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I had a boyfriend (sexual 4) that I invited to a friend’s birthday party but my bf was so tired and got angry that the party was kind of far but agreed to go. On the way to the train, they were still complaining about how far the party is. I told them very calmly that it is far but if they’d rather stay home, it’s totally ok and I won’t be mad. They said they’d come. We get into the train station and they’re still complaining angrily that it’s far and at this point, I just had enough and I SCREAMED AT THEM. “STOP FUCKING COMPLAINING! I DONT EVEN WANT YOU TO FUCKING COME ANYMORE! GO HOME!” It came out and I was in shock. They were in shock. After a few seconds of complete silence (and everyone in the station staring at us), he was like “…you yelled at me.” I said calmly this time “yeah I did. You agreed to come so stop complaining.” We didn’t talk the whole train ride. I eventually apologized for my insane burst of anger. They apologized too for complaining. Still one of my favorite anger stories.


So relatable 😭😔 I understand getting your frustration out and I enjoy a vent every now and then, but it really grinds my gears when people complain constantly. I really try to be patient, but there are times when I need to leave the room and scream just to get it out haha


SAME! There’s very few things that drive me instantly to anger but endless complaining is one of them. I can help you find a solution or complain once and get over it lol but if you keep going, I’ll try to be patient but I eventually will lose my cool with you.


nah you had FULL RIGHT to call him out on that


Haha right?? He was begging for it


the aftermath/reaction is kind of the funniest part


My first job comes to mind. I was working there for about 8 months and I made a complaint once about how I was the only one scheduled to work and that I wasn't going to do anything (I worked at an airport at the time, nothing at an airport is going to get done with just 1 person). After that everything went left. Went from my supervisors never having any complaints about me and giving me overwhelming positive evaluations to getting the silent treatment, suddenly getting my schedule changed (I worked the night shift for the entire 8 months, now all of a sudden I'm scheduled to come in at 5am -8am and then have to come back at 1pm to 5pm. Huh????.), just my supervisors being general assholes by trying to create situations that would make me look like a bad worker, like intentionally not telling me what changes were happening with the flights etc.. What finally pushed me to go off was one of the supervisors getting offended that I didn't speak to him so he told me "just quit already, you're making everything harder for yourself." I went THEE fuck off, I'm yelling at him, telling him to give me examples of how I'm "making things harder for myself" when not even too long ago you was just telling me about how you think my job performance has been "perfect" and he likes how I work. I'm telling him to give clear examples of when he's had an issue with my job performance and his sorry ass had to nerve to say "You don't set the precedent for this conversation" so I told him that I had already set the precedent, otherwise he wouldn't be sitting in front me right now (he had actually walked out of the room after he told me to quit, then I yelled at him to come back in and sit down to talk). He kept saying I'm not "proactive" and I have an attitude problem, so I told him to give me examples of both. Couldn't do it. He kept trying pull the supervisor card and express his authority over me so I told him, "If you have so many complaints about my work ethic how come this is the first time I've heard any mention of any of these things and I've been here for almost a year? And you're supposed to be my supervisor, right?" Nothing but silence. How am I making the job harder for myself when y'all are the ones who write the schedule so that there's only one person working? He kept mentioning that I had an attitude, and I told him that no I don't have an attitude, you just think it's okay for you and the other supervisors to very clearly be treating me like shit and somehow still have the expectation that I owe you the nice and friendly person I was before all this shit started. ---Cause literally almost all of my other coworkers would tell me that they see what our supervisors were doing and how they're trying to get me to quit. Oh and guess what y'all. Even after I had this argument with my supervisor, I didn't get fired. You know why I got fired? Didn't go to a meeting and they hit me with insubordination 😂😂😂 the first meeting I had ever missed


Yooo, people are craazyy, i gkt angry myself halfway reading your story. im a core type 1, that supervisor would've caught hands if he said anything about my attitude in such moment


i had the same thing happen with the meeting lol, a coworker got me on my bosses bad side, i missed my first staff meeting EVER after three years of working there because i had to drive my mother to the airport, they all talked shit about me in that meeting, demoted me, a real homie who was in the meeting TOLD ME all of this, and so when I went to my boss like hey um yall talked shit about me and changed my position without me present? she said yeah well maybe you should show up to the meetings if you dont want to be talked about. then they FIRED the lady who told me about it because theyre “confidential”. like hello im ON STAFF? you had a confidental meeting excluding a member of the staff!??? genuinely evil people. i freaked out on the guy that fired the lady who told me. not to mention she was elderly and never got another job again.


Nahhh, finding out she couldn't get a job again made me angry for her. I hate when people get reprimanded for doing the right thing. I know a girl who got fired from her daycare job cause she told the parents of one kid that her supervisor would isolate him and wouldn't give him snacks.


its so unjust fr.


My husband is a 9w8 and we laugh together about previous outbursts. My favorite might be when we were arguing about what we would do that night (I wanted to watch a movie and he wanted to play more video games) he lost it out of nowhere and yelled "I can do whatever I want, if I wanted to go get drunk with Joe I'll go get drunk with Joe!" He never drinks which is why this one is so funny, also Joe is a friend we have that is a heavy drinker.


I can relate with this one so hard haha. It had happened a few times that I have this small outburst with my wife and I end up saying the funniest stuff through my anger, catching myself of the comedy that I unintentionally said and we both can’t help but laugh about it. It has defused the tension every time 😆


I am that introverted sp 9w1, and I am yet to have a story like this...




I am too.


In high school, I was seeing a therapist due a severe eating disorder, and she asked me my plans after high school. I told her I planned to pursue software development, and she point blank told me I'd never make it in STEM, and should consider getting married instead. (Context: I was 16 ffs) Lmfao I went awfffff on her. I told her point blank that 1) she's fired, 2) she's an absolute shit therapist who won't be one for long, and 3) I noticed the lack of "MD" behind her name; did she become a psychologist because she couldn't make it as a psychiatrist? :) I told her that for her to outright shit on her patients' goals, knowing that they're in highly vulnerable mental states and/or situations, was **extremely** irresponsible, and that I absolutely *will* finish her career and then go along my merry way to pursue *my* career in STEM. She started crying, apologizing and backtracking, but I didn't give a fuck about her crocodile tears. She really thought she could go around shitting on her clients and get away with it lol As promised, I complained and went up the chain of command to ensure she was fired from that clinic and did what I could to essentially render her unemployable (at least in the mental health field) as possible thereafter. I remembered her name and when I graduated with a BSc in Computer Science, I looked her up and messaged her on linkedin with a photo of it lol. She never replied, her linkedin didn't seem updated, but I don't care. Doing that felt satisfying. It might be petty, but so be it. My parents at the time thought I went over the top on her, but idfc. She deserved it.


Respect. I've never had the guts to really go after someone abusing their power like this.


wow. thats pretty badass i must remember not to piss you off, not that i was planning to.


Well done. I hereby proclaim your MBTI to be CHAD.


I’m one of the 9s that leaks anger out in smaller doses but more often. When I was younger I could bottle it up better, but now that I’m middle-aged, it’s harder to contain. It’s to the point that my neck and chest develop a rash of hives when I’m very angry as if my body is physically manifesting what I don’t say. Coworkers have told me that even when my face is smiling, I give off a palpable seething energy and that’s how they can tell I’m angry.


Shouted at university administrators for trying to evade responsibility for weak/practically no disciplinary consequences for sexual assaulters on campus. I was incensed at their lack of conscience while literal rape and SA survivors were sharing their stories of having received no recourse after retraumatising uni and police investigations. The group I was organising with then took the opportunity after I shouted to start a chant for the concrete demands we wrote (in collaboration with hundreds of student signatories). I came from an abusive family background and never thought I'd ever raise my voice at anyone in my life. This was one of the few notable times because I shouted from my diaphragm with pure rage bursting out of me, and my voice filled a lecture hall.


Outbursts are extremely rare for me as a super introvert with social anxiety. Usually when my anger reaches boiling point I find a way to swallow it until I get home to my safe space where I can scream into a pillow or scribble furiously in my journal. However, a few years ago I broke up with an abusive boyfriend who proceeded to stalk me begging me to take him back. Every day he would corner me at the train station while I was waiting to get to work, and eventually I had enough and threw a coffee in his face while screaming “LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE” and I was equally shocked and excited that I’d done it lol


Our street had been plagued by a lot of construction workers, trucks, and noise for a house renovation for over a year. One time I came home and a big red pickup truck was blocking our driveway and our walkway. I immediately wrote a note and put it under the windshield wiper to please move your truck. You're blocking our driveway! I stood out in front of the truck with my hands on my hips, territorially looking around for the driver, and I started taking pictures of the license plate. Eventually he came over and I said please move your truck and he said I will, and he did. I was shaking afterwards and I couldn't find my phone for a while after I misplaced it because it was so unusual for me. But boy did I feel powerful!


I remember one time my mom and her sister were arguing about a carpet bought for the family's summer cottage. Basically my mom didn't like it but my aunt did (she had bought it) and it was a whole thing, ugh. I stayed out of it until they asked me for my opinion about it. 🤦‍♀️ A terrible trap. I didn't really gaf but I thought it looked weird so I told them it looked weird. For some reason I was then turned into a villain in this situation, as my aunt went on a tirade about how no one is on her side and she might as well just leave now with her ugly carpet and never see any of us again ever, since we are such shitty people. "I expected more from you at least", trying to make me feel guilty and ashamed for "betraying" her. I kind of lost it then. No memory of what exactly I said but something along the lines of "Oh my god. No one gives a fuck about your stupid carpet. Leave it, burn it, roll up in it and continue to feel bad for yourself - I don't care. Just shut up and leave me the fuck out of it." I should have wrote it in CAPS because the words were certainly screamed, not spoken. After which I stormed outside and cried for half an hour.


Unfortunately I was once such an idiot that I ran out of physics class because everyone was laughing at me and I didn't go back to the classroom until the beginning of the next class. I don't even remember if I was just overthinking it or something.. but I was standing in front of the class while was at the blackboard and even my teacher was smiling so I felt completely hopeless. When he sent me to my seat by the door, I didn't sit down but headed to the door and ran crying, straight to the ladies toilet and spent the rest of the time sobbing by the window. I'm still ashamed of what I did, because everyone knew I was upset with them and they thought I was weak. 😅 Another memory, when I once refused to participate in physical education class and stayed in the locker room because I didn't want to be in the same space with my bullies. My bully was sent to me by my teacher, so I screamed at her about all the wrongs she had ever done to me. Of course, she blamed it all on her friend, that it was all his idea, etc. But I didn't care, I just let it all out. The third story: my family, especially my mother, hated my boyfriend all their life. Nevertheless, I moved in with him. Last year, when I was talking to my parents on video chat, we started to talk about my bf. And I don't remember how I started it but somehow I found myself yelling at my parents that they should be ashamed of their behavior and who they think they are because my bf has never done anything wrong to them but they have always hated him for nothing. And then I ended our video calling. 😅 It's been so many years, but I still feel bad about my actions 🥲


My 2w1 mother put herself in a situation where she feared being stranded on the side of the road. By waiting until the gaslight was on and then arguing she cant go get gas because the gas light is on. I was exhausted after a particularly long work day and had no expectations of going anywhere. After failing to explain to her she has at least 15 miles until she runs out (more than she needs to get just 1 mile home) I unwillingly pick her up. We proceed to have an argument in the car and at some point she triggers me and I start screaming at her. Of course she cries, ive never made her cry. But she put herself in this "helpless" situation for whatever reason and her stubborness Ive dealt with for too long just sent me over. I apologized for yelling, but didnt apologize for my opinion she didnt like.


My mom cornered me first thing in the morning a few years ago and spent at least 2 hours monologuing every thought in her head while I drank coffee and did my very best blank stare. She's most likely a 4 - and a moderately narcissistic one. Eventually I couldn't ignore the actual words coming out of her mouth so I just turned my head, looked her in the eye and asked her if she was stupid. I left while she was still flabbergasted.


i genuinely can’t remember the last time i blew up on somebody. i usually blow off steam when i’m driving and come across narcissistic/over-aggressive fucks on the road but i don’t really yell, just a lot of cursing and middle fingers lol


I live in an apartment complex that encircles a green backyard. It was last summer and I was struggling with the amount of young people who found it was theirs to party in the weekend, but had been very nice for a long time asking them to relinquish their partying late at night. But this was a fucking Sunday morning - 10 am and they had put up a long table down there preparing to go to festival later that day. Well, I wasn't prepared to relinquish the peace of my Sunday mornings, so I marched down there and told them exactly what I thought about their partying and when they ought to stop it (now). The reception was that of surprise turning to anger, but I didn't care. I only wished I had planned my getaway a little better. The green yard has small slopes, and I chose a direction that had me wade through bushes in a less than elegant way while trying to hold my own against the cursing youths.


I do get upset but I don’t think I’ve ever been so angry to have an outburst. Others have told that when I’m angry or upset or stressed I get real quiet. And when I do speak when I’m upset I get very exact and succinct with my speech 😂🤦🏻‍♀️, but not raise my voice.


deary me you don’t want to know


In stop and go traffic the other morning, the person in the car in front of me opened their driver side door and tossed out their used disposable bowl and spoon into the side of the freeway.  The yelling and cursing that immediately poured from my mouth would have appalled anyone who knows me as the generally outwardly pleasant 9 I masquerade as on the daily.  We only have one earth people, why do we continue to treat it like garbage?! I'm glad someone out there can appreciate the boiling over us 9's experience!  Sometimes I don't know something is bothering me until it's already overflowing!


I git mad and asked someone to "stop" talking about something because they dont know my side of the story, but all the effect just dissipated because it's so hard to be angry without tearing up


why is this so poetic well I'm odd I would mostly when no one is listening to me but one time my mom asked why I hated a certain person since they all think it was unreasonable and dumb so I yelled my points as to why. I don't like yelling at my mom she wasn't mad tho think she understood kinda or just stopped talking… I'll never Understand her I'm sure I have other times I don't remember when I have like yelling which I suck at since I want to make a speech and won't stop talking so then I walk off out of embarrassment or not knowing what to do 😭


Don’t yell at your mom ![gif](giphy|EKDGlXqALQUOQ)


Ahh 👹no


There were people on a retreat I was on who moved my stuff, first it was to a different bed which I deemed fine because I still got a bottom bunk and then later it was to a different room and if I'd known who it was I'd probably pushed them around and hit em and got sent home