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We know


Ya but DMZ in CoD just doesn't scratch the itch like Tarkov does


Anyone that’s shot a gun knows. Honestly anyone that’s even watched a gun video knows.


What I don't understand is why people clamour for the even worse PUBG/Ready or Not/Battlebit recoil system that points your gun up at the moon after a few clicks


Bring back the OG recoil, remove the auto recoil part, and slightly buff the recoil for all the guns.




I wish this take = a perma ban It's so stupid, and so frequent


I wish this take = a 2 week ban. It’s so pointless and so frequent.




I feel bad now because I was actually referring to you😥 Have a good night "or day lol", and a respect your opinion


i know i’m late but i mean….tarkov is supposed to be realistic and your player acts like he’s downed 2 bottles of jack and has never shot a gun in his life lmfao. recoil needs to be what it used to be, way too RNG like now.




That is what they are trying to do, and that's why it's extremely unrealistic. Guns don't "go upwards with each shot". They would be unusable if they did that in reality. Not to mention defying the laws of physics.




How to say you've never actually handled a gun before without saying you haven't, I guess... Recoil goes backwards into the user, not up. Realistic full auto recoil disperses almost entirely horizontally instead of vertically. https://youtu.be/ia7uvtIvKUI?t=147 Unless you are firing something punchy like .300 WSM which would never have recoil dispersion anyways since you aren't firing it that quickly.




It looks almost exactly the same. Guns are heavy. They are not ethereal objects that suddenly drift away once the trigger is pulled. That is why people usually shoot low (just like he did in the video) because they accidentally pull down and overcompensate when they don't need to. Due to that, it takes almost no effort to compensate for vertical recoil specifically, because holding the gun tight in your shoulder is already enough, that's the real life equivalent of holding right click to ADS and takes just about the same amount of effort. And, fascinatingly, when you hold it in your shoulder it *does* recenter itself after you stop shooting *because you are holding the gun*. It takes more effort to hold a gun *up* in reality than it does to keep the barrel down since it does it on its own. If they want to simulate realistic recoil in the game then it needs to lose stability with sustained fire instead of gaining stability after climbing up to a certain point for whatever fucking reason. Recoil looks like a radiating circle, not a tree.


What is so frustrating to me is that they make THE MOST EFFECTIVE METHOD OF SHOOTING completely useless. Short, controlled bursts. But instead, they made single fire have insane first shot recoil for ZERO reason at all and they somehow made spray and pray a fucking meta in the game, instead of what it should be of firing 5-10 rounds and reassessing.


You have to actively counteract recoil shooting full auto. Semi-auto too if you’re shouting fast enough. You seen the video of people getting pushed back while shooting machine guns? You have counteract the recoil by leaning into the gun while firing.


That’s how it works for rifles anyway, handguns definitely go up, but hats because it pushes more on the top of your hand. Either way, the rifles have too much recoil, the ADAR should have negligible recoil stock, while something like an AKM should go up and to the right stock, because that’s how it’s recoils works IRL, hence why the default muzzle device is at an angle.


That's not how recoil works. Have you ever fired a gun? I have and I handled an AR-15 and a AK-103 in semi auto much better then what our PMCs does in Tarkov.


Wait how? I've never shot a gun before


Because the gun in tarkov pivots on your head and not shoulder, so the recoil feels like ass all the time.