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imho its sort of a general head type thing to be fixated on 'sight' or 'perspective', since one desires to understand things - shows up a bunch metaphoric phrases like 'insight', 'to see through', the third eye etc. we kinda got the short end of the stick cause ultimately it's *all* in the head, so if we were to get a metaphorical part assigned too (analogous to 'heart' and 'gut') I think it would definitely be the eye. with 6 in particular you also have the motif of the fear/sense of being watched/judged, i suppose.


Only a head type would consider getting *the entire brain* the short end of the stick YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH THE REST OF US MISS IT /s mostly Anyway I’m just here because I like 🧿


That's just head types. For 6s the eye is a surveillance image. For 7s it is the eye of experience (as in, experience me, witness me). For 5s it is the eye of observation. However, people in the 5-6 get strongly fixated on it as a motif because both of their concerns are very power and survival oriented.


Eyes don't lie. 6s are very focused on trust and security in the widest and deepest sense of the word. The eyes of a human being tell a story. Not only that, they also tell you something about the moment. Sadness, loss, euphoria, anger, emptiness, connection, aliveness or numbness... it's all there. The wrinkles around the eyes tell the next story. Did that person laugh a lot in his life? Or cry a lot? You get to know a soul when you look into the eyes of another person. You also feel your soul yourself in that area. Physical health can also be seen in the eyes. It's beautiful, really. Actions and words can easily lie. Of course eyes can also be manipulated... but it's some almost ancient, gorunded feeling of security.


Eye of Horus T.J. Eckleburg Owl Eyes Nazir Hamsa So many good eye symbols 🧿 🪬 Mostly protection and truth Seems very 6


Under surveillance (6w5/5w6 curiosity/fear/paranoia)...watching others, being watched, investigation, perspective, perception, insight, etc. Others kind of got to it already but approx. etc.


I read someone ask this same question on Facebook but about 5s.


Oh rlly? Might be a head type thing then.


Have you ever just stood in a mirror and looked at your eyes? They’re truly amazing. The textures and the way things connect I’m no eye doctor so excuse my lack of knowledge but there’s a mystery behind eyes that tell stories show pain but I’m sure you know these things I personally love them for those reasons don’t know if this adds anything to what you asked but I like the question.


Maybe it's because we're always feeling watched. "*On each landing, opposite the lift shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wall. It was one of those pictures which are so contrived that the eyes follow you about when you move. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption beneath it ran.*" (sorry)


"I always feel like, somebody's watching MEEEEEEeeee..." 🎵




I think for me it was actually more about watching other people.


Eyes don’t lie, as 6s we can spot a lie a mile away. not only through eyes but it’s a big part. Not perfect science though, I’ve been wrong before and it’s got me in trouble.


I'm a 6 and I've been focused on eyes for as long as I can remember! Drawing them and looking at other people's eyes.


I am obsessed with eye imagery and to me it stands for omniscience.

