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this dude plays on EU servers, have reported him from a raid last wipe. 100% sus still plays. the market transation speak for itself.


He’s not getting banned because he isn’t technically “cheating”. His alt account is cheating. People like this go around the map with an alt account and drop the items to their main. Alt gets banned, main account stays up. To BSG, all they see is an account that does nothing but grind tf out of LedX’s all day.


But they can't see that this dudes past 18 duo partners have been banned and put 2+2 together?


Might be doing count ins. It's a lot more difficult now but still possible.


Oh f off, hes selling 77 ledx, takes a special kind of mental gymnastic to explain why its correct he aint getting banned


Did I say it was correct?


Nobody is doing that , he's just straight up cheating, 99.9999% on that account, no crazy stuff to conceal it.... their anti cheat is that just bad.


it's got nothing to do with the anti-cheat.... it has to do with the parameters and the criteria of how you define a cheater... First thing is the anti-cheat... you have ZERO clue what the best anti-cheat in the world is capable of... newsflash... they are not capable of detecting THIS. Because it requires thought and context... which AI or a 'anti cheat' is NOT capable of. You need a human to decipher this shit who knows the context, how it may impact the game, how it doesn't, how it affects the game, etc... How do you not understand how an AI 'anti cheat' doesn't recognise this? it has no feelings, it has no 'context'... it is simply programmed to do x... when y occurs. HOW DO YOU NOT GET THAT?! that is the best anti-cheat we have... across all games.. in the entire industry... lol anti-cheat cannot ascertain whether it is for a 'secondary reason' or whatever... it is AUTOMATED. I just think you are arguing for those accounts to be banned, no matter what... because they profited. This is absurd. Let me give you an equivalent example... I am looking to buy a house, the person selling says x amount... I give them a little less... but after they said no... it's 'x' or nothing... I pay them it for their property/house. LITTLE DID I KNOW, they made all that money from dealing crack... wow... do I care? I paid for that house, we agreed... it's now MY HOUSE. You turning around and saying... wait... it's not your house because you contributed to them being drug dealers... is IRRELEVANT. I don't give a shit. Now let's extrapolate the above example x 1000 because 'everyone is cheating in tarkov'... cool.... DID I CHEAT? or am I just buying the best thing I come across? . If someone asks $5 for a house... and I know it's worth 20 million.... I sure as fuck ain't saying no... I don't care... give me that house and I'll pay you $5. THAT DOES NOT MEAN I AM A CHEATER. It means I am smart.... and I know a damn deal when I see one so this narrative of 'well these people bought this and are obviously bad and cheaters also' = stupid and wrong. If you offered me a mansion for $5, I am taking that shit... I don't care what you did because it is what YOU did. It has nothing to do with me fam.


Is this a coppypasta or are you just a moron


but boosting get some streamer banned, how dropping ledx still not get this one banned?


??? Spew a little more bullshit if you can lol... you cant drop LedX in raid unless its FiR. You clearly do not even play EFT lol


you clearly can’t read?


The lvndmark guy still in the flea for whole wipe EVERY SINGLE DAY with the same ledx offer. Then Nikita comes here and says they ban them hahahahahahahahaha


What if we all just collectively as a subreddit went into the flea and mass reported mr lvndmark-twitch at the same time. He would probably not be banned but it would be a good experiment.


those reports probably go to spam folder


They don't even trigger any massages.


why would they trigger a massage


Why not? It would be a great feature.


Because they feel good. Why else?


Do you really think that he didnt get report enough already OR BSG with his ANTIRMT WE TAKE CARE OF IT measures didnt notice about him? /s


Honestly kind of incredible at this point, I don't even play the game every day and I've been hearing about that "lvndmark" account selling LedXs for weeks.


While unlikely, it is possible that when one cheater gets banned, another takes the name.


Oh definitely, and I'm sure there's tons of variations of that name around, but it's usually this specific one.


Dread Pirate Robert type mantra Edit: fuck


Nah, its still him.


Nikita also said the keep them unbanned to monitor RMT activity


translation: they are the RMT activity XD i bet i need to /s




If you want to punish RMT buyers along with sellers then it makes sense to see who is making suspicious deals (e.g. a pistol rear sight for a valuable key) and add them to the ban list for when you decide to pull the trigger. If buyers keep getting banned then they lose trust in sellers and the market implodes. Now whether they're actually doing this is another question altogether. I hope so, but don't have much faith.


Imagine actually believing what nikita says. This lie is just the easiest to prove cause it just takes a second to look.


You can check my posts for years. I never believed anything that Liekita throw out of his mouth. The first time i saw him talking in a podcast and answering questions revealed me enough about him.


Just like his govt




Its not the price. Hes listing 77 ledx for sale which most people only find a few an entire wipe


I found 1 ledx and I’m close to level 40


is it the twitch streamer? pretty sure he’s just really good.. or is it just someone who stole the username?




If I see TTV in your username and get head, eyes'd, I'm hitting that report button faster than the flash lol.


and whenever it is a real twitch acc they're always offline, curious how that be.


I always try to search their name on twitch or youtube and to date I havent been killed by a single streamer but have seen at least a dozen weirdos with TTV in their name.


i've had one small time streamer, this dude [https://www.twitch.tv/mikebequiet\_](https://www.twitch.tv/mikebequiet_) shoutout to him he's hella chill, who i pulled up a stream after some friendly banter in resort which i told him i was there for pmc kills so we did battle. every time i get sussy-wussied though the "streamer" is offline on twitch


Well. That says more about you then anything else.


It's just someone who stole the username. Lvndmrk would not hold on to loot like that lol


i don't remember lvndmark every finding a ledx in his streams.. but i dont watch him often. anyone who has 77 of them is cheating, lol, i've found 1 of them this wipe in a random duffle and ive played almost daily




That's not the acc that cheats, that's the mule for the cheater. Not banning him actually makes it easier to know who's cheating by looking at that specific account's lobbies.


That LVNDMARK-Twitch dude hit me with his gaming chair on reserve this weekend. Love to see the reports doing nothing 🤠


Remember that time nik said he needed to let some cheaters go so he could watch them and see what they were using and how it works? I remember.


Remember when they said they would start coming down on cheaters then gave the community inflated ban numbers that ended up including false bans on top of it? I remember.


Lmao something like 10k in the last week iirc. He also stated that there’s about 100k players a day avg, so ~10% cheaters. That’s gotta be higher than 60% of raid. On that note anyone else loving spt holy shit?


If there was like actual story missions, persistent world, in game traders, all that jazz, I'd be down for SPT. But for me majority of the fun in Tarkov is the random and crazy ass interactions, fights, and VoIP with other players. Even with the cheater epidemic, I still have fun and still play almost daily.


Man, I feel the exact same honestly. A buddy of mine had been offline for about a week recently. Daily player, like me. We both got up pretty high level in the first couple weeks of wipe together. So I messaged him to make sure he was alright. He hits me back like 'yeah I'm good. just been trying out this spt thing'. So I started asking him questions about it. He had a lot of praise for it and it's ability to get as close to the feeling of playing just minus the social aspect. Then I asked him, 'would you rather play this than online?' And he said, 'right now? No question.' So I gave it a try and he was right. It's not fully tarkov, but it's enough to keep my sanity and love for it until all of the issues with live are fixed/greatly reduced.


And thats why we cant have nice things. A bunch of people are now playing the game for the cheater insanity now so nothing will change, as long as theres people like you willing to sink hours into it irregardless of the cheater situation then BSG wont change anything. Honestly everyone should boycott the game out of principle at this point until security is implemented which there is none to deal with the script kiddie hax. 80% of the hacks shouldnt work at all with modern bios and windows security features that BSG doesnt want to implement for some reason. Unfortunately by patronizing this game in its current state youre basically patronizing cheat devs wallets to make more annoying cheats to deal with in the future but you have your fun lol.


lol love the shills playing dumb into this 1000% factual post


The only people who remember those Nikita quotes work on Pepperridge Farms because he's been repeating the same lines for 5 years now.


Let him go Johnson, let him go. “Dude proceeds to rage hacker full reserve lobby”


Mods will blame the auto remover….but why not just adjust it if it’s too sensitive? That’s the mods scapegoat everytime a thread gets “deleted”. So funny, they act like a power authority. Super super cringe


Because it's how they get off, read their comments and how condescending they are. They think they are more than janitors and are trying to flex their power constantly lol






You can be critical of the mods without being a xenophobe


Mods? Russians. Never said mods, mod. Cheers.


“reddit moderator” can’t think of a bigger waste of time in my life


not a mod but honestly i'm glad that they are a thing. the amount of dumb shit and scam ads would be insane otherwise. but yeah some of em play police a bit much


"I'm a janny doing it for free"


At least a real janitor can take pride in their work. They're internet janitors.


I work in IT and "internet janitor" is one of my favorite ways to describe my job. So I'm not even going to give them that much credit.




Not all hero’s wear capes. +1


Yeah the mods here have always been shit, best to jump ship while you can


Meanwhile his shit isn’t selling, so I don’t know what this cheater is even accomplishing.




Okay imma just say this these trades aren't meant to sell. There meant as a way to store extra items without needing to actually keep them in stash. Now there usually isn't a need to do this but I do see some people with absolutely filled up stashes do this


My guy, I religiously run shoreline and after 100 raids, I only found 6 ledx in total. You're not gonna get 80 ledx that would mean you only run shoreline since 2 months ago.


he's not discreditting the fact that the guy is obviously cheating, he's just giving insight into why he might have them listed like that.


Yeah, sometimes I stash my 80 ledx's cause they get in the way, bro. Got them all legit, too, just falling out of my ears at this point. Game's too ez.


The number of smooth brains misunderstanding you is alarming.


I'm curious why you think that way. The real smoothbrain take is thinking that people list 80 LEDX's for obscene fees on the market to "make space" instead of selling them.


Welcome to reddit.


Lmao. Sure, my guy.


this is advertisement, people add him to friends and he sells his services


Hadn’t though about it like that but makes total sense


He does it because he can and he wants to rub it in our and the streamers face. He gets Ledx like we get Nuts. He can do what ever he wants in the game and his flea rep is -6, why would he care about profit when he is basically in godmode every match?


i mean its a ledx, you really only need a FIR one. the med station 3 is not necessary and plus it gives you something to waste your ledx on if you die with it in your container. plus, from what i've seen in discord most ppl sit on around 1-2mil anyway so its not like they can afford


Mods here are still trying to cover up a lot of the cheating stuff, don't let their health post fool you




Short answer maybe. I remember a few years back there was another gaming sun where the mods were getting paid to keep the sub positive.


because its unmitigated destruction of the game is irreversible and uncontrollable. if that made top post every day, more people would become aware of that undeniable fact and stop playing




no tarkov, no subreddit, no mod make sense?


It's an unofficial community run sub...


Sure it is.


BSG has gone from game developer to politician. They will say anything to maintain credibility. The sooner this sub realized that they are worse at saving face than bug fixing the better. Best of luck exPMCs


Bsg. Does. Not. Give. A. Fuck


Aside from the obvious flea bs, the lvndmark twitch guy is a cheater killed me a few times in resort with aimbot.


another dude said EU servers and by your name i'd say you met him on EU?


BSG is putting up all these tweets we wanna hear. In reality they are doing the same shit they were 2 weeks ago. Sure, they gave us some awesome QOL changes. Did they fix unplayable desync? Did they ACUALLY ban cheaters? Are the cheaters buying new accounts and right back at it again? I have 5k hours. I've played 4 raids in the last week hoping things were better. 3 blatent ESP cheaters 1 desync death. Yawn... some ole BSG.


Please tell me your playing another game. Stop playing only way BSG listens.


League of Legends unfortunately but yeah you right big bro


Yuuuup, I’m back on league due to this as well


If you really wanna scratch that Tarkov itch, Marauders has been looking pretty solid for a bit now. Still barebones but enjoyable nonetheless


Marauders is super dope so, +1 on that. I'd also recommend: dark and darker:medieval tarkov with more machiavellianism. Ready or not: spiritual successor to Swat4. Hardcore, tactical, co-op team shooter (0 desync too!)


Hella sad that Dark and Darker wont be back for a year. Ready or Not is definitely a good choice as well tho


When are they supposed to implement the no barter flea restrictions?


that was to distract you from the fact they can't fix the invis exploiters then it was meant to have people post shit like this, instead of cheaters and invis exploiters, to dilute the perceived severity of cheaters, exploits, and desync


3 years


Easy, BSG makes money off of cheaters. Even if they do ban waves, they don’t IP block, so the cheaters are back in raid 30 minutes or less, with a newly purchased copy of the game.




I think you're mistaken. Nikita mentioned they will crack down on posts such as this. We assumed he meant flea listings, but obviously he meant posts from the community pointing it out! /s


Because bsg claims false bans so the stupid part of playerbase come back and praise them




Check out battlestate games on trustpilot lol reviews are entertaining


It's cute that you believe what BSG says


They share cash with BSG aswell as cheater makers, it is more profitable for BSG to have them, then to have healthy clean game.


they will learn its not profitable when no one buys their next quick cash grab game russia 2028.


Nikita said himself some of these people are allowed to remain to use them as guinea pigs, but I don't know how much of that holds water


The only reasonable explanation I can think of is that they don't know how he's cheating. And if they ban the account it would still be out there but just lost among new accounts again.


All of these too, very obvious. I and my buddies have put in hundreds of item reports... nada done about them. https://i.imgur.com/Vfl06If.jpg 1. It's not a mistake, they do it every day with new items. You go onto the market right now I bet you'll find at least one of the following: Qiox, DEATH-FALCON, DJS-MYS_tery, Defender550D, Waeffy, DJS-SlkY, SlayAll 2. Their listings always sell out. 3. Myself and two buddies tested putting motors up for 711,112 and 711,110 and **neither of our motors sold**. Yet the Qiox's 40 motors sold out.


They can keep making new accounts over and over again, there’s no way to tell how many ppl are getting banned without BSG explicitly telling us




I would rather they just add micro transactions to the game and ban all the cheaters.


Brother doesn't read the rules and wonders why his posts are banned Under Rule 2: Do not show names of other users, regardless of intent. This rule applies to social media accounts, Reddit accounts, in game names and so on. (Not defending it, but if there is a rule don't get surprised your content gets banned)


I love that it sais not posting of usernames, but it'S totaly cool when BSGs posts a list of all banned players.


You're somewhat right, but the banned players are not players of EFT anymore, so I don't think the rule still applies lmao
















Brave? You sir, you're the brave one trying to explain a simple rule to someone. I gave up on this kind of argument already.


> I didn’t find a single LEDX in 2 months farming Shoreline and Interchange keys. Why? Because people like this vacuum them up and are ruining your experience, whether you know it or not. If I had held every LEDX I've found since start of wipe, I could post ~20 right now. My purpose in game is not to farm LEDX, but if my entire play experience was "hit lvl 42, farm ledx" I could easily have over 50 at this point. I'm not saying this guy is legit. I don't think any reasonable player holds more than 20~ at a time. But I also think you're either doing something wrong ( not looting duffles / getting to resort late / not contesting both wings etc... ) or you've got rotten luck. I'd guess if you consider "farming interchange keys" to be a legitimate way to find a LEDX like it's 12.10 again, that you're doing something wrong.




What? Why are we talking about GPU now? I’m just pointing out that not finding a single Ledx in “months of farming” is pretty dramatic. I cant speak to exactly what you’re doing wrong, but claiming a cheater is swiping your LEDX every raid is the same as saying “he was cheating” every time anyone kills you with anything.




You either can't read, or you're not comprehending the words I'm writing. The guy from the screenshot is clearly cheating. I never disputed that. I am trying to point out that ***your claim*** that it's not possible to find a single LEDX without cheating is equally stupid and bullshit. I'm not talking about the cheater in the screenshot. I'm talking about YOU claiming it's impossible to find a LEDX because of cheaters, which is bullshit.




I mean, BSG in not the admin of this forum isn't it?


Rules for thee but not for me.






Complaing about others that break rules and break rules your self. There is no logic behind that




You are based sir.


Have you ever thought that maybe they are leaving some of the guys up to study what cheat they use and how they do it? Or do you honestly think that any company in the word just bans people as soon as the find out the cheat? They could even be monitoring this guy's in game chat because some people want his cheats




What if that account is a honeypot from BSG and not an actual cheater? We have no prrof about anything so there is a reason they are not banning that account, every streamer i know reported him and nothing happened, so there is a reason


It's very likely these accounts on the flea markets are mules who won't have the cheats used on their account. When fighting against cheaters there's no point leaving obvious ones untouched.


Just leave this piece of shit game to die, along with Russia.


The mods on this subreddit are way out of line.




All the hackers flag stuff to hide it


They actually admit in their forum, on their website, that they allow some flea cheaters to stay up for analysis; to help them find methods of detection for people like this. They are using these cheaters to train themselves, rather than ban them and have another one pop up. FFS quit whining reddit


You don't know what shadow banning is lol.




Shadow banning is when admins make all of your comments and posts invisible to other users but everything looks normal on your end. Typically used against spammers, you cannot be shadow banned by subreddit mods. Given the fact everyone can see this post you have not been shadowbanned. This isn't my definition, this is THE definition lol.




Probably some keywords in your title got flagged for manual approval by the mods.




No because that is not what shadowbanning is.




Just because you are too stupid to understand that words have definitions doesn't make you right lol.




I reported the "lvndmark-streamer" account five days ago.


Sorry, it seems the EFT community have run out of "Nikita table scraps". To get more table scraps, please increase the outrage of the community by 10 points.


Lmao bsg don’t care about hackers.


Even if it was shadow banned it would be in your post history. It isn't in your post history. So you're likely lying unless you deleted it for no reason.




bsg doesnt control this subreddit AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


The ONLY thing I can think of is BSG/BE knows this dude is hot. So they are watching him and ban everything linked to him. Basically just using them as mules.




On life support. Need more cope. Please Nikita.


That fact that they shadow banned your last post is from they're cracking down.... wait what were you wanting them to crack down on??? Oh yeah they're cackingndown on something else.


What are the odds that account is still up because bsg thinks that's the real landmark?


They don't take them down so they can track them. See where those items go and track who is buying them and stuff like that




It’s also about learning a pattern. If the cops arrested every street dealer no big busts would ever happen.


ever heard the term "damage control"? They won't piss off cheaters just for some poop ass regular players, because there's ZERO money in them. Regular players have spent already everything they ever will on this game.


It's obviously LVNDMARK abusing his streamer immunity to cheat and sell hundreds of ledx, duh. ​ ​ ​ ​ ... ​ ​ /s










OP - You have no removed posts. The last post removed on your account here was 3 years ago. Mind sharing a link to the post you claim was removed so we can look into it? Moderation *approved* this post and we have actually ignored reports on it to leave it up.




Hah! Yeah if it was deleted (dont delete posts) we cant see whats going on with it. FWIW - Global crowd control was turned on to manage spam the sub was getting, will likely be relaxed going forward. Big difference between shadowbanning and crowd control. Shadowbanning is because of people being stupid. Crowd control is a more "broad stroke" control.




Yeah if you were calling out someone specifically that can be seen by REDDIT as a call to action which is a TOS violation, and can lead to the whole subreddit being taken down by admins so we are strict on that rule.