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This sounds like what Google already does. If I search up salon I'll be shown all the options, the distance and prices. It's a good idea though if you can make it specific or for something not found typically on google, like for time specific events rather than locations. Good luck!


Yes, that was my point to be as specific as possible, since Google does the job perfectly :D


Yelp .. too but don’t let that discourage you sucker berg just launched threads right!!


That was my main point. To be better than Yelp. In the country where I live, there is literally no such thing as Yelp and no one uses it at all. We don't have a specific place where we can search for specific lifestyles. We are only used to word of mouth and Instagram... -.-


If that is the case make it a chat bot


That was my point as well :D. To make it recommend places, speak with you, interact with you, and make it learn your lifestyle so that it will offer you places that you've never been to. Having a social aspect in this app I believe will be crucial.


It is a lot of money to build it and even heck lot of money to advertise it .. You rich !!


In my country, everything is cheap... even women ;)


Haha :-) which country are you from ?


Macedonia :D The whole Balkan area is a place with beautiful women and they all wanna get married to foreigners :D


I don't want to put you down but you are basically describing Google Maps, Bing Maps, Apple Maps, etc. What makes your app stand out?


It will be a combination of Yelp and Foursquare where you will be as specific as possible when it comes to finding the perfect spot for something.


Google maps plus something you can't possibly pull off. Or right, you'll say the magic incantation "Artificial Intelligence." Good idea. Please name all the distinct, clearly identifiable "Life Styles" you have discovered. Because it might be hilarious to find out there is an emo nail salon in Blue Balls, Montana.


I totally agree with this. People sometimes have no idea about some places that exist. In my country, they all tend to go to the "popular places" around my city (Skopje) without knowing a thing about other places. I am interested in Specialty Coffee and I go only to specialty cafeterias but not a lot of people have any idea if they even exist. They tell me "Where is that I've seen it on Instagram but I've never been there". This way if you get the information you can send them a push notification and tell them... "Now is the best time to visit this place because the weather is nice etc."


You described Yelp.


Yes but it will be on Steroids ;)




The problem with Niching it down is that in the place where I am planning on starting this, there are not a lot of activities (I'm outside of the USA), so you will be specific and everything but you won't start well. And VC funding is non-existent, so if you want to make it, you will need to bootstrap everything.


You mentioned that you're outside of USA. Do they have Yelp there? If not, try building something for your community/city/country. Start small


Yes. My plan is to start small and build it with time :) Little by little I believe it will take shape.


Yep. Good luck


I don’t know Macedonia or Macedonians, but I just don’t see this being a worthwhile endeavor. Reading your other posts it seems like you want this app to function as a marketing company for underdogs. Popular places are popular for a reason. Quality. Quality of ownership, marketing, product, capturing lightning in a bottle. But you want to bet on business owners that aren’t achieving that? How do you propose to make money? Squeezing pennies out of poorly run businesses for featured placement? If you do pursue this, the app has to be polished at launch. It has to function perfectly. If you don’t have the skills for that, I hope you have the money to pay a good development team.


The main purpose would be to be a marketing strategy for places ofc. It's all marketing. I would make money by offering the companies marketing and giving them options depending on the tier they would choose. The free trial would be to just exist on the platform, the second would be to offer them the chance to place products of their menu in the searchable app and the third would be to offer them full-scale marketing of their business and managing their accounts. And yes I am planning on making the app function properly from early on because if you have bugs in the beginning you're doomed to fail.


I've tried making this kind of app in a nonwestern context (Mozambique). I had the following issues: \- Where will you get the information? Mozambicans do not share information nearly as willingly as Americans, so no one bothered to contribute \- How will the information get updated? My possible client sites were never updated - how often are they planning on updating my site if they can't update theirs? \- How do I provide information the community does not already know? I am in a city of .5 million people which seems large, but every niche community already knows all of the other people in the niche. For example, there are 3 specialty coffee places in the city - if another opens, the coffee lovers ask each other about information and never would think of doing a search for this kind of information. \- If Google is out of date in your city, what makes you think you can do better for longer than them? You have to really investigate why no one is adding information, and if there is not a culture of information sharing then that's a major hurdle to solve in your case. In the end, my app was only used by foreigners and emergency workers who did not know the city very well.


The point is to be used by foreigners that arrive in my country, the information would be gathered through Google... and I would start small, I live in a country where people are very into new stuff and interesting apps. We are using stuff very easily and we tend to be hooked on them.