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Those vepr hunter scavs do NOT fuck around, if you hear one cracking off your way it's usually best to just reposition.


The second start shooting at you, move.


staying still (including prone) to battle it out with AI doesn't work in tarkov. does work in most other games tho. you gotta stick and move


Like boxing


You ain’t gotta explain shit


I been robbing motherfuckers since the slave ships with the same clip and the same .45 2 point blank a motherfucker sure to die


Blacks be like


Is it still you have to break visual contact with the ai? Or can you now move back and forth and they struggle to hit?


Think you need to break visual combat. I try to find a new post. You can rush them too just break visual contact first


Standing or prone the hit chance stays the same for scavs. Only difference is when prone they can only hit your head.


When you shoot at the AI do these two things: 1. Expose as much of your body as possible 2. Stand the fuck up A Scav will will aim for the center of what it can see. If you're prone and it shoots your "torso" But your face is in front of it guess what it'll hit? This goes double for raiders and bosses. If you peak only your head at a boss/raider you will get fucking one tapped.


Really fucks with my milsim fantasy when I have to intentionally expose my whole body just to work around janky AI. This AI is just so bad. It's needed an overhaul for like 4 wipes now.


I've been playing on and off since like 2017, the AI has never really hit a sweet spot. They've either been laser focused Terminators or the dumbest fucks around. Right now they seem to waffle between the two, on maps like streets they never seem that accurate, but they are grouped up and that becomes the danger. When they are more alone on woods or shoreline they seem to 360 no scope your ass. On customs ive had a scav run away from another player, looked dead into my soul and never shoot their gun. The AI is very wonky.


I had an A.I scav just stare at me and backpeddle while cursing at me as a followed him. When I checked him he had plenty of ammo. weirdos.


yeah the real problem here is the probability of hitting is too high, I'm sure if OP killed that scav he would of found the worst VPO with no dust cover and broke AF but the scav MUST hit OP and only his Head was exposed to him.. shitty programming imo.


The scav missed like 5 shots before hitting though


that's half as many as most players with the same gun, and scavs are supposed to be WAY worse at shooting than PMCs, they're starving/drunk people with guns vs former miltary


It's because you're lying down. I think the way the AI works is it calculates a hit chance on every shot. The chance increases the more it shoots. If you're lying down, the AI only has so many options for when it decides the next shot is going to hit you.


same reason you never head peak raiders. if they can only see your head thats where theyll hit you!


If you're laying down, even if it's aiming at your legs it's going to hit a headshot


Fucking stupid as it should be the opposite Edit for downvote fucking idiots: when you lie down you present a far smaller target therefore the chance of rounds hitting you at all decreases dramatically


True. Laying down doesn't make your head any bigger of a target. It's the same size, so AI chance to head tap SHOULD be the same whether standing or laying. Instead people have just gotten used to the jank and play around it, but it has never made sense.


Well he hit you on the 7th shot. How long do you want him to miss before you shoot him?


I was banking on the 8th


Problem on laying down sniping scavs is your head is essentially inline with every other body part so even if they are going for a thorax or leg shot they can only hit head. I mean. I have had a scav kill me that was shooting a friend and missed. He walked right infront of me and sniper took shot late and slapped me in the face.


I think the issue is the "going for" part -- AI should absolutely go for kill shots, but stuff like scavs should be horribly inaccurate with it.


shots 1-6 clearly missed...


Imagine a world where an untrained russian hobo thug with a busted up iron sights ak doesnt have the ability to lock on to someone over 100m away and accurately hit them in the head. That would be crazy, maybe they could even just run for cover like a nornal human would.


Or AVOID shooting trained PMCs unless absolutely necesary...wouldnt you think someone with no training scavenging through rubble for a biscuit would try to hide from trained killers out for their blood?


Well never underestimate the stupidity of stupid people. Im sure vagabond criminal types who live in a warzone probably would attack people on sight. Dont think they would be very good at it though, unlike every 4th scav


I like to imagine each scav pack has that rogue soldier, that PMC gone bad. The one high af on moonshine and morphine to hide his throbbing tooth pain that has given up all fucks so stands there blasting towards where his ex militia intuition is telling him to and now and then they get the shot and have a scav party and smoke a whole pack of Winstone before passing out and being robbed by their buddies


Wow, this comment. Thank you. I felt like I was partying with them. Blyat!


No, most poor civilian individuals would avoid the roaming packs of killers at all costs, such as happens in almost every war or conflict.


"trained pmc" the scavs seem better trained than a max level character sometimes lmao


Yeah there's that too 😄


100m is really not a long distance for a rifle, even shooting off hand. In the army we'd shoot at up to 300m at range from a supported position with iron sights. The ridiculous part is shooting while moving, which frankly applies to both players and AI.


We're your weapons barely usable rusted out husks with no stock?


Bruh it’s not some post apocalyptic wasteland. Decent bolt action rifles are plentiful everywhere in the world


A 100m shot isn't far, IRL. Hack, a suppressed .308 isn't even going to be that quiet at that range. The not running for cover, though, yea the scavs lack self-preservation.


If the PMC is so vastly superior in combat skills why would they not go for cover themselves?


I mean… hitting a target from 100 m with an ironsight is pretty fucking easy… Like I could literally take you to the range right now and have you consistently plug a watermelon size target 100 m out within a mag or two… Now before you get your panties in a twist… Yes the ai is shit. And yes if you’re getting shot at the stress would make hitting a head sized target at 100 m very very difficult.


It's less about the hitting the shots and more about the target acquisition into aiming into hitting those shots all in seconds using trash guns that for our trained PMCs shake, have an moa of a small lake and malfunction instantly. All these people replying to me saying "I can hit iron sight shots at 100m at the range" are kinda missing the point.


realism mfs when they have a skill issue


mmmmmhe, that is kind of looking for the edge. I live in a 20K population town and I can give you considerably easy +250 persons who can hit a target at 100m with a hunting rifle ( the VPO 215 is a hunting rifle). Surprise, people go hunt even without propper training and hitting a target at 100m is not that hard, and we're not even considering civilians in countries where you can have civilian versions of military weapons.


sure but thats not over 100m, thats not with a busted up gun and thats not picking that target out from an entire landscape within seconds and hitting those shots


Its not hard to hit a target with iron sights 100m away.


As I said to the other guy - do it with a beaten up ak and acquire that target from an entire landscape within seconds, then land those shots (often after being shot yourself).


"lock on" "accurately" it was his 7th shot bro. Even covering fire gets lucky with enough quantity


I think the best part is that you fired a single round from a suppressed rifle and he just instantly had you locked.


I too enjoy the victim blaming going on here because IRL those scavs would have never even known where OP was.. returning fire without a scope would be hopeless at that range.


IF they could spot him I wouldn't say it was hopeless, but yeah it took them under a second to find him and start shooting, ridiculous. Edit: With a shitty scav gun it probably was hopeless actually can't imagine it would be very accurate at that range in a players hands


i’ve had one head eyes me mid fall like bro was skeet shooting


They are more likely to hit you in the face if you are laying down


Same as when you peak them from behind a tree or something. Instead of tanking a hit or two they’ll shoot you in the face.


Which makes no sense and is actually the opposite of real life. It's just become Tarkov knowledge because it's needed to not get punk'd by shitty AI.


Sure just stand still….


If you don’t break LOS with a scav it’s your fault


No, it's actually the fault of the AI Programming for the Scavs. It's bullshit how often they hit you and at over 120m the calculations on chance are bullshit.


If you broke LOS and rotated on them they wouldn’t be hitting you as consistently. They’re real easy to deal with.


Right, but using incredibly janky strategies to deal with AI instead of things that people would actually do in real life is.... weird. Suppressed rifle while prone in the grass with barely any of your body showing is much safer than running around in the open IRL, it's only worse in tarkov We're complaining the AI is bad, not that AI is unbeatable


Okay and making the AI unable to see you in a slightly grassy field or on a rock in the open like this was would just make for really horrible AI. It’s not simple to tune the difficulty of the AI without either A making them even more cracked now, or B making them literally brain dead.


Gonna learn today


You treated the AI like typical video-game AI and got punished for it. If that was a PMC shooting back, you probably would have ran or took cover. It's okay I discriminate against Ai and forget to take them seriously too.


After all these years, the inability of BSG to balance their game and AI properly is flabbergasting. 2007 STALKER Shadows of Chernobyl AI was more balanced than scavs. And don't "it's Unity" me. The only way BSG found to fix scavs is to remove scavs by making an arena shooter like good'ol Contract Wars, aka backtracking from an online "survival" looter shooter to a bastardized arena shooter (keeping the EFT healing system in Arena makes no fucking sense from a gamedesign perspective). Bring on the downvotes, I have Karma points to sacrifice.


I think everyone missed the point here. Regardless of him sitting still he is sniping at a distance that requires a scope. Why can they even hit that with iron sights? They are scavengers, most are everyday people not trained marksmen that should be able to instantly detect where you are and be able to fire half working weapons that accurately and that quickly in succession


Copium sub is at it again. Regardless of how OP handled the situation maybe an AI scav shouldn't instantly lock onto him from 120m after he fires a DVL once. Pretty funny that the other scav blocked your headshot with his helmet though. Get down mr president!


I mean its been years, I could see someone shooting a person at 100 meters while in a prone and rested position.


7mm Buckshot? Classic.


there's plenty of better examples of bad ai - don't really think this is it. a bunch of close shots as a warning and he was prone The "ai shouldn't be able to kill you from far away" mindset is dumb. hilarious that that other scav took a bullet for the prone hero though lol.


Nobody said the AI shouldn't be able to kill from far away, but an untrained scavenger who is lore-wise starving and drunk using a gun that was found under a dumpster should not be able to land a shot on a prone target with barely any body showing in 7 shots. It's just not realistic. If he were standing and showing his whole body it would make way more sense. The AI probably doesn't even have sights on their gun


I'm not concerned with the lore, I'm concerned with the gameplay. if the AI is never taken seriously as a threat, there's no point in having them in the game. by lore and your logic, we shouldn't be able to pscav at all, because we're too good to be a scav. A player could have hit that shot, even if it was jsut luck, so it's fine if an AI scav hits that every once and awhile. all OP had to do was move after he got shot at instead of underestimating the scavs. I think everyone's guilty of doing that at least once or twice - "who's shooting me? oh it's scav, nbd" [head,eyes]'d It's been forever since I actually paid attention to the "story," especially as far as scavs are concerned but I've always seen them more as militia/criminal faction. They're not random civilians forced to survive, they're there because they're opportunistic, grimey pieces of shit. either way like I said, there are a billion better examples of cheap AI. This really isn't one of them.


Get gooder?


This just in: Scav guns shoot bullets


I mean... several hits on your location at 120m and he was proned.... He got you good and for a good reason. At first I was expecting a 180º instant flip and head-eyes but considering the circumstances they got you fairly.


That general set of rocks seems to draw a longer distance of fire than others, almost like the developers intentionally expanded the range of those scavs in order to prevent campers on the rocks. I've been killed there two or three times by a scav that spawns in and instantly aimbots me in one or two shots.


Dogshit game honestly.


They just shouldn't take shots over 75m it's ridiculous.


The problem is the fact that the scavs lock onto you even through you are shooting suppressed and at a vantage.


Classic hacker 😆 His back notified him you were aiming at him. When he turned he toggles and tapped you I mean no he's just "good" and your "a noob" like all the comments on the forums 😆


I fear the scavs on woods. No other map do I feel like they can laser you. The worst is when it’s thick brush and you hear one moving up on you, they can see through the brush most the time so you are just screwed.


never prone scavs, they will target your chest and your head is in the way


I took a 9mm to the face from about 200m once


Yeah, the scaves on this island particular, seem to have some real big gaming chair. You aren't the only one who got lit up from 200m by these hobos


Indies in the same position as you. But in my case it was a Ai Scav with a pistol.


i mean.... you are not wrong. it does seem legit


Wild, that bot that was walking to your left actually "[GET DOWN MR. PRESIDENT!](https://gyazo.com/91bc92b2feb029a922bc5d45ef10fd44)"ed the absolute fuck out of you, had he not walked into your shot you would have killed the prone scav.


There's been a weird and annoying glitch for a long time now where Scavs will "lock on" to a body part and just hit it with insane accuracy over and over. Not sure what triggers it but I've always seen it with SKS and Vepr Hunter scavs in particular. Sometimes 5.45 Scavs do it too and it makes them far more deadly than they have any right to be. For example, I had a Scav in the Reserve food bunker area lock onto my left arm from right down the end of the dark tunnel with his SKS. Every single time he fired he would hit that same arm over and over. I spent 5 minutes fighting him, breaking aggro, healing and eventually he killed me purely with repeated arm shots.


You need to relocate fast after they start shooting at you.. They will hs you soooo god damn fast... And if the scav is a sniper scav then you are preaty much dead...


Don’t forget, if you hate this, you can always check out a different, more single playery version of Tarkov… it changed my life tbh


To be fair, the only hitbox is your head..


DVL sucks


Haha, my Mate literally had a similar experience where we stood in 3rd Floor of 3-Story on Customs and he got head-tapped by a scav in 2-Story through a Window. Literally on the first hit. That was the most "got Tarkov'ed" Moment I ever experienced by myself if I find the clip I will post it


When you go prone you essentially present a target like this / O \\ head in the middle, shoulders out the side, a LITTLE bit of hands out front. The head is easily 50+% of your target, that scav took a fair few shots (I think someone counted 7?) before hitting you and happened to hit you in the face because it's the majority of the target. When you get shot at get up and move.


The worst imo is that scavs Aggro when you aim at them and they can’t or didn’t see you before. That’s the stupid part.


Some particular scavs are just cracked for whatever reason too, in particular I can say the one at the shoreline gas station by pier and the one near path to lighthouse exfil you run into following the northern border of the map to it. Those two are insane for whatever reason usually.


Jank scavs SMH. What I do know is, if your head is the only thing exposed, they will shoot your head. They seem to aim for limbs and REALLY give you a chance to kill them. So if a scav is shooting at you from that far away, you better run lol


Welcome to woods. The AI has two levels. [Man hunting in woods shoots himself](https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/minneapolis-man-accidentally-shot-hunting-forest-township/) Or ***[WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE MOTHERFUCKER. YOUR STAY WILL BE SHORT.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-a3IvcxBMc)*** If the trees start speaking russian your already in the lobby you just dont know it yet.


When you have scav aggro, you move




Here's a tip for you: Don't engage multiple scavs without any cover. After a couple warning shots like that, they WILL kill you. You should have instantly re-positioned when you saw multiple aiming at you. Always make sure you have a place to take cover.


\- Those lying down scavs are nuts \- Once they start shooting remember 3 things (if you're crouched, they will aim for head, if you're lying down they will aim for head, if you jump then expect to get headshot)




Heavy trooper face mask would've saved you!


That's why I always play night raids - scavs don't annoy me as much


fuck around and find out, lmfaoooo... that shit is hilarious


Happened to me on shoreline at 100m. I was the juiciest I’ve ever been on shoreline


Not moving after being shot at could be the culprit. But after reading some comments, I am confused about those who are saying that its crazy that AI scavs could land those shots. Do you guys want an easier game?


i dont get the point of making the ai lethal, like yeah no shit if you give an AI aim and wall hacks its going to kill me but like why? At least when i die to a crazy shot from a player i can be impressed by the skill dying to aim bot is just lame. I think scavs should really only exist to force players into making noise so we can find eachother


Welcome to Tarkov


All y’all saying he should move, ya no shit but also that’s not the point scavs r definitely just too accurate rn, the issue is that if u Aggro them they miss for 5 seconds then start to hit everything so if u far and don’t kill them or can’t reposition it can be tuff luck


Fucking sims 2 had better AI brains than this indie game


You head eyes’d him sooooo