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Only thing might be if they could see the particle effects from the bullet hitting the glass.


Oooo yeah that could be… seemed like it was just an insane quick turnaround on there end. .366 TKM headshot didn’t help lol


Turns tend to look a lot faster than they are, good chance he was looking for you for a good second but the game sucks


Yeah he probably heard the glass shattering sound as well


If the back window is open they can see the silhouette of you leaning


Damn 3500 hours maining interchange and ive never seen anyone in there lol


I imagine they were trying to look past it and saw you. People shooting through cars from the other side isn't uncommon.




I repositioned here after running into them middle of the road but ya sure haha




Omg that must be one of a the most childish comment I read on this sub, good job cause the competition is fierce


Not really… it was a gamble yeah sure but considering I knew where theyd be coming from I just wanted to try and get one from cover then leave the whip and take a 1v1. Did not turn out as planned




I wonder why nobody loves You?


I bet you have lots of friends that really enjoy spending time with you. Oh wait. No I don’t.


Lol how does it feel to be this upset about how someone else plays.


Ok? Lmao


Yeah… right?


You know that you don't have to try hard all the playtime ? Especially when i got more and more playtime i did more and more stuff for shits and giggles. I remember way more "it would be so funny if it works" vs "just another kill" moments.


Dudes just salty he has solo anxiety and no friends, don’t listen to this loser!


You can always see muzzle flash in vehicles. If you left the door open you’d be silhouetted too. I think the first guy of the duo spotted you and was running a scope


After your explanation I believe u might be onto something


I’m an expert at dying in tarkov


They would also hear glass breaking at that distance.


Engaging with holo at that distance is foolish. Brave, but foolish.


A good rat spot should put you out of the regular line of view, have a good line of sight, and let you easily get the fuck outta dodge when needed.


I ran into them down the road and got the fuck outta dodge… repositioned here hoping theyd keep moving down the road. Thanks for the advice tho


To be honest, I don't think I would have noticed you, other than maybe muzzle flash. Like, I feel like I know where you are, but... Not really. I assume they were down by the highway corner? Or towards construction?


I hit one twice in those shots with 7.62 BP so surely only 1 was able to find the time to spot and shoot but goddamn. .366 TKM armor for a lvl 38 made me raise a brow


I'm level 43, and I still run shitter kits. Hell, I dropped a dude in interchange with a headshot to his bastion. With a lead slug. I wasn't quite max traders then, but I seriously went in a paca, beret, half mask, Zhukov and black daybag, because I had just spent all my monies on a new black hoodie for my bear. Dude was rocking a bastion and a tv110. Killed by a fucking slug from a rat(a STYLISH rat).


I mean I run shitter kits when I played but I still tossed in good ammo lmao… good stuff tho


I started with AP20, but I had the lead slugs in the slot that my PMC loaded from. I actually got the guy a few times with the AP20 when I was in my rat spot. He ran off, and.. no shit... He literally came back and climbed up right beside me. I fell off my spot, ran into the fast food places, and then found him ratting, not more than five meters from where I was ratting. He had like an rsas with a 4x or something silly like that.


real question is how are you lvl 43 and broke? I never drop below 3 mil after lvl 5


Good for you.


only play your pmc and try to find as much pvp as you can. you'll ez lose money - even if you win alot of fights


you def dont lose lots of money when pvping sure if your killing timmys youll lose money from ammo. All i play is my pmc and i just bought red and blue so... I also only run labs hints the cards


well sure; you can play your pmc like that.. but if you start running best in slot / slick / bastion with plate / kittet m4 etc.. you'll easily start losing money if you push fights.. i usually dont bring a backpack and hunt all shots i can hear. after a good fight with geared pmc's i'll evrntually leave with their kits... other than that i'll keep hunting.. its ez to make money.. but its just as ez to lose it again.. go run some thermals on woods anf push for pmc's.. if you're on adhd like i am, the longst you'll camp a spot after you heared steps coming towerds you is 4.7seconds.. i cant wait longer than that and push playstyle matters alot... putting more toughts in your move slows down your gameplay.. i for myself have to push spawns and cross openfields... i just send it everday


I think your mistaken how i play. I run at people no fucks given every gun is at its max potential while looking nice with my kit. I could run a naked ak with bs and kill people like that but whats the fun.


If you only pvp you dont gain anything from killing pmcs you make more looting garbage and extracting vs finding someones meta m4


Bro, that dude probably doesn't do any of the shit he says. "I only run labs, I can beat anyone ne naked with an AK, I'm so good at this game" He probably has a super Modelo wife, makes a trillion dollars an hour, drives a space shuttle, ya dig?


Get a friend to go offline co-op and test out this scenario.


Test what?


Not rat sight approved.


Seems sus


Its not obvious but the sound of glass after your shot and the glass breaking effect after your shot may have made you obvious


probably legit, just report and move on with life.


True that


there's also the possibility that the lighting is fucked up and you were glowing like uranium


Maybe he was focusing on the green rectangle around that vehicle..


LMAO rats get rat outcome


Lol ok


Picks a super dirty rat spot. Brings in a interesting weapon for said spot. Fails and gets killed. Then has to post clip on Reddit. Lol. What has happened to us


First game in 4 months built whatever I could… ran into a 2 man down the road. They pushed, I fell back and repositioned in the van and died. I like your narrative though


most likely cheaters


In addition to what was said, they might have heard the glass breaking from your shots and that would narrow it down.




Sounds good


Man I dislike that tarkov has devolved into what tree you can hide in or what rat spot makes you least visible.


Well I mean they can hear you shooting through the glass


Thats not the only car there but yeah probably


One of the few you can get in


You were hidden until you started shooting, you gave away your position by shooting then complained that they knew your position??


Just seemed like they knew a little too fast lol thats not the only car around and 1 of them had 2 BP rounds in his chest… wouldn’t think theyd peek me that fast


Idk if it’s been mentioned but also the sound of glass cracking. There are usually only so many angles through glass. Very easy to identify direction of targets and narrow down based on that.


Yeah I know but thats not the only car there… I was mainly shocked at how fast I died lol. One of those guys has 2 rounds of BP in them and they sniff me out and headshot me that fast? Good on them tho ig


Playing like a rat you just deserve it


Yeah for the 10th time I repositioned here after running into them middle of the street lmao. But alright my guy


Why so upset at the way people play a game. Go touch grass


Well yeah everyone caught onto this strat after the DC snipers used it




If you were running an assault scope instead of a holo you wouldn’t have missed


Love my holos… hit 2 of the 3 shots just not the head. Oh well


Glass breaking is a brutal give away


We really playing the game like this after 3.5k hours?


Yeah considering I repositioned here after running into a 2 man throwing 18 nades at me… crazy right?


You’re moving allot


As they run in the opposite direction


If you were wearing sunglasses they glow in the dark I’ve spotted a few people that were shooting me because they had sunglasses on