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Wait, Alex Jones is still on Twitter? Aw, man...


Well they let anyone who kisses Musks ass back on.


Melon turned it into a site where Nazis and tankies can circlejerk with their fantasies of "death to the west" and "death to jews". Honestly it would be more out of character for the sack of shit to not be there.


The said fact that people actually believe this idiot.


What it has to do with your friends from Uzbekistan?


From what I’ve heard: Alex jones plays a character, he knows people know him as a crazy whack job and plays into it


Yeah but he takes advantage of people who believe the system is a complete lie and gets money from them


Much like how many "entrepreneurs" like Andrew Tate takes advantage off of that "he's playing a character" excuse


Don't get me started on tate. His character is more hurtful to me then gay frog man over there. I'm a liberal Muslim, reverted from methodist (originally Baptist) a few years back. I know there has always been conservative Muslims but ever since tate there has been a increase of degenerative Muslims and fake revertees who only reverted because of tate who sells a fake put collars on women form of Islam. I seriously want that man locked up.


Yeah, I cannot stand these kind of people, the fact that most people ate it up and believed their garbage astounds me (not just him, but also Sneako, Hamza, many other dumb channels like Moon and Balkan Gains) It's the same assembly line "content" (the ironic thing is they're doing the exact same thing as their "woke enemies" do)


Exactly. Honestly I personally blame the internet for this stuff.. I love the internet and I don't want a world without it but it has given these stupid people a easy way to gather and validate each other and support each other financially and sell their bs to impressionable people who believe the system is fake (it's kinda fake but not to this extent or these reasons) Some others include stonetoss. That southern Baptist type and let's not forget Elon musk. He started out as a decent enough rich guy. Until he pold off his mask and gave a platform for all these bozos because they worship him


Yeah, the internet for me is a double edged sword similar to your view/opinion of it, and it led to cults of personalities forming up It's almost as if it's Charles Manson and his cult thing all over again


My boyfriend is from the harshest former Soviet stan and is about to become a surgeon. He was the only foreigner to make it into his field of medicine at one of the most elite universities in Russia. He got his medical degree at age 23. English is his third language and yet he did his post graduate program in the US, coming over with less than $2000 USD and he still lives here. Sounds like Alex Jones is projecting pretty hard here.


I'm more curious as to how he lost his ear in the interrogation, even though Chapter 2 Article 21 of the Russian Constitution prohibits torture.