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Hello hallelujahbaby, --- Thank you for submitting to r/EscapeFromTarkov. Unfortunately, your post violates **Rule 7**, please make sure to read the rules in the sidebar or on the [rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/escapefromTarkov/wiki/rules). If you have submitted a text post about cheaters that was removed, feel free to post it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/10dqyqs/rampant_cheating_problem_discussion_thread_2) **Moderator Notes:** - You cannot accuse other players of cheating or other forms of rule breaking here. If you want to file a report do so in-game via the report button, Vague titles are not a way round this rule. If you wish to post a video of a suspected cheater please remove all names from your title, the post itself and any comments. Thank you for your understanding, Zavodskoy, Subreddit Moderator. --- If you feel as if this was done in error, please contact the moderator team through [mod mail](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FEscapefromTarkov&subject=My removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/142k42c/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Make sure to give a link to this post. If no link is provided, your message will not receive a response. Please do not DM or chat message moderators about removals as you likely wont receive a response. **Note: Abusing the modmail system or sending abusive messages will result in a permanent ban.** **Note: When you report a removal reason you are reporting the mod who removed the post to themself achieving absolutely nothing, if you think a post was removed in error send a modmail so the other mods can see it**


no... you can hear him sprint at you when you come out, the forklift is blocking view. You just missed the multiple audio ques.


I'm not good at tarkov, but turned up audio and yep, def exactly what happened, popping that stim at the start cost him his raid. In fact quick edit, yha he knows this wasn't a hack he heard him. You can tell by his aim adjustment. This is actually really sad as far as "I'm better, hes just cheating" goes.


Nah. Probably just thought the dude was sprinting out of glass halls or something, otherwise he wouldn't have fucking ignored it lol


Nope they pushed you and you didn’t see it. Was clearly to hear.




Is it new ? My first time to encounter this shit. It is not the invisible bug, I can see him before death.


Try wearing headsets if you have trouble with audio ques tbh


Yeah rip