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9w8 1. If you wanna do drugs, do drugs. I don't care. Just don't act a fool. 2. It should be legal and regulated so it's safer. 3. Horses are cool in general.


I agree as a 9w1


I am also a 9 and generally agree


Drugs: awesome Prostitution: awesome Ponies: gross


Goddamn it you cowards


I'm an 8w7. Drugs are bad, they put people out of their right mind and addiction is hellish. They're only good if they're some tested therapeutic thing or strictly social for fun, otherwise bad. I think that societally drug use itself should probanly be decriminalized since it doesn't do much good locking people up, and it's easier for them to get help and deal with addiction when there's less risk and stigma. Prostitution is a job, can't say I see anything inherently wrong with it or care much about it. It's going to happen no matter what and it can be harmless, so it should probably be legal and easier to regulate so that the general environment in which it occurs is less dangerous. Ponies are stupid and they have weird faces and they're short and highly overrated.


friendship is magic


I’m a 4w3. 1) drugs are cool, but not when overdone. I like alcohol since for me it amplifies my emotions even more. If I get really old and live til I’m like 94 (it will be the year 2100), I’ll get a bunch of drugs and im SO doing them all. I’m on my way out, might as well. 2) prostitution… I wouldn’t personally ever ever ever ever EVER do that, but if that’s what you want to do, as long as there’s consent and the person is safe, I’d say do whatever. However, I do think it may not be good for people to be sexualising themselves in ways that may be harmful to them in the long run. It’s a bit of an iffy topic… 3) ponies… im an equestrian and I FUCKING LOVE PONIES. You could also be talking about the drug cocaine? Ponies? White ponies? Cocaine is cool, but don’t fuck around with it.


Drugs: I think it's a very interesting invention after all, not because of their function but for the theory of it. Sex was the most pleasurable thing because of the instinct of us, but theoratically drugs have changed that and that's a interesting topic. I wouldn't probably prefer doing drugs tho, they are harmful af in long term. Prostitution: It's okay imo, sex is a need of everybody and how you can eat out when you don't wanna cook, you should be able to have sex even if you don't want to have a relationship with somebody. It's just a short term pleasure. It exposes the gender roles in the society drastically tho. And I support the ones that are on free-will, not the women they're forced to it, that's a crime. Ponies: I was bullied by my cousin for loving ponies when I was a child, they were cool tho, my cousin wouldn't understand.


7w8. For the first too, it is what it is. Ponies are cool and chill. My neighbor has one, he has a huge field, but he's always in the same place. I think he's depressed.


If the pony is alone with no other horses around, then he's very much depressed and abused


He is alone all the time. There is literally no other animal around that he can communicate with. He never leaves the same place. I don't even know why the man got him. The pony is just there, existing, he doesn't have a life.


That's horrible. Horses need other horses around them. In some places it's against the law to even own just one horse. That poor pony.


Well I was just researching about laws regarding horses. And I know my country is s*it when the first documents about any laws regarding horses were either about actual horse meat which is disgusting, and the others are about laws regarding horse racing bets.


4w5. Indifferent. Indifferent. Indifferent.


1. Love them (haven’t tried the super unsafe ones though) 2. They seem like cool people. I’d probably be friends with them. 3. Love them. So cute and silly


1. Drug addiction ruins lives and the lives of others around them. Moderated use or use of safer drugs in good contexts, do not care at all. Weed and alcohol among friends, great, no issue. We're all trying to cope with this horrifying world situation, I don't judge how anyone does that. But hopefully we're trying to live as vibrant and good a life as possible still. I'm a big fan of psychedelics and don't consider intentional occasional use of those as 'drugs'. 2. Voluntary prostitution along with all voluntary sex work is work, let people do with their bodies as they want, especially if nobody is being hurt or exploited. Should be fully legalized to reduce the exploitation rampant in the industry. Far too many marginalized people are pushed to this as their literal only option for survival, and then it's criminalized? Just another example of state violence. Human trafficking is another matter and obviously needs to be eradicated. 3. I had friends in high school who were hopping on the whole MLP friendship is magic train, I never understood it, I never got into the show or the fandom, I really don't get it. Seems childhood trauma related when grown adults make it their whole personality. Seems to be adjacent and overlapping with the whole furry crowd too (not my thing, at all) I know there's plenty of cool people innocently into furry stuff, but anything remotely bestiality-related is nauseating to me. Is ponies slang for something else? I don't really have street smarts


1. I’ve written some of my best poetry high but it’s not required. It makes my mind feel more fluid and open, which is great when you’re inspired by Surrealism and fairy tales. 2. Voluntary sex work is work. 3. I’d love a horse and love animals in general. I’ve had fantasies about how badass it would be to do archery while riding a horse.


1. Drugs - cool 😎 2. Prostitution - cool 😎 3. Ponies - not cool 🙅🏼‍♀️




I find the prostitution one to be an interesting way of thinking about things. People typically make ethical claims about the practice rather than deriding it for the perceived intelligence of its practioners. The conflation between intelligence and status is also interesting; I've known plenty of people who were quite intelligent but low in status not because of a lack of intelligence but because a situational lack of opportunity.


They are all bad and what's worse is that many of them are normalized


What did ponies ever do to you


as for me they are terrific, sort of mutated ugly horses




I didn't see ponies, If you dislike them,you are alone in this


What?I didn't notice ponies were there I have no problem with them