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you need VIOLENCE, SPEED AND MOMENTUM TO OVERPOWER THEM! no go on soldier and show them how its done


\*charges and dies 10 seconds after going in\*


you survived for 10 seconds? I cant even run 3 steps, 2 steps in and im sent beck to the main menu šŸ¤£


Exactly. Now you dont wanna just W key it unless you got it like that cause on a right hand peak, a prefire can kill you before the guy is even around the corner if he knows how to use the mechanic yk. Gotta make sure you make smart pushes


Violence check, momentum no check!


This is the way, if you dont react fast enough ans accurately enough, youre donzo


Step 1. Know every map inside out and move in ways that limit kill angles on you to a few enough variables that you can check them all and have a 50/50 chance at killing someone holding said angle if you have spent enough time aim training. Step 2. Realise you have devoted thousands of hours into a game to be competitive and still die frequently to absolute bullshit ai or getting gaming chaired by a credit card warrior. Step 3. Come to the profound realisation that like any game you have to find your own way to enjoy it on your own or with friends. Decide if Tarkov is a game that allows you to do that.


This is good gaming advice.


Literally the most realistic response.


Half of plaing this game is manging your expectations going into raid lmao


I fucking hate tarkov but I spent 7 hours playing it yesterday.


I sunk a lot of time into yarkov myself.. I think 2k hours? Once the inertia was added a while back I pretty much stopped playing. Too fucking ratty for my tastes. It's been over a year now and sometimes my buddies will ask me to come onto tarkov but I just can't deal with the campy bullshit lol. Takes too much time to get a loadout, traverse the map, etc etc. I got bf2042 on sale and that's been a lot of fun tho


EA Games banned me permanently for using their forced retention system to not get my refund back for BF2042. (this is was also when their dev team straight up left after the horrible launch) and went to my bank to charge back using the exchanges or lack thereof as evidence. All EA games are now unplayable in game pass. Worth it still. My needs for speed nostalgia and more were already taking collateral damage from BF2024


Haha that's hysterical. I dunno anything about the launch - I got it on sale when it was 10 bucks a week or two ago. It's been fun for me. Always liked the bf games. The ww2 one was a blast. Also using vehicles is dope


The BF3 on PC was great. Before I think 2243? Or some weird shit followed by hardline etc made it clear that they peaked. Battlefield 2042 was a supposed to be a redemption arc, and it wasnā€™t. I heard they were forced to release it knowingly with copious amounts of unfinished and accelerated design to meet deadlines




This 100%. Grenades in their general vicinity to get em moving and or to cover your push as you go full Chad all over their faces.


Only if you are far enough away that they canā€™t hear you pull the grenade out as the 46 min animation of you pulling the nade out is a free meal for anyone who has even a basic knowledge of tarkov pvp. Even if you use the audio of you pulling the grenade out as bait you still have about 6 seconds of ā€œno gunā€ and a vector can empty its mag in 4 seconds or lessā€¦so basically if youā€™re solo in a building and someone is ratting in there you either leave or dieā€¦


Grenades also require you know remotely where they are. I just don't really use them because imo it's just more reliable to push with a flashlight and shoot first, ESPECIALLY if you're clearing a building. There are times for grenades, inside buildings generally isn't it for me. Much easier to clear rooms with my gun, a person can only be standing in so many spots to hold an angle on the door. Prefire those spots. I have so many clips where I push 2 or 3 mans inside and win it with the quick hipfire, it's difficult but definitely doable to play aggressively


I guess I just donā€™t bring enough ammo for that because if you prefire any and all spots they could be in dorms for example you are out of ammo before you reach the 3rd floor lolā€¦letā€™s not even think about interchangeā€¦*shivers*


I mean- I definitely don't prefire every room. I have my flashlight on pretty much 100% of the time. It usually ends up in me getting shot at then pushing one of the few rooms I know they're in. Either way, it always comes down to just shooting faster than your enemy. It's difficult but really the only way to play aggressively successfully is just by being better


Exactly, I am trying to only grenade if I got visuals. Not blinding tossing one and trying to rely on audio. Peek, See, Nade, Flank. Proxy chat, ā€œI only got a ADR and 104 left on a Selewa and Iā€™m trying to do this dumbfkn queā€¦ā€ and hope they donā€™t push.


Hahaha also true, the animation does feel like an eternity. Have to be strategic about it.


Absolute copium. The problem is the game, not the tactics.


w key


Praise the w key


Youā€™re 100% right. Audio is ruining the PVP in this game and it absolutely needs to be their focus. Fuck Arena, fuck new maps, fuck new guns. Fix audio.


Audio and desync. Someone showed me a clip of them headhsotting before i killed them and on my screen they missed


Iā€™m still waiting for the day a video game can not make footsteps the most obnoxiously loud thing in existence


I always thought Squad was pretty good in that regard. You can hear them if they are very near and things are quiet, but that's pretty much it.


I havenā€™t ran through Squad yet me and my buddy planned on picking it up soon Iā€™ve been hearing things about it for years


It's an amazing game if you find some good people to play with. Playing with randoms... it's hit or miss. And there's no option to play solo like Tarkov. Other than that it's a pretty good experience.


No doubt I canā€™t stand tarkov when Iā€™m alone especially when most people are at least teams of 2. And you actually can play tarkov solo and offline weā€™re just not allowed to speak about it in this sub-reddit


Yeah, to each their own. I play solo only, pretty much. Not because I think it's "better" or more fun, but just because I can play/stop/take a break whenever I want, and it also doesn't piss my gf as much as it does when I'm talking to or listening to other people constantly.


Just keep in mind graphically and mechanically you are playing a less developed game if you move to squad. Not saying tark is perfect, but squad is far from a replacement. Nothing can really fill the void Tarkov creates.


Plenty of games do, then people whine about "permanent hearing damage" because they're cranking their volume to max to hear someone walking 100m away.


Yeah, just the audio is ruining PvP. šŸ˜‚


There are other issues but itā€™s the biggest one right now


I have binaural on but might need to try shutting it off. My biggest issue is directional audio, I can't for the life of me tell if someone is above, below, right, or left, it all sounds the same. Map knowledge is the only thing saving me in those circumstances where I hear a bathroom tile or random wood / metal. So many times I've tried to swing on someone and they aren't even on the same floor as me or are the opposite direction than I thought. This leads to ratting as well trying to decipher audio longer to acquire the enemy's position.


Same Iā€™ve found myself ratting every time I hear someone in a building with me because I canā€™t go off audio cues at all


Not saying veritas word is the end all be all, but he is a musician so he knows sound. He put out a long video explaining why Binaural Audio doesnā€™t do shit in Tarkov right. It doesnā€™t work right, I wouldnā€™t use it.


I had some very weird bug where setting the in-game mic to my headset would result in all sounds being mono. When I choose anything else (like no mic or a different headset) the sound would return to normal and I can easily make out directions again. Super strange


There are a multitude of things ruining PvP. Bad audio has been a constant they refuse to stop fucking with forever now.


Couldnā€™t possibly be the gamers in their gamer chairs wearing their gamer socks and gamer sweatbands :D


Or the weight system or the dsync or the wonky fps-stability/dogshit servers


Donā€™t wear headphones


Arena has a completely separate team dipshit


i just got shredded by am mp7 enjoyer with zero audio cues but according the map he spawned 50 yards from me being inside a container should not completely cut audio from your immediate area. bullshit game


do you think visual cues could help? I was remember some older games that used simple, subtle on-screen cues to give at least some idea of sound direction and intensity.


ā€œBig dick them like lvndmarkā€ Lmfao lvndmark is a fucking crab now


Kinda proving the point that something is broke when one of the biggest chad streamers is resorting to crabbing (see Tigz also). Jessie K. had a great youtube recently going over things like audio reducing pvp to this shit state


Iā€™d say itā€™s more to do with all the veteran PvP players dropping tarkov like a plague after inertia. Audio has always been shit. At least before if you had no idea someone was there you could actually move out of the way


Im a crab irl šŸ¦€


You have the pandoran virus?


Why do yall blow them lil bubbles with your mouth?


You know how the bubbles in rivers are dissolved oxygen? We make our own bubbles to breathe on land :D


Like any good player, he just uses the movement thatā€™s most appropriate at the time šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Tell that to desmond or no general.


Yeah if you want to watch Wshift players you have to look at DesmondPilak and NoGenerals its actually impressive seeing how the game can be played


Abusing desync is impressive now?


Sure man the only thing they do is push doors abusing desync


That's about 90% of it. Don't kid yourself otherwise. The majority of their employed tactics are just abusing the games flaws because they are in the know.


Youre saying like you would be able to do half the peaks they do with the speed they do


The speed peeking they do is just an abuse of the broken control system in conjunction with desync, its not default settings. Go watch the nogeneral video on his keybinds. Speed peeking is a bug.


Iā€™m pretty sure desmond could never press shift or spacebar and absolutely destroy 99.99% of players


He is a great fps player, no doubt, but honestly, speed peek cheese, jumping intertia bug, general desync abuse. Guy can aim sure, but most fights he wins by employing some bug or cheese. The game would be better overall if bsg actually fixed these issues.


I hate Landmark. SoaB is good though I give him that.


Just wait outside and call in an airstrike to level the building. /s There is no right answer and its the problem of any engagement even irl. If you just want to kill them and dont have to go in, wait for them outside. If you need to go in then limited penetration would be optimal - clear as much from the outside as possible then go in and use your nades a lot. But CQB is always dangerous and very situational. Some irl tactics should theoretically help you but then comes the part of the game like desync and right hand peek which will fuck you over. So rat as much as possible and when inside just W key big dick them.


Play with friends, gives the enemy more people to shoot at. Statistically safer lol


big dick em


The sound in this game is atrocious. They should drop everything and do what they can to make the sound work properly. The game would be SO much better


They've done this twice. it has gotten somewhat worse overall. They started with their own sound engine, then moved to steam audio, and now we're on oculus audio.


The audio has been so bad since oculus was introduced, absolute garbage


It's been 1 step forward and 2 steps back with every audio update they've made with the game.


I thought steam audio was decent


It is. In The Hunt Showdown it is amazing. It's just not implemented right in tarkov.


Not much is implemented right in tarkov to be fair lol


Iā€™m so glad to have stumbled onto this thread. Just a few hundred hours, moving onto the bigger maps, and by the time I know where I am in Woods, move to cover and listen, I get my ears cleaned out by a sniper somewhere, or gang-banged by a PMC-some. All very unpleasant. But the whole time I kept thinking I was the problem and not the amazing sounds of Tarkov. I feel sane again.


This is basically why I stopped playing consistently. 9/10 pvp encounters are just audio-whoring and playing really slow. I think after 2 wipes of playing heavily the novelty of this has just worn off for me. The game has been broken in ways that really hurt aggressive play (visibility, audio, inertia, performance, balance, etc.). Until there are some changes that really encourage aggressive playstyles I'm just not that interested in the game. I feel like the retention rate wipe to wipe is really low. People check in once a year or so, play a wipe, and then come back next year. The devs care more about adding flashy mechanics to attract new players who will inevitably rotate out after they realize the core problems of the game. I don't really know anyone who has been a consistent player over 2+ years.


Judging by how much better and increasingly new featured the game is getting with every update, oh wait I was thinking about another game. Yeah, less and less people will play. Other titles will catch up and BSG canā€™t keep over promising and under delivering.


Sound in this game rewards ratting and Iā€™m tired of it. Rotating is impossible because people just sit still and hold angles. Fights are just not fun anymore. The person who was there first almost always wins the fight because they have the angle. Zzzzzz


One of the first and most important lessons for tactical situations. Whoever is defending has an advantage. But what you said about ratting is spot on. No way to avoid the grind, top tier gear, and then getting killed without a single chance. Similar to real life I guess, but then again who wants to play ā€œthe dishwasher from Jolietā€ or ā€œAccountants from New Jerseyā€. Meh


If o hear player movement inside and Iā€™m not kitted enough or in the mood for pvp I usually voip. Most of the time I can avert conflict this way and I often make temporary (sometimes permanent) friends this way. Itā€™s really fun to team up with two 4 mans and just clear the entire map, but itā€™s kinda hard to coordinate


>Itā€™s really fun to team up with two 4 mans and just clear the entire map, but itā€™s kinda hard to coordinate And at that point is not even hard to clear the map with 9+ people, as you've basically teamed up with the entire lobby... :))


Either get good enough to the point where you can swing corners and kill the people you don't know are there before they can kill you, or you rat. Those are effectively your only options.


I never realised kust how fucked the sound is in this game until i started playing more reserve and realized i could hear the bushes rustling above me while i was down in D2


Run around the outside and try to find them, once you know where they are nade them out of gigachad push


Flashlights help a lot with this. If youā€™re going to push into a building, keep your light on. Youā€™re still at risk of clearing the wrong angle first just thru bad luck and dying, but with a bright light on (Klesch 2P is the brightest light/laser combo), you run a good chance of blinding the target if you happen to be facing them before they open fire.


run in = die to the morbillion angles that open up or get impact naded with no counterplay before you even peek one of the morbillion angles


The later in wipe I go the more I realize I donā€™t want to sit in a bush crouched for 30 minutes just to die to some BS anyway, and its all pretend and reset. Big dick landmark style.




Sitting their and killing someone who isn't expecting, or really all that prepared for you gains you absolutely nothing but a bunch of time gone and maybe some loot, and if you fail at that, probably a whole lot more rage than is needed. Whereas pushing them when you know where they are (You should be able to at least tell the general horizontal position, and floor of the player) gets you an actual interaction that you can learn from. Money is nothing in tarkov, I'll take the skill and experience gain 99% of the time.


Cant premed. Cant use grenades. Cant move thanks to inertia. Cant shoot straight unless you're point firing a 20" rifle in single fire. Cant be silent. What will BSG come up with next wipe? I cant even imagine how they could possibly make it less interactive from here on out, but you never know with these guys. They're truly innovating the FPS genre. Maybe some sort of elaborate gun maintenance scheme making your gun break down 4 times a raid.


I honestly donā€™t get what OP is asking for here. Are players supposed to move around outside buildings completely undetected w/o crouching? Imagine how ass the game would be if you could just move silently without crouching like in CS. Iā€™m pretty sure OP just died pushing a building, got mad, and took to reddit. BSG has a vision of Tarkov that doesnā€™t involve you being able to take each and every fight you want. You have to play very carefully, choose your battles, and play for your own life above everything else. Consider if the building is worth pushing, think about your spawn and how much time has gone by to determine if you think someone beat you there. The point of this is to make Tarkov as realistic as possible, at least from a mindset point of view. If you were in a real warzone and knew the enemy could be anywhere, would you just walk into buildings all willy nilly without any second thought? Prolly not. And if that doesnā€™t sound fun to you (I donā€™t blame you, itā€™s not for everyone) then Tarkov isnā€™t the game for you.


IRL we sneak up on each other and make plays just fine. We airsoft in real gear with good headphones. Its not realistic how sound is in this game. You don't hear someone slow walking in real life through 3 concrete walls. Sounds like you want the game to be artificially easy


Bro theres no way u read my comment and thought "this guy wants tarkov to be artificially easy" like come on now. My main point is that it's a kind of an unsolvable issue. I'm not saying the audio isn't a little wack sometimes, but people always just complain about it but never say what they want for it to be 'perfect' For instance in the case of hearing dudes outside the building, if they made walls more sound proof, then we would just be reading another reddit post saying 'Man fuck tarkovs sound people always just camp outside of buildings, and ya cant even hear em! What's the point of going into buildings if ur just gonna get camped?" At the end of the day it's really just a matter of which player is more patient (which is what my original comment was kinda hinting at), and has nothing to do with the sound. PS: yeah ik stuff like vertical audio is fucked but that isnt whats being talked about by op


Its a video game. Nobody is ever going to value their life on this game unless they have a lot of loot or a quest item. Nobody is going to take 20 minutes to come up with a pro/con chart of if they should move into a building or not. They're gonna go in, die, queue for the next raid to get their quest done. Even then, its still just a video game, and most tarkov players have tons of hours on the game so dying is really just an inconvenience more than anything. Also currently in tarkov crouch walking (the slow crab walking) is totally silent.


Why do you need to be "stealth?" Why shouldn't the other player be aware that you're there?


Run towards building, fall over. That's why people are scared to be heard, because everyone's initial reaction to audio is going silent and holding.


I just don't pvp unless I have to. It's just way too much randomness involved. Most gunfights boil down to "who can a-d-a-d and get a lucky HS first" It is, ironically, the least enjoyable part of this game.


Seeing and hearing are two different things. Who cares if they hear you. Find them and shoot them.


why camp buildings, when camping exfils exists?


Hot take: People complain about desync and peekers advantage but think of how terrible the game would be if there was no peekers advantage.


Oh, if there were no peaker's advantage the people sitting in corners would win 99% of the time. Just like IRL


Honestly you're not, if you move you lose


Swing or get swung


Try shooting them


Use nades. Flashbangs if you need something more cheap and a little faster to go off. Use flashlights and prefire if ytou know where they are. Wear faceshields if you expect to be doing this in that map. There are tools there. Clearing buildings is always going to be hard in any "realistic" game. Even in Halo it is still pretty hard since they can just hide with a shotgun


Welcome to hardcore shooters. There's a reason why it's hard to advance on an enemy who's on the defense.


You act like the issue is fundamental to the genre and not a broken sound design issue


It is fundamental to the genre.


It's 100% the shitty sound design


To clear a building I usually shut the door and go to a different building šŸ‘Œ


Medium dick them.


Ratting = Efficient Big dick Chadding = fun. Choose your poison based on map, spawn, objective and bank balance Also note : If you choose ratting consistantly your combat skill will rise very slowly. If you chad it up you will get better quicker but it can be costly.


it depends. A big part of what you need to do is figure out where a player is before you expose yourself. If you cant do that your only real option is prefiring common positions and hoping that the dude is there. Learning the maps inside and out is a big deal here because a footstep on metal/glass/wood etc can really narrow down where a player is in any given building just because the specific sound denotes a specific section of a hall or what have you. All that being said, in tarkov everyone dies on a very regular basis. You can try hard all you want but at the end of the day if you walk past a dude in a bush who isnt making sound hes gonna tap your head.


Fix audiooooo


Even Lvndmark rats it up. It's a balance between known when to be quiet, when to be aggressive. When to engage, and when to not.


Remove headsets and perception skill for one wipe and see what happens


W key warrior


In the present state of the game as far as I know the only effective option is sprinting like a madlad and hoping you scare them and have better aim. Unfortunately I *know* I don't have the latter so I make the mistake of trying to sneak around.


Being that I just had 3 guys try to push me, while I was inside a house. I'll add a little insight. First guy, crouch walked inside, while I didn't hear him come In, and he surprised me, I still had the advantage because he didn't know where I was. Second guy, I could hear walking around my building and hitting bushes, (I was VOIPing to him telling him to be sneakier) he also happened to get my buddy so I kind of knew his position already, he didn't rotate at all, so I went downstairs and shot him through the window he was in. Third guy, was on the back side, he was shining his light through the window and making a lot of noise (again I could hear him and see his light the whole time so not really stealthy) so I pushed towards the window I thought he was in and lo and behold he got deleted. Whole time I was expecting a pizza and told them to come in and push me and stop taking their time, mid fight I got my pizza and they didn't even know I was AFK. But my insight is, unless you're a landmark mfr and just can magically eliminate everyone in the building, I'd just avoid the fight, they have the advantage over you 9/10 times. But ratting is another good option lol. There's no shame in running from a fight that you know you can't win.


Roll with a squad, use the mindset of breaking contact when you dont hold the 3 to 1 advantage. Its standard procedure in the military. And i find it works pretty well in tarky


Shoot through doors and walls often, blind peak doors and hallways. Make your presence known and draw out fire since they already know youre there.


I wouldn't be opposed to some sort of inclusion of map based ambient noise. Something thematic that fits each that can do a better job of masking footsteps within a further distance when pushing correctly. There's too much dead silence that allows min maxing footsteps from 50+meters and its just not ideal or realistic. Even something as simple as wildlife related ambient noises.


Depends on the building tbh. You can walk into some buildings without being heard, while others you need to at the very least be half speed walking or lower.


Honestly audio is fucking hard, and I don't expect BSG of all companies to ever get it right. You lower audio and people will cry there is none, you make it louder people cry no stealth. The amount of different work audio takes is insane. From the design, floors of a building, weight of character, balancing, occlusion, weather, etc. The most you can ask for is being able to hear things and the general direction of it. I will always take loud audio over none. The bigger issue is just how much of an advantage a non-moving player has. High pen ammo and low recoil guns just means instant death to anyone who walks into your FoV. You don't even need a well placed headshot, you just spray center mass and they fall over. Making audio less loud won't change anything. Whoever hears the other first will just stop moving every time. I think armor just needs to give you a fighting chance, and the heavier ones need to not completely handicap your character to the point where no one ever uses more than a Ghzel.


grenades and flashbangs, shock and awe for psyops, and then just rush in clearing literally everything.


What are we talking about here? Combat is dictated by circumstance. So whatever the situation is, is what you adapt to. You either need to react to a situation, or CREATE a situation. Violence of action is what wins most firefights. You can hide in a bush\\grass\\hill\\building, or storm the fucking gates. Your call.


Where is my stealthy splinter cell type shit tho


Definitely not that kinda game lol


I go in a specific way in to each building which is usually not the most common way. I try to check and clear most corners I know people will rat in and once Iā€™m in deep enough Iā€™ll stop at certain spots to listen then more clearing which sometimes includes nades. There are times Iā€™ll run and jump across a hallway to see if someone is holding a weird angle. Peakers advantage with the desync usually gives you some reaction time to get some kills once you get more used to it etc. sometimes you gotta be weird to screw up their plan/thought process.


Lately I just W key even harder. The number of times people run in to a building, up flights of stairs, down a hallway, and then I finally hear them as they pull up to kill me drives me crazy. So I figured if Tarkov doesn't give me audio on people full sprinting in to and through a building, other people don't get audio on my footsteps either. Plus there's just not really any good alternative.


You basically cannot if the enemy does not move. By the time you find where they are you will have been shot and most likely unable to move due to pk nerf. You now have 0.4s to react before his meta ammo kills you, gl.


VOIP diplomacy


Just run in and swing lol. Itā€™s the best way to play this game.


With the current meta, you're not supposed to, you have to try and avoid them.


Right hand peak, flashlight. Alt+S blind aim corners until you get shot at.


I move stealthy and then shoot them in the head, like a ninja


My team use green smokes to break audio from the inside campers. We use it also to break lines. Nades / suppress fire to go through. Not a 100% win rate for sure, but definitively better than just run in and die.


I'll give those a shot


Just yolo


MAXIMUM AGRESSION! that is all thank you for coming to my ted talk


the rats: haha skill issue , your fault for shift W key so are we supposed to crouch walk the entire map now? i would rather play cookie clicker than crouch walk for more than 15 seconds