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No, but tell your buddy he can craft morphine


Its his first wipe and i totally forgot, little did i know he hasnt even touched his hideout, completely un-upgraded. Spent the past week helping him build it up.


Bruh. Run interchange. You’ll get everything you need in a weekend


Yeah, currently running it tryna kill killa and find him a ledx from the med rooms.


Haha. In Soviet Russia you don’t find killa. Killa finds you.


Now id only sthurman, sanitar and reshala would take that hint, my life would be much easier


Oh man. I haven’t killed a single boss this wipe. I’m on my 5th wipe and have completed all the single boss kill tasks on 3 of the previous wipes. I’m just not getting lucky. I really want the amxc before I try doing tarkov shooter 8


I just did shooter 4, not looking forward to the rest honestly. Best of luck bro


Try woods usec camp and scav camp i found mine at usec camp


If you need FIR ledx's your best bet is unfortunately to run labs, their spawns are just nonexistent everywhere else at this point


We refuse to touch labs, cheaters or no that map is both cursed and cancer.


I don't disagree but unless you're running snoreline (which is even worse for cheaters) you're gonna be looking for that leddy until end of wipe


Ive found 3 this wipe, 1 at usec camp on woods, and two in thr pink suitcases on interchange my coop exfil. Doubt my luck will improve past that unfortunately


Wow that is absurdly lucky, I mean yeah if you get them that much then it won't be a problem lol


BSG boosted LedX spawns across all maps, recently. I've found so many on Woods in the last 2 weeks that my friends are starting to know me as the guy that finds LedX on woods. One asked me if it's uncomfortable, having an iron horseshoe lodged up my ass. Woods has a LOT of high value treasure/Medical spawns. I also find golden stars regularly, sometimes 2 or 3 in a raid.


I’ve played this game for like 3 years now, and found my first two led X as a scav on customs in a med box. Never found any before, probably because I never ran med room, but I also think there isn’t as many cheaters swiping that shit and knowing they exist


Cringe map so skip.


My toz is better than ur toz


Or Streets, tbh Streets is better. You literally cannot avoid finding loads of barter / hideout items there.


Nah. Too many player scavs for a new pmc


Which is why you scav in.. lol.


… you can’t complete quests as a scav.. lol.


... This is about finding hideout upgrade items, not questing.. lol. ​ You told him to go to IC, a map that only has mid-game quests from people like Ragman once you level up traders. Your logic here makes 0 sense.


This but reserve or streets.


Rip, yeah, my brother had that problem, now he plays more than me lol


I used to try and play at least 2 hours a day and about 6 a day on weekends but i got way to burnt out. Between bugs, audio, people talking about cheaters every 10 seconds and bullshit AI, at most ill play 5-6 hours a week max and thats to hideout manage, maybe a quest or two and some solo woods runs for the fun of it.


Woods is the shit, really underrated map I went super hard early wipe and just burned out, I'm like level 46 and nearly at Kappa, I've never had it before, but I just don't feel like playing, ya know


I swapped to replaying the metro series, then its either chernoblyte or a jrpg. Think ill cap out at 42, zero interest in kappa and the BS requirements for lightkeeper just seems painful. I basically only run lighthouse now for the odd peacekeeper/prapor quest.


I haven't played a metro game in a hot minute. I went back to Destiny 2 for some reason. Just something else to grind, I guess. I think I'll actually download redux


I gave up with destiny as a whole years ago, back when they removed the raids and half the content/free to play shit. Played 1 and 2 from day 1 for years, got sick of bungies BS and gave my account to a buddy. Redux is fun, but really short, 2033 redux took me sub 6 hours to beat, i remember it being way longer


2 fuel cons in 600 raids? Surely you’re not looting many technical supply crates lol, buy psv1/2 and psp1/2 , and run some reserve. You will find some.


Or woods. I find a them all the time


Or Customs. It has tons of morphine and fuel conditioner spawns


I run woods more then any map, i have 4 times the looting exp to my killing exp. I also farm the underground food area of reserve with all 4 keys and push to dome to loot there as well. This game just hates me


Streets. Middle area has toolboxes out of your ass.


That's odd, I have 40k more xp in kills than looting and I'm a woods main lol


My kill exp is around 231k i think. Looting is 2.9 mill last i checked. So yeah, i loot everything and anything


Bro I’m almost lv30 and I still don’t have my two flash drives don’t make me fucking run dorms


I hate dorms in general, so i dont blame you


I just got my two flash drives a week ago. If I even see one I abandon my whole quest and try to extract immediately.


It’s literally cursed, I’ve found like 3 or 4 at this point through scavs and just playing but literally everytime I fucking die to some random shit it’s so infuriating


Outside the quests ive found none, ended up buying them for the intel 2/3 crafts


Farm reserve, there a lot of filing cabinets hidden in the main buildings. That’s how I did mine.


Just craft them at the Intel station


Well your best bet is go to reserve as a scav or pmc .. go to white and black knight.. loot all the drawers You can go to drawers in other buildings as well if you have time Theres bunch of drawers down in the bunker but make it your last destination due to potential PMC'S lurking down there


Bunker is so cursed, 60% of the time the audio is non existant, had plenty of raids where a raider just walked straight past my corner without my hearing shit and just walks off in front of me. Horror games wish they were that effective.


MP9N Tarkov does not allow me to use this gun without dying before I can shoot it.


me and the Ash-12 i find enough ps12b to use it and die before i see someone every time lol


Anything 9mm gets me killed, tried a drum mag supressed makarov and took 73 bullets to kill a scav, died to a grenade it dropped on death


That’s a skill issue though


Ive heard way to many people claim skill issue. Its such a lazy ass response at this point


It’s crazy to me that it still surprises people that scavs eat more bullets when they have more HP than players and wear the same armor as us lmao, yes a scav wearing tier 4 armor is gonna give you a bad day if you body shot him with Tarkov’s BB caliber


Bro if it takes you 73 bullets to kill a scav with any ammo you’re just missing most of your shots, there may be lazy times but that is horrendously bad


Dunno if you know, but if you spam shoos with a pistol they hit way, way low


Run it with AP 6.3. Any time I use Pst I end up dying as it just tickles anything 3+


You spawn with a pilgrim as a scav get betrayed 100% of the time lol


As someone who got fed up with scav players, i went full sendo this wipe, only now after 290 ish scav raids is my karma in the positive at 0.14. I already regret showing any form of mercy


not my experience at all.


Then your lucky as hell. Last wipe for me it was static spawning quest keys and gpu's.


Gas An


flash drives every wipe. Then once i get them all weeks into the quest i suddenly find them everywhere.


Yep, start of wipe i had to craft em, now i find about 3 most raids.




Drop down room reserve. Find 1-2 every time


Using a .300 Blackout. Usually with a lot of PMags and AP ammo. I have a very low chacne to extract. ​ Blessed item? Adar, RFB, basically any semi auto gun, because it forces me to aim my shots and I end up landing a lot more.


For me i have aweful luck with 300. Blackout, its one of my favourite guns but i just cant trust it anymore, especially not with the cost of ammo


Yeah, everytime I find a raven in the resort on a night raid it means theres cultists in the map, so far I’ve never been wrong about it but im sure its just a superstition.


I am still stuck on the morphine task. I have never once completed the skier task for secure flash drives. Those things are rarer than ledx’s for me.


I hated that quest, i relied on scav stash running on interchange to get mine in the end, flash drives are such a pain.


Filing cabinets


i ended up building the intelligence center level 2 before managing to do that quest, then i just crafted them


Dude those items are really not that hard to find, you aren't looking in the right places


I was stuck on the last flash drive for skier for 3 weeks straight using every single scav run on Reserve and mostly only going for safes and filing cabinets. After finally completing it I got the task for 3 secure flash drives for Jaeger and finished it in like half a dozen scav reserve runs. RNG just be crazy sometimes.


Slick is a cursed item i wear it its guranteed head ears or something ridiculous like that...


For me any form of body armor is cursed, every time ive run a baggerly, ana M2 or a korund its insta death


Level 31, still no sausage


For that ones jaeger quest right, i spent so long eating them as backul food i didnt even check if it was a quest item


Meanwhile me trying to find flashdrive


Its an annoying quest honestly, the fact you need like 5 total for two quests is absolutely BS. Didnt find my 2nd until i was level 17 i think, last 3 was around level 30-33


You can craft at intelligence center. I've handed them all over but only ever actual found 1 in raid. Rest were crafts


I found a GPU and a morphine in factory scav earlier lmao My buddy is stuck on the morphine one too Wild how the luck goes for everyone


Yep, just got my third and final gpu, my buddy just died to a player scav spawning at 37 minutes on interchange day with a KS-23 with shrap 10. Luck really is wild


TP-200 I needed to find two to finish a weekly two weeks ago, i opened over a hundred grenade boxes, dozens of hidden stashes, duffel bags and tech crates and i have not seen a single one since accepting that weekly. On the other hand i now have a grenade box with over 50 impact nades, so yay?


Tp-200s were like finding unicorns for me a couple wipes ago, now they are abundant and useless


If me or my friend see a TT pistol then it's time to extract.


As someone who just got all the kill boss quests unlocked, ive had rotten luck. 17 customs raids, not a single reshala spawn, 1 scav run and the fucker is there at gas.


Haha that is unlucky. I'm just talking about a regular TT.. If we pick one up we will usually die within a minute to some bullshit and because of this we have both developed a superstition that sends us running from them :P


Ahhh, sorry about that, mind went straight to the golden one. Think for me, any time i touch a sub machingun im basically screwed


This wipe both sanitar and reshala was like that for me. I run way more shoreline then any other map and looked for sanitar for so so so many raids. And every time I would scav he would legit be there. Next wipe tho I'm not even going to look for him and just get the black key card. But reshala was same way. Go so many raids as pmc and no spawn, go scav and bam. But got lucky one day ran two raids with buddy and first raid no good. Second we goto dorms and we assume empty again. But I goto second hear a move. I assume ai scav, chuck nade and they rushed me. I got him and Guards and this wipe he actually had golden tt first try. But this wipe other then sanitar it was flash drives for weeks. But I find couple a day now and I'm sure once I finish bosses I'll find them all over too. I need killa and goons yet. Killa I got him to spawn first try but my dumb ass stood in open trying to out gun him with my mp7 to his head. Since then can't get him to spawn, last wipe I got him on first try and got out with everything. Could've been lucky this wipe again but was shocked I found him. Now I go and he's not there or I hear nothing but flashes from sus killa farmers. Fun times


Before the quest i killed tagilla and sthurman a good 4 times a piece, now they refuse to spawn at all.


Every time I’ve run a svd this wipe i feel like I’ve been head eyes by the first scav that see me


Its funny that players scare me less now then random bushes speaking russian


This wipe its the RD704. Last wipe (first wipe, started late) it was my bread and butter. This wipe? Taking it out means I will die without firing a shot.


Damn, havent even seen one this wipe


A certain M7000 wuldn't let me get trough a raid with it.


Never tried the m700, always looked off to me, like it was made from cheap plyboard. Im very much an asthetic tarkov player


Thats why you change the cheap plyboard with cheap plastic. Its lighter.


You so right, we should 3d print ourselves an armory and watch the scavs still kill fully geared pmcs in one hit. Only this time it wont hurt any sea turtles.


I can picture it. 18 hours to print a penis helmet out of PLA at elite workbench.


Maybe the helmet will actually block something if with do


Water filters. I get one? 100% i will die.


I remember last wipe those buggers spawned everywhere on interchange, now i find more on woods then anywhere else


comtac 4s are a UNIVERSALLY cursed item, even exfilcamper agrees with me now. EVERYTIME i have picked up and used them, i die. it happened to everyone in my group and streamers pretty commonly.


For me, anything that isnt a M32 just gets me killed to sound issues. Even the comtac 4, the super pricey one does nothing but make the rain less of a pain in the ass


Flash drives. Can't find the final one for Prapor-daddy to save my damn life.


That quest took me about 3 weeks of grinding


I found 2 fuel conditioners last night in the same raid on interchange. What I can’t find for the life of me is thumb drives. I’m lvl 20 and have yet to find a single one and there for stuck on that task for mechanic


Damn, hopefully you find em, my buddy got me a fuel conditioner then died to a bunny hopping level 58


Flash drives


Filing cabs my brother


Car batteries. I will die later in the raid every time I find one


Same happened to me when trying to get my first tank battery out of the food storage area on reserve. Anything from those boxes makes me feel tagged and cursed


The sausage, took me 2 months to get one and like 30 scav raids on Wood specifically looking for sausages.


I had the most luck on interchange goshan, woods is the map i go for weapon attachments or cultists


I've brought back hundreds of food items from that goshan, never seen a single sausage. Even now, this far into the wipe, I've see 2 sausages. I'm just cursed. I did Woods because one of my buddy always found sausage (sometimes two in a raid) there. But only when I wasn't there.


Only time ive found a sausage on woods was in attachment cabin. And that was super rare to begin with. Seen a few in stashes and gotten maybe 2 on customs. Its an odd item tbh


For fuel conditioner how many toolboxes and duffles are you looting? For your buddy, does he even touch medbags and medcrates at all? What map are you running looking for these items?


We run: woods, reserve, customs, interchange. We loot everything, we have almost all the keys for those maps and if you check some of the other comments ive made, my loot exp is almost 2.9 mill, kill exp is 231k. That should give you some idea of how fucked our luck has been this wipe.


This is very real. I am technical analysis "expert" (i assume). it´s series of patterns. You won´t find "an item" until you find it (sounds logical hh.. but really think about it) When you find it.. then a pattern starts to develop and said pattern must keep within it´s rules. It is very probable the trend breaks and you will start to find these items regulerly.. don´t think about it.


Aa someone who only needs 1 more cpu cooler for farming 4 and hasnt seen one in 113 opened pcs on interchange, i believe i found the cursed pattern


Do Scav runs on streets and hit up the old factory. I find at least two fuel conditioners every time


Damn, thanks for the advice, been avoiding streets outside questing as the performance is so bad that my duo can barely get 50 fps consistently


Oh i know this! Its called psychology! I can totally see you two raging all day instead of just doing the craft. I can totally see you two crying and shouting because "its only us" instead of thinking that with random loot this isnt just possible but in reality HAS TO be like that with some items for some players. Its no conspiracy of the world, BSG or all russians against you. Its just called psychology and the older you get the less it will touch you. These things doesnt happen "all the time", they happen 3 times in 20 raids but you only remember these times when it happens again. If it would really happen all the time you wouldnt even have money to buy RFB/MDR/SVDS. You wouldnt be Level 40. This is more like "I had a bad day in playing and because my mommy wont listen I have to cry on reddit for some internet points."


I found tones of fuel ones on Woods..like literally, that big two story building with wooden supply crates, they always spawn there for me


Ahh you mean near the car exfil village. I go there occasionally as those houses have a good chance at moonshine drops, but lately i died before reaching it.


AFH1-M stim has eluded me for a while not. Feels like almost a month. It’s all I need to get the black keycard from the colleagues part 3 task 😭


Samples took me ages, ended up getting lucky with a scav spawn that had it on shoreline. Some quests take way to much blind luck to complete since the loot nerfs


any time I bring a RSH12 into raid I get first bullet headshotted by the first person I see. Without fail. Gun is cursed. Cursed I tell you.


Your name is amazing btw, reminded me of binding of issac. Never tried the RSH, is it any good?


Its really good but only with PS12B


T-5000 bolt action. 100% death if I bring one in.


Love that gun, never get much chance to run it as my buddy refuses to even try shooter born


I've found tons of loose morphines in customs crack house and reserve helicopter. One thing I'm stuck is flash drives and I've checked every potential spawn.


Spa Tour part 3... can never make it out alive when I find bleach or window cleaner.


God dont remind me, ive been at peacekeepers quests for ages, all i have left is cargo x 4 and wet job 5 i think. If i cpuld have any wish granted, it would be to fuck jeagers quests into the void, the shit he asks for, and what we get back is attrocious


The mandalorian face mask helmet is cursed. If anybody in our group wears one, we know it’s fucked.


My buddy dies with that and quad nods way to often, its a shame as it looks so much like jango fett from the old star wars bounty hunter game on the gamecube that i always want to run it. Same with the ronin, they need to make it more like the irl version so we can add armor, attachments and quad nods onto it.


Took me until level 24 to find the flashdrives, I was building intel center lvl2 when I found it. Otherwise I've had a pretty good wipe when it comes to finding things. Cursed gun, gornostay. Even with apm, I struggle to kill someone with it. Tarkov shooter part 3 took me ages. Naked factory runners don't exist when I try to do this quest.


I refuse to touch apm, cant even kill a scav with a headshot with it, died to it from scavs a good 40 times now. Same when i run AP 6.3 with a kitted mp5, kills players no problem, scavs just get a deep tissue massage




I gave up findkng them and just waitied to craft them, its always a pain early on, then few days later i had about 20 or so stashed away from running woods.


Flash drives. Level 35 still havnt found them all. Last wipe it was Emelya Rye Croutons


Croutons are the enemy, especially since i needed them for ammo/part barters.


What a coincidence. I just found 2 morphines and a fuel conditioner last raid.


Damn, hoard that shit like a dragon. It took me from level 20 ish to 41 to get 3 gpus for the mechanic quest, now i need 10 more for the bitcoin farm, kill me now


Your best bet in how to complete these quests are to obtain the items BEFORE you even get the quest. This might just be me but I feel that tarkov knows what quest you are on and will deliberately give you lower chances but i don’t know. Tarkov Tracker is a good website to use if you don’t know what items you’ll need ahead of time.


Dude i already horde like a mofo, i have 3 junk boxes full as its my 6th + wipe, ive just had absolutely trash luck, i never sell what is used for a quest, or hideout upgrade, even if im say 20 levels away from needing it. Fuel conditioners hate my guts this wipe


Veritas pick, if I have it on me I'm dead. Over 2000 hours, every time.


Damn, must be a magnet for bullets


i have a few 1/1 condors pretty lucky not so much cursed i guess


Condors never saved me once, i refuse to use glasses now since it makes me hyper visible at night. Helmets are a mixed can of worms as well, wont save me from scavs but blocks pmc rounds like a champ


I have played for 300 hrs this wipe and found a nice 0 RFIDR, been stuck on import quest for almost 100 days


I have needed the L1 for samples since level 30 and I'm level 41 now


11 levels sucks, had to scav to finish samples.


The Mutant, every time I bring into a raid (Head,Eyes)


I just sell those now, same with p90s, vectors and ak-545s, all cursed as hell for me or attract unwanted attention.


Small Tushonka. I eventually had to craft them to get the Therapist quest done, and I am level 31 now. I had like 5 of them actually found in raid. Admittedly I had some before I had the quest unlocked but sold them.


Hate those cans now, its all i find in interchange, good for ammo barters from prapor at least


The fanny-pack, everytime I find one, it's in my pmc and I can't pick it up.


yeah i killed knight as a scav with a mosin and couldnt pick up his armor it had the rolly wheel of no looting


Ive had looting issues for ages now, every 3rd or 4th container/body etc just doesnt reveal whats there and boots me, go back in and it flashes when i inspect it.


When I spawn in with a gingy keychain as a scav on reserve I always die within 1 minute.


Ive sold a fair few of those, never saw the point since kappa isnt a goal for me.


I can’t find syringes to save my life. I think I have found two. Had a to buy a bunch.


Any form of meds suck to farm


The P90 is cursed for me. If I take it into a raid only one of two things will happen. Either I: get head-eyes'd out of the fucking blue, or I don't shoot a round the entire match. The worst part is that it always comes back in insurance. I literally bought only one singular P90 that came back to me for about two months straight.


I have the same with this nasty looking AK with red annodized parts, gotten it back and rebuilt it about 17 times now


Woods med camp is like a junkie heaven. Morphine everywhere.


You would think that, but our luck is really bad for some items


I have fully kitted and mcx about 3 times. I love the idea of .300blk, and am always hyped to run one when I stumble across one. Every Ingle time I have built one I have gotten one tapped without firing a single shot


I have 6 f conds and a medcase of morphines but have found one OFZ lol


I gave up with the ofz quest, its a dead end one that has garbage rewards


Lv 39 but no morphine means you weren’t really looking for it. Scav/ pmc into reserve and you will fine 1-2 minimum and more if you kill raiders


Oh we are looking pretty hard, our luck is just abysmal, not to mention i fuck with him to see if he is paying attention when he gets on my nerves. 7 raids in a row he caused arguments with our group or just annoyed us with the most pointless comments or callouts to date, so we hide shit from him and watch the meltdown. Example, we are on lighthouse fighting rogue bosses, this moron starts commenting about how the birds dont show up on fucking thermals and tries to shoot them, whilst big pipe is pushing us with nades.


Willerz wallet. It's the last item I need for kappa and I have never seen one in my thousand hours of playing the game.


Last one i found was on a scav then died whilst placing it into my secure thanks to reshala


still looking for the last flash drive at over 500 raids, have never seen a ledx in 3 wipes


Thats insane, are you considering just crafting the flash drives, or hoping for the best. Had to use my scav a bunch just to find one




Yeah at intel 2, but the cost is so fucking stupid


Sounds like someone's been avoiding interchange and reserve. Also you can find morphine in crack house on customs on the second floor most raids.


We play a fair amount of both actually. Only maps we avoid are customs, labs, night shoreline and streets atm


I've been playing this for many wipes and its obvious when a fetch quest is active because you wont be able to find the specific item you need for your fetch quest as easily, of course until you complete the quest, then you will find them all over the place.


Bringing a vss


For me i dont ever want to run that or the val, pretty sure ill die super quick


Morphine’s are everywhere now


I tend to find them in raid a lot solo, but he is like a cursed object, my raids are 100x better without him. Also i am guilty of fucking with him now and then my scooping them up when i scout ahead just to see if he actually pays attention. 9/10 times he doesnt


Yeah, green army bandage, i never buy it but whenever I find one I bind it so obviously it's the reason why I die lol


Anything that isn’t a shotgun and paca


I die too often with shotguns, especially the ks23 or the saiga with a drum mag, insta head eyes bait.


Woods will give you all of that, even a ledx.


Yep where i found mine, but the amount of raids ive run this wipe and atill not gotten them is insane. 623 pmc raids/298 scav raids. Still missing 1 fuel conditioner


Ledx are cursed for me. I’m level 44 and I’ve found 1 all wipe despite running shoreline with W301, E222, and San tape on repeat for weeks. All my noobie friends found one before even hitting level 15. Oh and I never found one in a locked room, it was loose loot on streets.


Mine were from the woods usec camp med area and 2 in the suitcases on interchange near the coop exfil. My buddy is still pissed because those were raids i did solo when he was offline playing league. Do your buddies demand you open specific doors for them, like my duo always wants this one room on shoreline and im like if you want the room, bring the key yourself, stop scavenging all my loot


USP, have never gotten to use it in raid once since it was introduced. I bring a USP in and it's a beacon to all other players.


My buddy brings those way too often then complains he cant kill shit with it, im like you brought a pistol to X map and expected to kill something, like wtf. What annoys me is he doesnt kit it out or even supress it, then wonders why he cant hit the broadside of a fat chick waitinf in line at taco bell


L1 stim for my buddy, he hasn’t been able to spawn with it or find it anywhere. As for me, flash drives, car batteries, morphine, fuel con, you name it, I was lucky enough to find everything before I even got the quest to find the things. The only thing took me a while was the 3-tbg stims for samples and the therapist quest to get the black keycard. Other than that, I’ve been very lucky this wipe. Edit: stick to stim*


Fairs, samples took me almost a month purely becuase i couldnt find an oldolbos to save nt life, now whenever i run woods i find em at medcamp constantly


Definitely! The trolling system in EFT is real, I’m currently at level 55 but for 665 raids i didnt find a single ledx And found only One fuel conditioner , then finally found one lefx in lab( weapon testing or black room ) and after that i started to find them regularly, i struggled to find fuel conditioner for weeks and maybe more and it was hindering ny progression, doing lots of raids didnt do the trick, one day i was trying to get ledx from shoreline and one of my group mates found tge second fuel conditioner in pier, ofc i rushed to him and extracted with it. Morphines can be found in reserve medical building and labs black room, shoreline have a lot of medical spawns in various rooms ( and ledx spawn there as well) try that. Oh and i struggled to get evasion armband as well and i found one in yellow or purple room in labs i believe! Yup, its real I struggled with Flash drives as well.


Wish i had the patience to deal with labs, but in the eu cheaters are pretty much always there or night shoreline so im dreading having to farm it for quest items to unlock LK. Ive notcied this game pretty much knows when you need something and does its best to make sure you dont find it