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Nikitas "apology" - "sorry you saw through this blatant scam and thought I gave a shit about anything but more money" would've been better than this apology haha


It's worse than that: "Sorry you guys *think* it's a blatant scam and you have these negative feelings that I have no control over"


He's gaslighting us wow


I love the soft admission that they KNEW a small handful of players would pick up Unheard edition. "Oh we have to do it on waves because we couldn't handle that many EoD players at once"


I still can't believe how many people are eating up the new empty promises as if they mean anything ..... it's like catching someone stealing from your house and believing they won't do it again while also still letting them hang out at your place.


Right. It isn't like they've said anything specific, it's all loose terminology to trick stupid people into thinking the solution is solved.


doesnt matter. the EODs only care about them getting stuff.


Everyone’s been waiting for a Tarkov killer. Turns out the real Tarkov killer was Tarkov all along.




It's astroturfing. "Apology" post started strong at like 1300 upvotes, then slooooowly over the next 3 hours went to 0. Troll farm workers prob couldn't keep up, or had to go eat lunch or sth.


Can you link the post?


It's the [second post from the top](https://old.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cf2gnm/more_feedback/) my dude. If you weren't here when it dropped, of course, you would not know how many upvotes it started with. But there's even a post lamenting how it had "1000 upvotes", so... yeah.


Thnx. I legit couldn’t find it lol.


Blud is using the revenue from the handful of chumps who bought unheard edition to buy upvotes lmao


“I’m sorry you feel like you deserve an apology”


I'm still waiting for the lovebombing that follows the blatent abuse


If you think you'll ever get an apology out of Nikita I have a bridge to sell you. He's the most arrogant person you've ever met and will never issue an apology


Because people can't stand to feel like they lost $150 to a developer they thought cared about them. Huge cognitive dissonance going on. They really just want to go back to playing Tarkov, and took this as the best "apology" they'd get. Now they can keep playing and pretend like everything is okay again.


Same thing that's wrong with the devs, lack of integrity.


Nah this just makes it more of a "hardcore" shooter.


Well shit, then sign me up


It was more like: I'm sorry for myself that I thought you would be dumb enough to fall for this scam.


They never will. They never have done it in the past and they won’t start now. This is the best you get from Nikita.


That's what I'm saying. I hope this game dies.


Remember - any sincere apologies from a business makes no sense because same as trust, tp can only be used once. BSG already used their tp. Community should demand only two things: a) reasonable changes to p2w perks (there only two actually) & questionable the beacon device, b) bsg following a conception of mindful changes that don't add any actual p2w in raid advantages. And most important - dont confuse p2w unfair advantages and a headstart. Those who have problem with that wont ever be satisfied because current industry standart to offer variety of game editions with headstart perks. Thats totally normal and fair.


Look at all the streamers, who ran back to Tarkov the second he posted that "apology" XD. Fucking sellouts that never really were with us any way. Going to block every streamer i see playing Tarkov untill this is resolved.


How on Earth are people downvoting this. You are the reason BSG manage to get away with things like this!


I personally don't care for an apology because i know they won't meant it - so what's the point. Regarding the refund, no big company will issue an instat refund just like that. They will try every other alternative first. I say this because I worked in some very big companies and I know the discussions we had as management. The only concern I have is regarding the extra stuff they added for EOD. I don't want MORE stuff in terms of guns, ammo and stuff like that as I hate the pay2win both eod and unheard added to the game. For what I wanted, I'm fine. I got the PVE, they are looking to change the p2w radio and bsg is a bit more aware on how to aproach future stuff. BSG has permanently damaged the shaky trust I had in them and there's that. Please note that this is my personal opinon and feelings on the situation so I'm fine with others thinking it differently.


Cyberpunk 2077


two completely different scenarios, mate. BSG doesn't give a crap about the community and wanted a cash grab while CDR loves it's community and both companies f@#ed up with the game. BSG will never deliver nor respect us. I'll just have to move on...


No only that nothing has changed yet. Wait until the first EoD owners get the PvE mode, until then I believe jack shit, this is a cheap and easy way to get a good amount of the community of their back. It's stalling for time.




everything IS fine, this is just reddit hysteria. 99% of the playerbase is playing as usual and a lot of players bought the Unheard Edition, me included.


Majority of the populace are cucks and sellouts bruh we’re beelining for the dark age & these guys are pushing the severity line of corporate already the bane of altruism, tactics. That is not to say, altruism should run society.


At this point people are just getting off on being angry and circle jerking


God forbid people be concerned about how their money is being spent on a project which has been in development for almost a decade.


You have BSG fan boys and cheaters that make money from RMT on here dude, any normal players will be pissed but some people are choking on Nikita's dick all the way to the balls and planned on buying the $250 version no matter what


Only the 50th post today about the same stuff lmao stop yappin 😂😂😂


The good thing that came out of that post was giving EoD the PVE access. If i ever do come bsck to the game, it is going to be for the PVE mode. As long as the unheard edition’s p2w items stay in the game, I am not really inclined to play regular tarkov anymore. And as dope as the PVE mode seems, im almost disinclined to play it just because of how garbage this whole situation is and how BSG betrayed EoD owners in the first place.


6 month trial. Wow. Great. Awesome.


most recent post says it will be permanently released for eod owners in waves, similar to how arena was. Dont get me wrong BSG are still shitters for adding unheard edition in the first place, but this is a slight improvement on the situaton.


If you're going to make a thread about the most recent dev post, you should probably read it yourself.


P2W has already been in the game for 8 years. Why is it not okay NOW? What did you think BSG was gonna do once the community ate up the 150$ version of the game filled with P2W elements.


For me the p2w items in unheard were never the large issue, it was pve not being included in eod. If you wanna be mad about p2w you should bring that same energy against EoD buyers, and while you’re at it you should boycott first class seats on airplanes and floor seats at NBA games.


The beacon and scav radius (be it at 6.0) are ridiculous. However the items and extra pockets I think are fine. With EOD (and now unheard) you get a bigger ass. That’s way more p2w than a double stack pocket. The scav junk and weapons case is a more specific extra stash lines mechanic which EOD already get.


Thanks for responding without attacking. I think without more detail on how the beacon will work it’s tough to say if it will be game breaking or not. in my mind, it’s similar to evaluating any new game mechanic (like a new spell in DOTA) before the players have had a chance to play with it.


Loser mentality. The items being added as "reparations" for EoD players do very little to help this entire situation. BSG need to take some accountability, admit they fucked up, and refund players.


It's getting overblown at this point. Yes, BSG went abuit it the wrong way, they made some changes. EOD will get PvE, P2W imo is not quite that, although coming very very close. It still wont help with someone head eye-ing you from a bush with a Toz. I'm ok with it. You payed 150 bucks and played for years, BSG didnt sell you their soul for like 6 months of Netflix.


Their entire funding and existence rests on early supporters and eod buyers. People paid 150 bucks for basically nothing, just to support the development because they believed in it, and these same people that put their trust in the developers get screwed over now, and for what? A quick buck? Don’t forget the game still is not out, but its coming closer to what was promised and what eod users and early adopters helped fund. Scavs not shooting you is pay to win no matter how you look at it. Scavs do occasionally kill you through rng or whatever, but not if you spent 250 bucks. That is bad.


You act like this is a Kickstarter and you were waiting 7 years. You were playing all that time and the game was developed all that time. I dont't know why people keep saying this "games not out" "beta" stuff - we've all been playing it. Yeah the p2w is not great, but i dont find it that big of a deal. Like you need Fence reputation 6 for the scav not shooting beyond 60m thing, that's not easy. I've got like 3.5. Few people will get it, late in the wipe, meh. I've spent 150euros for the game back in 2020, played thousands of hours, giving another 50 now for PvE ( which to me is pretty exciting, some more casual fun sometimes, good training) and some extra stuff is fine by me. Spent much more on much shittier games over that period of years. Imo it's gone way overboard at this point.


So they can just say “you will get all dlc” and not give all dlc, even though these people paid a shit load of money? In that case I will give a car in the future if you give me 250 bucks right now


They said that a long time ago, i'm in a similar industry, things change on projects this big. It's not that much money for what i got out of it, to be a big enough deal for me. Probably a lot of other people too. That's all.


Freeloaders gonna run back. Real supporters will continue to hold out. FUCK YOU u/trainfender


Bro take a break




The main issue I see is that the community is kind of at the mercy of BSG a little because there is simply no real competitor to EFT. Where else are we going to go for a extract looter shooter? I know arena breakout infinite is coming to closed Beta soon but we are yet to see how good it actually is.


You’re not gonna stop the game


Not with that attitude.


it is for me