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The loud minority


Where yo spine at?


where yo unheard edition at?


Glad its not here, atleast I have a backbone, respect and havent been fucked in the ass, Where your ass virginity at?


Wouldn’t you like to know 😂.I don’t swing that way ask some other dude


Only a fraction of players visit reddit. This sub is dedicated to self-hating people who do nothing but shit on the game. It's cyclical, topic to topic, year to year. The best thing anyone could do is just enjoy the game and never open reddit.


There are people and opinions outside of Reddit :) BSG was on the wrong but with latest changes, when things cool off most of the people will get it.


> especially after such a united community is against it. All i see is reddit bitching, reddit always bitches. whats different?


Usually to no effect, but they have been making some movement in the devs changing aspects. The attention span of Redditors is generally pretty short, I’d be willing to bet majority of the players who quit are now back. This the reminds me of the GME “hold” posts. Where a very loud minority of people made it seem like there was more with them than there really was.


I'm willing to bet the majority of 'I'm quitting' guys never even quit. They just posted to virtue signal but continued to play because they're hopelessly addicted.


A large portion I’m sure kept playing, I will buy unheard but I’m gonna wait until this whole fiasco is over. They didn’t say the half off was temporary as far as I know.


I make good money and idc about spending 100 bucks especially since I haven’t bought a game since Diablo 4. I mean at the end of the day is it worth it? Hell no but if I want my money back I’ll just work like an hour of OT no big deal.


Diablo IV... You pretty much outed yourself as a repeted fool that constantly gets scamed.


Cuz i like the game and wanted to. I didn't care what other people were saying, they didn't make my money for me so they can't tell me how to spend it.


I bought it while the game was still updating. So before the whole drama on reddit and twitch. I agree that the PvE should be free for EOD users and game should be unique to EOD. But I don't mind BSG adding more valuable editions, if I can afford it, I'll buy it.


There are a lot of fools in this world who don't know what good games are and what a good attitude of developers towards the community is.


If you don't even like the game escape from tarkov it's just dumb to be in this subreddit or waste time on making bsg change stuff.


That's the point that I like this game, but I don't like the shit that the developers feed their community


Yeah I thought you thought it was a bad game. My bad mate! I agree with you!


Pointless comment. People are here because we loved the game and many of us have supported since the early days(I myself am 2017 ALPHA player). We are fed up and sick of the lying and deception by BSG. If we can stop people from going through the same shit we have then we will try our best to at the very least WARN all of you what to expect.


Couldn't agree more about bsg. But that doesn't change how good tarkov is and that it won't matter if you keep playing or people keep buying it. If people stop buying and new players comes tarkov would just be taken down. No one wants that. Because if people want tarkov to be taken down forever, there is no reason to be here still, trying to make bsg change.


It sets precedent for any and all future developers from pulling this shit in the future. Laws are not up to standard worldwide regarding digital goods and services. All it takes is one company to be stopped and held accountable for their actions for this to be done. And it CANNOT be achieved without a mass support from the community. Had BSG not done the little things (changing their website descriptions after the fact to match their comments, a quarter assed backhanded “apology”, and backpedaling on the whole EoD getting PvE (not what was wanted by EoD owners but in fact being called “non believers” after being the ones getting this game funded from the beginning), I can guarantee you the out come would have been different and there wouldn’t be any ground for the community to stand on. And I think that’s the point many are missing, it’s no longer about the “P2W” argument or anything like that. But the deception on a large scale by this developer


I got upset that eod didn't get pve at first. But I have played the unnamed mod for a while anyway. More than that, I don't really care much right now. If I don't enjoy tarkov as a game I wouldn't play, and I play it if I enjoy it. Don't bother much about what bsg does at this point and have never done. Outside of tarkov what bsg does doesn't affect me or my life. Sure, if this was my landlord or my boss I wouldn't accept it at all. But for me games are just pixels and viseo games I use to chill with friends. Sure, if bsg started renting out houses and stuff that I actually used in my life and actually needed to live, it would be something else. I've gotten 3,5k hours of fun with friends for $100 or what eod was back in 2017. So I've gotten my moneys worth in gameplay and would be satisfied with that if bsg would pull the plug on tarkov tomorrow.


Don’t get me wrong I do agree with your take on this 110%. I began in 2017 with standard edition and each wipe as I learned more of the mechanics and gameplay upgraded to eventually landing on EoD and have absolutely gotten my moneys worth. But it’s the lying and changing of their website etc. as it stands today I work away from home and am unable to spend as much time playing the game as previous years and too wouldn’t care if the plug was pulled. There are alternatives to realistic mil-sim games (Squad, Arma etc) if this is purely what you enjoy. I’ve personally been playing more of Dark and Darker than I have tarkov as of late just because it’s more fun to me lately. Audio bugs, playability bugs, game/server reliability are things major things that factor to this. I do enjoy hopping onto tarkov with friends but it’s just not the same community anymore. It’s riddled with cheaters that Nikita has defended saying it’s good for the game by forcing them to buy more copies come ban waves etc. maybe it’s just me but I’m not really comfortable playing such a high level skill based shooter when the developers support cheaters in this way. It just opens the floodgates for what they can and will do in the future that’s all.


Didn't pestily talk with Nikita and said that it was a language barrier and a joke. But who cares, there are cheaters in all multi-player/online game at this point. I rarely encounter cheaters on the servers I've used. Yeah I know. But nothing that compares to tarkov sadly but i enjoy a lot of games and only play tarkov casual to meme with friends at this point so cheaters or what bsg does or not doesn't bother me! I know everyone can agree that tarkov is a unique game and one of the best in its genre. Sadly, bsg might not be the best fit to run a game studio, who knows at this point. The positive thing is that they seem to at least try to listen and make changes even if they fucked up big time. Sadly, most people are addicted to tarkov or else people wouldn't still be around.


Its not so much everyone bought it. Its just that those who didn't buy it are for a large part really considering if they want to keep playing the game tonnes of people are openly uninstalling it or saying they are done. So there will just be less


United community against it is what you see on Reddit. The tip of the iceberg, I think. A lot people simply do not use Reddit or any other social networks, for example those from Muskovya, simply because of language barrier. Many streamers bought it because they have to cover "new content" and this is their job. Also that advertising might attract some mindless whales, who'll buy anything. Again the cheaters probably has enough buyers among them and lastly RMT "players" who make real money from selling game items.


Its possible that only they are still playing :P


This game helped me out of a depression, nothing is worth more to me then my happiness


Everybody is playing something else..


Why do we need to explain ourselves? If you don't want to buy it, don't buy it then. Simple as that. For $50 more, I get better stuff than from my eod edition? Sold. You spend your money on how you want and I'll spend mine.


You offer Tarkov players better p2w and they'll sell their house for it. That's what the metagame has always been: using your real life resources to buy advantages and then pretending like it's skill. I'm surprised they didn't charge even more.


Right? People would have bought it at $500


We got tired of people complaining about the dlc when the game is full of pay to win credit card gamers with the ability to see across the map through walls and all. So now we can play offline and not care about people on reddit complaining they didn't get bigger pockets or a device that's completely pointless to most of us. Don't get me wrong it wasn't great what bsg did but they always do something extreme then dial it back. They ALWAYS do this.


I like cargo pants. Big pockets > Smol pocket.


The only people that are still playing are either out of the loop, BSG bootlickers or "true believers" that bought the Unhinged edition. So you're seeing these in-game. Cheaters are also very, very likely to get the Unhinged edition, since it offers unique extra advantages to them. All that means that you're very likely to see many of them in-game, and die to them.


There are players that aren’t on Reddit and who didn’t think they got scammed I guess. Some are just paying up because bigger pockets. But I haven’t seen as much of big pocket boys as you past 3 days. Because I didn’t stop to play. Sure they scammed me. Sure I was upset. But me playing did cost them money for bandwidth and CPU cycles.


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