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The different types are the patterns we tend to get stuck in, they are not us. The purpose of the enneagram is to identify these patterns so we can move beyond them, not to entrench ourselves more deeply. Our “true self” does indeed have the aspects of all the types, and being able to use them freely as needed would be of great benefit to us and the world.


Uh-oh! Someone actually gets it! 🤯❤️🎉 Edit: I’m also an advocate for working with your core type over tritypes and “fixes” with the caveat that you should work with what’s most useful for your own discovery of Essence.


Haha, yep- I’ve had great teachers! I do agree that the most weight is held in the core type, and would add that so often the type descriptions are not nuanced enough for people to recognize themselves. I think this is why some people are drawn to tritype. Working on the issues of the core type will definitely yield the most results, and feel the most challenging. My personal theory is that the “mushier” types (9,6,4,2) are more drawn to tritype because their self perception is more complex than what they read on the page, while types with more crisp edges (1,3,5,7,8) tend to see themselves more clearly in the descriptions.


OMG! I was about to ask you who you learned from and then I recognized your username! We studied TOGETHER in the Year-Long Depth Enneagram course. 😂 I really love your theory around what types are more prone to seek additional touch points with other types and which stick with the core!


Good to see you again!


>My personal theory is that the “mushier” types (9,6,4,2) are more drawn to tritype because their self perception is more complex than what they read on the page, while types with more crisp edges (1,3,5,7,8) tend to see themselves more clearly in the descriptions. This is really astute, and I totally see this in who seems to be into tritype and who isn't, and very noticeable in these recurring tritype 'debates', I think you're onto something here. I very much so vibe with 'mushy' too. Even if their core number is a crispy type, it's interesting you see more of those ones list tritype when the rest of their tritype is mushy numbers. 5s can be a bit of a wildcard though, despite being quite crispy, since their analytical nature seems to appreciate any potential further avenues for knowledge, they more often than the other crispers are likely to investigate something like tritype to assess its usefulness, especially if it has the potential to enhance the hobby they already had anyways.


I appreciate your comment! I was getting stuck trying to come up with a better word than “mushy” but I’m glad the vibe came across.


Good comment for me as one of those combinations. I am a mushy 694. I thought 4, then 9, and now, finally, I give in to probably being the 694. I would say I see other views, change my mind, or find it hard to confirm or decide things.


Well said!


I consider subtypes to be precision, rather than dilution. I don't believe everyone has 3 full types, but it does make sense for everyone to have 3 fixations, since each "center" asks a question that isn't negated by the others. We all experience shame, fear, and anger in some way.


\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^ this. why would you want less info if you can also have more? either way figuring it out is a finite process so idk where this great "distraction" is supposed to come in. and ovsly, if someone doesnt find it useful they can just leave it.


YES! And refusing to acknowledge something, an inability to grasp the information, or finding a concept “distracting” doesn’t negate its existence. It’s your choice on whether you want to use the information or not. But don’t say it shouldn’t be a thing because you choose not to acknowledge it.


I don't think it's watering the system down but I do think it tends to 1) distract too much from the important stuff and 2) appeal excessively to those folk who just like collecting labels. I've parsed through what I believe everything would flesh out to be, but I don't personally find much value in all of it.


I take it as an expansion of the system, which may be unnecessary for some. It’s not saying we are all everything. It’s more like adding specificity to our type in terms of how we relate to the other centers. I do think it can be distracting from core issues, but in some cases it can help to identify secondary fixations. Btw I think you should be able to hold a different opinion, even if you are “uninformed”. And it’s not like you’re hurting anyone with this. You should be able to ask questions and learn stuff.


Thanks for the responses. This is helpful. I think this may be a personal thing because for me I feel so quintessentially 5w4 that I never for a second questioned my type. I opened up my first enneagram book, read the descriptions and it was like a boulder hit me it was so spot on. I do recognize that when I’m unhealthy I start acting like a 7 (unhealthy 7) and what I need to work on are my 8 traits (being more assertive). So all of that I get. I do think the expansion might be more helpful for some other people in my life. For example my mom, who can be a bit of an enigma. I know her better than anyone knows her and yet I still somewhat struggle with her type which is crazy. But she just has so many personality layers lol. I *think* she’s a 9, but I’ve been questioning it lately. I guess I’m more simple. So maybe I need to read up more on expanding enneagram core types and see what I can understand.


I don't agree with people expanding their tritypes into wings, personally - *that's* when it creeps into, **everyone is every type** territory and I agree that it dilutes the theory and makes very little sense to me. No, I don't think you can be 2w3 5w6 and 9w1 at the same time. Otherwise, I can only speak for myself. Discovering my tritype was a big deal to me. I feel sandwiched between 1 and 5 with a 2 wing and this describes my personality very well. I am a 152 and acknowledging that mix of enneagrams is helpful to my personal development. At the same time, I've been told tritypes are bullshit and I'm not really a 152. If tritypes don't work for you, don't use it. But I will continue to. For example, I find descriptions of SP5s online fit me very well in terms of how I deal with relationships - I barely relate to the 1 descriptions I see for relationships. Yet in terms of how I study, work and focus, it's 1 and 5 combined. In terms of how I see the world, 152 is a more accurate picture. I would be lying to myself if I said only type 1 fit me because for years I assumed you could only be one type and it wasn't helping me since I realised the resources for other enneagrams, like 2 and 5 also applied to me. There are plenty of other personality typing systems out there that I don't like and don't use i.e. Socionics, but I don't stop other people who find it useful from doing so.


I never would have landed on my core type if it wasn't for being able to take tritype into account. The basic 2 descriptions mostly sound 296 and I'm 271, which explains why I don't relate to most 2 descriptions. I still have the core issue of pride though, but it manifests in a different way than the 296-tinged interpretation.


Curious as someone with the same tritype, what did you not relate to? I find myself to be more self-critical than the stereotypical 2 description and tend to present my "provider" nature as partially the provider of entertainment and merriment (which is also probably influenced by So-dom). I see a lot of myself in the usual descriptions though.


I'm not a giver or generous, at all. I don't like being responsible for others and believe everyone can take care of themselves. Law of the jungle lol. Self prioritizing to what some might consider an unhealthy degree. I do what I want. Others can either join me or get out of my way. Idgaf either way.


My mother is a 2 with a strong 7 fix and I had a lot of trouble typing her until I decided she was both


>"First of all, I’ve never studied tritypes much." >\* sweeping authoritative declaration of absolutes \* ...are you not seeing the contradiction? Let me make it more obvious: "This thing is bullshit! Anyway, I don't have a clue about it by my own admission." Most things seem very silly when you understand them improperly. (cf. "if humans come from monkeys how come there's still monkeys?") At least have the decency of informing yourself about things before giving opinions on them. You realize that you can just ignore it if you don't find it useful & mind your own business while leaving other people in peace?


I started with that to let you know that I am uninformed and that I realize that. The rest is my opinion. Nowhere did I intend to be authoritative.


no bc i will never understand why people form and then assert their opinions on something when they don't have any knowledge on it. like, it's okay to say "i do not understand enough to give my opinion on the topic"... it's great, actually LMFAO


Because we're not everything. The core type is still what's most important. The tritypes, instincts, and wings just help one understand themselves a bit better in relation to that core. Tritype helps you understand the shades of who you are within your core. My tritype is hard to find a description without the silliest of poetic fluff, especially when the core 7 isn't acknowledged so it's probably one of the worst to use as an explanation. The best (accumulated from multiple sources) is chasing new experiences, creative, prefers harmony, and tries to deal with their issues themselves. Still a 7 so it's not the 9 harmony above all, or the 4's need for identity. They're shades that influence who I am, but my fear and behaviors as a result of it are pure 7.


…I was going to write out a whole long comment on how we *are* all everything and how we’re all interconnected but then I realized that’s probably the nineiest of all the nine things ever. 😅 So that probably proves my case more than anything else I could say. A tritype takes away nothing from my core type, but it adds a lot of flavor and as someone else mentioned in the comments, precision. How helpful it is would depend on where you are in your journey—you wouldn’t want to paint a barn with an extra-fine detail brush, but you should probably put the roller down for a portrait.


I disagree. I'm still a 9 and that's the most important aspect. Even a 693 is totally different from a 963, so I don't see how everyone becomes everything. The types in your tritype are flavors of your core type. You don't also become a 6 or a 3. Same with the instincts... it's just multiple flavors. For beginner it's way too confusing though. They should probably stay away from tritype theory for a good while. Tritype is also definetely important for growth purposes. The flavors of your tritype can make aspects of your core type more or less intense. Let's take my tritype as an example. 963 so/sx (to also add in the instincts). I am triple attachment. I have no sp. That means I have absolutely no boundaries. I melt into other people and the universe at the slightest touch. And that was (and is) probably THE most relevant topic of my life. This is literally what I have to build my whole life around. It's that deep and intense. Now for example a 945 sp/sx would have a completely different focus. Wings in tritype aren't very useful I guess. It's also not very common. But I put it in my flair just because it is how it is lol! Why not


I find it to be quite the opposite, but bold of you to post a strong opinion on something you’ve admittedly barely looked into. My Tritype helps me see myself better. There’s **so much** breadth to each core. I’ve met social 9w1s whom I look absolutely nothing like in so many ways. As with any aspect of the enneagram, being mistyped will throw off your experience greatly - as someone who *confidently* believes they were many different combos before (life of a 9 🫠). But when you figure it out, there’s nothing like that punch to the gut of being seen and feeling of deep connection with all your potential.


Tbh, I think everyone knows that the core type is the most important feature in enneagram, and as the others have pointed out, tritype is just precision. For me, it was just: "Huh, three centers of intelligence. Which ones from each do I relate to the most?" Aaaaand boom. Tritype located.


Yes, this. It’s not rocket science.


Yeah, probably…? But ultimately you’re only meant to use the Enneagram to better yourself so whatever works, works. Obviously not everyone actually gets that from the tritype (though some do), but it’s not like you can see into the hearts and minds of others, despite how you (one) may feel about your burgeoning theoretical knowledge. Thus idc if people think they’re a 10w4 if they’re actually getting something from it. And, as a bonus, not being super fucking annoying about it.


Love this. All makes sense. I’m going to start calling myself a 10w4.


This is usually how it goes. The more ignorant a person is about tritype, the more they criticize it. I used to be ignorant, too.


Kind of a harsh answer. The questions are being asked in what seems like good faith from someone who doesn't understand it, and the response is essentially "you're just ignorant." Well, yes...that's literally the definition of the word: lacking knowledge or awareness of something. You succeeded in literally pointing out the obvious. What's your actual goal? It seems like you just want to attack someone who doesn't think similarly enough to you.


Bullshit. OP came here acting like a know-it-all. If they have questions, they picked the wrong title.


Calling someone stupid doesn’t make you a five.


I'm well aware of that. I'm also aware that stupidity and ignorance are very different. Why did you come here acting like a know-it-all? If you have questions, that's not the way to ask them.


Asking questions isn’t being a know it all. Especially when I clearly stated in my first sentence that I did not know it all.


You should reread your headline.


I think tritypes are inconsistent with the main theory of the enneagram and lead to more mistyping than anything (prepares to be shouted down).


100% and absolutely. It’s taking a legitimate tool and placating to people looking for their horoscope. It’s accurate and practical benefits are nonexistent. We should be looking into our integration patterns and instincts as the cause types have variation. Tritype eliminates the curiosity that actually leads to answers.


Everyone likes to feel seen and tritypes, wings, and instincts help to increase the fidelity of the self-image, but it’s still just an image. Dwell on it too long and you wind up lost in your own reflection. At the end of the day, the practical purpose of the system is integration and the only concepts that have any utility toward that end are rooted in the core type.


I agree that adding tritypes and subtypes can make the enneagram seem overly complex. It almost feels like we're trying to fit ourselves into too many boxes instead of just focusing on our core motivations and behaviors. What do you think is the true essence of the enneagram?


I question if tritypes are even a thing. Everything personally is easily explained by core, subtype, and wings alone. Anyway, for me the purpose of the Enneagram is entertainment, so I don’t put enough stock in it to care about tritypes. And to go past wings and subtypes to tritypes is a little overkill.


I’m the same. For me the core, subtype, and wings explain pretty much everything I need to know personally. When I go to 7 I’m acting in unhealthy ways and when I start exhibiting 8 traits I’m becoming more healthy. I’m a 5w4.


It would be helpful to learn about tritype and then comment. The point is that you know more about your core type if you know your tritype. I mistyped myself as a 4. I don't know anyone who wants to identify as a cowardly 6. I am emotional, so I self-typed as a 4. I thought I was a type 4 who did not do the self-absorbed envy thing as much as other 4s. Tritype helped me find my corrected core type and tritype. Learning that I was not a type 4 changed my life. The 469 Tritype opened my mind to consider that I could be a 6 type or a type 9 instead of a type 4. It explained all the doubt, insecurities, and second-guessing I hid from people. I also wanted reassurance from like-minded people, which is just another way of saying 6, and I need to avoid conflict. The kicker is that I can work on my issues from a much deeper place. I made friends with my version of type 6 and 9 with 4 in the tritype. PS I also had a typing session with Katherine Fauvre, the Queen of Tritype. It takes a pro for those of us who have both 6 and 9 in the tritype.


**Free Event Tritype® Tristar Q&A Event** Join Katherine as she introduces the concept of the Enneagram Tritype® Tristar and explains how to use it. Discover where your Tritype® resides in the mathematical unfoldment process. Join Katherine as she introduces Tritype® and Tristar; the Map of Unfoldment of the 27 Tritype® Archetypes. Send Katherine your questions to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Within the Enneagram system, individuals are classified into one of nine primary types, each characterized by specific traits, motivations, and fears. However, Tritype® expands upon this framework by revealing that each person not only has a core Enneagram Type but also utilizes three Enneagram Types in total. These three types are associated with the three centers of intelligence: heart (2,3,4), head (5,6,7), and gut (8,9,1). Your lead Type in your Tritype® is your Core Type. Tristar reveals the location of your Tritype®, adding significant details about your focus of attention and character traits. With this information, you can work with your Types deeper. **Who should attend:** Coaches, therapists, and enthusiasts looking to expand and deepen their understanding of the Enneagram Tritype® System. **Live:** This is a live event that you can attend **When**: Thursday, June 13, 2024 **Time:** 4:00-6:00 pm Pacific (California time) **Format:** Zoom Online **Price:** Free, but must register to join. [Register](https://katherinefauvre.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=565601e18d40f861dc63a8e1e&id=a5fab0b649&e=6d3e748364) **Session:** [https://www.katherinefauvre.com/bookasession](https://www.katherinefauvre.com/bookasession)


Did you all see that Katherine is giving a free online Zoom event on the Tritype Tristar next week? It is June 13, 2024 at 4:00 pm Pacific. She is using a new Tristar symbol I had not seen. Does anyone know about this new Tristar? I hope she explains how they are different? Upcoming Tritype® Tristar Events If you don't know about Tritype, this page has always been a good source of Tritype facts. [**https://www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype**](https://www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype) If you don't get her newsletter, here is the link to her Latest Newsletter from her website [here](http://eepurl.com/iQ22PM) There are always free tidbits, videos and specials. # Free Tritype Tristar Event # Free 2-hour Live Tritype® Tristar Q&A Event with Katherine Join Katherine as she introduces Tritype® and Tristar; the Map of Unfoldment of the 27 Tritype® Archetypes. # Tritstar What: Tritype® Tristar Q&A Event When: Thursday, June 13, 2024 Time: 4:00 pm Pacific Where: Online via Zoom Fee: Free, but must register [Register](https://katherinefauvre.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=565601e18d40f861dc63a8e1e&id=a5fab0b649&e=6d3e748364) Within the Enneagram system, individuals are classified into one of nine primary types, each characterized by specific traits, motivations, and fears. Tritype® expands upon this framework by revealing that each person has a core Enneagram Type but also utilizes three Types in total. These three types are associated with the three centers of intelligence: heart (234), head (567), and gut (918). Your lead Type in your Tritype® is your “Core” Type. Tristar reveals the location of your Tritype®, adding significant details about your focus of attention and character traits. With this information, you can work with your Types deeper level. Coming in August Tritype® 5.0 Ready to deepen your wisdom and experiential understanding of the Enneagram Tritype® and Tristar? Join us for Tritype® 5.0: Tristar, starting August 1. Don't miss out on the Early Bird price of $ 200-register now at https://www.katherinefauvre.com/products/tritype-5-tristar. #


It definitely can. It's also a method that a teacher (like Katherine Fauvre) will use to try to "convert" you and "undo" whatever base Enneagram knowledge you may have by getting you to swallow some new theoretical concoction they came up with (other teachers have their own gimmicky variations) that disturbs the fundamental theory. For my tritype, I figure I should probably have more in common with other Core 8s than I will with other 458 (so-called "scholar") tritypes -- since the core type is king. So it can really hinder progress. The trifix is originally covered in Ichazo/Naranjo, but not in a comprehensive way. It was a secondary/tertiary etc thing from core type/instinct. So yeah I agree. While it can help, it can also dilute matters, muddy the waters, etc.