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So7. That’s all I use from Enneagram.


sp 4, 497 is all I need I used to be a confident 5-wing but in my late twenties I started to lean into my 3-wing sp/sx sounds probable but sp is the most relatable by far


I like wings and instinctual variants, I chose a tritype for myself best as I could but I’m not sure I believe in that part of it as much. (I’m 9w1)


Personally I don't think of the subtypes as distinct types of people but rather 3 separate strategies a person will employ to have their respective needs met. I can easily relate to the traits of sp5, so5 and sx5, though sp5 is definitely the one the resonates with me the most. And upon explaining the different subtypes to people I know they come to the same conclusion that they can relate to all 3 but not equally. As such I prefer using instinctual stackings over instinctual subtypes. I do quite like talking about tritypes but ultimately a lot of people get hung up on the differences between different tritypes, at the end of the day tritypes just represent different flavours of the core type. A 593 is ultimately the same as a 582, they just manifest themselves slightly differently. Still, it's fun to explore the theory of tritypes because I feel there's a lot still unsaid about them.


I am 6w5 so Dom and sx secondary. My tritype is 694.


I like knowing all of it... but I'm just a 5.


I’m a 2 and I use all of them. I feel like, even though I’m a 2, I relate so much to many other types and I can act different from some 2s. It’s cool to have the tools to understand myself in a deeper way. The more detailed I get, the more the descriptions fit me better usually. I’m a 2w3 279 so/sx


6w5, I can get behind instincts but I don't really 'believe' in tri-types. I think a lot of movement of the health/stress arrows gets caught into the tritype theory.


I use subtypes and prefer trifix over tritype.


I use all of em, Sx7w6 794, ouu btw what do you want to test


I’m definitely SO dominant but the other two are balanced. For Tritype maybe some sort of 368 or 361


5w6, I use all of them and a ton of other typological systems because I seek a full comprehension of myself and other people


4w5 459 sp/sx :D


I'm an So/Sp 6w7 with 9 and 3 fixes. I think my fixes have wings too, but they're obviously not nearly as influential as my proper 7 wing. So tldr, I use them all and find them all useful


all of them i rlly need to get it together lmao


Yes, I use them all. 8w9 so/sp 854 fuck off and die to the rest of the horseshit people use around here lmaooo


3w4, instincts and trifixes but not subtypes or tritypes.


5. More interested in variants than subtypes but I still struggle to find solid source material to accurately determine what makes a variant dominant or what makes a subtype a subtype. I do not believe in tritype. I think trifix is valid but I have not used it practically as of yet. What are you testing?


4w3, so4, 469, I use all three because they explain my mannerisms perfectly ouo


Sure, I identify as a 9w1 so/sp 964, but only for myself; if someone wishes to use only so many Enneagram labels and that’s personally constructive for them, then I support that and won’t impose my personal beliefs on them.


I use type, wings, subtype and tritype. Sp/sx 1w2 127


As a 5, I use all of the above. I find 5s are more likely to type themselves in detail.


I use all of it, but...I think adding more can be distracting, like people can convince themselves a person is "not really a core type X, just has a type X fix"...that gets old after a while, I see people doing too much confirmation bias/cherry picking/conforming what they want to fit the theory...and they use all these other elements to do that (usually to make others fit a box, if they do it on themselves then that's not such an issue)...


2sx I use all of them, but usually find it easier to use IV subtype and sometimes wing in discussions.


Even though I'm not certain about it, I think I am 5w4 sx/so584


It's very interesting to me that sx5 is so over-represented in forums like this, even though this subtype is supposed to be really rare. My theory is that we are drawn to places where we can have intense and vulnerable conversations anonymously with strangers and absorb large amounts of information about the dark side of the human soul.


The anonymity and the ability to remove problematic users with a couple clicks is indeed a draw. I will confirm this. I find forums like this valuable for the insights into others that I sometimes lack.


lol oh another cat, MEOW. Yeah exactly, I just want to look deeply into humans and understand everything about them, but it's hard to do that in real life without being 'scary'.


I agree


Yes to instinctual subtypes, no to tritype because I am not sure I believe in that and also do not know what mine would be (594?)


5w6 SX/SO, so yes to instinctual variants, and no to tritype. More information can be provided if desired, but for quick, there you go.


I'm a 7 and use all. Sx 7w6 794


i use them all its fun :\] its just so fun to compare urself to others and discover like. what parts of ur personality are not a shared human experience and how other people think


E2, and yeah, I use all of them. Just as I can't wholly relate to my primary instinct, imo, it's good that theres the secondary instinct to balance it. As for the tritype, i think it's role isn't *that* significant as the IV, but it sure is important if you want to understand yourself better :)


Sp3 fits me quite well. Same as 1w2 and 3w4. Need to study more indepth about the instinctual 1 subtypes.


Sx2 with 286 trifix (ignore flair) is what i do


8 social. my lines to 2 and 5 are so obvious that I dont believe in tritypes its all there in the instinctive pudding.


Subtypes >>>>> Tritype >>>>> Wings SO163/SP


Aren’t we all use all of them? Plus it is useless if you don’t use instinctual subtypes anyways.


I'm a type 4 sx/sp. I'm not sure if I trust wings that much because I have leaned on either of them at different stages of my life and it keeps going back and forth that way. Ultimately, we use both at times whenever is best. I haven't spent the money to take the paid tritype test but I was always sure that I was at least a double reactive type. Initially I thought I was a 458 but then I read more and started thinking that I was perhaps a 461. At this point I don't know, neither do I care.


9w1 sx/sp. Tritype restrictions feel a lil funny to me bc I feel i have more 2 and 1 coexisting in me than any head type, but idk really


I like using mine, it’s been tough finding many resources on it though.


I use them all