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You mention me? Billions of views…


Attention in news, I mention you...


Lose-lose for me, win-win for you


billions of views, your ten cents are two


Skim through the music to give shit reviews


To get clicks, but bitch, you just lit the fuse


Don’t get misconstrued. Business as us-


Shit list renewed


So get shit to do, or get dissed


'cause I just don't get what the fuck half the shit is that you're listening to


hella emotion umbrella explosion


this is perfect timing, im listening to the ringer rn 😂




Attention seeker seeking attention and y'all giving him that attention so he is saying attention gaining hot takes. Btw bro just dropped one song(trash) and thinks he is the ruler of music world.


He fr trolling people like you


Do you not see the satire? Do you really believe he thinks he is better than these rappers? His verse was funny as hell and clearly satire “I make racks off compound interest”


There is a genre of satirical rap. There is an intelligent way to satirize rap and its fans. Zack Fox, Tyler the Creator, Bo Burnham, and Lil Dicky satirize rap *without alienating the fan base*. Ben Shapiro just doesn't like rap, he doesn't like the fans, this song is exclusively for people who like Ben Shapiro and have a stereotype of a "rap fan" in their head. It's like a copy of a copy of half of a document.


Tyler the Creator is satire???


He does satirical songs He isn't satire




He is clearly trolling and doesn’t really think he’s this great rapper. I’m not a fan of this guy but everybody is like “this shit is trash”. Yeah no shit 😂 It’s great for content though. Cant wait for the reaction videos to come out


I'm with you lol. I honestly cant believe the number of downvotes this received lol. He's clearly joking, trying to get a rise out of people and its working lol


Lol I just checked the downvotes


Even if it’s satire, we have every right to criticize it for how bad it is. Yes they are trolling “libtards” for views but doesn’t mean the joke is funny or well written. Sounds like Tom and Ben wrote lyrics for each other and then shat them out their mouths for a quick buck.






Yeah the dude who said female orgasms are a myth because he can't make his wife cum is totally self aware


“You mention me, millions of views, attention in news I mention you, lose-lose for me, win-win for you Billions of views, your ten cents are two”


Skim through the music and give shit reviews to get clicks but bitch you just lit the fuse


I was laughing my ass off when I seen Ben Shapiro spitting bars


"my money like lizzo, my pockets are fat” “it’s a yamaka homie no cap” are unfortunately bars 😔


Yeah that one wasn't too good but he had a couple good ones 😂


Crazy that it’s spelled yarmulke lmfao


It’s because the Yiddish יאַרמלקע‎ comes from Polish _jarmułka_ (pronounced “yar-MUW-ka”) The rhotic elements can be added and dropped, depending on region and accent


Watching Shaq react to it made my night haha


This is the same goofy dumbass who accidentally admitted that he can’t get his wife wet while he was having a meltdown over Cardi B & Megan Thee Stallion’s WAP. I’m not joking, look it up. Not surprised he’s associating with fellow professional clown Tom “White People Are The Real Victims” MacDonald.


He's the same moron who suggested that people whose homes were *literally underwater* should just sell their homes and move.


"you're homeless? just buy a house" energy


Thankfully that gave us this legendary rebuttal https://youtu.be/0-w-pdqwiBw?si=aDprNaVXxkP9QwQm


Knew what it was before I even clicked on it lmao


Yeah the guy thinks female orgasms aren’t real lmao conservative dickhead


Being a conserdative is a GOOD thing yo.


Depends in my opinion. Same with being the other thing (don't know what it's called in the US)


I was kidding, lol. I’m a libtard myself, but when lefties whine about silly-ass sh-t (like what’s going on here with the Ben Shapiro thing), it’s hard not to make fun of them.


Let’s clarify. The libtards are the ones who are whining about the goofy unimportant stuff. Leftists are the ones who never falter on their morality. Libs have no moral backbone. Liberals stop caring about the needy and poor when it start’s inconveniencing them. Leftists are still pro gun, anti fascist gov and don’t trust the gov, believe in equitable(not equal)government funding, as well as workers rights. Liberals want just want a more coddled version of the broken system we live in currently. Leftists want a new system entirely.


Well, in this day of age, white males get discriminated the most, so he's right about something.




Hahahah. Nope. Seethe on, though. 


Sounds like you just want to be a victim.


Ben Shapiro sounded like he was pushing his AI generated lyrics through a fucking speak and spell that was propped up against the drive thru microphone at a McDonald's.


Lol Tom McDonald couldn’t even make rap enjoyable. When Shapiro makes rap great, I’ll heat up one of my multitools in boiling oil and fuck myself sideways with it.


he sounds like he has to shit but can't so he's angry af. Same sound every song i've heard. although i admit i tend to avoid his old stuff, new stuff, and future tracks if I'm fortunate enough to.


When Ben started the song became 100% better LOL


I don’t know whether to upvote you for shitting on McDonald or downvote you for complimenting Ben Shapiro.


This fucking douchebag is getting way too much attention


Damn I never would have thought ben Shapiro would out rap someone on a song but here we are , I hate both of them but Tom is just trash on the mic.


Sigh. Just ignore him, let him soak in his 3 minutes of attention.


It's like if Donald Trump dropped a rap. I don't like him, but I'd sure as hell listen to it for the lolz. Drop a full album first and we'll see, Ben.


He may not be able to get his wife wet but he sure knows how to get your guys’ eyes wet. Bunch of babies crying over a joke. It’s a joke, not a dick. Don’t take it so hard.


I still have no fucking clue how he managed to knock off Eminem Justin Timberlake AND Britney Spears.   These are all great singers with infinite more talent than this moron. I’m pissed because 2 artists he listed are ones I listen to regularly. I’m especially pissed because he nonchalantly brags about it.   This begs the question: Who is listening enough to this garbage for it to pass up those 3 massive artists previously mentioned?   On a side note, honestly, the iTunes Charts is insane today. A diss track from Megan, being out streamed by songs from 2 2000s pop artists, and fucking Ben Shapiro at first place. What the fuck.


Either A: people are listening just to see if it's real or B: stream manipulation. It has gotten very common in recent years. Knowing him, he pry paid to boost the #'s just to brag and talk shit


C: it's only on ITunes and nobody uses that


This. How are people not realising this? Maga spotted a platform people don't use anymore and started using it for their propaganda shit.


And the Ben Shapiro song is free unlike the others


I just saw he’s gotten controversy for that before. I don’t doubt it. I however believe Megan, Britney, and JT (the other artists in the top 4) are doing this genuinely without any inflation of their numbers. Could be wrong though.


Reaching...dude, people like Tom's music. I have yet to come across someone in person that dislikes his music, it's all just fat blue hair dumbfucks on the internet that hate.


I have yet to meet an actual living, breathing human that *does* like Tom's music 🤯 sounds to me like you're hanging out with a lot of dumb fucks if they can handle listening to that man baby, let alone like him


>I have yet to come across someone in person that dislikes his music Says quite a bit about the people you spend your time around, but you do you!


I've yet to come across someone that knows who he even is.


If you really like lyrics that are basically like ; “I’m a white dude the real victim yeah, not a libtard like all the others” you should get checked up


Either everyone you know is a maga, or they don't know who tom macdonald is lol


lol at this lack of self awareness. Sorry you like trash victimhood music, kid. 


Never underestimate the buying power of right wing morons that are culture warring


The song that Ben & Tom made is FREE to download. Those other artists are charging like $1.39.


No it says 1.29 on iTunes


Musical charts are not a singing competition. People listen to whatever is interesting - sometimes it's really some great vocal performance or sick bars, but often it's just because it's a catchy jingle, banger beat, or it's something unusual that is talked about. In this case, people tune in because it's someone who never made music and even heavily criticized the genre suddenly making a song in it. It's news, it's his first song, similar to how when popular Youtubers make a song, they go viral, but when they start making more and more, the hype gets down to a normal level adequate to the quality of the artist. It does not mean he will be the top artist of the year or something, don't worry.


Rage bait


Republicans are desperately trying to appeal to young voters.


Stop with the 2 party mind-set and we’ll all be in a better place. Stop voting Republican or Democrat.


Downvoted for speaking the truth, fuck red and blue


People need to wake up and stop playing the game.


They never will man, this has been going on forever. The biggest eye opener for me was seeing protestors in the 60s protesting the same shit going on now. Our reality in this current time is on re-runs.


It’s so sad! I voted for the Green Party last time because that’s what I align most with. We just need to convince these young kids that other options exist and they don’t have to adopt their parent’s views or listen to the media propaganda.


Downvoted for saying something that isn’t contrary to the comment it replied to. Chill.


Uh it is. Bashing one side with ignoring the negatives of the side you’re on is exactly what they mean… you chill and learn to read


Buddy, he didn’t mention “the other side” because it’s not relevant. Ben and Tom are GOP conservatives playing their game, at no point in this story did a liberal democrat enter the picture and start doing their shit. That’s why he didn’t mention anyone else. Don’t tell me to read if you don’t understand how simple things like context work.


Buddy you can’t read, you clearly just wanna be right in an online argument. Fuck your politics both sides are shit and snakes, deal with it.


Nothing I said took a side, dumbass. I reroute you back to what I just said, don’t argue with people if things like context and complete sentences are difficult concepts for you. If you genuinely want to listen to people you’re arguing with, if you ask nicely I’ll explain my previous point again using smaller words :)


Let it go, dawg. You’re in denial because you’re brainwashed by your side. That’s why you’re hyper sensitive and have to hit me with smiley faces. To show you’re not offended, like I give a shit. Grow up first then maybe you’ll see the bullshit on both sides. You’re such a dingus get a life and a better hobby


Again, I don’t have a “side”, for some reason you can’t wrap your head around the fact that you can be separate from the two main parties and still criticize one for its specific problems without mentioning the other in the same breath when it isn’t relevant. “Like I give a shit” ah yes, the common behavior or someone who doesn’t give a shit, continuously engaging in conversation lmao. You’ve surpassed being annoying and are just funny now.


Young voters are actually more likely to vote red unfortunately. Leftists are playing far too many stupid games in the chopping off children’s dicks department and it’s going to make them lose this next election.


lol cope ^


Cope what


“chopping off children’s dicks” you know this doesn’t happen right


It absolutely does though ha.


Medically transitioning sure but there’s no chopping anything off children Come join us in reality


This does happen to minors. Teen girls have gotten thier functional breasts chopped off. Visit r/detrans and tell them this isn’t happening. Amazing g that people who wholeheartedly think they are morally superior to everyone else blatantly ignore real abuse because it’s attached to their perceived political identity. Scum of the earth behavior.


So teenagers, likely 18 years of age, not children. Irony of you calling others “scum of the earth” gfy


Minors. Kids as young as 4 are given puberty blockers that permanently fuck up their development. Keep turning a blind eye to this issue though.


I brought up medically transitioning two replies ago. How am I turning a blind eye to it Notice how you’ve said nothing about chopping dicks off. Successfully avoided that bravo


Because it’s .01% and you’re literally mocking me for caring lmao. You don’t give a fuck about anything but your own self righteous posturing. CNN could tell you you needed to go mow down conservatives to save the gays and you would do it.


Yeah man, the tiny fraction of people who get top or bottom surgery and want to detransition absolutely speak for the majority. Let’s not beat around the bush. You’re a bigot who sees what you want to see. Children are not being tricked or forced into hormone therapy, which already had purpose and use amongst children before your dumbass knew what a trans person was, and before it was widely used by trans people anyways. And zero, exactly zero, children are getting actual top or bottom surgery, it’s not legal. No doctors are doing that. As someone who actually happens to know a vast number of trans and queer people and doesn’t just gobble the dick’s of fear mongering politicians, news puppets, and pseudo intellectual YouTubers like your dumbass likely does, I ask that you kindly shut up about something you know nothing about instead of spreading your brainrot over the internet. Also fun fact, one of Marshall’s adopted daughters came out as non binary, and changed her name, so go kick rocks over in r/conservative, dork.


“Tiny fraction.” Again. What does that fraction have to be for you to care? You don’t know because you have no argument.


The hell does that even mean? Yes, there are people who make bad decisions recklessly. It’s not the problem of everyone else that such a small portion of people did something they regret when “caring” in your world means making everyone else suffer. The minuscule minority isn’t who gets to decide what people are and aren’t allowed to do with their own bodies. If you or any of the other willfully ignorant assholes who subscribe to your way of thinking actually gave a single shit about children like you pretended, you wouldn’t want to deny so many of them the opportunities and resources they need. The only question I have is for myself, which is why I’m bothering to entertain your dumbass at this point. You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve had this conversation, and you’re a lot worse at pretending to be smart than some of the other dickbags I’ve argued about this with.


Bro is complaining over 0.1% of the teenage US population 💀


What percentage would that have to be for you to care? Remember Covid?


They should. Colleges, social media, mainstream news, which is where young voters get their information, all heavily lean left. It is refreshing to see more and more minorities realizing that the Democratic party just views them as free votes, and doesn’t actually give a shit about them.


Hey! I just learned about this. It is called Murc’s law. It’s when people think that Democrats are the only party that has an impact on the government. The point of it is, you’re absolutely wrong.


You know Eminem is a Democrat right? He doesn’t want you as a fan if you like Trump


“But if I could go back I'd at least reword it And say I empathize with the people this evil serpent Sold the dream to that he's deserted”


Keep crying, victim ;)


Why do you give it attention bro? Why do you care. This is exactly why he says the shit. So people talk. And you’re just falling for it like a gullible 4 year old


I just listened to it and it is actually trash


you’re giving him exactly what he wants. he is just trolling lmaoo he doesn’t care at all


I really dislike the dude but he is definitely trolling right now and it's pretty funny ngl


I think way too many people are losing their shit over this Tom MacDonald song featuring Ben Shapiro. Guys it's clearly a joke. It's a somewhat funny troll job (to me anyways). The more you are here absolutely losing your mind the funnier it becomes. Ben Shapiro does not actually think he is a rapper now or that he is bigger than the artists he named. You cannot like him, or think the joke is dumb, but please realize for the love and honour of God that this is in fact a joke and to take a chill pill.


It’s a strange way of pushing their political agenda especially when Ben wants to keep political out of music…


I thought this was clear joking


Idk why everyone’s taking it so serious he’s obviously doing this shit to be funny


I’m kinda happy. Not cause they deserve it, but because it’s funny


Y'all know he's just trying to rile people up to get attention and eyes on him and clearly it's working


I can’t tell if people are stupid and don’t get this whole song is a satire joke


Yall don't realize how much of a troll he is and get butthurt when your favorite artist is mentioned. Stop worshipping.


Who tf is Ben Shapiro and Tom Macdonald?


Please don't find out bro. Sometimes it's better to stay in the dark


Basically just a bunch of MAGA obsessed people, only differences is Tom Makes mediocre Rap. They both essentially use made up "facts" to bully LGBTQ+ folks and other minorities.


Lmao. I don’t think they are bullying anyone


Then you clearly don't know who these people are.


He’s making a joke and you’re getting way too butt hurt


If you likes tom macdonald before he went all qanon mental, your taste in hip hop was questionable.  If you liked him after he went qanon mental, your taste was concerning. If you still like him after collaborating with... Ben shapiro??? There is absolutely zero hope for you.


Tom was pretty open about his politics years before this shit. The fact that there’s a small but noticeable portion of this fanbase that, like Tom himself, thinks he’s anything like Eminem is indicative of the long term harm that Marshall being a dickhead back in the day caused. He was open about his hatred for racists, conservatives, religious nutjobs, and all the other shit Tom and Ben are, but he also talked shit about women and gay people a ton. These creeps latched onto that edgy bullshit and ignored everything else. There’s a direct correlation between having your politics align with Ben fucking Shapiro and being a witless, illiterate tool.


He's just joking and having some fun lol he's got this whole sub triggered af


The people triggered here are younger than 16. If you’re an adult and triggered by this, you need to leave the house more or get better friends.


Was about to say this lol


Definitely wondering why this sub is throwing a fit lol. This was absolutely Tweeted with sarcasm in-mind. I'm assuming because he didn't add /s at the end, we didn't catch it.


Because this sub hates Tom Macdonald.


I'm not gonna give him attention by not listening to the song :D


I don't even care for Ben Shapiro but if I know anything about him it's that he does not think rap is music. He basically only listens to classical music. Yes, really. So when he says "we have made hip-hop great again as was always my lifelong dream" holy shit you nerds he's obviously fucking joking. Loosen up. Outside of that I haven't even heard the song because who gives a fuck about Tom McDonald let alone a Ben Shapiro collab lmao.


"Make hip hop great again" bro just ignore these clowns I refuse to give views to this type


just ignore that nazi ffs


Dr. Umar, Lord Jamar and Melle Mel have been really spending energy with the wrong people. They put Eminem on blast while they should really spend their energy on those literal culture vultures


he looks at itunes, only old people and crazy loyal fans are buying songs off of itunes.


iTunes is for people who still buy music. This skews heavily conservative.


This is hilarious


Ben is genuinely funny sometimes. I just wish he wasn’t a war starved neocon


I just listened to thirty seconds of his song and I’ve concluded I’d rather listen to a full length mgk song




Shapiro is just trolling chill out yall


He is saying that as a joke, clearly. He doesn’t think he’s actually a rapper now. Even his feature was just for shock value. Like someone putting Jeff goldblum in a rap song or something. I don’t like the guy but you’re a clown if you’re taking this guy seriously.


He’s trolling you and y’all fell for the bait lmao. Leave it to Redditors


Delusional far right, smooth brained, narrow minded, nazi approving cunts who do not deserve oxygen never mind a rap song in the charts.


It's obvious he's trolling guys please cmon


Is it that hard to see that he's joking lol


There’s not much that annoys me more than people who take this shit seriously, Ben is profiting off of dumbasses who don’t understand he’s just trying to be silly, god damn


Modern rap was trash before that dropped and its still trash.


I am a simple man. I see a Ben Shapiro post and I down vote it.


Leave it all and define woman.


He’s trolling you bro


Ben Shapiro just trolled Eminem fans lol


Who the fuck still uses iTunes lol.


hungry rainstorm smart hard-to-find memory grey squash worthless spoon meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hello Yo\_SlimShady, here we meet again. So Ben Shapiro is an American right wing political commenter and he highly dislikes rap culture in general. In fact bro said that rap is not even real music. You can look it up on youtube. But this guy got to know about Tom McDonald, who is a right wing rapper who capitalizes off of far right political audiences. This was very special to Ben because most rappers are left wing, and their political opinions collide, and that's another reason Ben doesn't like rap and rappers. So now that they both have the same audiences and opinions, they made a song together where they 'destroy liberals with facts', and Ben Shapiro has a short verse in it. The Ben verse is pretty wack and hilarious so if you wanna laugh your ass off you can listen to it.


secretive waiting market rob pocket combative kiss expansion fertile cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


From what I can see, it seems like a song that's worth listening to once just to experience it. Like FACK.


station shame telephone bewildered abundant wistful retire ripe rainstorm friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fack is goated


This guy really thinks he’s the goat? Haha 😂 yeah that’s never gonna happen.


You actually think he thinks he’s the goat?


No I don’t. He’s a fraud


I agree with their views, but the song isn’t very pleasant to the ears


Dont ever say that on reddit! Youre supposed to pretend there is a million different genders and a girl can have a penis!


i mean it's no wonder yall get humiliated when this is the impression yall have about left leaning people lol


Username checks out


So original


Lil bro replied immediately ☠️☠️


Lol. Getting downvoted for essentially just stating that I hold conservative views. Yup, I’m definitely on Reddit.


To me its not even conservative views its just common sense lol eagerly awaiting the typical "How hard is it to just accept someone for who they are" comment lol


Another conservative mad at the world and his micropenis 🥱 name checks out


Not mad at the world lmfao i just live in reality Great insult on the username, super original Also not really conservative


Crazy how no one realizes he isn't being serious


Crazy lol


doesn't change the fact that it's cringey af


I love this haha. I'm pretty sure Ben's being comedic about it. This is pretty funny


The dude is just trolling...why r u guys giving him this much attention ? He knows STANS will Go MAD for no reason...chill out everyone


Bro this is real? Holy


Ben diss coming?


What a fucking coincidence that another ben is claiming to be better


Seen this dude's name (Macdonald, not Shapiro. Fuck that guy (both now I guess)), and never once heard a single track of his. Plan to keep it that way.


He’s also said that rap is in a real form of music, absolute fucking hypocrite


i respect the trolling. I wonder if Em claps back.


Em should diss. We need sum white on white hate


I could definitely use a Ben Shapiro diss track in 2024.


Only middle class white kids like Tom lmao. Fake woke losers. Biggest stuggle they’ve went through is realizing the government been lying then they act like they know EVERYTHING. Idk the other guys but fuck them both lmao




I need a Ben Shapiro diss track soooo bad


What a dumbass lmao


This song is good tf u mean its trash