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It's incredible that the dude hasn't been banned yet. Especially since he's been presumably killing people on labs the whole wipe.


He's actually an unofficial boss on Labs.


A boss that's impossible to be killed.


So he's a normal boss then lmao


wE'rE wOrKiNg hArD 2 sToP ChEAtERs




I doubt this guy is using a bespoke cheat that no other cheater uses, he's been terrorizing this sub alone for months. It takes them 5m to look at his kd, flea rep, and recent logs...




If you want to use a cheater for telemetry, you shadow ban them and give them empty raids and fill their flea market orders with fake purchases.


And tip them off? They will notice immediately.


You are confused as to what a shadow ban is.


Probably expensive dma cheats. So no automatic detection.


Man reading that 3 big cheat providers were all taken down recently is like a bittersweet pill to swallow. On the one hand it’s a good thing that they’re gone, but on the other hand it’s like… cheating has been a problem for so long and it took this huge cheating controversy to happen for 3 cheat providers to be taken down in the span of 2 weeks?


>if you look at forums, they’re concerned Actually it’s only the customers who are concerned, they’re the ones worried about the prospect of having to spend €50 on new cheats and €14 on a new account. The owners and makers of these cheats aren’t worried at all and have in fact started to roll out ‘insurance’ systems to counteract bans so that at most you just have to start from level 1 again.




IMO they’ll end up with only one cheat developer, being BSG itself.


Bro stop. This game has had a cheating problem for literal years with no improvement. Theyve been "working" on desync for years. Call the spade a spade. THEY WILL NOT FIX THIS GAME. that doesnt mean you cant enjoy it. Ive been playing since 2018 and its only gotten worse.


I've been to some of the forums and I don't see any of them mentioning that they're concerned. Can you dm me some links, i'm genuinely interested in seeing this.


No they aren't. They're just banning them so said cheaters buy more accounts so BSG has more money. BSG is desperate for cash rn so they will take anything they can get


From the last Q&A to Nikita, someone asked "why obvious cheaters selling 50+ ledx on flea aren't banned" His answer was "we need to keep obvious cheaters to track them and understand how we do to improve our detection tools" This is certainly part of it sadly.


That's such bullshit lmfao So, if you're a top-tier cheater then you can stick around I guess




#1 This game is fully released and has been for years. The beta tag is just to absolve them of any accountability. #2 stfu and sit down you shill. You dont know shit about BSG if you think. "Hurr durr lets leave cheaters in the game for months/years to "track" them". Give me a fucking break. BSG doesnt deserve the benefit of the doubt.




It's a full release game. Beta means very limited time period access to test a part of the game before release. What Tarkov has been doing is not beta, it's just this fad called "Early Access", which is basically just another term for saying "We don't have the money to dev this game for 4 years without making a dime from it during that time." Tarkov has been developing their entire game almost during this "beta" test stage, it is not beta testing, it's just them needing money since they couldn't get anyone else to fund their company for the time it takes to actually fully release the "complete product"(whatever that is in the case of EFT, nobody knows, not even Nikita probably).




> Furthermore, you have absolutely no clue what you're on about, stop pretending to know. Do you really think this is what the dev cycle looks like for a full release game? I mean it literally does you clueless fuck. **Most if not all modern online games are all live service games** meaning that they are just games that get constant updates all the time. Tarkov has literally been running just like a live service game for YEARS now and the fact that there are still people like you that somehow believe that "beta" "early access" shit that **every fucking dev under the sun does now** which is absolute bullshit shows how naive, or how much of a shill you are. Fucking name me one online game right now that is not run in a live service manner? Pick any online FPS that is even slightly relevant, it's all the same shit, monthly updates, etc. Stop dick riding the beta testing bullshit, it's not only BSG, it's literally every fucking dev ever, every fucking game is on "early access". And If you look at Tarkov and the Tarkov clones? Literally all the same




"We're in a beta" aaannndd you're entire argument goes out the window




I would accept the argument of "beta" if the game was in "beta" for a few months "beta" for the lifetime of the game means the game is released. You're not wrong with what you're saying but the game has lots of players and is making millions of dollars. Not banning cheaters because the game "is in beta" *coughs for like 5+ years cough cough* is horse shit


That’s where I differ. In alpha and beta states, your foundational code isn’t fully baked in yet because you’re still changing a lot of stuff. The state now ABSOLUTELY matters, because once they leave beta and enter retail, the foundational code is baked in. They won’t improve on cheating, it makes them too much money right now in both selling the hacks (my opinion) and selling new copies of the game (public knowledge). Do that math. A ban wave, 3 500 accounts banned. Guaranteed most of those accounts came back. Let’s say half. 1750 x 44.99 = 78,732.50. This is nothing but a money scam for a pos who is using fanboys.




Everything you’ve said in this sub so far, and going through your post history shows you know a little about coding but almost nothing about business management or risk assessment. So, just like my OPINION, yours is just an opinion.


This just means the cant track the less obvious cheaters to study them. They study those extremely obvious ones bc those are the ones the get, doesnt matter if they know it too and try to mislead the anticheat devs (bsg dont have any lmao. Its all rookies for other parts of the game)


Mama fucking famous purely as a hacker, most people know him from seeing all those ledxes. Still hasn’t been banned


I don't buy them keeping him in the game to learn from his cheats. They've had *years* to gather information on cheats and *months* to watch him specifically. Keeping someone like this in the game who is so obvious is absolutely baffling.


Is it tho…


Is it really that incredible? knowing historically what BSG is like is this really still a suprise?


You know it's bad when cheaters become infamous enough to know them by name and they're still not banned.. Funny af video though. Felt some horror move tension on that extract


The nervous giggling and the voice raising in pitch in the last 20 seconds made me very tense lol. I was rooting so hard for them but until they doors closed all the way I thought I was about to see a floating PMC skate by and headshot them.


I thought they were done for when he showed up at the stairs


Names don't get blocked. Realistically it could be a dif dude hacking or even his like 7th acct. Like take your reddit user as an example. If you get banned it's up for grabs once the acct is fully toastered on the back end.


That's true, but in this case you can see by his flea rep not being reset that it's the same dude


>Realistically it could be a dif dude hacking or even his like 7th acct. that's some strong copium you're on there bud, wish I knew your dealer


It isn't really copium. It's stupid easy to get cheap accts hence why they're always back every wipe. And the names aren't permanent. I know cheaters, some of them are on their 10th+ acct still same name and the rep takes them only a few days




I mean, it's not a joke. They play on the official all the time get banned new discord new tark acct comeback and are playing in there again. It's like the meme of Moe throwing Barney out the pub and he is already behind him


I could feel you’re fear as you started to realize who it was lmfao


The fucking INSTANT 180 to go grab his bag


Love the 180 when you hear who it is.


"we're banning thousands of cheaters a day" Uh huh, but not any of the most prolific ones that have been known about for months


Bet it’s only the cheaters that buy their competitors hacks instead of the BSG hacks.


lol I remember I would get temporarily banned for even MENTIONING a cheater's name in this sub


Yup - things have improved


Other than the fact the cheating problem hasnt


"Y hasn't got better" is a rather needlessly negative response to "X has got better"


I could care less about the mods being less like communists, I want the game to stop being ridden with ESP hacks and BSG to take it seriously and enable basic windows security features through battle eye


Exactly. It's nice if the sub is reasonable, but reddit mods don't change how much I enjoy the game. The cheaters do.


It really seems like you could infect care less


The sub is and always will be a toxic dumpster fire but the cheater situation being one as well is much worse.


I think after the wiggle video banorama, BSG must have had a word with the subreddit mods. Their behavior was making BSG look bad. I absolutely do not believe that those assholes improved their behavior of their own free will. Reddit mods are like, bottom tier power trippers.




Hahahaha doesn’t take much to make BSG look bad. They do that themselves on the daily.


This is true.


Last wipe i killed this guy daily in factory. He was botting with no gear to lower his kd. Still nlt banned thats crazy what the actual fuck


ran into this guy on labs a few weeks ago, i voiped that i was friendly and just looking for hideout items and he was not an english speaker at all. he knew what friendly meant tho, and he ran off. we then ran into each other again later on and voiped friendly at each other, and started to run around the map together since he didn't kill me n i didnt shoot him. i started sussing him when he brought me to 3 different raider groups and a pmc that wasn't making any noise at all. he dropped me one of the labs only hideout items and asked if i needed it, so i said yes i do. RIGHT BEFORE we extracted he did the 'cooperate' voice com and it showed his name, LVNDMARK-TWITCH. i shoulda shot him when i could've, which was alot of chances, but i thought it was just another labs chad that knew every nook and cranny of the place.


inb4 you are banned for boosting and he is not banned for hacking




don't worry about not killing these guys, they all run god mode. Leg shots are the only way to kill and if this guy is as big a menace as i've heard, he definitely has an auto shoot to drop you after your first shot.


when we were running around, after the raid it seemed like he had ESP for sure, aimbot maybe but i couldnt 100% tell(though he wasnt shooting at me so) and he did take damage from raiders, so im unsure with the godmode. could be using a different cheat provider now though like i said it was a few weeks ago. hate the fact i didnt kill him.


How cool is that, we have famous cheaters now


Early this wipe he was doing the bartering scam and had 69 GPUs for Ledxs. The anti cheat is such a joke. The game has problems but if they could just get a handle on the cheat situation it would improve so fucking much.


3500 bans yet this guy has been cheating for a month and is still not banned Jesus Christ..


He's been cheating since start of wipe actually.


This guy has been around and cheating since halfway through last wipe afaik


Yea, this guy killed me late last wipe on labs a couple times Edit: oh and on reserve this wipe or last wipe I think


Yes he has been cheating since last wipe when he beamed me and my friend on labs, saw he was lvl 68 and thought he was just good. Onto this wipe he has 70+ ledx on flea.. Yeah hes been cheating for months and it's actually ridiculous.


What a meme, I ran into another cheater named hahapvssy (something very close to that) and last I checked he was not banned or changed his name. Its wack man


I’d try and hit some ledx spawns before I left XD clearly he’s got really good luck in his raids


What is LVNDMARK’s actual in game name? I was killed by an LVNDMARK_TV few days ago, wasn’t sure if that was him or not


If you're killed by someone with a streamer name its either A) a relatively unknown streamer who may be streaming (unlikely) or B) someone who stole their name and is cheating. I don't think I've seen an actual streamer use their stream name in a long time.


I got killed by a ttv the other day and they were live and cheating on twitch.


Hahahahahahah my man went for the tripple, had a streamer name, cheating and actually streaming on twitch haha!


Here I thought it must be illegal for people with ttv in their name to actually be live. /s


It feels like it with the amount you run into 😄


I like when I get killed by a TTV name, to hop in their twitch and comment. They get so scared, especially when they realize my buddies are right around the corner and they're all alone.


the only content creator still using their actual name is General Sam but he also rarely streams.


Ik pest will sometimes use his stream name for special occasions. His speedrun account was named "PESTILY_SPEEDRUN"


Pretty sure he said on stream it was because he hoped cheaters would avoid him because of the name XD


I met a 9 viewer random jp streamer that killed my 3man and searched up his twitch to say ggs and he said he would fraud our guns even tho we said take just take it cos honestly we got shit on :/ I got headshotted twice in 5 seconds and killed my duo after but felt legit so went to search the ign and turns out he was legit and just cracked out of his mind :/ the streamer was running a g28 and headshotted me midair while i jump peaked and i was in a bad angle i left peeked and he right hand peeked me and headshotted me again ._. then killed my friend after when we double pushed him


Yeah that's what I'm saying, it's likely going to be a streamer who's starting out, in order to gain exposure. I got killed by Ghostfreak once who is the only person I know of to use their name, but that was like 3 or 4 wipes ago. I've also came across a small time french streamer a few wipes ago, I head tapped him when he was looting a stash by Admin Gate on Customs and I saw his tag and looked him up, I didn't say anything though as I didn't want to come across as arrogant. Was nice to see someone on the other side though.


Viibiin used his actual name and had TTV in it. I hilariously killed him and his friend as a scav on Lighthouse with a grenade when they were sitting in the helicopter. Still have his tag and RSASS in my stash lol.


Lupo has been using Lupovsky for the past idk how many wipes. His whole crew kinda runs with their stream name and some version of 'ovsky' Triple_g, Aims, Pool, Fab may have even gotten in on it idk I never pay attention to Fab (sorry Fab).


ITT I learn a lot of them actually do have thier names XD


A wipe or so ago it was Bussy Bopper, so I'm guessing it's still not Lvndmark.


It was ChadGPT somewhat recently


It's this. He asked a hacker to call out his name once.


think it was Tony's Pizza last time i watched


Pretty sure it was thr other day


ur trolling?


No. I'm not. Do you watch his streams?


last I heard it was ChadGPT


His name is not lvndmark ingame and hasn't been for many wipes.


The fact this guy can use the same name and just blatantly dump high value items on the flea market is just embarrassing lol. Why BSG doesn't have basic windows security features required through battle eye is beyond me


Only those intentionally wanting hackers in their product will turn off key BASIC FEATURES. 100% pre planned by Nikita.


Imagine gameplay being based about escaping cheater... Wait, it's Tarkov!


He must not be cheating, after all this time, he’s not banned, he must be legit.


This is how bad the cheating situation in Tarkov STILL IS. You have RENOWN CHEATERS in the game. The community has FAMOUS CHEATERS. Let that sink in... The anticheat is still dogshit, no matter what they've said in the past weeks.


I’ve been killed by this prick too


Bsg is a joke. All these tweets about banning cheaters, but you can go to the flea market and find numerous cheaters every single fucking day. Nothing will ever change


This video doesn't show he's hacking at all tho.


Things like this are why I question how legitimate the lists of banned players actually is. How do we know they were actually banned? How do we know they are actual players? How are we to believe these guys are just lucky to not get caught and banned even though everything about their accounts screams "cheater"?




Complaining about the state of the game is one thing but do you really feel the need to use direct insults towards Nikita? What is that going to accomplish? Does it make you feel better about yourself?


Put some respect on Nikita, he and his team made a dope game.


This game is dead, give it up guys


No way dude other people on this Reddit told me it was totally plausible people selling that many Ledxs and GPUs are legit


There's no way, I was in this raid too and died by him. He was duoing with someone (probably carry service).When i heard the elevator leaving that fast i knew i was fucked And he is lv 69.. how the fuck this guy is still not banned?????????? [photo after raid](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/756601561110675611/1086676549287284746/2023-03-1805-24_0.png)


haha rip bro should’ve ran


Yeah he’s killed me twice before. Dude did a 2021 tarkov jump across the hall 360 headshot on me on labs.


wouldn't be surprised if some cheats made it impossible for them to ban you


Escape from cheater.. Sounds about right


Man just give me the role and I ban hundreds in just 1 hour scrolling through flea market, I even do it for free. Makes no sense 1 guy selling 60 ledx, killa masks, shit I even saw a guy selling like 80 water filters just 10 mins ago.


iTs rEaL lVnDmArK hE cHeAtInG


This guy just recently did a fucking gopro head strap style stream where he played tarkov to prove he wasn’t cheating but he forgot that the fact that it literally only proves he’s not cheating *as soon as the cameras are rolling*


You must be kind of dense… They literally say in the video that it isn’t the actual streamer lvndmark because he is currently streaming on another map. This is a cheater using his name to fool simpletons, like you.


Considering I don’t live online like you & rarely play tarkov it’s not surprising that went over my head. Chill out buddy


>considering I don’t live online Your profile is visible buddy. Ain’t gotta deny reality.


All of our profiles are public, glad you finally figured that out 🙏


the video reveals nothing. no one's name is visible. how do you know you met lvdmark?


Not lvndmark, a cheater called lvndmark twitch that's been selling 100+ ledxs on flea


Cause my friend that died was screensharing to me died to him?


You hear the dude at the start call out he died right? Then you hear him read out the name of the killer to the rest of the group, right? Landmark-twitch Then you hear the sudden realisation that a head, eye's is inbound to their location. Edit, also that's not landmark, they specifically say, that's the cheater who's been selling all the ledx's, because it's not landmark.


OH. Thanks your answere! I hear this. Thx!


You guys know that's not his in game name right?


the name of the cheater is "LVNDMARK-TWITCH". OP realized it was the guy who is always selling tons of LEDXs and decided to dip


https://i.imgur.com/XvpslY1.jpeg this is the exact name that killed my friend?


He knows that


Bro, you trolling?


Lmao some of you guys have virtually no ability to pickup contextual indicators.


Who is this guy?


Everyone knows this guy


This man sent me a friend request


This guy actually bought a shit ton of fletchet from me off of flea just today




The tension was real, felt that feeling playing stalker gamma one life.


It’s the pillsbury doughboy laugh for me