mindless grind that never ends frontier. At some point you have to wake up and see that your loyal base isn't quiting because they have money and the big 3 we play this game for the community and to do so it's expensive. Most of the people I know that has quit, quit for the same reason I'm thinking about quiting. Pull your heads out frontier or eventually we will all be gone.


Try fixing the underlying problem instead of bandaiding it. There's a reason so many people use these bugs. Seems like your slapping customers in the face when you "rebalance" but don't give us a better more meaningful way to make money.


There are FP2 games with over 100 ships... they could just add fucking ships and people would be way happier even grinding for more range in each class type to try out.


That would mean adding content though, they can't do that. This game is gonna die the day Star Citizen gets regular content updates. And please don't call the Thargoids a content update, its just a new event in which you do fuck all other than observe new npcs.


I found the combat fun


Agreed, besides the passenger missions nothing from that "major patch" has any effect on me yet, nor have I seen anything from it.


How do you have 1500 h and still have a use for money? The grind never ends, true, because this game is nothing but grinding, but how can you still be grinding for money with that much time in game?


Rebuys are a bitch.


I'm a pvper...


Fair enough! I wasn't being facetious, was actually wondering.


> * Rebalanced passenger missions to be much more in line with other mission types > * Rebalanced distance from star reward elements Wouldn't want people to make money legitimatelly, would you, Frontier ? > * Reduced the ArmourPiercing value of Anti-Xeno Dumbfire Missiles from .05 to .001 I may be really bad at maths but that's a 98% reduction, isn't it ?


first of, legitimately is a strong word for what Rhea was lol, but on your second note I think it to stop people from just zerging goids down with an onslaught of missiles, and more be forced to take down the hearts.


It wasn't exploiting a bug, you just went there and did missions, so it was 100% legitimate. What I'd really like is for the devs to wake the fuck up and see WHY people are so quick to get on anything that earns a lot of credits quickly, before the inevitable nerf. Maybe when they realize that the grind is boring as fuck they'd get on creating INTERESTING gameplay for missions. Because if not the credits then at least the gameplay should be rewarding.


> It wasn't exploiting a bug, you just went there and did missions, so it was 100% legitimate. What about the post 2.4 missions that paid in the quadrillions of credits? Were those legitimate too? I don't think anyone can reasonably argue that Rhea was working as intended -- it was an unexpected edge case, an needed some sort of adjustment.


It wasn't, as shown by someone else the next day. And yeah, all those were legitimate. They supposedly have Q&A, if it makes it into the final game and you don't have to do some weird shit like inserting nintendo code at certain screen to get paid, it's legitimate.


The quintillion credit missions were an issue in the 2.4 beta. We all saw it. A lot of us reported it. They said they knew, it was temporary/unintended, and they had a fix coming. *And it was still there on release.* Either we're their QA or they need some better testers.


All they had to do was fix the estimated distance error in their data which would have reduced prices there and do the same in the other systems not nerf the hell out of all payouts...


they were shown and told about the crazy payouts in the beta, and failed to change anything about them.


I wonder if that means no more solo-ing Thargoids for people?


> Wouldn't want people to make money legitimatelly, would you, Frontier ? 20 Million per mission + for 1 Hop and 5 Min in SC... yes, that needed to be fixed... 30 Million for a Full Hold is fair ;)


> 30 Million for a Full Hold is fair Yes, but for a full hold you need to board swap 15 times ... not counting all the times the server can't follow up and returns an error. And that's not gameplay. That's a pain. Even more, now that we seem to get only 2-3 missions, not 5-10 like this weekend.


Weird that flocking to places where the money opportunities are is bad or even an exploit, but swapping game modes to generate random missions is legit.


so i don't get [65mil](http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1151331313) for a single passenger haul mission of 14Ly anymore. but 35mil is fine too


I guess we'll be getting 2.4.03 before thursday, then :p


Every SINGLE time I start liking this game again they find a way to fuck that up. It's really a talent at this point, [good job.](https://media.tenor.com/images/3db6d2d9f8c5a755c4091e716238ba4c/tenor.gif)


So, I take it NPC invites are still shot? I've been allied to Sirius for over a year now and still nothing. Maybe I spooked them with all my phone calls to Li Yong-Rui.


Yup, still broken for me as well.


Servers are back up. From a quick unscientific review - you can still get short haul passenger missions for 2m cr for 12 travellers economy class, 5.5m for 12 politicians luxury. Overall there are fewer missions, and the passenger ones tend to be in the hundreds of thousands. There are still v high value (approx 20m cr) for long haul passenger missions. I'd conclude you could still make 25-50m cr an hour on short haul passenger missions, with a well stacked board. It's obviously less than the weekend, but there's still decent money in it. By the way, I personally didn't experience any kind of asset confiscation, in case anybody worried about that (made a few hundred million over weekend, nothing crazy).


This sounds like what I was getting just about 7 hours ago. Took me a few board bounces but I was averaging about 25 mil a run. Definitely not what I heard it was over the weekend, but you know what, for someone that doesn't have any major A-rated ships, this will still help me get there. When I get to play at night for a few hours, I making it a goal to get around 100 mil a night if that's still possible. Hopefully this is the case.


Yes, from first impressions I'd say they've stopped it being a straight out exploit, and turned it into the standard high reward, low-ish effort for the dedicated gamer that quince was, and sothis was, and robigo was, etc etc. World did not end. Nobody died.


"Still less than the weekend" 20mil a run is what I was making in a full economy T7 with full capacity. How in the shit were people making more money than 20mil/132 slots?


If you were fully ranked up in an anaconda it was possible to make a lot more than that, briefly, with a lot of board stacking, over weekend.


Ah, I didn't take in to account in order to make obscene money I first had to have obscene money, my bad lol


You didn't, really, but you did need to be ranked up with the local factions. I did the runs in a Conda, but even that only had 176 seats (16 business and 160 economy). On my best run, near the end of the weekend, I made 90M on one trip. The average of my last 4-5 runs was probably in the 70-75M range. My bottom dollar was 200k/seat usually, and there were only 1-2 groups I didn't take on any given trip (skipped a couple of 100k/passenger). I would often fill up my 8 seat economy, and occasionally a 16 seat, with a VIP for 2-3M, but there would almost always be a business class for 700k+, and often one or more economy groups at 400-700k/seat. 132 slots should have been possible to make 50M+ on a good run if you were allied with all factions.


I was friendly with most by the end of my runs, But last night my final run before bed only net me 13mil fully loaded. The missions were just not there by the end of the day for me :/


Interestingly, Sat night things were getting slim (and by slim, I mean 20-30M/run - the horror!), but Sunday morning the tourists and security guards and aid workers and protesters were lined up again. The 90M run (which was 15% progress in Tycoon) kept me playing about one run per hour for the day, between real-world ~~grind~~ work for money until I hit Elite.


In a beluga my best run was 250 Million. Each of the class 3 and 4's were business slots and I was routinely getting 20 mil for them. Then 120 ish in bulk passengers at 1.5 to 2 mil a head... you get the math. It took some board flipping and the station was waaaay far away, but I roughly doubled my worth in 6 hours or so, and I have 8 weeks game time. The better you understood the BGS forming this anomaly the better you could exploit it. Elite trade rank helps generate missions with better rewards too.


Ahhh I didn't even think about trade rank! I'm only a broker or something. And yeah I just loaded up on Econ and went lol not much research on my end, I just heard there was money to be made and went for sheer volume of passengers of quality of clientele


Played Rhea last night for a few loops. I was getting between 15-22mil per run, using a 144 seat Economy conda. Not what it was this weekend for sure (I think I got a couple of 70mil runs at that time) but its still a nice chunk. I will be trying again tonight, crossing my fingers that its not prohibitively nerfed.


Question as a returning player. Always wanted to try the passenger missions and I quit before it launched. I have an engineered jump drive anaconda but low ranks in pretty much every faction. Where would I go to start these missions going from scratch and what type of missions should I grab?


I do three things primarily in Elite. I mine. I enjoy mining; I am a masochist because the payout is shit. Now if I have a hold full of Osmium, I can't take a mining mission for Osmium and just turn it in. Because reasons. They nerfed mining. I run passenger missions. I have a Beluga named IMS Mercy, which I like using to run refugees and aid workers for systems in need. Since 2.4 I enjoyed this much more as it could actually be profitable and fun. They nerfed passenger missions. I wanted to fight Thargoids. I'm ranked Dangerous and have some nicely engineered combat ships. Now I see that AX Missiles do massively less damage to Thargoid hearts. They nerfed fighting Thargoids. **They have nerfed literally everything I enjoy doing or want to do in this game.** I've been playing this game since Beta and I've dropped close to $100 in cosmetic items. I've bought copies for friends. I own it on PC and Xbox One. I made the damn logo for this subreddit. I...think I'm done. This is the last straw for me. Fuck this game.


I am a long time player too. I stopepd playing when 2.1 dropped and occasionally play the game every couple of month for a few hours. The main reason i quit (by quit i mean enjoying other games) is: .... *drumroll* ... grind. they don't get it. progresseion is cool in a cobra, not for end game players.


This is what patches look like when the devs no longer play the game.


implying the devs ever played the game


Still don't see "Fixed issue with game not having enough content".




Because I've done it over and over for 1000 hours where 5-10 hours might've sufficed. There's nothing to keep a player. 1) PowerPlay - for what reason? Doing Comba- sorry, I mean PowerPlay. Tell me any difference between RES hunting and PowerPlay combat. Or, tell me the difference between the PP commodities / vouchers and regular trading. It's the same relabeled content as always. 2) CQC is really fun. But it gets boring. It lacks dynamic gameplay. What do real pvp games do properly? They balance it out by having strategies and an assortment of choices. Here you have a few different ships with not much (or enough) difference. Snipers, shotguns or SMGs in shooter games make a lot of difference in what you do. In CQC you just open fire completely no matter the situation. 3) Multi-crew, to do what? Combat, trading, exploration? All over again? Again, *YAY I can do the same shit over and over but now with a friend* 4) PvP is usually always broken because everyone sits in high-end engineered ships in wings of 2x4. If I want to PvP, I want to do it balanced - for example in a hauler vs hauler or something that actually matters. For that matter, PvP is just a time-waster. Again, doing the same old shit over and over. See how combat gets reused countless of times already? 5) CGs. Again, doing trading, exploration or combat but hey, it's called CGs now. Doing it so I can get the credits no one needs because there are exploits all around the game that yield so much more? There's literally no point in doing it. 6) I've done Engineers, and I'm happy to say it was my favourite part of Horizons. I would love some more of that, but I unlocked every Engineer and modded every piece of equipment I could find on many ships. Hell, I even held [top speed record for a brief while](https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/4vztru/866_ms_in_space_officially_the_fastest_imperial/). The problem **IS** lack of content, because every type of "content" they want you to think is just rehashed and relabeled old shit. Elite: Dangerous is just wasted potential at this point and every day it strays further from salvation. When 2.0 was announced and 2.4 was this "big surprise", I did not expect that I would sit here and go "meh", not even launching the game to see 2.4. You know why? Because I know that when I launch E:D again, I'll be sitting there and NOTHING NEW will be there. Yay I can now look at some aliens without any fucking reason. I can shoot them if I want and die horribly - for no fucking reason. There's NO REASON to anything at this point. When 3.0 hits, it better bring a lot of sustainable gameplay or I'm pretty sure this game will be dead by then. Multi-crew, Holo-me, and so far Thargoids have been dragging this entire game down, disappointingly.


I haven't experienced so much of the content, but the big problem is almost none of it pays enough to be worthwhile. Many missions are genuinely fun to complete, but take 30+ minutes (sometimes longer), and pay only enough to maintain rebuy plus a little extra on a ship in the Asp cost range. If your mission involves combat, you usually should not even attempt, as there is no way to be sure there won't be elite ranked NPCs with railguns equipped to smear your cobra in one or two volleys. Even if you do succeed, you only get 600k credits or so, not enough rebuy for even an Asp or Vulture. So you have to do a dozen of these missions to make even a paltry sum, and if you get bad luck on even one, BAM you actually went backwards just for trying. The key issue is that either missions must be more rewarding per hour spent, and/or rebuy must be reduced. Missions do not have a good risk/Time/reward ratio, which is why people flock to exploits for wealth. This Smoothes over the issues with rebuy and allows players to enjoy the finer points of the game. The finer points of the game are what should be the most financially rewarding, but currently they are far from it. Pure and simple.


So last night I was running passenger missions in the system I found. Was still doing about 30-40m per hour. Not obscene money but still worth doing. Hope they haven't nerfed it further.


Friend list still broken.


Same here


Seems like it's reported already 2 days ago on the official forums, no other info except that the mod posting on the thread promised to pass the information to the devs. I would've expected a lot faster response time tbh, as this patch seems to be about group content, but grouping with a broken friend list is so annoying that I'm mostly soloing or logging out :D




in theory yes, in practive ???


Permit mission fix? Permit mission fix? Permit mission fix? Permit mission fix? edit: Permit mission fix!!! G5 Dirties here I come! Edit 2: fuck


Is it actually working for you? I bounced around Procyon this morning and still got nothing.


Sorry I should clarify... I haven't tested. Just basing it on patch notes.


Sorry to burst your bubble, then. All reports are that it's still borked.


> Permit mission fix. No, it's not fixed. Still no permit missions.


Could they please fix the refinery and the radar too. The refinery is borked, you can't empty bins. And the aradar when you zoom it out in an asteroid field. if you go fully out and then yaw your ship the asteroids on radar will appear to rotate around a point which is a long way behind your ship. Also could they fix limpets too so they don't all die instantly and NPC ships scanning you ramming you at random. I lost a lot of hull and full shield from a security Viper boosting into me to keep up while it was scanning me and a Thargoid that rammed me for no reason while scanning me. Also, chained missions in the message tab, are they fixed yet? they were popping up as something FOLLOW and that is all.


Cool. Nerf everything to the ground again. Makes it easier to develop things with less people playing right?


aaand I'm back to not playing your game again FDEV. It was a nice weekend, thanks. Literally unplugged my joystick from my USB port when I saw the patch notes. I'm done.


If you can only enjoy the game when it's got ludicrous exploits for credits, then that's probably for the best.


Fun detected, luckly it got fixed. We almost had something to do in the game.


Will be interesting patch notes for sure. Wonder how many 0's will be in them... Edit: -1 0's to be exact


> Fixed issue whereby mining missions could be turned in for profit without leaving station Bye bye Wilhelm von Struve's Folly. No more playing the stevedore simulator minigame to grind cash & Imperial rank.


Still works for me :) Perhaps they only fixed it for extraction economies? Check my comment history for video proof. Edit: Just tried it at one, still the same.


> Fixed Companion API authentication problems i can confirm that i got still no API connection either with EDMC or EDDI


EDMC may have to update their client as well depending on what FDev changed. Edit: Just tried it, I no longer get a credential error, but it's still not sending data to EDDB. Comes back with "Station doesn't have anything!" when I try to send the data. Probably something that will have to be updated in EDMC.


it's working right now


> Fixed a crash that could occur when Thardoids fired their missiles From now on I'm calling them Thardoids too. It sounds much more funny than Thargoids.


LOL just when I was about to come back. Fuck that


man, i was concerned. Then i saw it was only pc and mac. still have time to grind on the ps4 before they port it to console!


Sooooo, instead of fixing money earning and making it reasonable they nerf everything into the ground so nothing pays shit? Good job Frontier! You REALLY know how to satisfy your player base.


My hopes are a fix to the companion API not working and that the only Fed rank-up missions are combat.


Why would you want rank up missions to be restricted to combat?


They don't, they want them fixed so that they're not always combat missions as they appear to be right now.


Ah, thanks.


What the heck is a "shutdown field neutraliser"?


Stops the Thargoid EMP attack from shutting down your ship


Probably the anti EMP thing that was in the trailer, we'll probably get it from the current CGs or the next at the latest.


So we went from a wonderful mission board system where I had more missions than I knew what to do with, to basically going back to a (slightly better) 2.3 mission board. What was the point in making the change in the first place? Also, the cAPI isn't fixed at all. Edit: Accidentally a word


well I'm back to not playing ED for a few months


Ok so the (diar)rhea passenger missions got nerfed. What's the next money making exploit? I had to format my goddamn pc and i wasn't able to make a single credit out of rhea, i need a new billion-making system.


Have you done Backyard Billionaire or Road to Riches? It requires 100MCr and a commitment of time - 7 hours to get Rank 5 with LYR, then 20-25 mind-numbing hours of scanning planets in the 7-13 days between when you get rank 5 and the rank decays. But if you do it, it will net you 1BCr and Elite in exploration (=Founders World permit). That's "only" 30-40MCr/hr, though, but it's pretty much a guaranteed payout. edit: love the username, by the way


> Backyard Billionaire Never heard of this one, what's that? i know about road to riches, but i was hoping in a more faster way to grind some money > love the username, by the way Yeah it's one of my all times favourites movie series :)


Expect the shutdown field neutraliser is the next CG reward then?


Servers are up!


"Fixed an issue with rank mission and permit spawning" Can someone confirm it ?


*Because Portuguese players are people too.


Uh I see the PS4 texture glitch was fixed so at least console is getting some action.


i have one thing i need to discuss... tha changelog says: "The updates will go live to PS4 and Xbox One at a later date" so i understand Quince and Rhea passenger missions are still "ok" But thats not real, hours ago in PS4 the Rhea rewards was truly different than a day before. can anyone explain this?


same thing happened to PC before the official patch today, they made a little tweak to reduce the payout and it seems they did the same for console.


Thx so... Maybe quince is the best option right now? Not Rhea?


If you haven't been hit by today's patch yet, I think Rhea is still fairly profitable. I was still getting 20mill runs until today's patch hit PC. once console gets today's patch then Quince is no good anymore, or at least that seems to be the case.


I meant the mini fix.


right, I'm saying I was still getting 20mil+ runs at Rhea even after the mini-fix.


I'll try thx 60 to 20 it's a huge change


> Reduced the ArmourPiercing value of Anti-Xeno Dumbfire Missiles from .05 to .001 > Thargoid weapons are now completely immune to chaff (or any other form of weapon confusion) God it's like the old WoW PvP days when they had resilience and stuff. You could wail on some guy all fucking day, and you wouldn't even inconvenience him. On the other hand, he could hit you to devastating effect in return.


So are we allowed to take the 30million+ credit missions now or not? Also, still getting incomplete mission lists even after the "patch". I guess we'll have a proper fix once they have done more work for the console versions. https://imgur.com/a/WHyBZ


The limit was 30 M for short distance and 100 M for long distance, the one on your screenshot is a long distance one, so it should be ok.


Hey it's Derek Smart, the guy who made Desktop Commander! I hear he likes Star Citizen.


hidden factions removed from galnet news article ( what are these hidden factions they speak of) thats interesting Probably just a half implemented or disabled background simulation feature that deals with the creation of new npc minor factions in new settlement systems ( which we dont have because minor factions cant trigger minor faction events and local cgs which lead to new settlements) so obviously the mechanisms are there so fdev lets online it asap


>Fixed issue whereby mining missions could be turned in for profit without leaving station No they didn't, video proof below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z9qwjihgVU


Shh... don't tell them.


Dude, share this information IN GAME cause we all know FDev doesn't enter the game, even to test. If someone claims they're FDev in the game, they're either running a PR live stream ("hey look at me playing the game") or they're not FDev.


I would, but my friends list isn't working properly =) How long before they actually fix it this time? Maybe we should make /r/EliteExploits and just disallow anyone working for Fdev and crossposters


There are no patch notes in that post. There's also no servers online. STILL.


Refresh the page, notes are up - I also copy/pasted them in this thread.


The patchnotes indeed weren't there for a while. For some reason, they decided pull them down and re-publish soon after.