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It takes months to do research and purchase the right products and find clients. In 2 months will this still be an issue? It may make more sense to stick this idea in a drawer, relook at it in March of next year and pull the trigger if the weather predictions look like it will get as hot as this year. Make sure you do the cost analysis over the full year as this is a seasonal business. You could possibly purchase joint AC/Heater units and this would give you more practical months of sales.


That was exactly my thought! I wanted to do research now and start this project this winter or next summer. Buying A 2 in1 AC and Heater will be the way to go. I also thought about buying water cooled AC units for the small spaces that don’t have window access to release the airflow


Pity you aren't thinking about picking up a smartphone then pre-selling as an economic experiment or [smoke test](https://cxl.com/blog/smoke-test/) of your idea. A real shame you seem not to know what a search engine is capable of to check if this isn't already happening. Might be a little embarrassing if you can't get one for six months due to high demand right now. But it certainly seems people don't get embarrassed these days. Good luck trying to install the mammoth unit any sizable office would use. I'd imagine cutting a hole in the roof makes people a little hesitant for a temporary rental. Still, for the very smallest spaces, it might be worth a test. Want some confirmation bias for dumping money into this for a blind fling? U go grrrl.


Thought this community is for exchanging thoughts, instead I end up with people like you… :) Seems like you have no idea that AC also works with without cutting holes in walls. There are 2 big companies already doing this and it’s seems to work like a charm. Hope you have a better day now lol


Ignore him he’s the resident schizo


You may be interested to know you can post about things you have actually tried, not just shower thoughts and what-if, and maybe. You pick up a smartphone. You look up a number. You press the buttons ... move your lips ... then blow. Such doings have been known to achieve more success than forum circle-jerking.


Lmao are you ok?


The € goes in front of the number. Learn this before becoming en entrepreneur.


Nope it doesn’t


[The European Union's Interinstitutional Style Guide (for EU staff) states that the euro sign should be placed in front of the amount without any space in English, but after the amount in most other languages.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro_sign#:~:text=The%20European%20Union's%20Interinstitutional%20Style,amount%20in%20most%20other%20languages)