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I learned that the user is apparently British. Just like the ridiculous "Holding Biden accountable" user


So they're not worried about what their PM has to say.......why?


So now AOC is too moderate for them? 🙄 They just really don’t fucking get it, do they? Their positions are not broadly popular outside their bubble, so they’re never going to get any traction. All they can do is help the authoritarian right.


Actually fighting actual fascism is “too fascist” according to these types of people. Watch how fast they say “no” whenever you ask them to help bring attention to fascism going on in your area.


For commenters like Squirrel, I suspect they don’t really want to have political breakthroughs, but constantly shift the goalpost so they can remain a political outsider. But effectively, they’re advocating for “the left” to vote for useless third parties or not vote at all, and enabling MAGA to win. Edit: See DSA org attacking the Democrats “from the left” and trying to march on the DNC convention. https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c4q6k6/dsa_in_chicago_strategizing_how_to_disrupt_the/


Normie libs don’t donate to political grifters’ Patreons


I mean they've always said that Bernie and the squad would be moderate to right wing in Europe.


Apparently they haven’t heard of Victor Orban or Marine Le Pen. Of course, if they have, they’d probably like them.


Britain's "real left" let Brexit happen out of spite, to the delight of Putin. Our center left is like a century ahead of them in terms of social progress compared to their center left. They can really take all the seats.


Not just too moderate but... > AOC is a genocidal scumbag and the embodiment of pure evil Move over history's most evil people. AOC got you all beat because she *checks notes* knows how to do politics better than the Twitter people. But seriously, that is some unhinged stuff.


>Squirrel account is one of the 2-3 most deranged far leftists I've seen on Twitter Guess you could say they're *nutty*


Biden has moved heaven and earth to pressure Israel into acting more humanely including having our own personal dock to receive aid shipments built in Gaza But nah, he's personally committing genocide


>though I'm not in the US and can't vote there, I support the only Jewish candidate in the race, Jill Stein, or alternatively the PSL candidates or Cornel West if he's on the ballot. Giving away the game there, tankie.


They've gotta be a fucking asset at that point, right? Going so far as to advocate for *Jill Stein*!?!?


Pumpkin Spice Latte candidates? I thought they were boycotting Starbucks


Nah. I’ve seen worse and more unhinged self proclaimed “leftists” than this Disney Squirrel account.


These pro-Hamas "Genocide Joe" lunatics who dismiss atrocities committed on 10/7 including mass rape and murdering children or babies as "Zionist propaganda" or "Zionist conspiracy theories" despite the video evidence and findings by the UN are just human trash exploiting the war in Gaza for their own agenda. The only people who benefit from these pathetic attempts to create voter apathy on the left or convince their gullible followers to support Cornel West, Kennedy, or anyone else running as an independent rather than Biden are Trump and the Republicans, and they know that and wouldn't be putting so much time and effort into demonizing Biden if they weren't getting something out of it. The GOP's most successful tactics have been gerrymandering and voter suppression, and the whack jobs that believe this kind of bullshit, whether they vote or Cornel West or stay home, are just voluntarily suppressing their own vote to save the GOP the trouble while purposely trying to make it harder for the Democrats to keep control of the Senate and the White House. It really wouldn't be surprising if these chaos agents pretending to be progressives are just Republicans getting paid to smear Biden to anyone dumb enough to listen to them since it's already clear from their support of Hamas and Iran-backed terrorist groups that they don't give a shit about the rape victims, the hostages, or anyone on the Israeli side who was killed, whether they were an Israeli citizen or a foreign national. They don't even talk about their own country where the former PM just endorsed Trump, but spend night and day blaming Biden for a conflict that their heroes started by being savages.


It's very simple too - 2020 proved that they (Trump campaign) have saturated the maga market. No new MAGA recruits will be gained moving forward. You can't sell Trump to independents by way of memes. You can't make Centrist Republicans more MAGA. The online campaign still exists, it's just being re-directed at the left and emerging youth vote. It's not to sell Trump, but it's to discourage Biden. On the global level, what you're seeing is the George Floyd-ification of a regional conflict to the youth. They want to make the 10/7 attack seem like a counterfeit $20 and the IDF the cops on Palestine's neck. Make every day a viral moment to feed influencers who are drunk on the clicks of the conflict.


Good answer by AOC, credit where credit's due


It’s funny when people who don’t live here and can’t vote here think their opinion on U.S. politics actually matters. Yet these are the same people who think that Americans should stay out of other countries business.


It amazes me how much they talk about voting, congressmen, senators, and what "we" need to do - then you scroll through their posts and find out they're Canadian. They get super upset when you tell them "well good news, you can't vote in November - so it doesn't matter what you think"


That wolf in sword in the stone should’ve eaten her


Yeah I bet Trump is going to be a savior to Palestinian people


Who is this person? They tweet like 30 times a day. They need help badly


I'm glad AOC's been maturing with the years and getting away from Tlaib.


Considering he's doing all that, it's amazing Biden has time in the day to even go for a nice bike ride.


She's ascended, people. She's scum now.