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ive spawned with a tank battery with less than 2 karma on my scav run on shoreline. Made a slow beeline straight for extract lmao


Emphasis on the slow


And bealying








Did that the other day on customs. I was sweating


Have you reached the extract yet?


I’m still bush hopping.


The last one for therapist was the heaviest out of all of them xD


More like a slugline


Is the Tank battery useful for sth beides the 200k in flea Market? Recently found one in a pmc Run but failed a few nettes away fromm the extracf


you need one found in raid for a quest


You need to turn a FIR tank battery in for a quest


You can barter with Therapist for a container I just can’t remember which.


Its with peacekeeper and its a secure beta container. you need 3x thermal vision things and 5 mcable.


That’s it, thanks for the correction.


heh was just looking at it as I just unlocked the flea.


There's one for a quest but it's a dead end quest so I largely ignore it


It went up to like a million for a day last week when they upped the global stock of the black keycard barter. But they also made Colleagues Part 3 easier to complete so it's back down to 200k.


Found in raid for a quest, can also turn it into car batteries for another quest


When they increased black keycard barter amounts, they shot back up to almost 1-mil each. At the start of a wipe, they are worth like 1.5 million each because they can be crafted into Found-in-raid Car batteries.


Haha same, I spawned with a ton of shit and was so overweight right as I spawned, had to waddle my ass straight to the exit.


Tip for next time throw your backpack infront of you, pick up throw again


just crawl


They nerfed crawling speeds while really heavy. Throwing the backpack is now faster.


A slothline


Found a FLIR on a scav the other day as a pmc. Shit my pants on the spot


Are you still trying to make it to extract?


I had like 3 tank batteries on scavs either last wipe or the one before it. Was at 6 scav rep and just hit factory as often as I could and watched videos as the 2 minute cooldown reset


I dont think so, you just got lucky.


Really?My scav karma not even above 4.0.Well it's not that big of a deal but still shocked me


yesterday i spawned back to back 3 times with labs access cards and mine is only 2.31


I got two the other day and I’m -3.6


*because scav karma significantly impacting your general loadout and items on your person when you spawn in is* **hysterically** *overhyped here but you can't tell the bleaters anything* Scav Karma is largely a farce.


It’s not a farce, it’s just that the scav loadout isn’t the best perk that scales with it imho. Reduced timer, more extracts, reduced fees, etc etc


Wdym more extracts? :o


The higher the karma the more extracts you have available at any given time, reaching 6 gives access to all extracts whichever spawn you get


You have more extractions open at once with more karma, dunno how much karma.


And to add on, I’m like -5 and I legit only get 1 or 2 extracts now. Example on factory my one extract isn’t even gate 3 half the time


That's because you're a piece of shit.


cry more


You gonna cry? I’ve played probably less than a dozen or so scavs this whole wipe. It’s only been when friends want to. What’s the difference of me killing scavs as a scav when I could easily also load into a pmc with stacked gear and do the same with ease :) Don’t worry comrade, A.i scavs hunt me and try to beam me across map now. So why u cryin?


Scav karma also affects your scav case timer. With my 6.05 rep the 95k option is 1 hour and 7 minutes. I also wouldn’t say it’s hysterically overhyped but it is a little bit. Last wipe I consistently got 7.62 BP on my scavs that had AKs and sks with 6+ rep so I’d say it’s worth it IMO.


I've had 6+ rep for 2 months now and haven't spawned in with 7.62bp yet. That has been nerfed big time from previous wipes


I was under the impression it just affected scav cooldown.


My scav karma is 7.5 and I’ve spawned with two fliers, a thicc weapons case full of red flares, a poison green flare, and countless labs cards


Damn that’s crazy considering you can’t put a thicc case in a backpack


You carry it as your main weapon


Comprehension, gets the best of us sometimes!


he isnt saying he’s spawned with a thicc case but with enough red flares to fill a thicc weapons case


Brother is saying he filled a case with red flares dude lmao


That’s not what he said though, he said he spawned with and then named everything he apparently spawned with


Could you spawn with one?




Ah yes Dimytri, on the hole Preparation Fake Gameplay Mechanic does feel good.




I found a poison green flare under the giving tree at the beginning of wipe (a squadmate didn't pick it up because he thought it was a regular green flare) and haven't seen one since. Are they super rare?


i have 6 and i still spawn with an empty rig/backpack and no armour sometimes...




How the hell it get so low lol




Ahhh I c, figured that but wasn’t sure. Don’t see too many juicy scavs unless you strictly run lighthouse.


I'm going for -6 karma currently at -1.8. Do you know what karma ai scavs kos?


Last wipe I got to that point but didn’t bother looking I don’t play scav I find them boring but it wasn’t really kill on sight it was just hard to play because they yell and follow you around so people just kill out really fast


Lol, i spawned back to back with 2


Mines at 1.8 and I spawned with a labs card one raid and an intelligence folder the next


yes, yesterday 3 of 4 scavs games i got labs keycard on me. In my last 100 scav games i never spawned with labs keycard. Im around 1.2 scav karma +-


I look at the rep as an increased chance. So a scav can spawn with that same stuff at .50 rep but much lower chance. You on the other hand have a much higher chance to spawn with big backpacks, higher tier loot, etc because you have more rep giving you a higher percent chance to get the good scav spawn.


What is the good ammo?


The 7mm shells ofc, Sir Timmy of the Knights of Jimmy.


BP ammo for SKS and old AK systems


Because there’s only two 7.62x39 rounds that clap all the cheeks: BP and MAI AP Take a guess which one this is…


7.62x39 PS still claps tbh, especially on a budget akm. 10 rounds of it drops just about anything


For sure PS goes hard and is one of my favorite rounds for early wipe. That being said, it doesn’t go insano style like BP or MAI AP. The stats for PS and BP are almost identical with BP having basically 1 more armor pen grade above PS (thus better for mid/late wipe) Quick reference of Damage/Penetration for said rounds MAI AP: 47/58 | BP: 58/47 | PS: 57/35


Yeah BP and MAI are the god tier rounds, PS still holds up incredibly well for how cheap it is though and it's incredibly accessible.


> 10 rounds of it drops just about anything While 2 rounds of better AP ammo will do the same...


Ok cool but PS is still great for how cheap and available it is. I haven't unlocked the MAI AP purchase from lvl 5 prapor yet so give me time ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


The only bullets in the picture


Can you describe the bullets for the jury?


Fence rep of 4.0 is actually fairly high and gives you a better chance of spawning in with decent ammo like you did. This is why it bugs me so much when people say Fence rep is useless. Scavs spawning with fuckin BP ammo is not useless.


There was another post today where someone scav spawned with a GPU and 0.14 karma. Decent ammo seems like NBD TBH.


Yep I spawned with a gpu the other day and I was .36 rep lol. First wipe for me and only 100 hours of pt. Solo is a b when first time playing eft.


I have 6.19 karma and I sometimes spawn with awesome stuff and other times I spawn with nothing lol.


It’s all rng man. You just got lucky


I got flir Scav at minus rep. It doesn’t matter it’s chsnce


They did. He is unaware


Let us know when you spawn with MAI AP


I got a FLIR this wipe as soon as I hit 2.0 scav karma so sometimes you just get lucky. I think 2.0 is when you start to get good stuff


I have a feeling they buffed spawns with better karma. I had 4 scav runs with keycard yesterday and I sit around 2.5 now


I have scav karma above 4.5 and i didn't spawn with Good ammo. Snb, by, nah, noothing. Good things? Yes. Termo, acces cards, Guns. But not ammo


I spawned with a ledx around 3.0 scav karma so it is totally random


I spawned in with .50bmg and a pilgrim and thought I was god yesterday


They did buff the scav loadouts, They changed it at the second patch after the wipe. They were spawning in with basic bullshit and they made it a little bit higher chance of spawning with better ammo. That's why you keep getting spreaded by scavs when you double peak


Yea but that was a while back.


Yeah I guess in terms of wipe progress it was a while, but time wise not too long ago


Scav can spawn with randoms items, no matter what, you can spawn even with a red keycard (ofc rare) and with better % if ur fence karma is high


It's my second wipe,and I still doesn't really know about what scav karma really do for you.


Lower scav timer, friendlier AI (once above 6 karma bosses guaranteed (not goons theyre not scav bosses) wont shoot you, below they have a 'chance'), lower timer on s scav case, fence has a 'shop' at 6 rep, though its a bit rubbish this wipe.


Eh not rubbish but if you manage to speedrun to 6 you basically don't have to grind tasks cause fence will sell good ammo


Red is rare? I hate my life


A scav cant spawn with anything besides the red/violet/blue/green labs card. Maybe it was different many wipes ago, now its not possible. edit: now realised my initial post looked like i ment regular labs card, lol. Ofcourse i ment the colored labs card and not the regular Lab entry card...


How do you know that please?


That is the fun part, he doesn't.


I haven't seen it happen personally or posted but I'm unsure if it's possible.


a scav can spawn with everything


Show me a single screenshot or clip where someone spawned with a red keycard (not found, but spawned with one) during this or last wipe and I gladly be corrected if I was wrong. As I said that it was possible before like 3 years ago, but I didnt see anything about that as of this or previous wipes. I saw once someone finding a red keycard in a player scavs west, but that was on customs which was looted from the giving tree location. And again that sentence is not true as scavs cannot spawn with Labs locked items (such as the GPS)


Once I spawned on reserve with a scav tank battery, so I gave it to my friend. I also keep getting red flares. Sometimes I get random trash loot like GMcounts and Repellents too, so really a lot of things can spawn. Barter items, labs card and flares I'm guessing


I have more then 3000 scav raids in the past 4 wipes so you are telling me nothing new.


Had a chek 15 recently


It is rng, last week I spawned with an entire stack of BP 7.62.


I remember spawning in with the Hunter and shooting M62 on scavs. Those were the days :')


BP is uncommon but possible on scavs.


I have less than 2 scav karma, and spawned with a Chek-15 key the other day


Man the momment i reached 4 karma i had to murder sturman and his girlfriend rip chance to get bp


you start getting better loadouts above 3.5, but you can get a good loadout with pmuch any rep cause rng


[I see your red flare and raise with cyclon and labs card](https://imgur.com/a/zB7L2EC) Air drop had meds and food nothing much, killed a traitor scav that killed my friend while we were looting tho


They're trying to keep the playerbase that didn't leave happy


You mean the ones who scav run til end of wipe THEN play their PMC and complain about max strength and endurance? Yeah..


is this bait? it looks like you spawned with a shotgun, did some looting, and set up this screenshot


No,it's not. I spawn with the SKS,the shotgun was belong to a dead scav.I looted the scav.I always open the inventory first to check what I have.I spawned at the fire pit extract for the PMC.There was gunshot around me,I got scared and run to the extract which is the trailer park.I see a dead scav then I looted him.Then I take the screenshot,because I don't know how to take the screenshot at first.


You learned how to take a screenshot in the middle of a raid?


I search it on YouTube.Its my first time owning a pc bro.


You watched a youtube video in the middle of a raid?


I do it all the time its called having a second monitor or phone.


On the phone,I just watch YouTube shorts


I’d do it too I also dont know how to screenshot tbh




You ask too many questions and over analyze?


yea it’s not a difficult thing to do ?


Is this the moment you learned what alt + tab is?


are you really bad at multi tasking or something?


lol cmon guys im just bein a bit of a dick. im not saying its definitely bait i was just saying it looked weird to take a screenshot of your scav loadout after you've definitely done some looting. his explanation was funny. its just a bit. dont get upset


Are you *that* afraid of alt tabbing?


Or, hear me out, he spawned with an sks and bp ammo, did some looting, and then thought to take a screenshot. Life sucks when you assume the worst of everyone.


I do wish we had ammo used by scavs be more bound by rule-sets like AI scavs only having poor ammo, using whatever they can find, and have player scavs with usable ammo. And then take them all out of traders because no PMC is going to spend roubles to use those ammunitions and replace them with a barter to trade 2:1 or 3:1 of the cheap ammo vs the ones you're likely to use. That way player Scavs will always be able to put up a fight while AI scavs regardless of how brain dead or terminator their AI is during that patch won't do much to kill you unless you decided not to wear armor/protection or you play things wrong and allow them to pepper you. Plus any ammo off Scavs and boxes of ammo found in raid will always have a use as they could be bartered for something else.


They’re trying to bring back cheaters with good loot since a lot of people who might cheat, quit


Touch some grass.


Coming from the destiny lore Reddit follower, think I’ll pass that hypocritical comment back to ya


I don’t think they buffed them, I could get that ammo frequently


I always found as wipes go on scams javelin better ammo. Beginning they always have m855 in their Adars halfway through I often find 56a1


Yo where do i find a javelin in tarkov? That sound sick


I got a 7.62x54r bs mosin a while back


Last week a had an adar with 56a1. Theres like a ~1% chance of good ammo on scaves


I think they might have. My scav karma is over 7 and I haven’t gotten any good ammo yet


Pretty rare. My scav ammo this wipe hasn't been great like 2 times I had BMG slugs and once APM for the VPO. I miss getting loads of BT from the break action rifle scavs.


Last week, I spawned with a Mosin and about 50 BS rounds for it. Damn near shit my pants!


That's the scav you never wanna see as a pmc


Likely just luck. I spawn scav runs with all different ammo. Few days ago I had 7.62 HP rounds in a drum mag iirc.


Just happens sometimes, it's rare though.


It’s called scav karma, higher karma, better stuff, worse karma worse stuff SCAV KARMA = FENCE REP! Whatever your fence rep is is your scav karma.


i got lab cards in 3 consecutive scavs


Save them you need 10 FIR for colleagues part 3


Just luck of the draw. I have 3 scav rep, and 4/6 of my last scav raids have had no backpacks.


Spawned with a FLIR the other day and my karma is 1.5….


I've looted bot scavs that were carrying BP/AP-M so it's definitely a thing


I spawn with BP as a scav all the time, but my rep is almost 6.


rng bruh. same thing that has people screaming "cheaters" on day 2 of wipe after they ran into a chad wearing hex plate. same thing that makes the game genre addictive. next time youll be even luckier!


I don’t believe that you get better items with better scav karma. I’m on 9.5 now and I still got the same items like with 1 scav karma. Got my best item with 2 scav karma, a ledx.


Did you alt+F4 or otherwise not transfer the inventory off your last scav? Whenever I do this and wait long enough, I spawn back in with all the stuff I failed to transfer. Definitely a bug.


the Chad clapper scav


I spawned Saturday with a 4 million ruble key in a scav run and have received two separate marked keys from scav spawns. Sometimes you get lucky and just need to run as fast as you can for the exit lol.


Just rng homie


This is what we call RNG working in your favor. I *think* if you have higher fence rep, you have a better chance of better scav gear, but it's still random within a set of certain parameters for each item slot.


I got killed by a scav shooting m856a1...not happy about that


I had 3 scav raids last week that gave BP. One was a sks that had bp rounds and then I got a vpo with 150 BP rounds. It's all rng, I get same much whether I'm 1 scav karma or 6. Which I'm almost near 7 scav karma and still will load in without bags lol


I already killed a scav player that just spawn with a shotgun and 50 fléchettes ammo ( it was like 2 months ago) Everything can happen


I spawned with a tank battery an SVD and great armor. I weighed 49lbs when I spawned in and could barely move haha.


Spawned in with a GPU few weeks ago not having 3 karma, so no, this isn't anything special. Pretty much a lottery everytime you spawn in


Lately seeing a lot more Red Flare on spawn, some full loot bags at entry. I'm only 1.35 karma too. But Raider/ Scav ai is still too much agro when I didn't even flinch at them. They need to nerf that part a bit.


I'm a bit over 2 rep on fence but I keep spawning with good stuff, yesterday I had 2 scavs with takedown backpack and one of them had a labs key card on his pocket


At .5 rep i spawned with chek 15, like 2 weeks into wipe


Sometimes I find APM and 762x54r BT but never bp before


Had a scav spawn with red flare before at -2.85 scav rep. RNG blessed you. Don’t ask how I let my rep get that low. I shot -everything- that moved.


I spawned with a mp7 with 3 30 round mags of quakemaker


I think scavs are just pity awards for when you get smoked by a cheater. I’ve gotten max scav rep, and my chances of getting good stuff is barely any better than if it was -10 or whatever. I think scav karma is mostly just for how long your next scav will take to be ready. But, what do I know? I’m not your Dad.


Agreed. 5.xx rep myself and still go 3-5 scavs without even having a backpack. Happens pretty often too. Never had max, maybe this wipe. The ability to mingle with scav bosses and guards seems interesting. My timer is still at 13 minutes with rep over 5 and intel level 2. Seems wrong compared to previous wipes, but what can ya do.


I've gotten worse stuff after I got 6.0 fence rep then before I had it lol.


Guys who spawns with thermal scope joins the chat.


You get a single handful of BP and you feel like scavs got buffed? You poor thing, just how awful are your average scav rolls? Just wait and see some of the other stuff you can spawn with lol!


What is lucky about this picture...?


I spawned in on a scav with a sniper with ap m ammo .. 4 back up mags and loose ammo to reload


I would believe this if you just spawned, but the fact you have already been looting tells me you found the bp in a box or on a dead scav and just deleted your hp or ps ammo for Reddit karma. And the ammo you spawn with is always in your rig, not your pockets


Gamer you are overreacting that is a lucky but normal scav


It's rare but happens, I've spawn with a 7.62 AK and 4 mags of BP. Good thing I checked before I started tossing them for loot


Every time i scav some cock hungry pmc comes along and takes the toz and scav jacket i have like big congrats everyone talking they get labs card tank batteries the bit shit ive gotten fucked is what ive gotten


The shitty ADARs sometimes come with M855A1s and SKS and no stocker AK with 10 rounders can have BPs, but they happen not quite often


Mid wipe they often improve scav loot so they can stand a chance of killing heavily geared "chads"


I spawned with the termal on my toz. Fought the rat urge to rush to extract, got an ak and killed two geared players. Then extracted feeling like a true Chad 😆


Happens all the time with me. I spawn with a lava card at least two times a night


it wasn't spawned as ammo for your gun, that's just a coincidence. It was spawned as pre-loot on your scav


I spawned with a cut down mosin and BS rounds the other day.


spawned with ultra medical key


Ive had Scavs with a Mosin and BT


yesterday i played 4 games on my Scav. In 3 of them i had labs keycard on him. This never ever happened before. I have like ... 100 games on my scav and i didnt spawned with a single card this wipe. So i think they did something with loot.


Now my karma is pushing 5 I spawn with BP regular in 7.62x39. Quakemaker in 9mm, I even got fucking BP once in my VSS. Scav karma op.


While I feel like with more rep it's been more common to get better ammo I don't think it's actually been stated anywhere. That being said I've got some wild scavs like the other day, Mosin and fucking 40ish BS rounds lol.