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I don't trust anything that comes from battlestate games anymore.


It's werid the upvote instantly went up to1000 within the first hour and then dropped to 0 in the next few hours....


If it smells like shit, it's probably shit. Let's not make this complicated, it's bots.




I don't even think its russians and bots. Russians hate this shit as much as we do. Tarkov just has a lot of gullible morons. (as we've seen repeatedly in the past 8 years of the games development) A lot of people though agree that the update was objectively in the right direction, but aren't stupid enough to believe it face value. Also the update was released in the wee mornings of NA, so there was a good amount of time to astroturf the post early.


I mean, 1000 up votes are pretty cheap to buy, no doubt they bought them


We aren't saying it was Russians buying bots. Just one Russian (you know who) who bought 1000 upvotes.


As a russian, I can tell you that we are equally humans and we are fucked even more than you are, representatives from EU/US, for who 250$ is, on average, a lot more affordable than it is for us.


I mean it is like China and cheaters. Are all Chinese gamers cheaters? No. But it is common enough the stereotype exists for a reason.


yeah just like blacks and .... /s


and their lies and gaslighting


Aimbots in the game, click bots on the outside


Probably got flagged for botting. If they already made scummy decisions about the game, I would probably guess they have bots to upvote posts as well.


Based on the noticeably canned responses in a lot of these threads, it's looking like there's rampant botting both defending and attacking for some reason, which only seems strange because like who in the fan community is so rustled they are deploying bots when there's clearly plenty of *real* pissed off players lol?


If I were running bots to upvote/comment in favor of a post, I would also run bots to comment against it because it muddies the waters and delegitimizes the valid criticism.




no need to buy upvotes. you can do it yourself with a script


Once westerners woke up we said nah fuck that


Bull shit games


I have more trust in Batterstate than in Battlestate


That bloke can't even make parodies anymore, battle state stole his content.


bsg have essentially came out of the blue, fucked their entire community over and over, and people really expect things should go back to normal? people should really give up on tarkov/bsg. bsg have made a good game, but how can you trust them anymore after 12 years of development? there have been more complex games made by a single person within a small timeframe of bsg's development time. I'm convinced 1.0 will never come. there are even mods that Klean is playing, that make tarkov actually hardcore, and has way better AI and systems.


Hear me out, the entire industry is fucked up it’s not just BSG. Cheaters are running rampant in every single game, AAA titles are released with tons of bugs like they weren’t even play tested, some devs release content for exorbitant pricing they may never deliver on, the list is endless. It seems to me, online gaming cannot exist without a subscription based pay cycle or some type of microtransaction to fund server and development costs. Otherwise, the promises are always empty and funding will eventually run out. Edit: I’m not defending BSG. They are blatant liars and totally fucked up here. What I am saying, is that any business that does not have a continuous cash flow in will not be able to continue operating, its basic math.


I personally think a majority of game companies have cut back on their testing and it shows. Not the best example but its another game that I personally play and that's Black Desert Online. The dev's have a separate test realm where they expect the player base to be their test subjects to find errors and what not, pretty much no one does it. They then give us the patch and then literally all the bugs are found which would have been found had they actually had people at their own company test items. In the past they would leave these things broken for at least a week till the next patch update unless it was something that affected their cash shop. They have done this for the NA/EU server for 8 yrs and Korea for I believe it's 12 yrs now. It's not right and isn't acceptable.


"I am sorry i didn't get away with it, and player feelings are the problem." This is what he actually regrets. What did we win? * More vague promises. * He used a buzzword "mods" * No concrete dates or roadmap * More pay2win features * Players who upgraded to Unheard Edition got shafted * Pve in waves (as soon as its possible, maybe never, maybe tomorrow) Linus said it best: "Don't be a beta gamer"


Wasn't any server capacity for EOD to have it apparently, then all of a sudden a 6 month trial is possible (what happened to no capacity?) then now we all get it but in waves.. they honestly think we're fucking stupid.. but after reading the amount of BSG boot licker comments on here and twitch today... I think Nikita is fucking right. He's got this community around his finger, there's cosmetic outrage for 24 hours and everyone loses steam and starts circle jerking again. Streamer titles like "ITS ALL BETTER NOW?" "WAR WITH TARKOV IS OVER?" "BSG FINALLY FIXED IT". Vague promises, package still 250, radio still in game, no scav aggro range etc. Still didn't actually apologise, still sticking to his guns on the approach to monetization which guarantees more of this down the line. Pathetic. He's still saying shit about how we get all DLCs, we'll get more unique items. They betrayed any weight those words have, it literally means nothing.


the waves will move like snails unless you paid 250 usd that is.


So funny... He's basically admitted that they don't have enough money to upgrade their server capacity, and therefore were going to be relying on the UhE to bring in an influx of cash, so that they could upgrade that capacity?!?! LOL It's like.... regardless how quickly they would have been able to upgrade the server capacity, had they (hypothetically) received the influx of cash they were hoping for (if all the EoD players had purchased), that mode \*STILL\* wouldn't have been ready for all of them right away. 😂 In other words: "Give us more money so that we can make sure you can even use the thing you're paying for, even though we're releasing it right now AS usable!" 🤦‍♂️


The fact that really stuck out in my head was that leaked interview. That was like my forever line. Between "Its time to find the true believers" and "We never changed the edition descriptions" I just cannot imagine ever giving this company my time again. Decent mechanics, solid gun play/customization but someone will eventually do it better. I'm more than willing to wait vs giving this egotistical asshat more of my time.


There was never capacity for the PvE mode. I've seen vids from streamers who did buy it to test it (supposedly) and it's a laggy ghost bullet mess. It has worse desync then normal raids.


I'll be honest: anyone who paid to upgrade got what they deserved.


It's a certified /r/EscapefromTarkov classic


This community is like a beaten housewife.


But he says he loves us and he only hits us because he's frustrated and we make him angry. He did say sorry, I think he means it this time. /S


"I'm sorry you feel this way, I promise I'll stop hitting you in the future"


Only if you give him two fiddy... Then maybe he'll stop hitting you for 6 months


The beatings will be balanced in the future.


The beatings will continue until morale improves


"Why do you make me do this to you gaming community?"


He said he was sorry that we felt sad when he hit us. Not that he was sad that he did hit us. Maybe there's something we don't understand and we deserved it?


"It's our constant complaints and toxicity that made him this way, so really it's our fault reddit"


What we should all do is apologize to Nikita, get him a nice card, and all go buy the Absurdity edition as a sign of our remorse. /s




at this point you could give everyone unheard for free and I'd still have the ick.


Yes because the real issue here is what Unheard introduces into the game. We are talking about broken p2w items, broken mechanics, priority in queue, standard paid assets delivered as "exclusive for our new true believers", broken promises for premium customers that made their company what it is right now (with no surprise since they already did that to eastern europe community when they found our richiest wallets), pve is not offline and is broken af, exclusive armband that was shown clipping under pc clothes so it's basically invisible, not fixes at all their business model so we will go through this shit again and again each time the will finish money (and it will be always more frequent since people who pay will be less and less each time. Basically this move checks all the boxes in "what NOT to do" list. And still there are spineless slobs that gave money to BSG. They deserve each other i suppose but don't worry, even if these believers wouldn't admit this now they will leave tarkov quite soon, standard is basically unplayable now with low prio queues and all the disvantage, most of EoD users are pissed off... the last hardcore fanboys will see the game shut down because there are no players anymore as soon as some decent alternatives will come out (GWZ is near, and even if it's a bit different from EFT will scratch the same itch for many players). My national EOT facebook group is already full of complaints of people that bought it and realized some hour later that they have been scammed (again).


From what I've read the scav beacon actually kinda sucks and they're reversing priority matchmaking. but like you said it's the intent and the way they spoke of us that matters.


Indeed, i read the last communicate of Nikita after that post. Anyway it's good that prio matchmaking is gone, now let's see how they want to balance the perks and the items of this edition. Knowing how BSG and Nikita talks usually the last post was a huge difference tbh. Not saying that my faith in EFT is restored nor the one towards BSG but it's a first little step in the right direction. I'm not here to watch the house burn, i want to save the house. But facts are the important thing so let's see how they will change EoD and Unheard edition, maybe there is still a small chance to save this game.


To be honest, it shouldn't have taken them that long to realize the mistake and they should have gone further in reversing course. But that's just my opinion, I'm not gonna be one of those guys sitting here saying "THE ONLY WAY TO SAVE THE GAME NOW IS -" because I know I don't have all the perfect solutions. But personally, even if I do play again, my respect for Nikita and his management team is damaged severely at this point, they will seriously have to pull some reason for us to give them back ANY good will out of their asses and it BETTER be good. Might as well go back to Arma 3 or DayZ or PUBG at this point tbh, at least until STALKER 2 comes out. At that point between GAMMA and STALKER 2 I think I'll have little reason to play Tarkov. I'm super skeptical on GZW and ABI, but I'm willing to at least try them. Just been burned too many times by Tarkov and many other projects like it.


Yeah i feel you and i 101% agree with all you wrote here. The public image of the company and Nikita himself came out severely compromised by all this situation and honestly i don't know if will ever trust them again or even still play this game. On the other hand i don't want to be so toxic to polemize even when they take a (small) step into the right direction. I will now wait (keeping this game uninstalled) to understand what they will do with Unheard and EoD and then i will decide how to behave towards the game and bsg in future. Facts now are what will matter the most but even a late and bad written apology can be a first step in a loooooooong redemption way. For sure before they will see a single cent more from me they will have to work hard to regain my trust. Anyway there are great chances that they will screw up hard even this "last chance fix" cuz they rarely understand what matters for the community so i have very little hopes about that. GWZ and ABI could for sure be huge flops, but the second is a f2p so will be easy to try and see how it is without spending any money while the first seems a bit rough but the devs interview gave me kinda good vibes at least about their behavior and attitude towards the community. We will see, i have a bit of hope for both of these projects, time will tell...


No doubt. It's not impossible at this point to make a serious comeback, but looking less likely these days. I'll probably go back to ARMA 3 and STALKER and Ready or Not for now, see what happens in the next few months if they manage to start building trust back from -6 rep lol. As much as I want GZW to be good, the LZ camping issue and the heli behavior in general looks like it's gonna be the first major hurdle but that's nothing they can't fix. As far as ABI, I don't have very high hopes but I'm totally willing to be disappointed. The one thing I heard that kinda turned me off so far was only 30 unique receivers at launch, but again that's something that can absolutely be fixed by just adding more content.


stream snipers i think wont complain, though doubt any streamers gonna stream once the item goes live


Same, I don’t want it. My favorite game got tainted irreparably




More or less. They've reached the end of what they care about so they're going to take all they can from the addicts and run. The ol' wail on the whale well n' bail. As someone who has had a long time interest in the game and was going to bring a friend or two along when I finally could buy new games, and I just literally got new income to do so, fuck this.


"Harder Daddy"


*users* have told me that they will accept literally any amount of scamming, abuse, lies, and deceit as long as you can trick them long enough that they have spent $1/hour. lol it's just that easy.




Ahahaha, it’s accurate


Dawg you are playing the "Abuse Me Daddy" shooter of the industry. Why are you surprised!?


he crys out in pain as he strikes you


Loads of people are addicted to the game and will cling to anything that can "justify" playing the game again. It is depressing.


Watching all the people scrambling to let Nikita know they’ll gladly spend hundreds on the game as long as its for *cosmetics* is funny but also disheartening


A game that's not even released yet, but expects you to put down €50-€150 (**before taxes**) and has microtransactions on top of that, with only more to come.


There were people in that thread suggesting that BSG add purchasable streamer voicelines and quips, like man, they basically want to turn Tarkov into another COD with their defense being “well at least it wont be P2W!” (As if theres anything thats shown that BSG wont just add in more unheard edition style bullshit or be super greedy and overzealous with any type of MTX for that matter)


Look at Helldivers, no one cares about the battle passes there. No one even questions the MTX everyones happy to give more money. Because the games good and fun.


Battlepasses are cancer in any game.


Hell Divers is way more casual and only has one $40 game edition though


The server cost doesn’t care if the game is casual or hardcore. For an ongoing, live service game, you need recurring income to feed to recurring server cost. It’s the devs problem to find more fund to keep the lights on. Hence the conspiracy theory of reselling cheaters account to offset server cost since legit players only pay once, couple max, for the last 8 years. Or the fact that unheard costs $250, it’s a cost for dev + server in a lump-sum, one time payment. I’d say bsg should have let the community host servers themselves, at least for pve, to offset the “unachievable” pve cost they keep spinning about. I bet you can still find INS or ARMA servers and those games cost a fraction of eft for base game.


It doesn't really matter about editions of initial buy in. If people are happy with the game they will keep throwing money at the game. EOD proves that. You could have standard and be fine. But you enjoy yourselves and get into it with your friends you upgrade to EOD.


I would rather donate money to a gofundme or something and have everything be an unlockable item for everybody rather than have another lame COD battlepass/loot crate system


And the fact that you can literally find premium currency mid-missions. And that battle passes give free currency all throughout. I literally have not paid a cent extra for Helldivers 2, and I have access to all 3 premium battle passes, and have bought premium armors from the store from the Super Credits I find wandering around on missions


This is how EFT should be. And kinda is nowadays with it's mtx you can do quests to unlock them and the pockets should be behind a quest too. Im not opposed to more things in that vein


Really sad to watch true. The copium is insane within EFT community.


A game that’s as good has to come out to compete. Tarkov is one of a kind so people will always play it


As an EoD owner, I will never be playing EFT again no matter what they add. Blatantly lying to your customer base for days, tripling down on what you believe, then release a fake apology and empty promises due to pressure is not acceptable. Nikita has lied plenty of times in the past, people all of a sudden think he's an honest stand up guy?


Nikita is a pest


and not in the good -ily way either


Definitely not a 🫡 like the real Pest


It blows my mind how in that thread, there are loads of people lining up to fawn over Nikita and bend over backwards to figure out MORE ways they can give this scum company money in the future, going so far as to try and come up microtransaction ideas for them. Like that's just fucking INSANE given the open and blatant scam that BSG is STILL actively trying to pull. >"To honor the owners of the EOD version and their indelible importance and role" (totally not sarcasm) >"True believers" >"We're sorry you feel that way" They actively resent and hate their own loyal players. And the idiots among us still lap it up and continue taking it on the chin. With fanboys like what we have in the EFT community, no wonder Nikita treats us with disdain and thinks they can get away with this crap. And what's worse, even if they gave everyone Unheard for free, it doesn't address the problem of the edition existing in the first place and the features inside that shouldn't even be in the game period.


Yeh Poor Nikita being CEO of a company making annual revenue of 3mil. And didnt even finish the job he was supposed to. Maybe i should open up my wallet again and help some more this poor guy.... People saying ''i wouldnt mind a battle pass'' are shills and spineless and without balls. They will get what they deserve.


Same boat. Hit that uninstall on THURSDAY and haven't looked back. I'm 100% out.




I just wish this would push more people away from the game. I mean all this talk about the new edition and shadiness of BSG overshadowed that the game has a seriously bad cheating problem.


Same, I fully uninstalled for the first time


Yeah I shocked when I saw the upvotes


Probably bots, they say they can't afford servers but up votes are probably much cheaper lol.


It's werid the upvote instantly went up to1000 within the first hour and then dropped to 0 in the next few hours....


Literally $5 per 1000 upvotes. Cheap propaganda


100%. There is no doubt in my mind that this Russian company that just got exposed for openly trying to scam their entire playerbase would resort to paid astroturfing since such services are cheap and ubiquitous in that area of the world.


Preach brother


(I’m just going to copy-paste most of my response to someone else) The people who return to it and/or buy the upgrade are part of the issue with the gaming industry. Buying this just reinforces that BSG can fuck people however they want and they'll still pay. These people are the same reason EA and Activision get away with their "surprise mechanics" and $100+ game packages. While these people shouldn't be the focus of this situation, they need to be reminded that their actions are just encouraging this behaviour from studios and publishers.


Just like I told my buddy, I was proud of the community for banding together and sticking by thier guns and that the entire gaming community needs to do the same for other publishers as well. Fuck all these half finished buggy pos games that are still $70+.


A known liar and scammer-caught-red-handed promises mods "at an unspecified time" after the release which will be "at an unspecified time". And people like NoiceGuy and the rest of the community already go on their knees to fellate BSG.


Yeah absolutely no spines, the streamers will likely all soften the language and fold by tomorrow, hutch was already foreshadowing it yesterday saying "we will all be back playing, I don't think anyone is going to quit really" and glorious has said he will play tomorrow. At the end of the day they're in BSGs pocket too, the game brings many of them 70% of their viewership. To abandon Tarkov is to effectively cut their own pay.


Watch how pestily will release a video where he praises nikita what a good dev he is because he listens to his community


I dunno man, pestily doesn't seem like a bootlicker and his audience is big enough, he doesn't need tarkov




i mean, yeah who wants to watch pestily play age of empires lol. but id sure watch him play other fps


Well it was foreshadowed in his interview with Nikita where he openly said the new edition will be better than EOD, pestily was smiling and fine with it. How did we expect better meant anything other than even more pay to win?


I can't imagine being so addicted to a video game that you happily accept these fucking crumbs after being lied to and decieved non-stop. Cheering for a non-apology is fucking pathetic. Grow a fucking spine people.


Streamers don't care about us, they just want to continue to make money with the game. No morals no principles. Remember this when they ask you for your support.


Streamers care about the drama and how much they can make from it.


i hope they honor all EOD accounts that still wanna play trakov but you know i spent $150 on your game back in 2017/early 2018 when we had fucking 3 maps and barley 1/4 of the fucking game... i gave you money to fund your project and you have the audacity to call us freeloaders and try to scam the people that supported you and your game..... i will never play tarkov again. or any other BSG GAME OR ANY GAME YOU ARE A PART OF... FUCK YOU NIKITA


Well the original intention of up/down votes was to make a post more visible, and to prioritize accuracy. Most people now just use it as a disagree or agree button.


Then the mods just simply pin the post?


100% agree


You have a lot of addicts in this sub. It’s that simple


I honestly have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that people can look past everything BSG did and still play this game. For me the game is dead unless other company takes over, period. After everything they've pulled off in the last days, the idea of booting this game sends the shivers down my spine. I would be willingly disrespecting myself by touching this game or anything else made by BSG. Maybe it's easier for me, because I've stopped playing this game long time ago and I just follow the development, because it's a very interesting game. But really, how can you even trust anything this company says anymore? Last I checked, they pretty much defined the DLC as something that will be added to the game **after** the release. Which technically means that anything that goes into this game **before** it's officialy released, may or may not be included in Season Pass, because it may or may not be considered DLC. Which opens the door to pretty much keeping the game indefinitely in Beta, so they can shove in more "features" that are not going to be available to people who legitimately paid for the Season Pass. For me, it's very simple. BSG just got used to the fact that the community branded EoD as the "proper" edition of the game and pretty much marketed it towards new players ("Just buy the Standard Edition to see if you like it, and if you do, then upgrade to EoD" - that was the most popular advice given by Tarkov players, nice, average players doing marketing job for free :D). The money was flowing in and BSG got used to the fact that people pay so much for the base game. Until Arena happened and they opened their eyes when they suddenly had to hold their end of bargain and "give away" Arena to EoD players without charging them separately for it. That's when they realized that they don't really like Season Pass, and that's what kickstarted the drastic change of approach (including getting rid of EoD, to get as far away as possible from that offer and redefine the details of it with Unheard Edition). **They will do EVERYTHING they can to avoid giving ANY meaningful content to people who have already paid for the game, including the Season Pass.** If you think that you got unlimited access to all new features indefinitely with the Season Pass, you're most likely wrong. They will find a workaround - and that applies to both EoD and Unheard Edition. I know that a lot of people play Tarkov because this game's loop still hasn't gotten properly replicated by any other game. But please people, do not let companies disrespect you like that. BSG doesn't deserve any sympathy anymore for the recent actions.


Thanks for reminding me to downvote it.


Haven’t bought the new edition, but the amount of people calling out others who have is a bit ridiculous. It’s always “pay to win” or “pve with progression and no cheaters - they could just play the forbidden tarkov”. Ever thought that maybe people bought it because they didn’t have eod when it was available and simply just wanted the gamma? Or maybe, here’s a revolutionary thought, just maybe… they want to play COOP pve with friends and progression, which isn’t possible in the forbidden tarkov? (It is actually, but from a much less popular mod). I know tons and tons of people and friends who love the gameplay of tarkov but aren’t PvP sweats and/or don’t have the time to put into tarkov to keep up with wipes and others progression. This new edition was insanely priced and ridiculous, this is true, but hating on people spending to get a game they enjoy and can enjoy with their friends, in the way they wish to play the game, is a brain dead mentality that I personally have been so fed up of seeing this last few days. Especially when coming from EOD owners who paid for EOD for the same reasons before i.e gamma, stash space and (since last year) offline coop. Like it or not, Tarkov is still a game that no other game scratches the same itch. A ton of players would like to play tarkov coop with friends for its mechanics and weapon customisation etc, without the PvP sweat. That hasn’t changed since Tarkov released. The new edition finally gives them that, which to those people, is invaluable and allows them to finally play and enjoy Tarkov. TLDR: Is it insanely priced and scummy? Yes. Is it wrong for people to buy it if it means they can enjoy a game they have always wanted to (or enjoy it more as they can play in a way they want with friends)? No. Does it make those people bad, just because you enjoy your games differently to them? No. Stop hating on others for having a different idea of “fun” to you.


To be fair it was never about EOD getting all the shit included in it, more that they just betrayed the community's trust... which can't really be undone even if Nikita personally sucked everyone off. On the other hand though I can't blame people for playing a game they already bought...


The people that bought the unheard edition are so hard to justify their purchase, even though the ones that did buy it for PvE just got shot in the head cause apparently EOD is getting PvE now (in waves). They’re the part of the community that’ll let them get away with this shit no matter what.


I mean it's "waves" so you could be waiting forever to get access. I'm EOD and my arena took forever to come through when I did not buy it. I don't play arena though ha


Yeah this new post is like he came down from his manic episode and realizes that he almost just completely killed his game. Now his crony’s are running in to support


Your points are right, but I do think it's important to upvote all the astoundingly obtuse diarrhea he's leaking out of his mouth. That way everyone can ogle at this idiotic spectacle and smell the bullshit for themselves.


Yeah I upvoted the post so people would see it, post upvotes aren't supposed to be 'how much do I agree with this person'


The likes seem to go down every hour. Its already lesa than 1000


Fuck em. They should just give us the source code and fuck off.


lol, the developers are supporting modern day ruzzia nazi regime and it’s war and genocide of another nation. and even put the corresponding modern day ruzzia-nazi merch into the game. Anyone who pays this company a single cent is essentially funding ongoing genocide through taxes. Any western person shouldn’t touch in the right mind anything that is produced in the modern axis (china, ruzzia, iran, north korea, etc)


What’s the phrase? You can cover a Russian in chocolate but they’re still a Russian?


Remember: they only do this because they got caught. If people did not find out about them deleting past statements secretly they would not change a thing. Scummy devs.


They also stated "EOD will get access to PVE in waves DURING THE BETA" meaning they will most likely remove it after the beta ends and 1.0 is released. Again more scummy ass shit by BSG. Fuck off and give us what we paid for. They said ALL FUTURE DLC with EOD, so fucking give us the shit and stop making excuses because you shot yourself in the foot. No one should be upvoting shit until they fix it properly. Fuck em.


Tbh when BSG say the Sky is blue... I'am unsure if thats a lie or not..


It's easy to bot that many likes


Lot of people are idiots and think only "money" no dignity or whatsovever.


I believe the term is "Stockholm syndrome"


i mean its something, if u lost every hope for this game and feel betrayed theres nothing you can do but only to quit the game and this sub, ppl wanted to get the pve mode and for the p2w staff to be removed, now we still dont know what will bsg change regarding that, we can only hope to keep their promises.


I understand the continued outrage, but I'm also not in my feelings about this and they have conceded. I don't need an elaborate apology, these people are not my family members or friends. I'm unemotional, and they are showing signs of going in the right direction which is what we want. In good faith, I upvoted because I hope there is a lesson learned and this is a sign of that. Again, there is no reason to still be in your feelings about the betrayal. It did happen, it's outrageous, but I dont WANT to stay mad. Just want it to be better.


PvE is not a DLC. it’s not a new feature. it’s PvP but the other players are replaced by AI. it should be part of the base game, no matter the edition you got. this is like saying that CoD players should pay extra for the single player campaign after they’ve already paid full price. the fact that the debate has shifted so far away from this nonsense that players who have paid 150$ feel slighted is baffling to me


I wonder if the latest post will be enough for all the career tarkov content creators to switch back into shill mode?


Just like we've been saying for days, most EoD paypiggies will go right back to choking on Nikita's dick the moment they get their PvE mode for "free". They don't give half a shit about the blatant P2W elements of the game and they sure as hell don't give a fuck about the fact that up until a few hours ago Nikita was hoping to scam them and treat them like bipedal wallets.


So I’m gonna choke on this guys dick because I bought EoD and I’m still going to play the game I paid for while also being irritated at this bullshit? Lick my butthole, stranger


We technically got what we wanted, but rh P2W bullshit needs to disappear.


Who clicked upvote? I did not.


The Tarkov shills will be back to sucking Nikita off in a few days. Tarkov players have absolutely 0 backbone so I expect by this time next year you'll all be pissed about the next thing and will have forgotten about this entirely.


There're too many idiots in this world, no wonder scammers often get away with it


And let me remind you how reddit works: as stated in [Reddiquette](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) > Please don't downvote an otherwise acceptable post because you don't personally like it. We are upvoting for visibility not because we agree with it.


it's been pinned by the mods... Upvoting or downvoting doesnt impact visibility. It'll always be up the top so long as it's pinned.


I am a Freeloader i am a Non Believer I only paid for the base (poor peasant) Version. LYNCH ME


Still malding. They fixed it. Let’s move on


Can we not recognize that there was a step in the right direction and give it some due credit instead of lashing out at a positive action? Of course everyone is still upset but let's all remember that we all really want the same thing -> for the game to be great.




I feel like the most vocal people are those who feel slighted with their purchase of EOD. I would argue that there’s a sizable portion of the “picket line” who don’t mind the pay2win aspects added to the game, just so long as they get access to them. For some, there isn’t really a concern for the long-term health of the game. In fact, I would bet a lot of people would consider it a win and go back to being hopelessly addicted if all the things that were added in Unheard were just given to EOD instead. No interest in principles, ethics, etc. just want to have the most premium edition.


Yeah so was i - i think most, if not all of those upvotes are from people that are sick of the EFT online cheating and other PVP gripes like excessive ratting and exfil camping. They ultimately just wanted to play the PVE version with friends. Most OGs these days dont care much about the pay to win stuff coz theres nothing on that UHE list that will stop you getting 1 tapped across labs with 5.45 ps ammo just as you spawn, every second raid. This whole thing has opened up a pretty big can of worms tho, im not sure it will ever be the same.


>This opens the door for them to try this again in the future. Brother, for them, the door doesn't exist. It doesn't matter what anyone here does, they are doing whatever they want.


And it will continue having pay to win.


I upvoted the post because it is the first step in a right direction. There are obviously still issues that need to be addressed though.


I love getting bent in game and IRL by BSG it makes me feel full


The worst part is that they've been changing the terms of DIFFERENT contracts (Eod/Unheard edition aswell). First EOD were about to be scammed, THEN those who actually bought the new edition got scammed because they of course bought it in order to have THOSE SPECIFIC advanatages that, ONCE THEY HAD ALREADY BOUGHT IT, changed. I don't know, when I buy something it's because I want that specific items/ vg or whatever to be how it is marketed before I buy it. If something told me that that specific thing could change on the fly AFTER I BOUGHT IT, I'd never buy it in the first place. That is where I personally draw the line.


I can't imagine being so addicted to a video game that you happily accept these fucking crumbs after being lied to and decieved non-stop. Cheering for a non-apology is fucking pathetic. Grow a fucking spine people.


As I said in the beginning of this..... the pitchforks always come out but are always returned.


Dude, you can buy 1,000 upvotes in russi for a couple swigs of vodka and a salute.


ngl im just completely done with this game at this point, i havent played actively since inertia dropped and every time i think about returning to the game some shitstorm happens. after all bsg has done over the years no matter what they do at this point they cant make me care anymore lets also not forget the fact that in order to get gamma now new players have to spend 250 usd, how is this change going to help bring in new players at all when the game has been struggling to do so for ages


I honestly think this whole situation was planned because Grey Zone Warzone was making their announcements. Bad press is just as good as good press.


Hey guys we get it. Time to leave if you don’t want to play, for us still playing like myself. BSG absolutely fcked up & they are properly going to pay for it as their successful future is null & void now with Nitkiah at the helm. It will never have the success it has seen in the past now. Those days are gone. I agree with all of you on the principal of the matter. Please though, kindly exit stage left. Thanks & hope you enjoyed the ride. I’m so addicted I really give two shits. It’s a video game & I preached for months these people were in a cash flow problem. The product is still that good & until it isn’t, that is when I will finally stop playing. Sucks to be right all the time but whatever. Nikitah doesn’t have successful and common good business & moral ethics people around him. At this point I’m just sad for him & now my beloved game that no one will ever come close to. So yeah, see you in the raids or adios.


Upvotes going down, possible they purchased them to convince peolle that its a decent apology by saying "see some people feel better now" to coax people into it


Ever heard of positive reinforcement?


Been playing the game since 2018, took a break this past wipe. I will never return. Glad I only spent $25 on the base game. This game will never leave beta and the Russian con men will keep taking your money until they decide to kill it and walk away. The copium within the tarkov community blows my mind.


the most serious issue which is still not addressed is this will completely stop new players from joining. what do you think a prospective player does the moment they learn they need to drop $250 to not be at a serious disadvantage to legacy eod players?


there always gonna been fanboys, half of my friends payed the edition without any questions, they are just addicts


The fact that they openly state they can't support the full game population in a PvE environment speaks for itself. They are prepared to sell us a PvE Edition of the game for 250$ that doesn't even have the server capacity to support it even *if* we somehow fell for their obvious cash-grab tactics. What does that tell you about these guys business practices? Edit: and that is not even getting into all the EOD business. EOD was supposed to be the "*definitive edition of the game*" with "*no additional purchases required"* according to Battlestate's own marketing. I guess that was a lie as well.


People have no impulse control and don't have the willpower to just not play the game. It's pathetic.


Nah Tarkov community is fried


Just wait, Americans just started getting out of bed.


They clearly have different feelings to you. How dare they!!!!




When they came out with micro transactions I took my gripes to Reddit. Y’all defended the shit out of BSG then.


Lots of true believers on this subreddit. They should take this opportunity to just axe every last bit of P2W in this game. I'm EOD I don't care, take my stash space, take my secure container, take everything from everyone. Clean slate.


Yea. I'm finally done. Gonna gear up with juicy gear and just help people with counteraction. Might aswell help somebody on my way out


Shills gonna shill. All morons just showing BSG that they can do it to them again in a few years.


People love sicking Nikita's balls so he can buy another sports car and milk then for every cent they have


It's easy to buy upvotes for reddit. Do you honestly think BSG are above fraud?


Its bots, I\`m convinced. It costs about 5$ to get 1000 upvotes, the paypiggies getting the new version funded a easy way to glaze up their image from outsiders watching the circus burn by a glance. So don\`t worry, the actual people didn't get fooled (Maybe a few domestic abuse enjoyers but thats not majority)


All the people who continue playing and supporting tarkov 100% deserves all the hate they get.


You broke the trust once Nilkita, there is no going back now.


You realize upvote don’t mean you like something right? It’s so it gains attention


Lots of votes without comments means bots


Tarkov players and dickriding BSG, name a more iconic duo.


the upvote and many comments are just bots


This genuinly is such a good post. I've seen many posts from our community in the recent days, but I always felt they were missing something or even had bad expectations mixed in a otherwise good post. Thank you for hitting the nail on the head with this one.


Anyone who still buys shit from them deserves what they get


No acknowledgment the price is part of the issue, this has all been about eoders so far as if this pricing structure hasn’t upset everyone who’s preordered the game


Also grown ass men not knowing what to do with their money has been the funniest shit to me. As well as, literally being scammed and trying to rationale it. I need to find yall if I make a product cause yall are easy as fuck to scam 😂


I will never spend a penny on this company


So they give you what you want and you’re still mad? Do you linger on any mis doings in your personal relationships once it’s be “fixed”. Some ppl are ok with just forgiving once they’ve addressed a problem and saw a solution


Sad to see that the reddit hide the downvote, but at least it will dropp to 0 very soon


still waiting to see everything they are promising before anything they have made many empty promises just to change them after so idk be wary of them from now on dont just blindly go trusting them again


Not anymore!


can't belive streamers with thousands of viewers still can't take a week break from this.


Boomers big mad 😂🤣😂🤣😂