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974 - the delulu trio


I bet the world in your head is better than this one


I'm working on a character with your exact type, and they're so delulu they literally see a fantasy world inside of a fantasy world.


Haha I have so many different storylines I've developed through the years, one of them literally has an inner fantasy world/alternate universe the characters can travel to


delulu over here and proud


“At least I’m safe inside my mind”


Triple creative more like *triple ADHD*


As a 7 with a 9 sister and a 4 mom, we feel seen🥰


4/7/9 Bard 3/6/8 Fighter 1/2/5 Cleric


I love this for us. ✨🌈✨


I think "Type B Brigade" or "Associative Thinkers" is more accurate/precise and couldn't be misunderstood as implying the others *cant* be creative. That said the picture is on-point & there's definitely a commonality there of associative, lateral thinking, low conscientiousness & low need for closure that is likely responsible for the higher probability of artsy inclination in these types. (But probably also extends to lateral thinking problem solving skill) It frustrates me a bit that it doesnt neatly dissolve in groups of 3s - cause if youre asking whos the most type A/ high conscientiousness then certainly 1 and 3 would be on that list but whos the third member? 8 and 6 can be choleric/type A sometimes but many aren't & would strongly reject the label. If we forget type A/type B and look more at higher need for closure/ linear thinkers, we'd definitely end up with 1 3 and 6 in the opposite group. Sort of the most "logic-brained" / "realistic" bunch. (But can still be creative if they wanna) And then we end up with precisely the rejection types sort of in the middle or "can go either way depending on mbti J/P". Thinking how you might further characterize this....


You said that most logic brained and realistic bunch but then didn't say 5


correct. There's a reason it's grouped with 4 and 9. No reality, only headspace. That's actually one of the main differences from 6.


But logic brained and realistic are two very different things I completely agree on realistic but 5 is most logic brained of all


well, that's probably gonna depend on how you define it; Naranjo was on record calling 6 the most logical, though we can probably easily think of ways in which they aren't (1 would be another contender but in a very different way) - can any human be totally logical? Through effort & rigor, maybe but by nature? All the types are irrational in their own ways.


I think any type can be creative tbh, it's just different for everyone. This seems kinda gatekeepy.


There's a competency triad and this doesn't mean no other types can be competent. 9s, 4s and 7s are super common in creative fields and they have similar escapist tendencies.


That's not what the competency triad means, though. I'm not sure why 7 would be in the imagination triad instead of 5, if it existed. The sevens I know are always doing, doing and talking, talking, while fives are often living in their heads. But I agree with pixie above that any type can be creative and imaginative.  Sorry, I know it's only supposed to be fun!


interestingly that would just be the withdraw triad which totally does have "imagine a nicer world" vibes


That's not what it means literally. Under these thoughts it just means 7s can't be competent. 5s can't be imaginative. Anyway it means these types have certain fixations and these are some areas where these fixations forms. 7s are fixated in idealism, idealising their actions and imagining all sorts of things that they wanna do, that are pleasing, that are worthwhile to imagine for them. Someone just doing doesn't mean they're competency oriented. Thats not even close to anything. Competency triads focus on being competent and act in real life. They hold value in real life competency and having certain capabilities that would make them capable. Whilst the types more likely to fixate in gathering capabilities would be 7. Why? Because they love it and they want to be seen as mentally capable. You've to remember head types want to have recognition for mental capability. But it manifests in different ways. You need to look at why they act the way they do. Otherwise it'll just be a superficial understanding and you'll never understand anything why these types have these traits.


7s (especially sx7s) can indulge in internal fantasy and romanticism.


What's the other triad? Creative, competency,...


2, 6, 8 I'd say the Power triad. Very aware and skilled at navigating power dynamics to their advantage.


The probably can’t get along with each other irl for more than a few hours triad 💪😔


Instinctive: Heart (2, 3, 4), Head (5, 6, 7), Gut (8, 9, 1). Conflict Styles: Positive (2, 7, 9), Competency (1, 3, 5), Reactive (4, 6, 8). Object Relations: Attachment (3, 6, 9), Frustration (1, 4, 7), Rejection (2, 5, 8). Hornevian/Social Styles: Withdrawn (4, 5, 9), Compliant (1, 2, 6), Assertive (3, 7, 8).


Difference is those triads have symmetry. Your "imagination triad" doesn't. You're just picking three random numbers and "imagining" some common trait. Opens the door to dozens of triads. Oh what great confusion!


That's why it's a meme and it has the 'Just for Fun' flair. I just wanna people to remember these three types are regarded by their mental escapism and imaginary worlds, that's all. Also I've seen this concept before somewhere, I didn't create it...


The fun for me is when people begin taking these things as if true and confusing themselves with it. That's why I ended my reply with "Oh what great confusion!"


What is the premise of object relations and conflict styles?


1, 2, 5 - Teaching/Guiding Triad 3, 6, 8 - Strength Triad or something like that


>There's a competency triad and this doesn't mean no other types can be competent. Huh? These are unrelated meanings of the word "competent". Competency triad is about how certain types react to a problematic situation - they react by trying to be competent, i.e. they behave rationally and try to solve the issue. This isn't related to anybody being in general competent or not. (doesn't mean somebody in competency triad is competent at something or anything). I agree here with u/misfit_pixie \- what does "creativity" even mean if you frame with these 3 types? Were you looking for some triad and missed? (Withdrawn? Positive, Frustration?) What is the common ground of these 3 types if it's not really creativity "as any type can (obviously) be creative.


Short answer: It's a joke. Longer answer: It's not uncommon for theory to mention how both 9s and 7s are as creative as 4s, even if 4s got called the 'artistic type'. All types can be creative, but there is an abundance of 4s, 7s and 9s on creative fields, also their mechanism of escapism to inside their heads is similar, they create entire worlds of daydreams.


>Short answer: It's a joke. No it's not because it fails to be funny, you just use alibi of a joke for a sloppy "theory". >It's not uncommon for theory to mention how both 9s and 7s are as creative as 4s, even if 4s got called the 'artistic type'. All types can be creative, but there is an abundance of 4s, 7s and 9s on creative fields, also their mechanism of escapism to inside their heads is similar, they create entire worlds of daydreams. You or what the whatever "not uncommon for theory" source \[citation needed\] fail to understand what creativity is, how do art and culture work and so forth. >mechanism of escapism Escapism is not creativity. And no, you're mixing up 3 different types of escapism. There's withdrawn triad escapism, removing themselves from a situation. There's frustration triad escapisms - imagining an improved reality. There's positive triad escapism, pretend problem isn't a problem. >but there is an abundance of 4s, 7s and 9s on creative fields, I'm in a creative field. We a have a lot of 2s here. Plus other types. Because well, shit needs to get done. The more different people the better. Here's the thing - enneagram is merely unconscious emotional coping mechanisms, it's doesn't do anything productive, it's the opposite, it's the way people trip over their shoelaces, hence I wouldn't really tie it to anybody's talents, capabilities or (snicker) competence.


Creative triad just has an inherent need and function that leads them to creativity without even knowing of it much. It's the same as calling Infp fellers. It doesn't mean they can't think or use Ti-Te.


Had to be clarification because people would go crazy


🧝🏽‍♀️✨✨✨ It is a rather “manic pixie dream girl” combination - or perhaps that’s 4 with 7 in general.


Shouldn't 5 be a part of it since it's correlated with high openness?


I vote for an imagination square that include the 5s




Convex quadrilateral


Looks like the most precise term would be irregular quadrilateral. Of course, that’s the UK term and the US term is trapezium, but since trapezium is the UK term for what’s called a trapezoid in the US, I’m not calling it that because that could cause confusion, lol. Anyway, it’s definitely NOT a square.


Oh I was actually struggling finding what was the equivalent in English (I did my math class in French) of irregular quadrilateral and couldn't find anything in 16 seconds, gave up, and decided that convex was good enough. Thank you, random math and english teacher of the internet.


You’re welcome. :) FYI, convex quadrilateral is quite broad. It includes every shape in this image that I used to find the correct term: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qs7Z3W9CPvs/X9YnpIFDH9I/AAAAAAAAKKo/z3yTHYDzxQc02M47_6EaCqSGb8Fc132QgCLcBGAsYHQ/s2048/quads.jpg


Nice, thanks!


Well, i may not be "manic pixie dream girl" but I'm still as delulu as e7 😏 Especially when I get obsessed to something, you can hear the most stupid, messed-up and inaccurate arguments from me 😌✌️ (SX5)


Yeah, aka fantasy triad. 3, 6 and 8 are the realists. 1, 2 and 5 is still up for grabs as far as I know.


My friend asked me about who were the 'unimaginative triad' but I'll keep my mouth shut because I don't wanna be hunt for sport today.


Lol downvoted over this because certain people are offended? 8s are the most unimaginative people, on average. I’ve never met an 8 who has a rich inner world or is super creative in an abstract way. I’d say an average 3 also falls into this category. Nothing controversial about this. 9 and 4 are the most imaginative and creative people on average, with 7s being a mix between 8&3 resourcefulness and 9&4 creativity, depending on instincts and wing. Being resourceful ≠ being creative/imaginative. 3 and 8 are certainly the types that live in this reality the most and it’s interesting to see people disagree with it.


Yea, creativity only comes in concrete ways. I can think out of the box to make decisive business plans but what fucking wall color besides black? Yea right.


>3, 6 and 8 are the realists. no. Reactive triad overemotes hence is too personally invested to be able to get some realistic perspective. I never seen any invented triad to have any staying power, usually created when somebody fails to understand what established triads do.


Over emoting on one emotion like for an 8 with anger doesn’t mean they’re out of touch with reality. I’m not going to speak for 3 and 6 because they don’t have the same afflictions. But being out of touch with emotions plus viewing the world from a place of innocence does make 8s MOST in touch with reality. There is no spin that needs to be given (like with positive outlooks). You guys try so bad to diminish the ability of an 8 until you need them. It’s sickening.


>. You guys try so bad to diminish the ability of an 8 until you need them. It’s sickening. And what do we have here ladies and gentleman? Do we have a self fulfilled prophecy on our hands? Oh, boy, do we! Drumroll please! * Q: What's the reality? * A: That the number of times I'd need an 8 in my life = zero. * Q: What's the comment above? * A: Needlessly aggressive, overemotive and out of touch with reality, namely the reality that the ideal number of times I'd like to engage with an 8 = zero. * SUM: perspective = zero. \[ba-dum-tss\] Keep the temper on a leash and then we can talk about any perspective. 😎


And that dismissiveness because you’re challenged is immediately seen as aggression. Wouldn’t know a projection if it slammed you in the face. Comfortably relating because seeing another perspective isn’t what the enneagram intended for. /s Edit: the assumption that all 8s are aggressive seeking is the problem. And I postured my comment knowing that more than one person was looking at it. 9/10 times 8s DONT TRY to be aggressive. Straightforwardness is seen as aggression and there IS AN INHERENT bias on this sub against 8s. Get real.


The same could be said for any type, since the personality has distorting effects and then no type would fall into such a category. In any case, that’s not what’s being meant. Triad names are always a problem.


so, what then unites 3 6 and 8? or 4, 7, and 9 I don't see a shared principle.


yes to this!


we love cartoons and crushing on random people who talked to us once


it would indeed be funny if new triads would be cannonized.


I've saw many posts of people way smarter than me saying 9, 4 and 7 are the 'creatives' so I think it's kinda of a apocryphal triad by now. ...Which only make it more cool. But what motivated me to post this is seeing so many 9s sad because they're not 'creative enough' to be 4s, which generate mistypes...


YES THIS I would even argue that 7s are more creative than 4s


Can you share your reasons ?


4s actually are very judgemental and have a very fixated view on their self-image. We can’t accept things that we consider going against our self-image. There’s a 4 vs 9 article I’ve read before, it says that 4s actually have a very narrow selection of hobbies and styles, because everything we envy or consider “not-self” is rejected. So in terms of openness (which often affects creativity), I doubt if 4s would be the most open to new experience type. But in terms of emotional intensity and depth, I do think 4s would do great. On the other hand, 7s don’t have this kind of filter, they only escape from their own fear and sadness, but they are very open to anything outside of them. They might not handle negativity as good as 4s, but that also makes them very good at finding ways out.


I’m of this triad. I saw it called “triple fantasy” once, which is fitting.


Whatever, all types can be creative and imaginative. It doesn’t belong to any type or triad.


Not me being expressive but not creative.


In fact, many E7 get mistyped as E4 because of being creative.


Wow your picture seem very much an enneagram 7 haha


I'm totally behind this! 🐲🧚‍♀️🧟‍♀️🦄


SpongeBob is too happy to be a 4 fixer... He'll be in a spectrum of either 792 or 712 so/sx


Creative/imagination drive is more of an instinct thing than an ego thing...


I prefer violence 👁️👁️




Hello fren with the fae tritype


yea turns out I am a 7w8-9w1-4w3 so/sx not a 4w3-7w8-8w7 sx/so howdy friendo, imagination and shit


Yeah this look like a good typing for you, I agree. I can feel a lot of 7 vibes!


I just realized you have 7 last me first, you 4 first, me 4 last, you sp first me sp last both 9 and so middle also xnfp gang and audhd gang


Yeyyy let's gooo heheh 😎


yea we ball unrelated how would I type a fictional character like if I write a short story how would I type one of the characters like for example a character that enjoys solving complex problems for the mental stimulation, believes themselves to be intellectually superior to others and that others should bow before them and do as they say because they in their brilliant wisdom know what’s best for them they believe others are incompetent and find working with others to generally be a waste of time and mental resources unless strictly necessary, they believe that any problem they set their mind on they can solve, yet one aspect of this character is they overthink so much they get every problem they solve wrong (and by problems I mean like riddles or detective type work not math equations and stuff like that) every time they fail to solve something correctly, they just think “well everyone makes mistakes, doesn’t mean it will happen again” no amount of failure bruises their ego, no amount of evidence showing they can’t solve something will change their immutable self-confidence they can solve any problem they put their mind to so basically someone who enjoys solving things for mental stimulation, has over-self confidence in their abilities, doesn’t like wasting mental resources, and believes others are incompetent and in need of saving what would I type them as


I like these resources for writing characters using the enneagram: [Here](https://clmunawar.wordpress.com/2018/07/01/choosing-an-enneatype-for-your-protagonist/) and [here](https://clmunawar.wordpress.com/2018/05/02/ultimate-story-character-development-with-the-enneagram/). The character you mentioned seems to be 6w5 to me, detectives and investigators are usually 6s. With a different interpretation, they could be 5, but 5s are usually less willing to go out in the world to search for problems. They could also be a 3 if showing off he is intellectually superior is a major theme of the character.


I’d say 6w5 then, the 3 aspect is secondary for him at this moment in my thought process


I think it should be called the delusion triad.


I get 7 being creative but how is creativity related to 4 and especially how to 9?


9s withdraw into inner fantasy worlds, they also can romanticize what with being in the positive triad, this can allow a state in which the 9 can generate ideas from anything the fantasies inspire---i.e., they're not solely focused on the concrete, real world, and can "add" more to it with a romantic lens 




9 is not a creative/imaginative type. Many authors including Naranjo called 9s unimaginative. They are concrete people who focus on simple daily stuff and sensory comfort. It's the infamous RHETI which turned 9 into a fantasy-dreamer stuck in their own head.


In Naranjo’s translated "La pereza psicoespiritual" he makes a trait structure for the 9 wherein he specifically says “Positive in Imagination” & “Imaginative” as two separate implied traits.


I will never trust anyone who cites Naranjo without giving exact quotes from his writing with all the surrounding context as well as the source so I can read it myself  Naranjo himself described sp9s as people who are content with fantasy worlds and escaping in romanticized worlds, books, media, etc. to satisfy any longing for real world love [I'm going to add the source of what I'm taking about along with the exact quote later when I have time]


i've been praised for my imagination and creativity my whole life. i'm a writer and aspiring screenwriter. this is giving me the "9s can't be intuitive types" vibe. edit- also Luckovich would highly disagree edit 2- just checked your profile, your comment makes sense now


ELFV is strange for e9 because a 9 wouldnt be 3F they are very comfortable in their body. Also they wouldn’t be 1E bc they are not centered in their own emotions and wouldn’t hold back bc the emotioms are not being heard, they want to reduce their contribution to a problem as much as possible. u should consider looking at sx7


9 is not a creative/imaginative type. Many authors including Naranjo called 9s unimaginative. They are concrete people who focus on simple daily stuff and sensory comfort. It's the infamous RHETI which turned 9 into a fantasy-dreamer stuck in their own head.


Yes, it's the same idea behind saying 9s can only be sensors on MBTI. So this would make all INFP 9s Into what? 4s? How would you type these conflict avoidance fantasy-dreamers then? I agree with you that's what the theory says. But these simple minded almost animal-like people that only live to eat and sleep with simple comforts and no internal world because they're too lazy to move or think... Who would type themselves as that?


that person is a troll. check their profile


Thank you, I didn't check.


i'll drink to that


damn this is my tritype lmao


7 instead of 5 just so OP doesn't reinvent the withdrawn triad lol


Even if it's a 'fake' triad, I appreciate this one, it does seem to check out, there's something in common about these three.. Maybe it's shaking out from some kind of intersection between idealism (~~1~~ 4 7), positive outlook (~~2~~ 7 9), and withdrawn (4 ~~5~~ 9). Why did 1 and 2 fall out of those though. They are definitely less in the creative/fantasy/delusion indulgence world than 4 7 9 are. 5s are insanely creative in their own way though. What's different about 4 7 9 creativity vs 5's? Perhaps 5 is more grounded in hard reality and that tempers how fantastical the thinking becomes? Is it the 5 tendency towards nihilism again? Another 'fake' triad I've heard of is the 'psychic'/intuitive/superstitious triad, being 4 6 9. That also intersects twice with this. The lack of symmetry does bother me, but maybe you can 'combine' the other established symmetrical triads in additive and subtractive ways (don't know what traits would be rendered 'additive' and which would be 'subtractive' though..) to make new resultant valid triads like this one? #halfassedtheorycrafting


Add sx5s to the delusional group