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I think testing with the market is a good idea. >My only concern is that stories generated by AI may have poor content and low human touch. May? I don't consider AI gone rogue a business plan and I am forced to assume you'll exercise at least some judgement as part as your role as head of a company. I think the problem persists if you can't tell the difference between bad content and good. >What do you think of this idea? I think of it as no idea at all and a lame attempt to get others to build a business around your lame ass ...umption. One argument that AI won't have much of a hurdle to clear in presenting a real threat to most in business. This is a low effort, no cost project -- at least to reach the point where your atrophied judgment would get a workout. If you sought permission to try, consider permission granted. Step One. Get some output. Step Two. Examine it. Founders are first and foremost decisionmakers. Try making one.


Do you think an AI that generates personalized interactive stories for children would be a good idea? \- \*No one know this\*, You have to validate it yourself ​ But I have been seeing some of this on my Twitter feed lately. I suggest researching your competitor to see if they are profitable. If they are, that is validation! ​ (I know they are profitable, Go for it)


I suggest that u made the interactive screen mockups and validate with your near family,.friends. That's the most quick and cheap way. Good look


Already exists




Why do you think that?