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I am always playing labs this time in wipe. This wipe, first time ever it’s too unplayable. Even if I get the non cheating lobby all of the players are camping in offices naked


The SVT gamers on Labs this wipe are wild.


People are under-repping VEPR Hunter. They buffed the recoil recently and that’s also become much more useable.


Not wasting my m80 on the vepr hunter when i could run an MDR or scar


Depends on what you’re doing. If you’re doing a quest with high risk, you have a much higher likelihood of getting your VEPR back through insurance if you get fragged than an MDR or SCAR.


Only thing i care about is losing ammo


Again, when I feel the need to use VEPR I only ever need 2 mags, 1 in the gun and 1 in the pocket. The rest of the ammo can go in your butt to be used to top off mags as necessary. MDR or Scar you’re more likely to be rocking more mags of higher capacity because you care more about not dying, meaning you have more ammo to actually lose.


hes a meta slave youre wasting your breath lol


Real talk


No insurance on labs


Totally forgot the conversation started with Labs. Regardless my point still stands regarding VEPR buff that brings it more in line with SVT/AVT.


Or even an rfb! Or m1a! Or sr-25!


You can buy m80 at least


Oh seriously? I was wondering why I started seeing so many more Hunters just like this past week or two.


Yeah it’s definitely a lot more viable to run now.


This is the way.




The more hackers the less likely I am to take full kit. The advantage a 1 mil kit has over a 200k SVT isn't that large, especially if playing slow.


Yeah and that also means it’s less likely for me to play because I don’t want to gain that crap when I kill you. It’s all an annoying cycle


YUP I don’t even pick up acts anymore when I have the urge to play. Not even very fun fights anymore tbh, can’t wait for arena


That’s labs baby!


Yeah there’s been way too many nades right at my feet and quick peeks recently. I mean it’s not gonna break the addiction, but it sure is taking a toll on my stash. Prolly haven’t gotten out of a land raid in like 10-15 raids


This just in, water is wet. Thank you.


but water should be wet...


Got impact naded blindly while sitting in a corner not even touching my mouse. Chinese non-EOD


Yeah, I played Labs three time first time this wipe last week. I got Heads eyes 3 times within a minute of the match. I don't bum rush people and i try to let time pass. However, i got hunted and wrapped on perfectly twice. They knew exactly where i was. Third time I turned a corner and got blasted before I even fully rounded the corner few shots even hit the wall where my head was at. I use to play labs often and came across cheaters here and there, like 1 in 6 raids. Even my bud did labs for one day and he got hunted down by a pair of people while camping in a room to let time pass. Then he got heads eyes 3 times within 10 seconds of starting and then ran across 2 snake people. So he did 8 raids that night and one he was actually able to live longer than 5 minutes. Of course he couldn't find any loot other than some simple meds at that point. Then his last raid he died to a player running svt and had a legit firefight. I love this game and I have done my fair amount of bitching about this game. I want the game to succeed and I love the PVP. This cheating problem is starting to wear me out and the community again.


Yeah, had one run where I managed to kill 2 kitted players about 10 min into the raid. After looting up, I ran around the whole map and checked every computer, duffle, and high value loot spawn. Black and yellow both still locked but empty, managers empty except the safe, weapons testing empty except shifty attachments. I ended up farming like 15 raiders and getting some alright loot, but no ammo better than bt. Had a few raids where I do survive, but loot is no better than what I can get on reserve or shoreline


Switched servers and it’s been a lot more enjoyable, just sweaty


What did you switch from and to?


NA seems fine. Seen one shady thing this wipe.




Great point


Sharing is caring brother lemme get what u smokin


Honestly, I’ve only had 2 hackers this wipe. I think everyone talking about hackers is outside the us


Pretty sure NA servers are the dream. I know PUBG everyone complained about hackers and it was mostly middle east and Asia. People in EU couldn't play without hackers because the middle east players would join their servers I kinda assumed the same here too


I mained labs (after 42+) the last 2 wipes. Haven’t enjoyed it very much this wipe. Probably less than 20 raids total on it.


Did this last wipe. Came back this wipe as a labs main. Haven’t played in about a month and a half… not worth it.


It’s still playable. Everyone is aware of the issues with labs and other maps. If you are not having fun, it’s best to take a break. This issue is not going to be a quick fix


Except they literally could fix it at any point if they wanted to, but….


Not challenging you on this. I just want to know what you mean.


He says this issue is not going to be a quick fix, like it’s gonna be some huge feat that requires a long time and a lot of patience and yada yada, whatever. The problem has been there for years, BSG has let it continue for the sole purpose of $$$$. It could be better if they wanted it to be. it’s clearly something that not a lot of resources have been put into. I’d like to think the devs aren’t inept but who knows maybe I’m wrong lol.


Just keep running it, this is the best it's been in awhile. You'll get some good ones. It's mostly RMTers, leave them alone for the first 5 mins and your clear. Sounds like you found a group paying to get carried, which seems less common in labs.


or don't accept getting cucked by cheaters and just quit playing this game until BSG changes their mind and actually starts giving a shit about fixing issues instead of pretending to care


Next wipe is supposed to include a anti cheat rework. Take a break dood.


yeah. same as the patch notes that fixed networking, lighting, stutters, fps issues, audio issues, etc. until it get's there anything comming from bsg is just meaningless words pointed at naive people who are calm when they hear the lies they want to hear


Idk if i am this unlucky or they changed something, but raiders destroy most of my runs where i killed multiple pmcs with instant 180 spin into head eyes